U.S. History Unit 4: Manifest Destiny / Growth of a Nation Chapter 3

U.S. History Unit 4: Manifest Destiny / Growth of a Nation
Chapter 3 part 2 Westward Expansion: Louisiana Purchase (pages 141-164)
Question Set 14
1. In the case of Marbury vs. Madison what did the Supreme Court do for the first time?
2. Thought Question: Look at a map of the U.S. Why would Jefferson want to control the
city of New Orleans?
3. Why did Napoleon offer to sell not only New Orleans, but the whole of the Louisiana
4. What was the cost to the U.S, to double the size of the country by buying the Louisiana
5. What were the three real reasons Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the new
6. How did Alexander Hamilton die?
7. What was “impressments”?
8. According to Davis what are the two major reasons for the War of 1812?
9. In one sentence what did the Monroe Doctrine declare?
10. What two issues was the slavery debate really about?
11. Why were Northern wage-payers at a disadvantage?
12. Explain why Eli Whitney’s invention led to the South’s need for more land? (Name the
13. Define the Missouri Compromise (what did it do?).
U.S. History Unit 4: Manifest Destiny / Growth of a Nation
Chapter 3 part 2 Westward Expansion: Texas War of Independence (pages 164-182)
Question Set 15
1. In the election of 1824, why is the “corrupt bargain” evidence for the argument that the
president needs to be elected by popular vote? (What happened?)
2. Why would people consider Andrew Jackson a colorful character? Give examples
3. Explain the positive side of Jacksonian democracy.
4. What were the negative aspects?
5. Define the “spoils system.”
6. Describe Jackson’s early encounters with Indian tribes. (How did he treat them?)
7. Why were the five “civilized tribes forced from their lands?
8. Define the Trail of Tears by explaining what it was about and describing what happened.
9. How did issue of slavery affect the Texans decision to separate from Mexico?
10. Who were Stephen Austin and President Santa Ana?
11. Why wasn’t Texas immediately annexed into the U.S. after they won independence from
12. According to Davis, what is the primary motivation behind Manifest Destiny?
13. Describe in geographic terms four overland trails.
14. Why were the Mormons forced to move west?
15. Who was Brigham Young and what did he do?
U.S. History Unit 4: Manifest Destiny / Growth of a Nation
Chapter 3 part 2 Westward Expansion: Mexican-American War/Oregon (pages 185-194)
Question Set 16
1. What was the main reason for the war with Mexico?
2. What did U.S. Grant say about the war?
3. What were the two Manifest Destiny issues of the election of 1844?
4. Define the term mandate. (Look it up!)
5. Explain how Polk’s actions in the disputed area around Texas provoked a war.
6. What was Polk’s pretext for a declaration of war with Mexico?
7. Why did Polk want to make a Treaty with Britain over Oregon in 1846?
8. Relate the phrase “Fifty-four forty or fight” to this treaty with Britain.
9. Explain how California was acquired.
10. Give the components of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo. (What did the U.S. get as a
result of the war? What did Mexico get as a result of the war?)
11. How does the Mexican-American War fulfill Manifest Destiny?
12. Describe the California Gold Rush.