Plymouth notes

Pilgrims Find Plymouth Colony
These colonists looked for a place where they could freely follow their ________________ beliefs.
Puritans and Separatists
Critics of the Anglican Church wanted to “purify” the church by getting rid of all Roman Catholic influences,
were known as ______________.
A small group of Puritans left the Anglican Church and, as Separatists, worshipped by themselves. In 1608, a
group of Separatists moved to the city of Leyden in the Netherlands and called themselves _________________
(travelers with a religious goal).
Starting Plymouth Colony
One prosperous businessman, ____________________, arranged financial backing and found the group a small
but seaworthy ship, the _________________.
In September 1620, after several delays the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England. The Mayflower
carried about 100 men, women, and children including Separatists from Leyden and England. On November 9,
1620, the Mayflower came to rest at the tip of Cape Cod, off the coast of present-day Massachusetts.
The Mayflower Compact
In 1620, the new colonists arrived in America and built a settlement called ___________________.
Unlike the colonists of Jamestown, the Plymouth settlers drew up a plan for government to direct the colony.
Even before their ship reached America, ________________ of its passengers wrote and signed a document
called the ____________________. A compact is an agreement, or contract between people. The Mayflower
Compact said the government would have “___________________________” for the good of the community.
_________________________ was chosen as the 1st governor of Plymouth and when he died
_________________________ was appointed the 2nd governor.
Native Americans and the Pilgrims
After surviving their first harsh winter, a tall Native America appeared one March day named
_________________________________. He introduced the Pilgrims to Massasoit, the leader of the
Wampanoags, which controlled southeastern Massachusetts. One of the members of their tribe,
___________________, taught the Pilgrims how to survive by teaching them how to hunt, plant crops, and
catch fish. Because of the abundant harvest in 1621, the Pilgrims shared their bounty with the Native
Americans in a festival usually thought to be the 1st ____________________________.
The Great Migration (1630s) – 15,000+ Puritans came to Massachusetts because or persecution
Anne Hutchinson – believed that God spoke directly to her and she questioned the religious authority of
the colonial ministries.
Pilgrims Find Plymouth Colony
These colonists looked for a place where they could freely follow their religious beliefs.
Puritans and Separatists
Critics of the Anglican Church wanted to “purify” the church by getting rid of all Roman Catholic influences,
were known as Puritans.
A small group of Puritans left the Anglican Church and, as Separatists, worshipped by themselves. In 1608, a
group of Separatists moved to the city of Leyden in the Netherlands and called themselves Pilgrims (travelers
with a religious goal).
Starting Plymouth Colony
One prosperous businessman, William Bradford, arranged financial backing and found the group a small but
seaworthy ship, the Mayflower.
In September 1620, after several delays the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England. The Mayflower
carried about 100 men, women, and children including Separatists from Leyden and England. On November 9,
1620, the Mayflower came to rest at the tip of Cape Cod, off the coast of present-day Massachusetts.
The Mayflower Compact
In 1620, the new colonists arrived in America and built a settlement called Plymouth.
Unlike the colonists of Jamestown, the Plymouth settlers drew up a plan for government to direct the colony.
Even before their ship reached America, 41 of its passengers wrote and signed a document called the
Mayflower Compact. A compact is an agreement, or contract between people. The Mayflower Compact said
the government would have “ability to pass laws” for the good of the community.
John Carver was chosen as the 1st governor of Plymouth and when he died William Bradford was appointed
the 2nd governor.
Native Americans and the Pilgrims
After surviving their first harsh winter, a tall Native America appeared one March day named Samoset. He
introduced the Pilgrims to Massasoit, the leader of the Wampanoags, which controlled southeastern
Massachusetts. One of the members of their tribe, Squanto, taught the Pilgrims how to survive by teaching
them how to hunt, plant crops, and catch fish. Because of the abundant harvest in 1621, the Pilgrims shared
their bounty with the Native Americans in a festival usually thought to be the 1st Thanksgiving.
The Great Migration (1630s) – 15,000+ Puritans came to Massachusetts because or persecution
Anne Hutchinson – believed that God spoke directly to her and she questioned the religious authority of
the colonial ministries.