Choice Board Middle Ages AIG - Learning-thru-PBL

Choice Board for Medieval Times:
Choose 1 activity to summarize what you’ve learned about the Middle Ages
Design a poster about the
Middle Ages. You should
include at least 15 facts and
5 pictures.
Design a Middle Ages flash
card game. Flashcards
should have pictures and
clue on 1 side, then the
answer on the other side.
You should make at least 15
Create a book (mini) on the
Middle Ages It should
include at least 6 pages with
2-3 facts per pages and
1picture per page. You
should have 15 facts total in
your book.
Create a brochure about the
Middle Ages telling all
about it and why this time
period is so interesting. You
should include 15 facts and
several visuals.
Write a letter about the
Middle Ages addressed to
someone in your family.
Teach them all you’ve
learned about the Middle
Ages. Must be 1 page long.
Create a timeline of events
the happened during the
Middle Ages. Include
details about the events.
You must have 15 events.
Decorate a shield and cover
one side or both sides with
at least 15 facts about the
Middle Ages including
some about knights.
Create a song that teaches
the important facts about the
Middle Ages. (should
include at least 12 facts)
Create a poem about the
Middle Ages. It must
include 12 facts about the
Middle Ages.