Executive Committee Teleconference

SSA Executive Committee Teleconference Minutes [draft]
March 22nd, 2012, 7:00 p.m. EDT
Call to order. 1902 EDT
Attending: Chair Al Tyler, Director Dianne Black-Nixon, Director David Pixton, Director
Frank Whiteley, Director Ken Sorenson, Chief Administrative Officer Denise Layton
Agenda item 1 - WGC PR update (McKittrick)
E-mail report
Subject: Promo and PR report as of 3/22/12
Hi Al,
Here is the current status.
So far, a few returns that indicate there might be a match for a company to
sponsor some of the World's.
First one is Camelbak, the drink in a pack company and the second is Embry
Riddle Aero University. Still on the fence but trying to make a deal.
I have been working on the U.S Air Force as well but due to a change in
command, my contact is no longer there, so starting from scratch.
Added a number of contacts for PR.
Also, I have been building information for publication such as all of the
photos of the US Team, their backgrounds, the contest, the sailplanes and
the location.
This will reside as an EPK (electronic press kit) so that interested parties
can just download the info and use the materials placed there.
That's it for now.
Chair Tyler, mentioned a possible sponsorship of from the Weather Channel as
an exclusive. Different contact from Andy.
Director Whiteley commented that he had a telephone conversation with Andy
following the February EXCOM to discuss some resources such as Bruno Vassel
and Brad Hill, who recently flew his new Tetra-15. I also mentioned Mike
Abernathy who may have some unique video footage as part of the Cloud Street
project and that he might approach Howard Banks as Mike is hard to contact. I
referred Andy to Michael Poe. Of course all of these resources have mountains,
ridges, or trees as background. I sent him a belated follow-up with more specific
links and information.
Chair Tyler asked we support him in any way we can.
Director Sorenson asked if anyone is assigned regular oversight or supervising of
his efforts outside of these monthly phone calls? Chair Tyler said there is no one
directly assigned to oversight of Andy’s efforts. Director Black-Nixon commented
someone needs to be.
Chair Tyler said let’s make this an action item. Director Pixton asked if Val
Paget, with her publishing experience, be an appropriate choice? Consensus
was probably not. Director Sorenson suggested Director Banks. Chair Tyler
thought this a good choice if his hip problems would allow it. Director Pixton
offered to give him a call. Director Whiteley asked if Director Pixton would
broach the topic of Cloud Street video footage to possibly open the door with
Andy McKittrick. Director Pixton agreed.
Agenda item 2 - Open action item review (Whiteley/Layton)
Agenda item 3 - Approval of February 23rd, 2012 minutes. (Whiteley)
Pete Shell corrected to Pete Schulz
Director Pixton moved to accept with name correction, Director Black-Nixon
seconded. Carried
Agenda item 4 - Approval of Winter 2012 BOD meeting minutes, not yet ready
Agenda item 5 - Treasurer’s report (Pixton)
Director Pixton, do not have all of January yet, but do have February.
Review of P/L. Income year-to-date is $188K, which is $36K behind plan.
Interestingly, dues income is on plan. We netted $35K from the convention, but
we budgeted $67K, which is our shortfall comes from. Other areas of shortfall,
magazine is down about $4K from plan and contributions are down $9K from
plan. Merchandise is on plan through the month of February. Year to date
expenses are $144K versus budget of $147K and includes unbudgeted $12K
marketing expense in getting Andy project up and running. Net capital add of
$44K versus the plan of $76K due to the convention. CAO Layton is continuing
to controls costs. I owe the January and February financials and a revised
budget for 2012 showing the marketing increase. Should have those out to you
in the next week.
I sent to you just before the meeting Accounting Manager Le Breton’s
recommendations on our general ledger. As most of you all know it’s been
problematic from almost the get go. One thing she’s identified is that our current
PeachTree database contains more data that it was ever intended to contain.
We risk losing data if we’re not careful. She looked for something in the middle
betweem Great Plains, which is on the expensive side, and PeachTree version,
and decided that PeachTree Quantum product that has expanded reporting and
unlimited database capability. She looked at QuickBooks which has a similar
product called Enterprise Solutions. Great Plains is about $30K, PeachTree
$2200, and QuickBooks Enterprise about $3000 with the number of licenses we
have. Recommendation is upgrade to PeachTree Quantum as a relatively easy
and smooth upgrade solution. Software with yearly updates and installation is
$2700. Director Pixton recommends training for Crystal Reports be added at a
cost of $2000. Looking at about $4300 total. Still researching whether we need
to upgrade server and work stations. She doesn’t think so and our IT guy thinks
that can be deferred until next year, only because it aging. Director Pixton
requests to approve at a cost not to exceed $15K if we need to replace the
server and workstations. Director Whiteley asked if the upgrade will allow the
system to interface with the member database. Director Pixton replied no. All of
the manual processes we currently do between databases will remain as they
currently are. The price is right, integration will be seamless, and we won’t lose
history. Director Sorenson asked if this $15K is in the budget. Director Pixton
said the funding is from the donation in 2011 and this will be accounted for as a
capital acquisition from the segregated cash in the bank, not a budget line item.
Director Pixton moves that we accept Accounting Manager Le Breton’s proposal
that we migrate to PeachTree Quantum and that Director Pixton is authorized to
approve it once a total cost of hardware, not to exceed $15K. Director Sorenson
seconded. Carried.
Agenda item 6 - Chief Administrative Officer's report (Layton)
CAO Layton reported on trial run on renewal notices, signed up for six months.
The six months is over. Discussed with Directors Tyler and Pixton. Going
through this service was slightly cheaper, but factoring Rhonda’s time made it a
lot cheaper. Director Black-Nixon asked if we needed a new contract. CAO
Layton advised that we don’t have a contract but are currently month to month.
Works out well. Definitely worth keeping. This has allowed Rhonda work with
more marketing and growth projects. Good avenue to pursue.
Chair Tyler, please update on Reno. Disappointed to hear cash was $35k lower.
CAO Layton said convention budget was based on full admissions, but many of
the California and Nevada attendees bought day passes. Lesson learned, in
high pilot population areas, don’t budget so many full registration. Chair Tyler
asked is we were cash positive. CAO Layton responded, yes, $35K cash
positive. Director Pixton added that we just weren’t as cash positive as hoped as
we budgeted for $68K.
Director Whiteley inquired about automatic renewals. CAO Layton responded
that there were 300 signed up. CAO Layton will put it in SSA e-News. Director
Pixton asked about provision for chapters. Director Whiteley said not really,
mostly intended for independent members that are not under chapter renewals.
Director Pixton recommended finding a way to expand it to chapters. Director
Sorenson said it may be hard due to member churn. Director Pixton would like to
get away from having the club renew [his membership-ed]. Director Black-Nixon
does a monthly member reconciliation using the Excel method. Director Whiteley
commented his chapter bills dues two months ahead of the renewal month. He
commented that there are a cluster of chapters in southern California that renew
individually and their membership rosters are often a mess, but that it’s an
education process. Chair Tyler suggested perhaps a letter. Director Whiteley
replied that the clubs and chapters committee does outreach. But winter is often
a time when chapters change their leadership, so we do repeat this. Those
chapters may be good candidates and I will target them for automatic renewals.
Agenda item 7 – Directing and using committee resources (Black-Nixon)
Director Black-Nixon had wanted a list of committees posted at the Hobbs office
phone positions to direct calls appropriately. CAO Layton confirmed this had
been done. Director Black-Nixon commented that she had been contacting
committee chairs to see what they needed and to stimulate involvement.
Agenda item 8 – Digital maps (Whiteley)
Director Northcraft suggests we don’t have resources to bring this forward. Lynn
Alley brought up the idea that the developers of digital displays and use of digital
maps will impact a lot of products. Basically these have developed with the
understanding that FAA digital products would remain free. Now it’s clear that
the FAA expects the end user to pay approximately $150/year, meaning the
vendors will have to pay for the digital maps. Director Sorenson asked if the
NAA is concerned or interested. Maybe we should ask Art Greenfield. Lynn was
concerned that the US would be abandoned by the European developers. Ask
Lynn Alley to survey vendors, send for review before we decide with whom to
Agenda item 9 - Web site placements and policies. (Whiteley)
Space for soaring resources other than affiliates and divisions
Virginia Soaring Association, HYPERLINK "http://vasoaring.org" http://vasoaring.org
Chicagoland Glider Council, HYPERLINK "http://www.chicagolandglidercouncil.com/"
http://www.chicagolandglidercouncil.com/ , quasi-region 7
Pacific Soaring Council, Region 11, HYPERLINK "http://www.pacificsoaring.org"
Region Twelve Soaring Council (RESCO), HYPERLINK "http://www.socalsoaring.com"
Others, like local foundations? Region 5 was setup under governance and once
pointed to gliderpilot.net. This is okay, but information is stale and incomplete on
homepage and Region 5 Sites. See HYPERLINK
Follow up with Doug Easton.
Discussion about placement, but Director Black-Nixon suggested that many
linked web sites and content need to bring their information and content current.
Chair Tyler mentioned his use of the SSA web site is limited. Lane Bush
commented about this during his Where To Fly web site review. Chair Tyler
suggested that maybe after WGC2012, perhaps Andrew Dignan might be asked
to volunteer for the SSA web site. Director Whiteley agrees that the web site can
be more dynamic, but it’s up to the committee people to bring that content
forward. If we want to include these organizations, I’m happy to approach Doug
about placement. VSA was very interested in linking and they were linked from
the SSA Facebook page. Chair Tyler thinks the sense of the EXCOM is to
follow-up with placement. Director Whiteley, Doug knows the web site best and
may have a good suggestion.
Scholarships other than youth. There is a proposed Karen Greig Memorial Flight
Scholarship (inception stage, $2000 annually, woman only, no age limit, doesn’t wish
WSPA oversight, to be sponsored by Kathleen Morse and Craigslist. Karen was a dear
friend, pilot, and working on her glider rating when she died of a heart attack, SSA
membership expired June 2009).
If SSA managed/directed, can selection committee include a non-SSA member (Karen’s
Committee oversight. Currently all scholarships are youth oriented and applications and
awards are via the youth committee.
I’ve cc’d Penn Smith for any relevant comments he may have
I don’t know if we have a policy. Director Black-Nixon doesn’t recall any policy
regarding SSA endorsing a scholarship. Action item, CAO Layton to research
whether we have a policy.
Agenda item 10 – SSA e-News Topics and Policy (Whiteley)
Guidelines for publication, especially out of cycle items, have Mechelle put some
thoughts together.
Director Whiteley mentioned our subscription supports unlimited postings. It
does require staff time.
Chair Tyler supported more frequency, but not overwhelming. Mechelle is also
busy with reviewing the magazine and working with the Soaring editor.
Agenda item 11 – Other Business
Chair Tyler asked about Let’s Go Gliding. Director Whiteley mentioned preparing
additional pages, hopefully by end of the month. There was follow-up by Lane Bush on
the chapters that hadn’t responded. One was in officer transition and the outgoing
president and wife just had a new baby. Lane did some yeoman work with Doug on
bringing the Where-To-Fly information up to date. Since the LGG effort is going forward
so we need to make emphasis to the commercial operators and clubs about being
ready with the web site, telephone responses, and follow-up. Mentioned Ooma as a
possible phone alternative, IP based.
Next EXCOM conference call, 4/26/2012 1900 EDT
Chair Tyler asked if motion to adjourn.
Director Pixton so moved, Director Whiteley seconded. Adjourned 2011 EDT