Definitions of Culture

"Culture …. is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,
morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by
man as a member of society.”
Edward Burnett Tylor, English Anthropologist
“Culture is simply the ensemble of stories we tell ourselves about
Clifford Geertz, US Anthropologist
“The identity of an individual is essentially a function of her choices,
rather than the discovery of an immutable attribute”
Amartya Sen, Indian economist
"Culture is central to what we see, how we make sense of what we see,
and how we express ourselves"
“Culture is the way in which a group of people solve problems"
Trompenaars, Dutch author and consultant in the field of cross-cultural
“Culture is the learned behaviour of a society or a subgroup.”
Margaret Mead, US Anthropologist
"Culture is the collective mental programming of the people in an
environment. Culture is not characteristic of individuals, it encompasses
a number of people who were conditioned by the same education and
life experience"
Geert Hofstede, Dutch researcher on organizational culture
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are"
Anais Nin, French-Cuban author
"Culture is the whole range of human activities which are learned and
not instinctive and which are transmitted from generation to generation
through various learning processes"
J Beattie, Scottish philosopher and poet
“Culture is a way of life”
Raymond Williams, British Sociologist