September 8, 2006

Information Technology Committee
September 8, 2006 1:00 p.m. RVAC 105
Present: Charkiewicz, Evans, Jones, Menoche, Doan, Mejia, Dziuda, Kurkovsky, Miller, LeePartridge, Morley, Kurkjian, Osterreich, Mamed, Valk
Ex-Officio Members Present: Albert, Altieri, Cernock, Devine, Iglesias, Pesino
Guests Present: Erardi, Magno, Rivera-Rowe
1. Meeting called to order by Charles Menoche @ 1:00pm
2. Suspension of approval of minutes of May 5, 2006:
Motion to suspend minutes from May 5, 2006 ~ Jones
Second ~ Kurkjian
Motion passed unanimously
2. Announcements: None
3. CIO Introduction & Presentation: Robert Cernock, CIO
IT Governance Presentation
- Provided some personal history, current member of Educause
- Defines Faculty and Staff as user of technology and IT as support/provider
- Expressed his feelings on the importance of the ITC Committee
- Believes in a governance structure over IT including trustees, faculty, staff and
- There is a 16 month budget process at CCSU therefore forecasting is important
- Informal requests to the CIO will no longer be done, should come through the ITC
- ITC making budget decisions regarding academic technology
- IT should not be the decision maker regarding the academic use of technology; IT
is a “critical enabler”
- The ITC and Academics responsible for promoting change in education
- Shared David Blitz email regarding UPBC May 2005 resolution adding IT Goal
#13 to the Strategic Plan at CCSU
Comments from the floor:
-Paul Altieri comments on changing teaching styles through the use of technology
-Kathy Kurkjian comments on her use of teaching using technology and how the
vision is shared
Bob shares positive thoughts on support received at all levels here at CCSU
He feels comfortable making unilateral decisions in isolation, would prefer ITC
support and input
Academic software decisions should rest with ITC
ITC (academics) are in charge of own initiatives
IT is the “tool” others “own” the project
He is still working on a personal IT plan for CCSU
Wants IT involved in the early stages; share ideas early
4. Q & A with CIO: Robert Cernock, CIO
Dziuda: Online CSU is going away? Shocked by this statement. Comment: The CCSU
Data Mining program has been very successful as an online program.
Cernock: This is a critical issue. He is meeting with President Miller today to discuss options.
We are in the initial stages with CDLC to assist with CSU online delivery. The ability will not
go away. A mechanism will be in place. There is an effect on graduation rate; availability of
classes. Some basic classes should possibly be included online.
Miller: States that he has subject expertise, not IT expertise. IT needs to provide the cutting
edge technologies and alternative solutions.
Cernock: Ex. DYKNOW – a true interactive learning system; recording of a professor’s board
presentation. IT will take a hand in recommending technology.
Altieri: Technological tools allow less change in the class. The change is in the student’s
ability to recreate, practice the material etc.
Mejia: Technology has changed teaching in his field (Language). The ability exists to use
more authentic materials in and out of the classroom.
Cernock: Wrap up. States he is open to discussion; not opinionated.
5. Comments from the Chair: Charles Menoche
Charles encourages the committee to share ideas with the e-board. Establish goals for
future years. Vacancies still exist in Business and Technology on this committee.
6. ITS Department Information/Reports:
Tina Rivera-Rowe:
 Brought Tech4U Book copies for committee members
 Training schedules are coming next week
Amy Magno:
Added anti-spyware modules through the downloads page
PC only, no Mac version
Sherry Pesino:
 Installed 8 new multimedia stations summer ‘06
 Total of 120, there is still a need for more (faculty desire for them is high)
 Issues with existing systems arose at the start of the school year. These were
identified and fixed
 Faculty Development Workshops (FDWS) changing to Technology
Development Workshops (TDWS); the schedule is going out. Please promote
to fellow faculty members.
 Vista workshops are at the end of September. Highly anticipated.
 Faculty Computing Center (FCC) now supporting VISTA more
Question from the floor:
Menoche: When will the search for the Media Director commence?
Cernock: Search is closed. He wants academic involvement. He has contacted the
Provost and some people have stepped forward from academics to assist. He
mentions Paul Altieri as a committee member.
7. WebCt/Vista Report:
Sherry states that VISTA replaces WEBCT 1/1/07
Comment from the floor:
Cernock: VISTA and online classes; comments and explanation. After the fall
semester ends CE goes away.
8. Library Technology Announcements:
Edward Iglesias:
 Implemented SFX, open URL technology. SFX migrate the user from abstract
to actual database at the article level. The exception is LexisNexis which is
not open URL compliant. Interlibrary loan requests may significantly
 Safari Online, now available. Can cut and paste from it. Please announce to
fellow faculty members and make it known:
 If new faculty or staff have not gotten automatic library accounts; there is a
short term issue extracting faculty records, non-teaching faculty and staff
slow implementation. If you do not have an account contact the circulation
desk and they will create a record for you.
Comment from the floor:
Osterreich: Asks Edward to restate the link address and the name of the SFX product.
9. New Business:
Charles Menoche announces the dates of the future meetings:
Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec 1, 2006 – RVAC 105
Feb 2, Mar 2, Apr 13, May 4, 2007 – location TBD
All meetings begin at 1:00pm
Charles states that there is a possibility of having subcommittees of the ITC if the
need arises.
10. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn meeting ~ Osterreich
Second ~ Kurkovsky
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting Adjourned at 2:20PM
Respectfully submitted by Chad E. Valk, ITC Secretary