

Pg. 1


1. access ( n.



1. permission, liberty, or ability to approach, enter, use, or speak with; admittance

2. calamity ( n.


3. compact ( adj.


4. concession ( n .)

2. way or means of approach great misfortune; disaster; catastrophe

1. closely packed; not loose; solid; firm

2. arranged so as to save space

3. not wordy; terse; pithy; concise act of conceding (yielding) to an implied or expressed pressure; adknowledgement; grudging admission

5. conviction ( n .) 1. state of mind of a person who is convinced

(persuaded by proof) that what he or she believes or says is true; certitude

( ant .) doubt

6. decade ( n .)

7. hamper ( v .)

8. medieval ( adj.


2. fixed belief

3. act of convicting (finding or proving guilty)

( ant .) acquittal period of ten years interfere with or restrict the movement or operation of; hinder; impede

( ant .) assist, expedite

1. of or pertaining to the Middle Ages (from about A.D. 500 to about 1500)

9. provincial ( adj.


10 . unwieldy ( adj .)

2. antiquated; outmoded; old-fashioned

1. belonging to a particular province

2. limited in outlook; narrow

( ant .) cosmopolitan hard to wield (handle) or manage because of size or weight; unmanageable; bulky


Exercise 1. Which of the two choices makes the sentence correct? Write the letter of your answer in the space provided.

1. Apartment buildings line the avenue in a compact row, with _____ between them.

A. open recreational areas B. no visible spaces

2. _______________ is an unwieldy object to transport.

A. An upholstered sofa B. A pocket calculator

3. _______________ hampered the efforts of the snow-removal crews.

A. Abandoned vehicles B. Slowly rising temperatures

4. There __________ in a limited-access highway.

A. is only one lane in each direction B. are restricted points of entrance

5. ________________ lived in medieval times.

A. Joan of Arc (1412-31) B. Marie Antoinette (1755-93)

6. The air of ___________ that we noticed in entering the village suggested that

there had been some recent calamity.

A. festivity B. mourning

7. If dairy farmers took a provincial view of technological advances, they would have

no use for _______________.

A. milking machines B. cows

8. You speak with conviction, as if you _____________ your conclusions.

A. are not entirely certain of B. have absolute confidence in

9. In a spirit of concession, both sides stated that their original demands were ____.

A. unalterable B. negotiable

10. P. T. Barnum (1810-91) outlived __________ by less than a decade.

B. Ulysses S. Grant (1822-85) A. Charles Dickens (1812-70)


Exercise 2.

Replace the italicized words with a single word from the vocabulary list.

Vocabulary List medieval compact unwieldy decade concession provincial conviction hamper calamity access

1. Sometimes there are two or three business recessions

in a (an) period of ten years.

2. She enforced the law without any yielding to implied

or expressed pressure.


3. The tourists complained that the facilities in some of the inns were practically of the Middle Ages . .

4. The people should have the liberty to approach and

speak to their elected representatives.

5. In some matters you are a bit limited in outlook .

6. Environmentalists regard the building of a nuclear

power plant in a heavily populated area as a (an)

1. ________________

2. ________________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. ________________ great misfortune ..

7. My old car was large, heavy, and as hard to manage

as a truck.

8. For ages, the idea that women are the weaker sex

was a (an) fixed belief .

9. Your reluctance to answer questions may interfere with the jury’s ability to reach a verdict.

10. A snowplow pushed the snow into a closely packed

mass against the curb.

6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

9. ________________

10. ________________


Exercise 3. Fill the blanks in column A with the required synonyms and antonyms, selecting them from column B.

Pg 4

Column A

_____________________ 1. synonym for antiquated

Column B provincial

_____________________ 2. antonym for assist

_____________________ 3. synonym for narrow

_____________________ 4. antonym for doubt

_____________________ 5. antonym for provincial

_____________________ 6. synonym for bulky

_____________________ 7. synonym for solid

_____________________ 8. synonym for admittance unwieldy concession medieval compact calamity conviction cosmopolitan

_____________________ 9. synonym for acknowledgement access

____________________ 10. synonym for catastrophe hamper


Exercise 4. Read the following statements. Then complete each sentence by inserting the most appropriate proper name from these statements.

Henrietta ordered that anyone wishing to see her should deal with one of her subordinates first. Everyone in the bureau benefitted as a result of this policy.

Clay’s total lack of cooperation prevented the rest of the staff from getting the final issue of the school newspaper out on time.

Try as he might, Elwood could not manage the business effectively now that it had more than two hundred employees and four branches.

Even in her eighties, Christine continued to jet across continents, buy the latest in hi-fi equipment, attend new play openings, and support a variety of liberal causes.

Rosemary had remained firm about the selling price of her house, but when a serious buyer, she reduced it by $500.

Since attendance was poor, Mrs.

Theobald had the students move up to the front of the room and take seats closer to her desk.

Many years ago, after making several bets, Aldo resolved not to gamble again, and he has not broken that resolution.

Fire officials stated that many might have perished if Emma had not run through the halls, ringing doorbells to awaken the guests.

Napoleon won a number of phenomenal military victories and seemed invincible; by 1807, with most of Europe under his control, he ruled over an empire vaster than that of Charlemagne a thousand years earlier.

Two Adamses have been President (John 1797 - 1801 and John Quincy

1825 - 29). two Johnsons (Andrew 1865 – 69 and Lyndon (1963 – 69), two

Harrisons (William 1841 and Benjamin 1889

– 93), and two Roosevelts

(Theodore 1901 – 09 and Franklin 1933 – 45).

1. ____________________ made a concession.

Pg 6

2. ____________________ had an unwieldy problem.

3. ____________________ restricted access.

4. ____________________ occupied the White House for more than a decade.

5. ____________________ averted a calamity.

6. ____________________ was not provincial.

7. ____________________ hampered others..

8. ____________________ was a medieval figure.

9. ____________________ developed a conviction.

10. ____________________ worked with a compact group.
