
News you won’t read, see or hear in the Australian mainstream media
"I understand that choosing a government is a political process. What I do
not understand is allowing the political process to run the government!" -Michael Rivero
Chattanooga police: Shooting situation is ‘over’; police officer, 4
military members reportedly shot
Several Tennessee media outlets reported the alleged gunman is dead.
This is already feeling like another staged op.
Capitalism Has Become Socially Dysfunctional
If you have not read John Perkins’ book, Confessions Of An Economic Hit
Man, you should. The book is easy to read and explains clearly from the
inside how US corporations deceive foreign governments into debts that they
cannot service or repay and then use the IMF and World Bank as looting
mechanisms and reduce the indebted countries to penury.
Micro-Apartments Are Coming to the Midwest
Des Moines doesn’t have a reputation for being particularly hip … or spaceconstrained. In this city of a bit more than 200,000 people, you can buy a
three-bedroom house for less than $150,000 and find yourself a short drive
from acres of rolling farmland. The local culture blog is called Des Moines Is
Not Boring—a pretty good indication that it very well might be.
That makes the city a surprising place to find a growing market for microapartments—an imprecise term describing units that are smaller than
traditional studios.
But cost three times as much!
Because, after all, those money-junkies want mile-wide lawns around their
When the great plagues erupted in Europe, they spread like wildfire because
the cramped living conditions of the poor made it easy for the fleas that
carried the illness to hop from one person to the next to the next to the
next. It appears as the world descends into a new feudal age that we may
be repeating the same mistakes with the same potential outcome!
Germany Wastes No Time, Puts Greece "For Sale" On Craigslist
Gerald Celente – Anti-American Sentiment on The Rise
While Gun Permits Increase, Murder Rate Drops: “Refutes Argument
That More Guns Lead to More Violence”
As gun ownership and the number of concealed carry permits have soared
under President Obama, who has been dubbed history’s greatest gun
salesman, new statistics show that the murder rate has dropped significantly
during the same period.
While the well-funded gun control lobby has attempted to an image of
increased violence among populations where guns are prevalent, reality has
repeatedly demonstrated that guns prevent crimes, not only lowering the
rate of homicides and violent crimes, but deterring general crime as well.
Perhaps the latest Crime Prevention Research Center numbers will end the
debate once and for all, and curb the bunk arguments gun grabbers have
used to fuel their disarmament campaign.
Time to bring up Al Gore to claim guns cause global warming! :)
The Dukes of Hazard [ Politically Correct ].mpg
Official: Scale Of UK Child Abuse Is Epidemic
The scale of child abuse in Britain reaches far beyond what anyone
consuming mainstream news had thought possible – including local
authorities, a police report finally confirms.
Retired General: Drones Create More Terrorists Than They Kill, Iraq
War Helped Create ISIS
Retired Army Gen. Mike Flynn, a top intelligence official in the post-9/11
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, says in a forthcoming interview on Al Jazeera
English that the drone war is creating more terrorists than it is killing. He
also asserts that the U.S. invasion of Iraq helped create the Islamic State
and that U.S. soldiers involved in torturing detainees need to be held legally
accountable for their actions.
U.S. let Yemen’s anti-terrorism equipment sit in warehouse — for
eight years
In the latest tale of the war on terror gone awry, the U.S. government
allowed military equipment purchased with taxpayer money to help Yemen’s
security forces defeat Islamist extremists to sit unused inside a Virginia
warehouse for a stunning eight years.
Even as the pro-U.S. government in Yemen was teetering and eventually
overthrown by Islamist rebels in recent months, the Obama administration
was unable to get the 200 parcels of equipment dislodged from its storage
space and sent to its ally, according to a new report by the Government
Accountability Office, the investigative arm for Congress.
Who NOT to vote for : Goldman Bankers Are Jeb Bush’s Top Backers
for White House
Important people at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. want Jeb Bush to be the
next U.S. president. And they’re giving him a lot of money to make it
Largest “Alternative” Mortgage Lender in Canada Plunges, Denies
“Systemic Problem” in Housing Market
McDonald's franchisees are terrified for the future
"At least half of the operators in my region are on the verge of collapse,"
one franchisee wrote in response to the survey. "With minimum wage for
fast-food workers potentially increasing to incredibly high levels, we are
facing a crisis situation. "
Another said: "The operators sit on a cliff right now. With sales going in the
wrong direction, all must be conservative in our decisions. It will take only
one bad decision to put any operator down and out."
McDonald's already made the bad decision when they value engineered their
food to the point of undigestibility at the same time they tried to rebrand as
upscale to compete with Starbuck's.
But of course it's just easier to drop the blame on workers who want a
decent living wage ... so they can eat at McDonald's!
Live on junk food, die on junk food........KT
Greece: PM Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing Sellout to
Creditors, Syriza Sharply Divided
Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resigned after being pushed out – replaced
by Euclid Tsakalotos.
After leaving, he said he’s no longer under “incredible pressure to negotiate
for a position I find difficult to defend…”
He cited the “complete lack of any democratic scruples (displayed by) the
supposed defenders of Europe’s democracy. (V)ery powerful figures look you
in the eye and say ‘(y)ou’re right in what you’re saying, but we’re going to
crunch you anyway.”
Paying dominant bankers and large creditors like Germany alone matters –
no matter the pain and suffering inflicted on millions of Greeks helpless
against the war on their well-being.
Make no mistake. What’s happening in Greece signifies what’s ongoing
throughout Europe, America, Canada, and other countries, heading for
getting much worse – ending social justice to enrich monied interests more
than ever, and at the same time, destroy what remains of democratic rights.
Financial tyranny rules!
Tsipras ran on a platform opposed to austerity, backed up by the recent
referendum, sold out his party and his people to the money-junkies and is
now executing a Stalinist purge against members of his own party still
supporting those principles on which Tsipras campaigned!
This is why no politician can be trusted, ever, other than to do what they are
paid to do by their masters in the banks.
During the French Revolution, the bankers went to the Guillotine long before
King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
That was not merely by chance!
I urge anyone who reads this to watch the video above called All Wars Are
Bankers Wars that will reinforce my stance and opinion into a more
digestible understanding of the how and why and greed and inhumanity, as
there is far more going on here than I can put into this already over lengthy
op-ed and I will now explain why and how we keep the wars going and in
doing so make a small cartel of banksters richer… for here is the crux of it all
and HERE is an example of exactly how I understand what happens…
Scammers hit APPLE users with crash warnings
iPhone and iPad users have reported receiving pop-up notifications telling
them that their software has crashed and that they must dial a support
helpline to fix it. -- Scammers have targeted Safari, the default web browser
for iOS devices, telling users in the US to ring the helpline and pay between
$19 and $80 to fix it.
Iran’s First Post-Shah President Says Iran’s Theocracy Is ‘Despotic’
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, the Sorbonne-educated economist who was the first
post-Shah President of Iran — from 4 February 1980 until he was impeached
by parliament on 21 June 1981 for his performance as Commander-in-Chief
during the Iran-Iraq War — was interviewed July 15th by Nathan Gardels of
Huffington Post, and referred to Iran’s theocracy as “despotic.” He said that
the deal the Obama Administration has worked out with Iran “is a
capitulation to outside powers by the regime of the ayatollahs that has
brought this fate upon the Iranian people.”
Chefs Are Now Trying Out The New "Bacon Seaweed" Discovery
OSU researchers have been working on a strain of dulse seaweed for 15
years that looks like a translucent red lettuce. Sort of bacon-y all in its own
right. But when cooked the protein does taste like bacon.
Israel Intends BlitzkriegAgainst Iran Nuclear Deal
It's got most House and Senate members convinced. It's working on others
directly and through its Lobby - applying their usual heavy-handed pressure.
All Israel can do is take the US out of the agreement with Iran, thereby
proving once again to the rest of the world that Washington DC is a puppet
ruler ruling this nation for Tel Aviv. What will then happen is that the other
members of the P5 will make their own deals with Iran, and it will be the US
caught on the outside, cut off from Iranian oil and markets.
Protests Erupt in Athens As Greece Approves Eurozone Bailout
TRNN's Jaisal Noor speaks to protestors in Athens, Greece about why they
oppose the $96 billion dollar Eurozone bailout the Greek Parliament passed
late Wednesday by a vote of 229 to 64
Republicans have more allegiance to Israel than US: Analyst
“Almost all Republicans are beholden to Israel; they have more allegiance
to… Israel than they have to their own country, the United States,”
Henderson told Press TV on Monday.
So are the Democrats!
Unpatched Flash Player Flaw, More POCs Found in Hacking Team
FLASHBACK - First pictures emerge of Ukrainian pilot pro-Russian
rebels claim downed MH17 killing all 298 victims on board
A picture has emerged of the Ukrainian pilot alleged to have been the
'executioner' of MH17
The Russian Investigative Committee is calling for Captain Vladislav Voloshin
to take a lie detector test
A'secret witness' say he took off in a combat jet, armed with missiles
When he returned he was 'scared' saying MH17 was in the wrong place
MH17 in the "wrong place?" What was Captain Vladislav Voloshin supposed
to be shooting at that looks like a passenger jet painted white with blue and
red trim?!?
As it happens, Russian President Vladimir Putin was flying through the same
area on that very day, returning home from a six day visit to Cuba and
South America. Putin's Presidential jet is based on the Ilyushin 96. The IL-96
is a passenger jet, and is painted with a similar color scheme to the
Malaysian 777. At a distance, they could easily have been confused for one
So Kiev wanted to murder Putin, to throw the Russian government into
turmoil while Kiev reconquered the east (and possibly Crimea), but botched
the operation, shooting down MH17 instead, then tried to drop the blame on
Report: Vets’ Disability Claims Ended Up In Shred Bins
The latest embarrassing episode for the Veterans Affairs Department comes
alongside questions surrounding 240,000 deceased veterans on agency
medical waiting lists and worries from senators that physician credentialing
problems in Arizona may stop cancer treatments for veterans there.
Greek riots: Petrol bombs thrown in Athens as Greece votes through
austerity reforms - live video stream
The bill fuelled anger in the governing Syriza party and led to a revolt by its
members against the prime minister Alexis Tsipras, who has insisted the
deal was the best he could do to prevent Greece from catastrophically
crashing out of Europe's joint currency.
The vote came after an anti-austerity demonstration by about 12,000
protesters outside parliament degenerated into violence as the debate was
getting under way on Wednesday night.
Riot police battled youths who hurled petrol bombs for about an hour before
the clashes died down.
Demonstrations are continuing today as Greece seeks urgent relief from
European lenders.
Violence in Athens After Painful Bailout Deal Passed
Greece awoke with a political hangover on Thursday after parliament
approved a stringent bailout program, thanks to the votes of the proEuropean opposition, amid the worst protest violence this year.
The vote, vital to unlocking emergency financing from European partners as
early as Thursday, left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras weakened by a revolt in
his leftist Syriza party but clinging to power for now.
Netanyahu rebukes UK’s Hammond for ‘failure of diplomacy’ on Iran
PM hits back at visiting British foreign secretary, who on Wednesday claimed
there was no deal that would have been ‘welcomed in Tel Aviv’
Now open for public test drive: search engine
filters out media propaganda and government disinfo
The world's first anti-propaganda search engine is now open for a 24-hour
public test drive., dubbed "the search engine for truth
seekers," filters out mainstream media propaganda and government
disinformation, favoring independent media websites, blogs and reference
Iran Deal Heads Toward Showdown With Adelson’s GOP
The Iran nuclear deal announced in Vienna yesterday means that the tough
international negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran are finally over. But
now attention shifts to the 60-day period during which Congress has the
option of voting to approve or disapprove the agreement or doing nothing at
all. A resolution of disapproval, as Obama most recently warned yesterday,
will provoke a presidential veto. At that point, the question will be whether
the opponents can muster the necessary two-thirds of members in both
chambers of Congress to override, effectively killing by far the most
promising development in U.S.-Iranian relations since the 1979 revolution.
Guy Threatens To Shoot Out With Sheriff
Guy posts a video saying he will be in a standoff with the Sheriff's
department in Michigan due to a pending eviction, and he fully expects to be
See the article about the 1968 Credit River Case below.
Scientist Who Analyzed Dust From 9/11 Attacks Dies Suddenly
Environmental scientist Paul J. Lioy, whose work focused on the health
effects of the dust produced by 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York, died
suddenly at the age of 68 at Newark Liberty International Airport.
The cause of Lioy’s death has yet to be determined, according to his wife
Jean Lioy.
God-Like Power: US Takes Way of Destruction to Come Out on Top
Pursuing its global domination goal the United States has obviously chosen
the wrong path: instead of facilitating growth of the world's nations,
Washington has taken the way of destruction.
US Military Coup for Euro Meltdown?
The capitulation of the Greek government to Berlin-led finance capital is a
daunting watershed moment. It marks the “disciplining” of the wider
European electorate under corporatist financier rule. What is happening in
Greece is a forerunner for other European Union states.
US First Lady Spends $363,000 on China Trip Travel Expenses Watchdog
US Department of the Air Force records reveal that First Lady Michelle
Obama has spent $363,000 in taxpayer’s money on a trip to see China’s
most popular landmarks, the watchdog Judicial Watch reported.
White House Cuts 2015 GDP Outlook By 33%
Despite President Obama's hubris over the 'recovery', his crowing about the
jobs record, and his insistence that while "there's more to be done,"
everything is awesome, The White House just took the meat-cleaver to its
US economic growth forecasts...cutting 2015 growth from 3% to 2%. That
was not all though as their forecasts see no recession until at least 2025,
unemployment under 5.0% for at least the next decade, stable inflation for
10 years, and last but not least - a 3-month T-Bill rate of over 3% within the
next few years.
Contagion Effect Imminent? Puerto Rico Fails To Transfer $94 Million
For A Bond Payment, A Foreshadow Of Future Defaults. Meanwhile,
Closely Linked Greece Is Collapsing Hard.
AIPAC called on Congress to reject the Iran nuclear deal, saying it does not
meet critical markers that the influential pro-Israel lobby outlined in recent
weeks. But the liberal Jewish Middle East lobby J Street announced a
multimillion-dollar campaign to support the agreement.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee made its case against in a
statement Wednesday delivered after President Barack Obama conducted a
news conference of more than an hour defending the deal achieved a day
Who Will Bail Out Humanity If The GMO Evangelists Win?
The pro-GMO lobby likes to think it has the monopoly on truth. Anyone
questioning its creed is attacked and smeared. GM Supporters claim to be
big on science and peer review. While mouthing slogans about science and
its pivotal role in steering the GM debate, they rely on unscientific tactics
and polemics to promote their cause. They censor and distort scientific
research and attack and smear scientists and others who criticise the proGMO establishment and the efficacy of or need for this technology. They also
forward bogus claims based on the (inept – see this) studies they cite (see
this, this and this to read about the points made here).
Officer Injured in "Active Shooter" Incident at Navy Recruiting
One officer has been injured in an incident that happened at the Naval
Recruitment Center near Riverside Park and Amnicola Highway.
Mayor Andy Berke tweeted, "Horrific incident in our community. We will
release details as they are confirmed. Prayers to all those affected." Berke
confirmed to CNN that one officer has been hurt. Right now we don't know
the extent of the officer's injuries.
The U.S. Navy tweeted they are investigating the incident.
A Binswanger glass employee nearby confirms to NewsChannel 9 that police
told him that they are working on investigating an "active shooter" in the
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the
Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits,
and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back
again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will
disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier
and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers
and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create
deposits." -- Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the
1920s, the second richest man in Britain
Time for a repost. Please feel free to copy and post everywhere.
The little case that threatened the entire Banking system.
I want to tell you about a simple little case from an obscure little court,
where the findings and verdict posed such a danger to the money power,
that they tried to prevent the judge from even entering the verdict. He
refused. One week later the judge had an “unfortunate” fishing accident and
As for the lawyer/individual who brought the case and won it to the jury?
Well he was coincidentally disbarred. Oh and the case findings? they were
“nullified” on procedural grounds because well, “that’s the law”. And now of
course, any lawyer who attempts to cite the case, well, they too face
sanctions and possible disbarment by the “licensing” system the government
runs that “allows” them to operate in the “legal system” the government
runs. Remember, it is all just “following the law”. What, do you not “support
law and order”? You probably hate kittens too then.
According to this other article, the judge was poisoned!
S. Africa condemns free propaganda trips to Israel
On July 12, South Africa’s deputy minister of traditional affairs, Obed Bapela,
condemned the South Africa Israel Forum (SAIF) for brainwashing the future
leadership of the country by sending them to the Zionist entity via all
expenses paid trips. He said the student who participated in these trips,
brought ‘shame’ to South Africa. He accused SAIF being part of Israeli
campaign to distort ruling ANC’s stand on occupied Palestine.
Iraqi PM hails Iran nuclear deal as 'common will to defeat Daesh'
Iraq's prime minister welcomed the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1
countries on Wednesday. Haider Al-Abadi said that the agreement "is a sign
of a common will to end conflict in the region and defeat the Daesh group,"
using the Arabic acronym for ISIS.
"Daesh seeks to drag our region into perpetual conflict," said Al-Abadi on
social media. "The Iran deal expresses a common will to bring peace and
security to our region."
Federal Reserve Spies on France
Following last week's eavesdropping reports, WikiLeaks shared new
documents with Libération and Mediapart. This time, the new documents
reveal that the NSA was spying on France's best performing companies for
economic intelligence purposes.
The NSA isn't looking for criminals and terrorists. We already proved the
NSA cannot break any codes created by real criminals and terrorists. The
NSA is spying on law abiding citizens to steal their business secrets, and if
they are doing it to the French, they are doing it to YOU!
America's stock market is shrinking
The number of publicly listed U.S. stocks peaked at a record 7,562 during
McGwire's record-setting summer of 1998, according to the Wilshire 5000
Total Market Index. Today, there are just 3,812.
So what gives? Simply put, there are more companies disappearing than
entering the stock market.
This isn't a trivial problem that only matters to bankers on Wall Street. Not
only do investors have fewer options to invest in, but it directly impacts
American jobs.
"We're shrinking the stock market. Unless we figure out how to create a lot
more startups and a lot more IPOs, the economy is going to continue to
generate jobs at lower rates than it should," said David Weild, former vice
chairman at Nasdaq who has testified in Congress about capital markets.
Exclusive: U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to
investigate Americans
A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling
information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive
database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them
launch criminal investigations of Americans.
Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents
reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed
to conceal how such investigations truly begin - not only from defense
lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.
So the spying is not about terror, but about finding reasons to prosecute
Americans, all in defiance of the Fourth Amendment!
Wisconsin governor strips workers’ wage protections
With the stroke of a pen, Wisconsin’s governor passed a two-year spending
bill which also strikes down a key wage protection law. The prevailing wage
law ensured government contract workers were paid comparable rates in
any given industry.
“With this budget, taxpayers come first,” said Republican Governor Scott
Walker announcing the passage of his $72.7 billion biennial budget.
NSA document: Israeli special forces assassinated top Syrian
military official
Evidence has emerged from leaked US signals intelligence intercepts that
Israeli special forces were responsible for assassinating a senior Syrian
military official who was a close adviser to President Bashar al-Assad.
Brig Gen Mahmoud Suleiman was shot dead on a beach near the northern
Syrian port of Tartus in August 2008. The Guardian reported at the time that
the seaside murder was perpetrated by a sniper firing from a yacht moored
Israel has never commented publicly on suspicions that it was involved. But
newly revealed secret US intelligence documents state as a fact that Israeli
special forces killed the general.
Lebanon: Israeli drone crashes in port of Tripoli
An unmanned Israeli reconnaissance drone crashed in the waters near
northern Lebanon's port of Tripoli Saturday, the Lebanese army and a
security official said.
In a statement, the army said the drone crashed at 8.30 a.m. local time
(0530 GMT) Saturday. It gave no other details but published photos that
showed the aircraft largely intact in the waters and then on land after it was
taken out.
It had a Jewish Star of David and Hebrew writing on it.
It should be pointed out that up near Tripoli there are no Hezbollah. So what
is Israel spying on the Sunni Muslims for?
Blame the Banks
One of the first lessons I was taught on Wall Street was, “Know who the fool
is.” That was the gist of it. The more detailed description, yelled at me
repeatedly was, “Know who the fucking idiot with the money is and cram as
much toxic shit down their throat as they can take. But be nice to them
When I joined in Salomon Brothers in ‘93, Japanese customers (mostly
smaller banks and large industrial companies) were considered the fool. My
first five years were spent constructing complex financial products, ones with
huge profit margins for us—“toxic waste” in Wall Street lingo—to sell to
them. By the turn of the century many of those customers had collapsed,
partly from the toxic waste we sold them, partly from all the other crazy
things they were buying.
Liberia Confirms 2nd Ebola Death in Resurgent Outbreak
A second person in Liberia has died from Ebola in the latest resurgence of
the deadly disease in the West African nation, an official said Wednesday.
The woman in her early 20s who died on July 12 was linked to the 17-yearold boy who died last month, Deputy Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah told
The Associated Press. Three other confirmed cases are being treated in
Monrovia, he said.
‘If I was Iran, I would build the bomb’: Media mogul Kim Dotcom
speaks out on nukes
Megaupload founder, media mogul Kim Dotcom has posted on Twitter about
the latest events in the US-Iran nuclear deal. He wrote: “If I was Iran, I
would build the bomb. It's the best insurance available to keep the US and
Israel from invading.”
I agree. Look how many nations the US and Israel have invaded, drone
struck, bombed, or overthrow who did NOT have a nuclear deterrent!
EDUCATION Public High School Teacher Develops Curriculum to
Teach White People About Their ‘Boot’ of Racism
In light of recent tragedies across the country that have sparked
impassioned debates on race relations, a public high school teacher in
Seattle has developed curriculum to teach “White America” about racism.
US Government Is Ready To Push Agenda To Remove Assad From
Benjamin Netanyahu to Lester Holt: Iran Nuclear Deal Poses Threat
to U.S., Israel
The landmark Iran nuclear deal poses a threat to both Israel and the United
States, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told NBC News' Lester
Holt on Wednesday.
"We think this is not only a threat to us. We think this is a threat to you as
well," Netanyahu said, a day after Iran and six world powers, including the
U.S., reached the historic agreement. "Iran has killed more Americans than
anyone other than al Qaeda."
"They're going to get hundreds of billions of dollars to fuel their terror and
military machine," he added.
Michael Rivero: "Israel, Not Iran Is The Only Nuclear Threat In The
Middle East."
Veteran died and lay undiscovered in his house for 4 months, says
She said her brother died of a heart attack sometime in January, and she
believes his heart failed because of severe weight loss caused by medication
he had been taking.
His body wasn't found until police entered his home in mid-May
House Republicans Fast-Track Bill To Prevent States From Labeling
GMO Foods
General Mills Closing West Chicago Plant
Silver Physical Defaults Coming
Finally, A Company With Balls: GM To Keep Sponsoring Kid Rock
Rivlin mediating between Netanyahu, Herzog over possible unity
Sources say talks between Likud and Zionist Union have been underway for
several weeks, but have gained momentum after Iran nuclear deal.
Israel strikes Gaza targets after rocket fired at Ashkelon area
No injuries reported after projectile lands in open area near Ashkelon
overnight; Israeli Air Force strikes Gaza 'terror infrastructure' targets in
Obama buries Gaza under Iran nuclear deal
The deal between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council
and Iran over the latter’s nuclear program lifts an ominous shadow from a
region already ravaged by bloodshed and conflict.
The specter of another ideological, US-led war on the pretext, once again, of
eliminating phantom weapons of mass destruction recedes with this
agreement. For that, the Iranian people and all humanity should breathe a
sigh of relief.
Today US President Barack Obama held a press conference in Washington to
promote the deal in the face of outright rejectionism from many members of
Congress and Israel.
Israelis share photos of children demanding death to “terrorists”
Though Israel already has a death penalty option on the books, a death
sentence hasn’t been carried out since the hanging of Nazi war criminal Adolf
Eichmann in 1962. The true purpose of the bill was not the death penalty, it
was racist incitement catering to the right-wing chauvinism surging through
the Israeli Jewish public after reaching its peak during last summer’s brutal
assault on Gaza.
Mount Rushmore Being Torn Down for Being "Racist" Like
Confederate Flag?
Brussels prepares to release emergency loan to get Greece through
Alexis Tsipras's grip on power suffers a blow with 32 of his own MPs rebelling
as the Greek parliament votes in favour of new austerity measure against a
backdrop of violence on the streets of Athens
Obama just seized over one million acres of state land, claiming
ownership by the federal government
Deadly, drug-resistant superbugs now being found in meat products
While it's possible that meat could have been imported and could therefore
cause bacterial cross-contamination, or that contamination from humans
could occur during packaging, the researchers of this study suggest that the
more likely origin is from animals. Specifically, it's thought that the
potentially deadly bacteria develop in animals through the use of antibiotics
which are often overused to keep livestock infections at bay.
When Capitalism Turns to Cannibalism: With Authentic Growth
Scarce, There's No Other Way To Reap Huge Profits But Cannibalism.
With nearly 90% of U.S. corn crop GMO, companies are now having
to import non-GMO corn to keep up with demand
All corn grown in Australia is GM corn...........KT
Totalitarian medicine: Medical boards threaten to destroy careers of
doctors who question Big Pharma propaganda
The American Medical Association (AMA) is upping the ante in pursuit of total
control over the medical industry. Outraged that acclaimed physicians like
Dr. Mehmet Oz of The Dr. Oz Show would dare to speak on national
television about issues that go untouched by many conventional doctors, the
AMA has proposed new "ethical and professional guidelines" for physicians
that threaten to censor doctors who deviate from what the AMA deems as
medical gospel.
Over 270,000 meals binned in Lincolnshire hospitals, report claims
More than one in five hospital meals were left uneaten and thrown in the bin
in Lincolnshire over the past 12 months, according to new figures.
The IMF formula for taking over a nation:
The IMF is in effect the World Bank’s enforced........KT
Windows 10: you'll get UPDATES LIKE IT or NOT – unless you have
Enterprise Edition
Microsoft's intention is that users will be always up-to-date, not only with
security patches, but also with feature updates.
This makes it easier for the company to keep pace with changing
technology, and provides developers with a more consistent target for
The downside is that feature upgrades can potentially break applications, or
drivers for peripherals such as printers and scanners. Those who value
stability above having the latest features may prefer to install security
updates only.
Windows 10 does allow this, but only for businesses running the Enterprise
Edition of Windows.
Can We Stop the Feds From Reading Our Opened Emails and Social
Media Messages?
If you've opened an email or social media message that's over 6 months old,
it's a possibility that some agent has too - even from the IRS!
How do we turn things around?
Nevada: Government Must Pay For Taking Cash From Innocent
The Democratic Presidential Candidate Is Spending $230,000 Per
Dr. Rima Laibow: “Doctors Are Being Assassinated For Taking On Big
Pharma Corruption!”
Move To Puerto Rico And Don’t Pay Federal Taxes?
Highway Trust Fund Broke, Gov’t To Uses TSA Fees To Fund Roads
US officials say Ukraine rebels behind MH17 downing, Dutch team
cannot confirm
The World Rebukes Netanyahu
In a rare rebuke to his bullying, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
failed to stop the United States and five other world powers from reaching
an agreement to constrain but not eliminate Iran’s nuclear program. Yet,
Netanyahu still is dominating how the U.S. public and congressional debate
is being framed, with Iran accused of regional “aggression” in four countries.
There is little truth and much exaggeration to Netanyahu’s depiction of what
is going on in the Middle East. Yet, the U.S. mainstream media mindlessly
reprises Netanyahu’s falsehoods...
Netanyahu’s reference to “Iran’s aggression,” which is now becoming a
conventional-wisdom talking point in Official Washington, was curious since
Iran has not invaded another country for centuries. In 1980, Saddam
Hussein’s Iraq – at the urging of Saudi Arabia – invaded Iran. But Iran has
not invaded any of the four countries that Netanyahu cited.
Schaüble and Merkel and their allies are risking turning what is
already a terrible depression for the continent — and a ravaging for
Greece — into something deeper, gloomier and more painful.
Red Head banned from a flight for being too pale
By: dawson
Grace Wain denied for being too Scottish to fly
Ohio County Commission Goes Into Closed Session to Discuss
Security Altercation With PINAC Correspondent, Mainstream
Reporters Told: Keep Out
citizen and PINAC Correspondent Mike Skidmore has languished in the
Richland County jail since the incident caught in a viral video this past
Wednesday night.
Man faces felonious assault charge in courthouse fight,
but who started the fight?
Why Palestinians Fight Back - The Logic of Life and Death in Gaza
Another row is brewing between Israel and the Palestinian Resistance
Movement, Hamas, over the release of Avraham Mengitsu, an Israeli citizen
who, according to Israeli military sources, ‘slipped into Gaza’ on September
7, 2014.
The circumstances of Mengitsu’s entry into Gaza remain unclear, especially
since Hamas’ political leader, Khaled Mashaal, denied that the military wing
of Hamas is holding the Israeli citizen.
Greece as a Euro ‘Economic Protectorate’
With Greece having agreed late last week to virtually all the Euro finance
ministers’ prior demands for concessions, Euro ministers meeting in Brussels
over the weekend, July 11-12, were expected to focus on discussing the
terms for Greece’s debt restructuring in exchange for the latest Greek
concessions. That is what Greek negotiators apparently expected—i.e. before
the ministers’ hardline German-led faction raised further demands on Greece
and ‘moved the negotiating goalposts’ yet again, to use a sports analogy, by
proposing even more onerous requirements for a deal at Saturday’s July 11
finance ministers meeting.
A Nation Torn: Greece Grapples With 'Humiliating' Austerity Deal
"The scene in Athens is explosive," King's College London professor and
Syriza central committee member Stathis Kouvelakis wrote for Jacobin
Wednesday afternoon.
Both in and outside of Greek Parliament, tensions are running high.
A largely peaceful anti-austerity rally was disrupted at one point by an hourlong clash between anti-austerity protesters and police, leading to about 50
US/Israeli/Saudi ‘Behavior’ Problems
In Official Washington’s latest detour from the real world, top pundits are
depicting Iran as the chief troublemaker in the Mideast and saying the
nuclear deal should hinge on Iranian “behavior.” But the real “behavior”
problems come from Israel, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.
Greece is only the beginning of a new phase in the degradation of
the human condition by the power of insatiable greed, and spiritual
wickedness in high places. *
India ponders home-baked chips for defence and nuke plants
India is reportedly pondering a new policy that would see only home-baked
silicon used in its military, space program and atomic energy industry.
Sources have told the Times of India that government officials have raised
the idea with representatives of the three industries mentioned above. Just
why is open to speculation. Russia's decision to replace x86 CPUs with ARM
silicon offers one explanation because the exploits of Edward Snowden mean
the nation fears back doors in chips designed or built in the USA.
Did MARS once have OCEANS? Curiosity discovers continental crust
NASA's nuclear-powered Curiosity rover has aimed its ChemCam laser at
some unusually light-coloured rocks on Mars and discovered surprising
similarities between them and the rocks of Earth's granitic continental crust.
AIPAC: Anti-Iranian Propaganda at Congress
There is no evidence re the leading state sponsor slur, but let's not get
distracted by it. How do tougher inspections than ever faced by any country
FACILITATE anything other than Iran's ability to refute slander and libel? The
inspections worked in Iraq. Inspections work very well. The only reason
anything is missing from these inspections is past US resistance to universal
standards that would have required the US to face surprise inspections itself,
and U.S. abuse of inspections in Iraq to spy on and seek to overthrow the
Iraqi government.
You Are 58 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Police Officer Than A
Toyota starts to recall Prius models over sudden stop bug
Toyota says 177 Prius vehicles sold in New Zealand may be affected by a
software fault identified in more than 600,000 cars worldwide.
Obama calls for criminal justice reform in system ‘skewed by race
and wealth’
President Barack Obama is leading a drive for a fairer and more equitable
criminal justice system. He wants a federal review of solitary confinement,
voting rights restored to former felons, and Congress to pass a sentencing
reform bill by year’s end.
Tour de France anti-Semitic?
Thomas Jefferson Warned Us…
Centuries ago, Thomas Jefferson gave the American people this warning: “If
the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their
currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until
their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” - Central banks (all over the world), are apparently using this method of
Greeks Can’t Tap Cash, Gold, Silver In Bank Safety Deposit Boxes
What good is holding gold and silver in a safety deposit box if your bank
won’t let you access it?
Nuclear Agreement With Iran — Paul Craig Roberts
Washington’s issue with Iran has never been Iran’s nuclear energy program.
The notion pushed by the neoconservatives that Iran only had a nuclear
energy program (5% uranium enrichment) in order to hide a nuclear
weapons program (95+% enrichment) was always a cover for Washington’s
real opposition to Iran and Washington’s real agenda.
Molotov Cocktails & Firebombs: Anti-Austerity Protest In Athens
Against Bailout Deal
Summer Slump: Americans Aren’t Spending
You cannot spend what you don’t have.......KT
Charon’s Surprising, Youthful and Varied Terrain
The Icy Mountains of Pluto
Obama’s Latest Gun Control Scam
"Who really thinks that a top-down approach to controlling weapons will be
any more effective than Prohibition was in the early 20th Century or the war
on drugs has been today?" -- GOA's Erich Pratt in an upcoming USA Today
Background Checks are failing miserably. The Obama Administration is
redoubling its efforts to clamp down on your Second Amendment rights.
The FBI Director recently said that a flaw in the NICS system allowed Dylann
Roof to purchase the gun he used to kill nine people in South Carolina.
In the minds of the collective Left, this means we "need" more money and
more names to be fed into the NICS background check system.
‘Flash’ in pan: Firefox ban on Adobe plugin lasts 2 days, calls for its
end remain
Mozilla is allowing Adobe Flash to run on its Firefox browser again, after
blocking the plugin for two days over security vulnerabilities. Tech experts
have called for an end to Flash, widely loathed for security and compatibility
The Mess that Nuland Made
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s “regime
change” in early 2014 without weighing the likely chaos and consequences.
Now, as neo-Nazis turn their guns on the government, it’s hard to see how
anyone can clean up the mess that Nuland made, writes Robert Parry.
Wherever Nuland goes, chaos and suffering follow.
Germany Never Intended For Greece To Stay In The Euro
There never was going to be any deal. All along, Germany has been seeking
to establish conditions that would never be met so that they could force
Greece out of the eurozone. But the Germans had to do this subtly so that
they would end up looking “reasonable” and would not turn the rest of the
eurozone against them. So why does Germany want to get rid of Greece?
Well, to be honest, it is because the Germans are sick and tired of paying for
Greek mistakes. In Germany, there is an obsession with having a balanced
Philadelphia police officer charged after being shot
A Philadelphia police officer was officially charged today with criminal
conspiracy and obstruction, among other things.
The charges against 48-year-old Robert Penn stem from an incident in which
Penn was shot in Overbrook Park in March 2014.
According to authorities, Penn was shot while off-duty as he arrived home
after completing his shift.
Prosecutors say Penn asked his former brother-in-law Charles Mays, who is
also charged, to call the Philadelphia Daily News.
Investigators claim Penn paid Mays to call the newspaper and anonymously
implicate Penn's current wife as having involvement in the shooting.
Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) got into a heated confrontation with constituents
during a town hall in his home state this past weekend. After a woman in the
crowd asked Sanders about a Senate resolution that condemned Hamas but
“said nothing” about Israel’s “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza, the senator
became defensive, fighting off angry residents with shouts of “Excuse me!
Shut up!”
Video of the town hall starts after thirty seconds.
Banksters make out like bandits on Iran deal
Never mind the hubris involved in the U.S. government dictating to a
sovereign nation whether it can procure or create specific weapons systems
for its own protection; the Iran deal is a boon to banksters and the militaryindustrial complex.
Government Secret Police Program Exposed - Federal Agencies Are
Circumventing Constitutional Obligations By Utilizing A Secret Fusion
Center Where Illegally Obtained Information Is Passed On To Be
Used Against American Citizens.
Latest Outrageous ISIS Propaganda: Terrorists Will Behead the
Statue of Liberty
Now there is a report that may finally outrage at least a few red-blooded
Americans — the terror group has announced it will behead the Statue of
Rebellion! Texans launch push for secession as civilian monitoring of
Jade Helm takes off
NOAA: Record 117-Month Major Hurricane Drought Continues
New Horizons: Nasa releases historic Pluto close-up images
Nasa has presented the first images acquired by the New Horizons probe
during its historic flyby of Pluto.
Chief scientist Alan Stern said the new images showed evidence of geological
activity and mountains in the Pluto system.
The team has also named the prominent heart-shaped region on Pluto after
the world's discoverer Clyde Tombaugh.
We can only dread what Hillary Clinton is hiding from us this time
When it comes to Benghazi, it is clear that there is absolutely no
transparency or cooperation from Hillary Clinton. Judicial Watch have
requested two emails regarding the attack and its aftermath in a FOIA
action, and it has now been revealed that neither have been provided to the
House Select Committee, either by the State Department or by Hillary
Clinton herself.
TurboTax Drops Cloud Backup Option for Desktop Users
If you used the desktop version of TurboTax during the most recent tax filing
season and backed up your return online, you may want to make sure you
have a copy of it stored on your computer.
Intuit, the maker of TurboTax tax preparation software, has notified some
desktop customers that it is discontinuing a service that allowed them to
store a copy of their return on TurboTax’s cloud system. (Desktop customers
install the tax software on their own computer, by buying a CD-ROM or a
download, rather than preparing their returns on the TurboTax website.)
Users have until July 21 to gain access to their tax returns on the cloud and
resave them on their own computer if they need to do so.
Customers received an email notifying them of the change.
Chris Christie Administration To Give $180M Tax Break To JPMorgan
Chase As He Sells Himself To Voters As Job Creator
As New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie tours New Hampshire, hoping to convince
voters there to choose him as their preferred Republican, the New Jersey
Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) is getting ready to offer a massive
tax break to JPMorgan Chase to get the company to locate in Jersey City.
The tax incentive is estimated to run at nearly $19 million per year for 10
Huntington Ingalls Industries receives $3.35bn contract to build
Gerald R Ford class carrier
Huntington Ingalls Industries has secured a $3.35bn contract to design and
construct the second Gerald R Ford class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
John F Kennedy (CVN 79).
Even though the Gerald R Ford is proving to be as much a boondoggle as the
US Navy test fires SM-6 against ‘over-the-horizon' threat
The US Navy's USS Desert Ship (LLS-1) crew, the surface-to-air weapons
testing site, has successfully test fired a Raytheon-built Standard Missile-6
(SM-6) against a medium-range supersonic target from 'over-the-horizon'.
The mission was part of a test series for the Naval Integrated Fire Control Counter Air (NIFC-CA) programme. NIFC-CA is designed to connect US Navy
ships and airborne sensors into a single network.
This is a continuation of the Aegis-CEC program which accidentally shot
down TWA 800. This article does not report that the missile actually hit the
intended target.
Athens ablaze: Angry Greeks throw petrol bombs at riot police as
MPs debate new EU bailout
Hooded protestors threw petrol bombs at helmet-clad riot police as the
Greek people's seething anger against the European Union (EU) reached
boiling point.
Police responded by hurling tear gas canisters at the huge mob, who have
gathered outside the country's parliament in an enormous protest against its
international creditors.
Inside, MPs have been locked in the commons chamber since midday,
debating the punitive conditions of an EU bailout deal.
Will the Feds Curtail Your Right To Travel? — Congress’s Plans to
Lock You in
The “right to travel” makes some politicians very nervous. Consider the issue
from their viewpoint. Leaving the country makes it more difficult to detain
you if the Feds suspect you of a crime, such as withdrawing lawfully earned
cash from your bank account. It’s also less convenient to surveil you if your
political opinions don’t toe the party line. And above all, it’s harder for Big
Brother to grab your assets.
US ‘Shot Itself in the Foot’ by Pushing Russia Toward China
Jim Rogers said that China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore
are where all the money is, while the US and Europe have become the
largest debtors.
Democrats and Republicans Are No Longer The Majority
Ex-Detroit Jesuit High School priest to serve 12 years in prison for
child porn
Richard James Kurtz, 70, a priest and chemistry teacher for decades at
University of Detroit Jesuit High School charged with exploiting minors and
child pornography, was sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in federal
prison Tuesday.
Kurtz was accused of recording video footage of high school hockey players
in their locker room during the 1998-98 season.
13 holes in government & media account of 2005 London Bombings
Train the alleged bombers are supposed to have caught from Luton was
cancelled that day
Benjamin Netanyahu who was in London that day and Israeli embassy had a
warning before the 'surprise attack' bombings according to AP journalist Amy
Tiebel and Israeli embassy spokesperson Dan Sheham
U.S. Fed Chief to Puerto Rico: When It Comes to $72 Billion in Debt,
You’re on Your Own
If Puerto Rican officials were hoping the U.S. Federal Reserve would help
alleviate its debt crisis, they’re now sorely disappointed.
Speaking in front of a House committee Wednesday morning, Federal
Reserve chief Janet Yellen said the central bank had no clear path for helping
the American commonwealth, whose governor, Alejandro García Padilla,
admitted two weeks ago that he is unable to pay the $72 billion the
government owes its creditors. For years, Puerto Rico used this money to
prop up its failing economy, pay government bills, and fund social service
BEX ALERT - Iran linked to deaths of 500 U.S. troops in Iraq,
The startling number emerged last week as Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas
Republican and Army veteran who served as an infantry officer in Iraq and
Afghanistan, pressed the issue at a confirmation hearing for Marine Corps
Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is Obama's nominee to be chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
So, the Army didn't know who made the IEDs that killed all these soldiers
when it happened, but NOW, just in time to try to derail the P5+1
agreement, a report magically appears to blame those deaths on Iran.
Unsound Banking: Why Most of the World’s Banks Are Headed for
This brief article will explain why the world’s banking system is unsound, and
what differentiates a sound from an unsound bank. I suspect not one person
in 1,000 actually understands the difference. As a result, the world’s
economy is now based upon unsound banks dealing in unsound currencies.
Both have degenerated considerably from their origins.
NYPD Cop Arrested on Federal Drug Charges
A NYPD officer was recently arrested for allegedly peddling oxycodone to a
drug dealer in Vermont. After 3 years of supplying the accomplice, the
officer was arrested and suspended from the force.
Church Now Sending Collection Notices To Members who Don’t Tithe
Rep. Sean Duffy Crushes Yellen: "If Anyone Is Trying To Sweep This
Leak Under The Rug - It's The Fed"
We said previously that today's "Humphrey-Hawkins" testimony Q&A would
be punchy and sure enough while Chairman Hensarling took an early swing,
Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy was the man to go toe-to-toe with Janet "I am
the law" Yellen over the Fed's stunning ignorance of Congressional legal
proceedings. "You did nothing," he begins, "you're so concerned about
bringing the leaker to the forefront that what will you do? Nothing!" Yellen
replies, reading from a seemingly prepared statement, The Fed has "clear
rules" for leak investigations and Duffy cuts her off with a sharp upper cut,
"That's true, you did not follow those rules.. if anyone is trying to sweep this
under the rug, it is The Fed!"
Republicans hate the Iran nuclear deal because it means we won't
bomb Iran
As soon as President Obama announced the historic nuclear agreement
between the US and Iran on Tuesday, Republican presidential candidates
raced to see who could get out the most hyperbolic, foaming-at-the-mouth
condemnation of the potential for peace.
Okay, Jed and Lindsey, if you really feel that way about it... Here are your
rifles. Here are your parachutes. We ran out of the desert camo but here are
two bright da-glo orange jumpsuit from the CIA's torture centers. Watch
your head climbing into that transport aircraft, and we will call Tehran and
tell them you are on your way to kick their butts all by yourself.
But We The People remember the lies about stolen incubators that tricked us
into the first invasion of Iraq.
We The People remember the lies about Saddam's nuclear weapons that
tricked us into the second invasion of Iraq.
We The People remember how only a year ago the government tried to trick
us into war with Syria with more lies about poison gas.
We The People remember how there weren't really torpedoes in the Gulf of
Tonkin or a Spanish mine in Havana Harbor, but how there really WERE
weapons on board the Lusitania.
In short, We The People remember all the lies, frauds, and deceptions used
to trick us into wars of conquest, to send our young people out to die in wars
created out of thin air by and for the money-junkies. I think it is time that
we have a new rule in America; that those who want war are the first to the
front lines. You are all splendidly brave with the lives of other peoples'
children. Let's see the true measure of your courage and commitment to
You first!
Grave robbers steal the HEAD of Nosferatu director FW Murnau from
German cemetery: Bizarre theft feared to have been part of occult
ritual after candles found by coffin
Grave robbers have broken into the tomb of acclaimed horror movie pioneer
FW Murnau and stolen his head.
Thieves went to great lengths to break into Murnau's metal coffin and steal
his skull, which was interred in a family plot at a cemetery in Stahnsdorf
near Berlin.
A strange wax residue is understood to have been discovered at the
gravesite, sparking speculation that the thieves may have taken the head as
part of a shocking occult ritual.
Any of the Skull and Bones alumni seen in the area?
Pope Francis Calls for Global Bankruptcy Process
Pope Francis called for an international bankruptcy process in a news
conference as he left Latin America on Monday. According to the Associated
Press, when asked about the Greek debt crisis, Francis stated, "if a company
can declare bankruptcy, why can't a country do so and we go to the aid of
others?" Francis offered further comments noting that too many countries
are struggling with high debts and he suggested a United Nations
bankruptcy proposal could be the solution.?
Man Faces Up to 6 Months in Prison for Disagreeing with Feminists
on Twitter
Greg Elliott faces up to six months in prison. His crime? Disagreeing with
"two Toronto female political activists, Steph Guthrie and Heather Reilly,"
three years ago.
Elliott has already lost his job since his arrest.
It is not alleged that Elliott threatened Ms. Guthrie or Ms. Reilly in any way,
nor is it alleged that he sexually harassed them.
The original source of the arrest came when Ms. Guthrie tweeted that she
wanted to “sic the Internet” on a video game programmer who created a
game in which virtual people punched a feminist. Guthrie contacted
employers to tell them not to hire the programmer and said she wanted
"hatred on the Internet to impact his real-life experience."
Ever notice that when someone expresses their honest opinion to the PC
crowd it is "oppression" but when the PC crowd tries to wreck their life in
retaliation it is called "empowerment?"
After Iran deal, Obama offers Netanyahu talks on upgrading Israeli
In a phone conversation between the two leaders Tuesday, Netanyahu did
not respond to the offer, said the official, who requested anonymity.
Netanyahu wants to turn this into a dick-measuring contest. Let him. He
only makes himself look worse with this childishness.
What amazes me is how all these people bashing the Iran deal and bashing
Obama cannot see the large picture. Obama is not "caving in" to Iran or
anyone else. Obama's goal with Iran (as it was with normalizing relations
with Cuba) is to prevent more nations from pivoting to Russia and China, as
they are pivoting faster than the US can invade and conquer them! I am not
a huge fan of Obama, but let us recognize that he is finally starting to think
like a statesman!
Cops Shot Unarmed Georgia Woman in the Head, Admired Their
Marksmanship, Prevented First Aid After
An awful story in Georgia about a fatal 2010 police shooting as investigated
by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Channel 2 Action News, illustrates
many of the structural and systemic problems in policing and police
discipline, not just in Georgia but around the country.
Greek leader: 'A captain does not abandon ship'
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras scrambled to keep his party in line
Tuesday ahead of a fateful parliamentary vote that will determine whether
his country is able to apply for a massive international bailout or goes
Tsipras sought to contain a revolt by rank-and-file members of his left-wing
Syriza party who vow to reject a deal he cut with European leaders to save
Athens from a chaotic default and certain banishment from the group of 19
nations that use the euro currency.
238,000 US veterans died waiting for health care – leaked document
A leaked document shows nearly one-third of the 847,000 veterans in the
Department of Veteran Affairs’ backlog died while waiting for treatment,
amounting to more than 238,000 patients, according to documents obtained
by the Huffington Post.
The VA has a higher kill-rate of Americans than ISIS!
Oh, man; am I in trouble? Is it un-politically correct to say "Red Indian
Chief" now? Will the government kick down my door and send me to a reeducation camp to learn to describe this picture as an "indigenous north
American native manager" or some other euphemism?
Will they burn my Gadsden flag?!?
Greek deal poisons Europe as backlash mounts against 'neo-colonial
'It is now perfectly clear to a lot of people that the only way out of neocolonial servitude is to break free of monetary union,' said one Syriza rebel
Note how anyone who refuses the "blessing" of Private Central Banks is
deemed a "rebel" by the presstitutes and whorespondents of the corporate
Israel prefers permanent standoff to any Iran deal, says U.K.'s
foreign secretary
Philip Hammond slams Netanyahu's criticism of nuclear agreement hours
before he heads to Israel, where he will discuss agreement with the prime
Israel needs an "enemy" Iran to scare its own people into obedience, to
extort more money from the US taxpayer, and to distract the world from
Israel's own war crimes and nuclear arsenal.
IMF: Greece May Need 30 Years To Recover
Now, It’s Illegal To Be A Punk Rocker; Belt With Fake Bullets Leads
To Arrest In Boston
5th Holistic Doctor (Age 33) Died In Florida Making 5 Dead And 5
More Missing