December 28, 2009

Minutes of Selectboard Meeting
Monday, December 28, 2009
Board Present:
Robert Vasseur, Jared Cadwell, and Ed Read
John Williams, Patti Greene-Swift, David Frank
Meeting called to order 5:10 p.m.
Jared made a motion to approve the Minutes of Selectboard (SB) Meeting dated
December 14, 2009. Ed seconded, no further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.
Patti Greene-Swift (PGS) asked the Selectboard for approval to change language in the
Permit Fee Schedule so that it properly reflects the cost of change of use fees. Currently the
word used is “alterations” but she would like it to say “change of use” which better reflects the
language of the zoning regulations. Jared noted that as long as it is consistent with the current
practice of charging for permits it would be acceptable. Jared made a motion to make this
change, Ed seconded, no further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.
PGS had planned to discuss a need for an excavation/yard disturbance permit. However,
she explained that the Planning Commission (PC) is currently looking at this and will make
recommendations to zoning regulations probably in the spring. It has to do with permitting for
any yard work above a certain area with the exception of that which is State permitted.
SB discussed an email from Steve Zonies regarding his desire to see Fayston implement a
noise ordinance. If a noise ordinance were adopted the SB feels there is absolutely no way to
enforce the same. They have also had more success when dealing with noise complaints to have
the disputing parties attend a SB meeting and mediate a solution. Patti L. will reply via email to
Steve Zonies.
Patti Lewis noted the date of 1/5/2010 that Robert Turner will meet at the Town Office to
install the RSMS software that goes along with the recently completed road inventory. This
system should allow the Town to update its road inventory on a regular basis, keeping track of
costs and maintenance schedules. The road inventory also allows for a 90/10 split on grant
monies vs. the current 80/20.
Budget Work Session.
SB discussed the re-implementation of restoration funds line item by the Town Clerk. SB
decided to keep this line item but that the capitol line item for restoration would be reduced to
$8.000.00 instead of the $10,000.00.
SB discussed the list of requested donations. Reducing some request, increasing the Senior
Center request by $1,000.00 and not funding the Fourth of July festivities request.
5:56 p.m. Jared moved to go into executive session to discuss salaries and wages. Ed
seconded, no further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.
6:03 p.m. Jared moved to close executive session, Ed seconded, no further discussion, all
in favor, motion carried.
Action: Nothing discussed in executive session as David Frank arrived to speak about the
EECBG Grants.
David Frank and EECBG Grants.
Fayston had submitted two initial grant applications: one for Energy Retro Fits and the other for
Renewable Energy. Fayston is invited to move on to the next round and submit two
comprehensive grant applications. Questions asked and answered were as follows;
Who would write the next round of grants?
David Frank & Patti Lewis
Who would administer the grants if awarded?
Stan Ward has offered.
How much would it cost for this administration work?
Stan anticipates 100 hours of work @ $50.00/hour. He agrees to administer both grants
with this cap of $5,000.00 regardless of hours needed. Stan will only bill for the time he uses so
the cost could be less than the $5,000.00.
Can we build this cost into the grant funds?
Yes, although the grant application must clearly reflect the need for Fayston to apply for
administrative funds vs. finding someone within employee system to do the work.
SB and David discussed the fact that Stan does not want to be the project manager and would
like there to be a liaison between him and the contractors when it comes to collecting the
necessary paperwork in a timely fashion. Also discussed were the pellet boiler, the pellets
themselves (including costs, manufactures and storage), like kind contributions from Town
employees and the fact that David will help in any way possible during the entire process.
David asked for the SB’s permission to discuss the project with someone at Harwood High
School. He would love to see the renewable energy class at Harwood be able to incorporate
educationally the whole process that the Town will go through to get to this renewable energy
source. SB readily agreed.
See attached David’s grant summary dated 12/28/09.
SB discussed the request from the Joslin Memorial Library. They have requested
$16,581.00 from Fayston for 2010. SB does not see how they can simply double their request
and has continued concerns about the Fayston usage, ownership of the building, etc. They
strongly agreed that they would not fully fund this request but would in a good faith gesture fund
Jared made a motion to postpone the executive session wage and health benefit
discussion until 12/30/09 at 9 a.m. and the Fayston Municipal Offices. Ed seconded, no further
discussion, all in favor motion carried.
SB read mail and signed orders of 12/21/09, 12/28/09 and 1/1/2010 (this warrant signed
in advance in order to assure timely payment of checks that are due on this date but for the
budget year 2010).
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.
The next Selectboard meeting will be December 30, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. at the Fayston Municipal
Respectfully Submitted:
Patti Lewis
Approved: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Robert Vasseur, Chair