The Great Gatsby: Vocabulary

The Great Gatsby: Vocabulary
The following is a list of SAT vocabulary words and definitions from The Great Gatsby.
As you read:
Copy down the entire sentence in which the word appears on the hand out
next to “Copy sentence”: include the page number. Underline the vocabulary word. (do
this once even if the word appears more than once.)
Write your own sentence: use the word correctly (pay attention to part of
speech), and demonstrate you understand the definition
Vocab Quizzes:
Gatsby Vocab Quiz One (words 1-14)
Gatsby Vocab Quiz 2 (words 15-29)
1. Feigned: adj. pretended; sham; counterfeit
Copy sentence. (page number):
Your sentence:
2. Levity: N. lightness of mind, character, or behavior; lack of appropriate seriousness or
Copy sentence. (page number):
Your sentence:
3. Colossal: adj. extraordinarily great in size, extent, or degree; gigantic; huge.
Copy sentence. (page number):
Your sentence:
4. Supercilious: adj. haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial
Copy sentence. (page number):
Your sentence:
5. Fractiousness: adj. refractory or unruly
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Your sentence:
6. Wan: adj. of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color
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Your sentence:
7. Languidly: adj. lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow
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Your sentence:
8. Infinitesimal: adj. indefinitely or exceedingly small; minute
Copy sentence. (page number):
Your sentence:
9. Complacency: N. a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some
potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing
situation, condition, etc.
Copy sentence. (page number):
Your sentence:
10. Extemporizing: V. to speak extemporaneously
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Your sentence:
11. Ether N. having an aromatic odor and sweet, burning taste, derived from ethyl
alcohol by the action of sulfuric acid
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Your sentence:
12. Prodigality N. the quality or fact of being prodigal; wasteful extravagance in
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Your sentence:
13. Vacuous adj. without contents; empty
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Your sentence:
14. Florid adj. reddish; ruddy; rosy
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Your sentence:
15. Corpulent adj. large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat.
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Your sentence:
16. Obstetrical adj. of or pertaining to the care and treatment of women in childbirth and
during the period before and after delivery
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Your sentence:
17. Implored V. to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech
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Your sentence:
18. Vinous adj. of, resembling, or containing wine
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Your sentence:
19. Asunder adverb. into separate parts; in or into pieces
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Your sentence:
20. Jaunty adj. easy and sprightly in manner or bearing
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Your sentence:
21. Punctilious adj. extremely attentive. strict or exact in the observance of the
formalities or amenities of conduct or actions.
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Your sentence:
22. Somnambulatory V. to walk during sleep; sleepwalk.
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Your sentence:
23. Benediction N. an utterance of good wishes.
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Your sentence:
24. Reproach V. to find fault with
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Your sentence:
25. laudable adj. deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable
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Your sentence
26. meretricious adj. alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry
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Your sentence:
27. elude V. to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery
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Your sentence:
28. receded V. to go or move away; retreat; go to or toward a more distant point;
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Your sentence:
29. ceaselessly adj. without stop or pause; unending; incessant.
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Your sentence: