Web Design – Homework #3 – Lessons 7 -

Web Design – Homework #5 – Lessons 9 - 11
Name: ________________________ Date: ______________ WD_____
1. The ______________ tag instructs your web browser to display the text exactly as
typed in the HTML document, including spaces, tabs, and carriage returns. The
HTML standard format for this tag is: __________.
2. The HTML code for adding a space character is the special character known as
the ___________________. The HTML standard format for this instruction is:
3. The HTML standard format for copyright is: __________________.
4. Unlike the ordered and unordered lists the _______________________ marks its
entries not with a bullet marker or a number, but by its pattern of indentation.
5. The _________ tag marks the beginning and end of the list. The ___________
tag indicates the title. The __________ tag indicated the definition.
6. Please indicate the code needed to view the following in a web browser.
My Favorite TV Shows
My Favorite Foods
Ice Cream
Cheese cake