Unit 5: Elections and Voting Study Guide

Unit 5: Elections and Voting Study Guide
Multiple Choice Questions (35 questions, 1 point each)
Chapter 17, Section 1: Election Campaigns
1. Know the date of election day (pg. 475)
2. Know Television and campaigns (pg. 476)
3. Know Federal Election Commission (pg. 477)
4. Know electoral votes (pg. 475)
5. Know campaign managers (pg. 476)
6. Know soft money (pgs. 478-479)
7. Know Bi-Partisan Campaign Act (pgs. 478-479)
8. Know how much money a person may give to a candidate
9. Know which state has the most electoral votes
10.Know Political Action Committee
11.Know Issue Advocacy Ads (pg. 478)
12.Know where most campaign funding comes from (pg. 478)
13.Know Citizen United vs. Federal Election Commission
14.Know how many Electoral Votes Kentucky has
15.Know term Swing States
Chapter 17, Section 2: Expanding Voting Rights
16.Know who Founders first wanted to vote (pg. 481)
17.Know woman suffrage movement and 19th amendment (pg. 482)
18.Know African American suffrage and 15th amendment (pg. 482)
19.Know Voting Rights Act (pgs. 483-484)
20.Know term suffrage (pg. 481)
21.Know Alice Paul and the Women’s Party
22.Know 18-20 year old get the right to vote
23.Know Seneca Falls Women’s Convention of 1848
24.Know what crisis usually causes the expansion of voting rights
25.Know term poll taxes
Voter Handbook
26.Know where most election laws are passed (pg. 487)
27.Know qualifications for voting(pg. 487)
28.Know Absentee Ballot (pg. 491)
29.Know Australian Ballot (pg. 490)
30.Know term polling place (pg. 488)
31.Know term register (pg. 487)
Chapter 17, Section 3: Influence on Voters
32.Know characteristics of independent voters (pgs. 493-494)
33.Know term propaganda (pg. 495-496)
34.Know cross-pressured voters (pg. 493)
35.Know party loyalists and straight-party ticket (pg. 493)
Short Answer Questions (Choose two of the three 30 points each) (One
choice must be the last short answer on propaganda techniques, it will be
required for everyone)
1. Explain three ways the South denied African Americans the right to vote
even after the 15th amendment was passed.
2. Explain the history of women’s suffrage from 1848-1920.
3. List and explain 3 of the 5 factors that influence a voter’s decision to
vote. Discuss the characteristics that will influence a person to either be
a voter/nonvoter.
4. List and explain 4 of the 7 propaganda techniques that a campaign may
1. Who created the first voting machine?
2. Who was the first lady elected to the U.S. Congress in 1917?
3. What state was the first state to give women the right to vote in 1869?
4. Name the title of the political cartoon that Thomas Nast drew that we
discussed and analyzed in class.
5. Name 1 of the 3 men responsible for offering the Electoral College as a
compromise during the Constitutional Convention.