Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
To develop student’s linguistic skills so as to use English at a proficient and professional level
To train him intensively in paraphrasing practice and sentence transformations by vast exercising
covering various complex structures
To develop reading comprehension capabilities by means of systematic practice of a wide range
of texts and topics, thereby increasing their vocabulary
To encourage critical thinking
To engage student in deep analysis of the topics dealt with in the course.
To help student identify and become acquainted with such grammar structures as are included in
the intensive reading passages
To increase student’s fluency and to achieve accuracy in oral production by applying grammar
knowledge, and to largely expand their vocabulary
To teach syntax and encourage its use as a tool to untangle the complexity of a text and make
translating easier
To help student clearly express and logically organize ideas in their written production, producing
pieces of different types for different purposes
To develop listening skills in student by systematic practice with a wide range of authentic
material in both American and British English, and also in the so-called globalized English
Desarrollar en el alumno habilidades lingüísticas para que haga uso del idioma a nivel profesional y
con la excelencia y espontaneidad de un hablante nativo
Entrenarlo en la resolución de ejercicios de paráfrasis y transformación estructural de
complejidad diversa
Desarrollar sus habilidades de lectocomprensión y enriquecer asimismo su vocabulario a través de
la práctica sistemática con diversos textos sobre distintos temas
Promover el pensamiento crítico
Inducir al alumno a involucrarse en el análisis y debate de los temas tratados en el curso
Desarrollar en el alumno la capacidad de identificar y reconocer las estructuras gramaticales
incluidas en los textos de lectura
Incrementar la fluidez y lograr precisión en la producción oral aplicando los conocimientos de
Explicar la sintaxis básica y lograr que ésta sea utilizada como una herramienta para que el
alumno consiga a través de la misma desentrañar la complejidad de un texto, resolver
ambigüedades y opacidades de la traducción
Ayudar al alumno a expresarse claramente y organizar sus ideas de manera lógica en su
producción escrita mediante la redacción y entrega de distintos tipos de textos con diferentes
Desarrollar en el alumno habilidades de comprensión auditiva (listening) por medio de una práctica
sistemática que incluya una amplia variedad de material auténtico en inglés americano, británico y
en el denominado inglés globalizado.
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
English Language I Grammar is divided into 5 main areas: Language proper, Grammar & Syntax,
Literature, Listening and Creative Writing.
Throughout the course, the students will work on these areas by practising in all skills -reading,
speaking, listening and writing- , the idea being that contents learnt and practice made in one area be
applied interchangeably in them all.
Weekly hours and classes will be split among teachers in charge so as to deal with the following
specific material: Intensive Reading Passages, Selected Idioms, Grammar practice, Syntax analysis,
Intensive Practice on Use of English (Paraphrasing and Cloze Exercises), Short Stories analysis,
Vocabulary Work, Phrasal Verbs Practice, Creative Writing, Listening abstracts and podcasts.
After discussing selected intensive reading texts, and with the aim of reinforcing and applying
contents learnt each term and of preparing students for the oral exam, students will be asked to
seek and select, for submission to the teacher and presentation in class, articles specifically related
to the material and topics dealt with in the intensive reading passages.
La materia Lengua I Gramática está dividida en 5 áreas principales: Lengua propiamente dicha,
Gramática y Sintaxis, Literatura, Actividades de Comprensión auditiva (Listening) y Taller de
A lo largo del curso, el alumno trabajará en estas áreas entrenando y poniendo a prueba todas sus
destrezas (lectura, escritura, producción oral y comprensión auditiva), con la concepción de integrar
los contenidos aprendidos en un área y aplicarlos en el resto.
La carga horaria semanal y la clase se dividirán entre los docentes especializados a cargo para
trabajar con el siguiente material específico: Textos de Lectura Intensiva y Actividades de Lectocomprensión, Expresiones Idiomáticas, Práctica Gramatical, Análisis Sintáctico, Use of English
(Paráfrasis, Ejercicios de Transformación y llenado), Análisis Literario, Vocabulario, Práctica de
Frases Verbales, Taller de Escritura Creativa, actividades de Comprensión Auditiva.
Una vez finalizado el análisis de los textos de lectura intensiva seleccionados de para cada
cuatrimestre, y a fin de reforzar y aplicar lo aprendido así como preparar al alumno para la situación
del examen oral, se solicitará a los alumnos que busquen y seleccionen, para entregar al profesor y
hacer una presentación oral en clase, un artículo específicamente relacionado con el material y los
temas tratados en el área de Textos de Lectura Intensiva.
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
- Based on the annual character of the subject, students shall sit for 3 term tests (2 written
plus 1 oral test, pursuant to regulations in force) per year.
- Students who reach an average 6 in all subareas of the subject will be exempt from the
Global Exam
- Students who do not reach 6 shall sit for a Global Exam, either in December or in March
- Dado el carácter anual de la materia, se tomarán 3 parciales (2 escritos y 1 oral, según
Reglamentación en vigencia) en el año
- Los alumnos que alcancen promedio 6 en todas las sub-áreas de la materia estarán eximidos
del Examen Global
- Los alumnos que no alcancen promedio 6 deberán rendir un Examen Global, fecha a elección
diciembre o marzo.
El Profesor Titular podrá, en base a su juicio, decidir si el alumno debe rendir el examen global de
todas las áreas o si alguna en la que el alumno hubiere alcanzado la nota promedio 6 podrá ser
considerada aprobada y promocionada.
Te Head of the Chair may, at his discretion, decide if the student must sit for the Global Exam in all
sub-areas or whether any of these in which the student got an average 6 may be deemed as passed
and promoted.
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
El alumno deberá presentar con un mínimo de 10 días antes del examen libre escrito una carpeta con
el siguiente material:
The student must furnish, with a minimum 10 days prior to the date of the written exam, a folder
containing the following material:
LANGUAGE: A written summary of an original article chosen by the student from a reliable
source and based on one of the topics raised throughout the year in the Intensive Reading
Passages. Syntax, fluency, oral skills, and the use of vocabulary will be assessed in the oral
exam when the student makes a presentation of this article (just as regular students must
prepare for the 3rd. Oral Exam)
SYNTAX: Full syntactic analysis of one paragraph from selected intensive reading passages
El alumno deberá elegir un cuento escrito por un autor reconocido y analizarlo
siguiendo el criterio que aparece en la Guía de Análisis de Cuentos, utilizada en clase
(idéntico requisito se les exige a los alumnos para su presentación en el Examen Final).
Comentario y análisis de Brave New World, de Aldous Huxley
El análisis sintáctico completo de un párrafo de los artículos de comprensión lectora
LITERATURE: A Short Story written by a well-known author and its respective analysis,
based on the Guide to Analyze Short Stories used in class. (Just as regular students must
prepare for the Final Exam)
Una síntesis escrita de un artículo de nivel avanzado, obtenido de una fuente
confiable y que responda a los temas tratados durante el año en el área de Textos de
Lectura Intensiva. En el contexto del examen oral se evaluarán sus habilidades,
conocimientos de sintaxis, fluidez, precisión, calidad de su producción oral y el uso
del vocabulario y estructuras del nivel, cuando el alumno haga una presentación oral de
dicho artículo (idéntico requisito se les exige a los alumnos para su presentación en el
3er. parcial oral).
Commentary and analysis of Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
CREATIVE WRITING: Ways of shining, walking, speaking, moving and holding. Gestures and
expressions. Adjectives /Expressions describing Personality. An original 350-word piece of
writing by the student on each and every one of the text types included in the syllabus.
Listas de verbos específicamente utilizados (“Ways of…”) para mirar, brillar, caminar
hablar, moverse y agarrar. Una redacción original de 350 palabras de producción del
alumno para cada uno de los tipos de textos incluidos en el programa.
Vocabulario/Expresiones utilizadas para describir personalidades
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
Intensive Reading Passages:
 Battle of the Sexes (Advanced Language Practice)
 2020 Vision. (International Express Upper Intermediate)
 Hi Mom, Hi Dad. At the beep leave a message (New YorkTimes)
 Sleeping (Proficiency Practice)
 Exercise is said to boost brain power (Buenos Aires Herald)
 Secret Messages (Proficiency Practice)
Idioms: Units 1,2,3,4
Language & Grammar : Tenses. The simple forms: present and past. The continuous forms. Verbs
not normally used in the continuous forms. The perfect forms. Forms of emphasis.
Syntax: The Sentence. Structure. Phrases : the noun phrase, Adjectival phrase, Prepositional
phrase). Phrase vs. Clause. Types of clauses. The subject. Anticipatory “IT” and “THERE”. Nonfinite forms of the verb as subject. Relative Clauses. Classification.
Extensive Reading: Short Story “The Landlady”, by Roal Dahl
(Short Story Analysis: setting in time and place, action and plot, conflict and climax, characters,
language, tone, theme/s, symbolism, morale)
Creative Writing: Paragraph Writing. Use of Linkers. Special vocabulary. Topic sentences.
Ways of…. Describing Places and Buildings. Describing People
Listening: Selected Material
Intensive Reading Passages:
 A study in contrasts (Proficiency Practice)
 Travel Wisely (Proficiency Practice)
 Marriot Makes Room For Daddies (Fast Company – Internet Resource)
 Maid to Order (New York Times Magazine)
Idioms: Units 5,6, 7, 8
Language & Grammar: Modal Auxiliary Verbs: ability or potential: can, could, be able to;
possibility and permission; can, could, may, might; inference and logical conclusion: must, can´t;
belief and conjecture: will, would; inherent capacity: will, would; prediction: shall, will; advice and
recommendation: shall, should, ought to, had better; absence of obligation or necessity: needn´t,
not have to
Syntax: The Predicate. The verb phrase. Classification of verbs: finite and non-finite. Transitive
and Intransitive verbs of complete and incomplete predication. Copulative verbs. Modal Verbs.
Phrasal verbs. Prepositional verbs. Verb + object /Verb + complement. The Subjective
Complement. Categories that can function as SC. Verbs that take SC.
Extensive Reading: Short Story “Lamb to the Slaughter” , by Roal Dahl
Extensive Reading: Short Story “The Horse Dealer´s Daughter, by D H Lawrence
Creative Writing:
Describing People. More use of linkers. Describing Places. Describing Events.
Narratives. Transactional Letters
Listening: Selected Material
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
Intensive Reading Passages:
 Neighbours (Proficiency Practice)
 Does honesty always pay? (Proficiency Practice)
 Stop putting things off (Internet Resource)
 Marriage is the key to long, healthy life (Buenos Aires Herald)
Idioms: Units 9, 10
Language & Grammar: Conditional Sentences: All types. The passive voice. Verbs followed by the
gerund. Verbs followed by the infinitive . Verbs followed by the gerund or the infinitive with and
without change of meaning
Syntax: Category vs. Function. The Direct Object. Categories functioning as DO. Preparatory
direct object IT. Position of DO: normal and reverse position. The Indirect Object. Position. The
alternative construction PREP + object. Intended recipient. Di-transitive verbs (verbs of
communication. Noun clauses. Types. Interrogative clauses. That clauses. Functions of the Noun
Clause. Noun clauses as subject and object. Noun clauses in Apposition.
Extensive Reading: Short Story “The Way up to Heaven”, by Roal Dahl
Short Story “The Story of an Hour”
Creative Writing:
Introduction to the Essay: The Thesis Statement. The Introduction. The
Developmental Paragraphs. The Conclusion. Discursive Essays.
Listening: Selected Material
Intensive Reading Passages:
 Death by Vodoo (Psychology Today)
 Gut-lag: A silent indignity (The Lancet)
 I do, I can, I will (The Economist)
 Your Mind: Do you make the most of it? (Time Newspapers Ltd.)
 Teen Attitude What´s it to you? (USA Today)
Idioms: Units 11, 13
Language & Grammar: Verb patterns: Verbs followed by a that clause. Participles and gerunds.
Present participle and past participles. The position of adverbs. Reported Speech.
Syntax: The Objective complement. Categories. Position. Categories that can function as OC.
Verbs that take OC. Classification of verbs. Inversion of OC and DO. Verb + DO + OC vs Verb +
IO + OC. Anticipatory IT object.
Extensive Reading: Short Story: “The Bystander”, by Carole Oats
Extensive Reading: Short Story: “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, by Ambrose Bierce
Extensive Reading: Short Story: “Mr Loveday´s little outing”, by Evelyn Waugh
Creative Writing: For and Against Essay. Opinion Essay. Essay Suggesting Solutions to
Listening: Movie scenes from selected movies
Intensive Reading Passages & Debate
 The end of privacy (Speak Up)
 Massaging out bad memories (Psychology Today)
 Get a life (Harvard Business Review)
Idioms: Units 14, 15
Language: Complex patterns: The unreal past. If only. I wish. I´d rather. It´s (high) time. It´s
the first/last time. Inversion of order for emphasis. Inversion of order in conditional sentences.
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses. Adverbial adjuncts: Classification. Time, place, manner, company,
purpose, result, etc. Coordination and subordination. “So that” introducing purpose vs. result.
Dangling participles. The absolute construction.
Extensive Reading: Short Story: “Samuel”,
Extensive Reading: Review Article “Setting your stall out”
Creative Writing:
Letters of Application. Articles. News Reports.
Listening: selected material
Intensive Reading Passages:
 Your Mind: Do you make the most of it? (Time Newspapers Ltd.)
 Teen Attitude What´s it to you? (USA Today)
 Exercise is said to boost brain power (Buenos Aires Herald)
 Massaging out bad memories (Psychology Today)
Idioms: Units 1, 6, 14
Language: Complex patterns: The unreal past. If only. I wish. I´d rather. It´s (high) time. It´s
the first/last time. Inversion of order for emphasis. Inversion of order in conditional sentences.
Syntax: Adverbial Clauses. Adverbial adjuncts: Classification. Time, place, manner, company,
purpose, result, etc. Coordination and subordination. “So that” introducing purpose vs. result.
Dangling participles. The absolute construction.
Extensive Reading:
 Short Story: “Samuel”,
 Short Story: “The Bystander”, by Carole Oats
Creative Writing: Letters of Application. Articles. News Reports.
Listening: selected material
Intensive Reading Passages & Debate:
 Travel Wisely (Proficiency Practice)
 Does honesty always pay? (Proficiency Practice)
 Secret Messages (Proficiency Practice)
 I do, I can, I will (The Economist)
 Marriot Makes Room For Daddies (Fast Company – Internet Resource)
Idioms: Units 2, 7, 15
Language & Grammar: Verb patterns: Verbs followed by a that clause. Participles and gerunds.
Present participle and past participles. The position of adverbs. Reported Speech.
Syntax: The Predicate. The verb phrase. Classification of verbs: finite and non-finite. Transitive
and Intransitive verbs of complete and incomplete predication. Copulative verbs. Modal Verbs.
Phrasal verbs. Prepositional verbs. Verb + object /Verb + complement. The Subjective
Complement. Categories that can function as SC. Verbs that take SC.
Extensive Reading:
 Review Article “Setting your stall out”
 Short Story “The Story of an Hour”
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
Creative Writing: Paragraph Writing. Use of Linkers. Special vocabulary. Topic sentences.
Ways of…. Describing Places and Buildings. Describing People. Describing events.
Listening: selected material
Intensive Reading Passages:
 The end of privacy (Speak Up)
 Stop putting things off (Internet Resource)
 Get a life (Harvard Business Review)
 Maid to Order (New York Times Magazine)
Idioms: Units 3, 8
Language & Grammar: Conditional Sentences: All types. The passive voice. Verbs followed by the
gerund. Verbs followed by the infinitive . Verbs followed by the gerund or the infinitive with and
without change of meaning
Syntax: Category vs. Function. The Direct Object. Categories functioning as DO. Preparatory
direct object IT. Position of DO: normal and reverse position. The Indirect Object. Position. The
alternative construction PREP + object. Intended recipient. Di-transitive verbs (verbs of
communication. Noun clauses. Types. Interrogative clauses. That clauses. Functions of the Noun
Clause. Noun clauses as subject and object. Noun clauses in Apposition.
Extensive Reading:
 Short Story: “Mr Loveday´s little outing”, by Evelyn Waugh
 Short Story “The Way up to Heaven”, by Roal Dahl
Creative Writing: Describing People. More use of linkers. Describing Events. Narratives.
Transactional Letters
Listening: selected material
Intensive Reading Passages:
 Death by Vodoo (Psychology Today)
 Sleeping (Proficiency Practice)
 Gut-lag: A silent indignity (The Lancet)
 Hi Mom, Hi Dad. At the beep leave a message (New YorkTimes)
 Marriage is the key to long, healthy life (Buenos Aires Herald)
Idioms: Units 4, 9, 11
Language & Grammar: Modal Auxiliary Verbs: ability or potential: can, could, be able to;
possibility and permission; can, could, may, might; inference and logical conclusion: must, can´t;
belief and conjecture: will, would; inherent capacity: will, would; prediction: shall, will; advice and
recommendation: shall, should, ought to, had better; absence of obligation or necessity: needn´t,
not have to
Syntax: The Sentence. Structure. Phrases : the noun phrase, Adjectival phrase, Prepositional
phrase). Phrase vs. Clause. Types of clauses. The subject. Anticipatory “IT” and “THERE”. Nonfinite forms of the verb as subject. Relative Clauses. Classification.
Extensive Reading:
 Short Story “Lamb to the Slaughter” , by Roal Dahl
 Short Story: “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, by Ambrose Bierce
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
Creative Writing: For and Against Essay. Opinion Essay. Essay Suggesting Solutions.
Listening: selected material
Intensive Reading Passages:
 2020 Vision. (International Express Upper Intermediate)
 A study in contrasts (Proficiency Practice)
 Battle of the Sexes (Advanced Language Practice)
 Neighbours (Proficiency Practice)
Idioms: Units 5, 10, 13
Language & Grammar : Tenses. The simple forms: present and past. The continuous forms. Verbs
not normally used in the continuous forms. The perfect forms. Forms of emphasis.
Syntax: The Objective complement. Categories. Position. Categories that can function as OC.
Verbs that take OC. Classification of verbs. Inversion of OC and DO. Verb + DO + OC vs Verb +
IO + OC. Anticipatory IT object.
Extensive Reading:
 Short Story “The Horse Dealer´s Daughter, by D H Lawrence
 Short Story “The Landlady”, by Roal Dahl (Short Story Analysis: setting in time and place,
action and plot, conflict and climax, characters, language, tone, theme/s, symbolism, morale)
Creative Writing: Introduction to the Essay: The Thesis Statement. The Introduction. The
Developmental Paragraphs. The Conclusion. Discursive Essays.
Listening: selected material
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
2020 Vision
Battle of the Sexes
Hi Mom, Hi Dad. At the beep leave a message
Exercise is said to boost brain power
Secret Messages
A study in contrasts
Travel Wisely
Marriot Makes Room for Daddies
Maid to Order
Teen Attitude: What´s it to you?
Does honesty always pay?
Stop putting things off
Marriage is the key to long, healthy life
Death by Vodoo
Gut-lag: A silent indignity
I do, I can, I will
Your Mind
The end of privacy
Massaging out bad memories
Get a life
Units / Unidades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15
Short Story / Cuento “The Landlady”
Short Story / Cuento “Lamb to the Slaughter”
Short Story / Cuento “The Way up to Heaven”
Short Story / Cuento “The Horse Dealer´s Daughter
Short Story / Cuento “The Bystander”
Short Story / Cuento “Mr Loveday’s Little Outing”
Short Story / Cuento “An Occurrence at Old Creek Bridge”
Short Story / Cuento “The Story of an Hour”
Short Story / Cuento “Samuel”
Review Article / Crítica “Setting your Stall Out”
Syntactic analysis: Recognition of subject-predicate division, noun phrases, verb phrases, adjectival
phrases, prepositional phrases; noun clauses, relative clauses, adverbial clauses of different types;
direct and indirect object, predicative or subjective complement; objective complement.
Anticipatory object and anticipatory subject IT, cleft sentences, other emphatic sentences.
Anticipatory THERE. Function vs. Category. Abstract vs. concrete nouns. Transitive vs. Intransitive
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
verbs. Copulative verbs. Verbs of Complete and Incomplete Predication. Subordination and
Coordination. Non-finite forms of the verb.
Análisis sintáctico: reconocimiento de la división entre sujeto y predicado; construcciones nominales;
frase verbal, frase adjetiva y frase preposicional; proposiciones sustantivas, adjetivas y adverbiales
(clasificación); objeto directo e indirecto; predicativo subjetivo obligatorio; predicativo objetivo
obligatorio. IT: anticipatory object; anticipatory subject; cleft sentences (énfasis) y otras formas de
expresar énfasis. Función vs. Categoría. Sustantivo concreto vs. sustantivo abstracto. Verbo
transitivo vs. Intransitivo. Verbos que llevan complemento. Verbos defectivos. Verbos copulativos.
Subordinación y coordinación. Formas no conjugadas del verbo.
Paraphrasing practice, sentence transformations, cloze exercises.
Ejercicios de paráfrasis, transformación estructural y llenado de espacios en blanco, típicos de los
exámenes de nivel First Certificate y Proficiency.
Based on authentic material in both American and British English, and globalized English. Videos and
podcasts from radio and TV programmes, as well as websites.
Basada en material auténtico en inglés americano, británico y globalizado. Videos y podcasts de
programas radiales y televisivos, además de sitios de Internet reconocidos.
Introduction to the Paragraph: The Topic of a Paragraph. The Topic of a Sentence.
Recognizing, Formulating and Supporting a Topic Sentence. Linkers. Ways of… Special vocabulary.
Useful expressions
Describing People.
Describing Places and Buildings.
Describing Events.
Introduction to the Essay: The Thesis Statement. The Introduction. The Developmental
Paragraphs. The Conclusion.
Discursive Essay.
For and Against Essay.
Opinion Essay.
Essay Suggesting Solutions.
Letters of Application. Transactional Letters. Letters requesting and giving information.
Apologies. Complaints.
Reviews. Articles.
News Reports.
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
Introducción al párrafo: el tema del párrafo. El tema de la oración. Reconocimiento, formación
y sustento de una oración. Conectores. Modos de…. (“Ways of…) Vocabulario específico.
Expresiones útiles
Descripción de personas
Descripción de lugares y paisajes
Descripción de sucesos
Introducción al ensayo: La tesis. Introducción. Los párrafos del desarrollo. Conclusión.
Ensayo discursivo
Ensayo explicando ventajas y desventajas
Ensayo de opinión
Ensayo para proveer soluciones
Cartas: de presentación; carta comercial solicitando empleo ; de reclamo; de disculpas; carta
solicitando o brindando información
Crítica periodística.
Programa de Estudios Plan Nuevo – Lengua Inglesa I - TP Prof. Estela Chemen
Advanced Language Practice, Michael Vince, Heinemann
A Communicative Grammar of English, by G Leech
A Guide to Correct English, L.A. Hill
A University Grammar of English, R. Quirk
A Handbook for the study of fiction, by Alterbend and Lews
Practical English Usage, M. Swan, Oxford University Press
Mission, Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing
Successful Writing Proficiency, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing
A Good Turn of Phrase (Advance Practice in Idioms), Virginia Evans, Express Publishing
A Good Turn of Phrase (Advance Practice in Phrasal verbs and Prepositional Verbs), James
Milton, Virginia Evans, Bill Blake, Express Publishing
Grammar Notes, Elba Guaragna – Aldo Blanco
Advance your English (Listening Practice), Annie Broadhead, Cambridge University Press
Advanced Listening and Speaking CAE, New edition, Kathy Gude, Oxford
Proficiency Tests, Oxford University Press
COLLINS Co-build Dictionary of the English Language
LTP Dictionary of Selected Collocations
The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English
Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs
Use of English for the FCE examination, Moutsou-S.Parker, MM Publications
Proficiency (books for Use of English practice)
The essentials of English Grammar, O. Jespersen
Worldbuilder, Gury Wellman, Heinemann
Clockwise advanced, Amanda Jeffries, Oxford