Stump the Chump - contentreading

Stump the Chump
The think Aloud Game of reading
Object of the game
Bring to class a text that may be difficult for the teacher or a classmate to read and comprehend.
If the teacher or classmate (aka “the chump”) is not able to read and comprehend the text, even
after using reading strategies learned in class, then the one who brought in the text wins!
Game preparation
The chump chooses a text from 3 supplied by the teacher. The “challenger” (The student who
supplied the text) then chooses 3 classmates to be the official judges. All students receive score
cards while the judges receive the official score cards. All students receive overhead markers to
mark their score cards. The teacher chooses an mc (master of ceremonies) for the game and an
official timer. The chump puts the text on the overhead for all to see. Now you may begin the
Game play
The mc introduces the round using the cue card supplied. All participants take their places with
the chump at the whiteboard, the challenger in a desk on the right and the 3 judges in desks on
the left. When all are ready, the mc turns on the overhead, the timer puts 5 minutes on the clock,
and the chump begins to read the text. The chump must think aloud while reading so that the
judges may recognize the strategies being used to comprehend the text. As the chump thinks
aloud, all students mark their score cards.
End of the game
At the end of the 5 minutes, the chump has the opportunity to summarize the meaning of the text.
The mc calls for a show of hands if the students think the chump was stumped. Taking into
consideration their classmates’ votes and their own observations, the judges consult and make
the final decision. If the chump was stumped, the challenger wins. If the chump was not
stumped, the chump wins.
*all challengers and chumps receive a 10 cent coupon to the school store. Winning chumps or
challengers receive an additional coupon for 25 cents.
Stump the Chump
The think Aloud Game of reading
Master of ceremonies cue card
Challenger #1
Chump #1
Judge #1a
Judge #1b
Judge #1c
Challenger #2
Chump #2
Judge #2a
Judge #2b
Judge #2c
Judge #3a
Judge #3b
Judge #3c
MC: “hello, fans, and welcome to
another exciting game of “stump the
chump”. For our first/second/third
round, we have
______________________. Our
judges are ___________________,
__________________, and
_____________. Do you all have
your score cards ready? Then let’s
MC turns on overhead and makes sure
the full text shows on the whiteboard.
Then says:
“timer, give us 5 minutes! Are you
ready? Go!”
chump proceeds to try to read and
comprehend text. Chump may write
on whiteboard if wishes, but must
think aloud throughout the 5 minutes.
When timer rings, mc says:
“stop! Now fans and judges, total
your score cards.” (Give a minute to
do this.) “may I have a show of
hands? Who thinks the challenger
stumped the chump?” (count the # of
hands.) “Who thinks the chump
wasn’t stumped?” (count the # of
hands.) “and judges, what do you
say?” based on response of judges,
say “And the winner for this first
round was ____________! The stump
was/wasn’t stumped!”
repeat for round #2 and #3 beginning
with the words “for our
first/second/third round …”