Facing New Challenges in a New Era

March 25, 2004
An Invitation from the ASCE Met Section Air Transportation Group: Seventh
Annual One-Day Conference
Theme: “Facing New Challenges in a New Era”
Dear Colleague:
Last December, we commemorated 100 years of a revolution brought about by two independent-minded
individuals who accomplished what was thought to be impossible by many. On Dec. 17, 1903, a powered
airplane flew for the first time in Kill Devil Hills, N.C. Two self-taught engineers, brothers Wilbur and
Orville Wright, built the plane from wood and canvas - and financed their vision from their bicycle shop in
Dayton, Ohio.
Planes had been imagined as far back as Leonardo da Vinci's drawings, but it took the meticulous and
sustained work of these two American geniuses to create a machine that actually flew 120 feet. Now, over a
century later, thousands of these machines transport millions of people every day across oceans and around
the world. Airlines have become a major global industry, and airplanes are vital to every nation's security
and defense plans as well as being crucial to trade and leisure industries.
As we begin the second century of manned flight, the Air Transport Group of ASCE's Met Section will be
hosting the group’s 7th Annual Conference at JFK International Airport on Thursday, April 22, 2004. This
meeting will take place at JFK (Building 14) and a detailed agenda will be sent out as soon as it is finalized.
The conference fee is $200.00 and includes registration to the seminar, the luncheon keynote speaker, site
tour, coffee breaks, and a conference program. Money raised from your registration fee goes directly to
benefit the New York Chapter ASCE scholarship fund, which helps deserving college-bound students to
pursue a career in engineering.
This session should prove to be thought provoking given the major changes now underway in our industry as
we confront the increasingly complex challenges of airline bankruptcies, terrorism and new security
requirements. You will have a first hand opportunity to hear from airport and airline leaders where they see
the aviation industry in the light of the new challenges that we have all been facing since September 11th.
The morning portion of the conference will be devoted to our two presentation sessions. The sessions will
discuss critical issues from both a technical and general industry perspective. The sessions will discuss critical
issues such as the state of the aviation industry, the Washington legislative scene and the airport perspective
on technology, security, etc.
This will be followed by a luncheon and our keynote speaker – Richard Smyth from JetBlue Airways who will
update us on JetBlue’s facility development program. Rounding out the day, we will devote the afternoon to
tour and hear about the “Lessons Learned” on the JFK AirTrain Project
Please note that the Air Transport Group is interested in firms willing to be sponsors of the 2004 Professional
Education Program and those interested will be recognized at the annual conference and at individual
evening presentations. Sponsors would donate $500 and would receive one complimentary admission to the
Annual Conference.
We hope that you will join us on April 22nd for an interesting and eventful day. Kindly return the enclosed
reservation from and we'll reserve your space. Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding the
conference or the Air Transportation Group, please do not hesitate to contact me a t 212-973-2975 or e-mail
me at William.fife@dmjmharris.com.
I look forward to seeing you or colleagues from your firm at the April 22nd annual conference.
Very truly yours,
William A. Fife, P.E.
Corporate Vice President &
Director of Aviation Services
ASCE Air Transportation Group
Seventh Annual Conference
"Facing New Challenges in a New Era"
Thursday, April 22, 2004
John F. Kennedy International Airport
Building # 14
8:00 a.m.
Registration & coffee
8:30 a.m.
Welcome – Al Graser
Introductory Remarks – Conference Chairman, Bill Fife,
9:00 a.m.
Session 1 – Industry Overview
Changes in the Air Transportation System -Jonathan Howe,Senior Policy
Advisor, Zuckert Scoutt & Rasenberger, L.L.P. and former Director General of
Airport Council International (ACI)
Overview of Aviation Issues from a Washington Perspective – John W. Fischer,
Transportation Specialist, Congressional Research Services, Library of Congress
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Session 2 – Technical Issues
New Generation Aircraft - David J. Nielson, Chief Engineer for Airport
Strategy, Boeing
AIRTRAIN – Lessons Learned - Bob Davidson, Chief Architect, The Port
Authority of NY & NJ
Logan 100% In-Line Baggage System - Christopher M. Gordon P.E., Director
of Capital Programs and Logan Modernization, Massachusetts Port Authority
12:30 a.m.
Luncheon & Keynote Speaker – Richard Smyth, JetBue Airways
2:00 p.m.
Afternoon briefing and site tours
JFK Capital Program Overview, including a NLA Update – Louis Juarbe,
Manager JFK Airport Facilities Division, The Port Authority of NY & NJ
Air Train Tour and Lessons Learned – Priority Capital Programs Staff, The Port
Authority of NY & NJ
5:00 p.m.
Conference concludes
Reservation Form
ASCE Air Transportation Group Seventh Annual Conference
"Facing New Challenges in a New Era" -- Thursday, April 22, 2004
John F. Kennedy International Airport - Building # 14
___ Yes, I'm interested! Please reserve ________ space(s) for me @ $200/person. (Checks
payable to: ASCE MET SECTION )
___ Yes, Our firm is interested in being a sponsor of the ASCE’s 2004 Professional
Education Program. The $500 sponsorship fee includes one complimentary registration to
the Annual Conference ($500 Check payable to: ASCE MET SECTION )
___ Maybe. Please send additional information as it becomes available.
___ Sorry. I'm not interested or cannot attend.
Please reserve for (copy form for additional participants):
Address _________________________________________________
Would you like hotel information or reservation assistance? Yes _____
Please return form to:
Mr. William Fife, P.E.
Vice President & Director of Aviation Services
605 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10158
(212) 973-2975 Phone (212) 973-2935 Fax
Email: william.fife@dmjmharris.com