Terms Quiz - YB Guidebook

terms quiz
Curriculum ~ Terms
Part A: Match the following yearbook terms on the left with the correct definition on the right.
1. ______ THEME
2. ______ DIVIDER
3. ______ LADDER
4. ______ MULTIPLE
5. ______ SIGNATURE
6. ______ DPS
A. double page spread
B. 16-page section
C. unifies the book
D. 8-page section
E. date/time page is due
F. introduces each new section
G. organizes the book
H. adds information for readers
I. introduces the reader to the page
J. largest photo or element on page
K. page number
L. frames space/divides elements
7. ______ DEADLINE
8. ______ FOLIO
9. ______ WHITE SPACE
10._____ DOMINANT
Part B:Answer each of the following questions in at least one complete sentence.
Which three different people can assist you if you are experiencing difficulties with your spread?
Name four possible yearbook sections:
How many times should each student be pictured in the yearbook?
What is YBA and what resources can be found on it?
What is ImageShare and how can it be used?
Part A: Match the following yearbook terms on the left with the correct definition on the right.
1. ___C___ THEME
2. ___F___ DIVIDER
3. ___G___ LADDER
4. ___D___ MULTIPLE
5. ___B___ SIGNATURE
6. ___A___ DPS
A. double page spread
B. 16-page section
C. unifies the book
D. 8-page section
E. date/time page is due
F. introduces each new section
G. organizes the book
H. adds information for readers
I. introduces the reader to the page
J. largest photo or element on page
K. page number
L. frames space/divides elements
7. ___E___ DEADLINE
8. ___K___ FOLIO
9. ___L___ WHITE SPACE
10.___J___ DOMINANT
Part B:Answer each of the following questions in at least one complete sentence.
Which three different people can assist you if you are experiencing difficulties with your spread? Jostens rep,
Jostens plant consultant, Jostens tech support
Name four possible yearbook sections: student life, sports, academics, organizations (or clubs), people,
advertising, index
How many times should each student be pictured in the yearbook? THREE
What is YBA and what resources can be found on it? Stands for yearbook avenue, may find creation, selling,
and promotion tools.
What is ImageShare and how can it be used? To allow those not on yearbook staff to contribute photos to the