February 2010 RamGram - Robinson Secondary PTSA

The RamGram
Award Winning Newsletter of Robinson Secondary PTSA
February 2009
President’s Message
Thank you to all the volunteers who made the PTSA’s December “It’s For You Breakfast” a success.” The
students loved the breakfast. The PTSA is deeply grateful for all the parents and community members who
donated baked goods and fruits. We are especially grateful for all the volunteers who helped set up, serve the
students and then cleaned up. A special thank you goes to Sharon Brown, our volunteer coordinator, for pulling
this event all together. What a success!
A big thank you goes to all the volunteers who worked on the PTSA’s 2nd Annual Book Sale and to all those who
donated books, videos, CDs, and DVDs. The event was a financial success for the PTSA and an opportunity to
promote reading at Robinson and throughout the Robinson and Fairfax County community. The general
feedback of those who attended was twofold: the quality of the selection of the books was great and the prices
were very reasonable. They continuously asked if we were going to hold this event next November so they can
mark their calendar for it. To those who asked -- the answer is yes the PTSA will be scheduling the date for the
2010 book sale very shortly. And to those who will be doing Spring Cleaning and want to donate items, we will
once again accept donations (books, videos, CDs, DVDs) from April 12 to May 14 at the Robinson main office
and other locations to be named.
Thank you Heather Ripley, Health and Safety, for coordinating our first ever flu shot clinic. It was a big success
and something the community was very grateful for. The PTSA is already working on the 2010 flu shot clinics so
stay tune for dates. The PTSA in coordination with the Robinson Coalition and others will be coordinating a
number of very interesting programs this spring. One such program is titled, “Saturday Nights in the Suburbs”.
Parents, do you know specifically where your child goes on a Saturday night? Does your son or daughter ever
call you from their cell phone and inform you that they are going to spend a night at a friend’s house? If this has
happened to you, this program is one you will want to attend. (Visit Health and Safety for this and other programs
at www.robinsonptsa.org.)
Thank you Sandra Morales for coordinating the Robinson Reflections program. The PTSA saw a dramatic
increase in students participating this year. To all those students that participated thank you for sharing your
excellent work with us. In addition to our Robinson awardees, we also had several students represent Robinson
on the district level and we have two students Isabella Rodriguez (10) and Ivan Huynh (12) who will be
representing Robinson at the state PTSA Reflection Competition this year.
As you may have read, the proposed FCPS budget cuts will have affect Robinson next year. However, we have a
choice. We can play the victim, or we can empower ourselves by communicating our needs to the school board
and the Board of Supervisors, developing a parent-teacher-administrator work plan for our school, and then work
hard to supplement the services that had to be reduced or were no longer provided. At the PTSA Membership
Meeting in January, parents voted that the following were their concerns that they wanted me to bring to the
school board. a the FCPS public hearing: maintain class size, no elimination of Freshmen sports and no further
reduction in middle school and high school counselors and social workers.
For years, parents knew that in Fairfax County $$ existed for the FCPS; and in many ways we have come to rely
on those $$ for the education of our sons and daughters and to keep property values high. However, as the
private schools learned years ago, the $$ are not just coming in as they once did. Public schools will have to rely
more on parents and the community in general to fill in the gaps left behind by inadequate funding. Yes, this
means even if the school board and the county will consider maintaining the class size and other eliminating or
reducing other items , you will still need to invest a little more of your time in Robinson either by volunteering or
contributing financially. Don’t rumble. Take a moment and consider, where else can you obtain a $13,000+ world
class education for your child for what you are currently paying?
So when in the upcoming months, you are called upon to donate some time to Robinson, please look at it as helping your
child and the entire Robinson school community. Let us join together to build that foundation that every Robinson student
is entitled to. Because if we don’t, who will?
Terry Matlaga Bell, Robinson PTSA President
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"Love Doesn't Hurt"
February 17, 2010 at 7pm in the Gold Cafeteria
A program devoted to the important issue of teens and dating violence. This issue was picked by our guidance staff
as the biggest issue in FCPS this year! Domestic violence effects us all...it knows no stereotypes and can ruin lives!
Someone you know has been a victim. Learn the signs and how to find help. Come hear FCPS counselors, one of
our own students who has survived teen dating violence, a specialist from the Fairfax County Domestic Violence
Office, and other survivors of domestic violence discuss this important topic. Don't let your child become a statistic.
Teens are welcome to attend.
"The Bong Show"
March 24, 2010 at 7pm in Davala Hall
This 2 hour long ADULTS ONLY program will be led by Sam Wagner, CSAC from Fairfax County's Alcohol and
Drug Services and our own Alcohol and Drug Counselor. Sam and the Fairfax County Police will discuss various
drugs and alcohol in our community and include live examples and the paraphernalia that goes along with them. Do
you know what the latest drugs look like and how they are being distributed? Can you identify all the different items
that are being used to smoke marijuana, heroin, cocaine and more? This night is a must for all parents! Walk away
with amazing facts and accurate knowledge that can help you protect your family. **This program is for adults
only as there will be real drugs and paraphernalia on display - no one under age will be allowed.**
"Saturday Night in the Suburbs"
April 7, 2010 at 7pm in the Russell Theatre Auditorium
This "Parents Only" evening is presented by the Robinson PTSA in cooperation with the Robinson Community
Coalition and will give you quite the education! You will never forget the information you will learn here. This
program features a full panel of students, police and counselors who will tell you what is "really" going on in our
community every weekend during the school year and every night during vacations. The panel of speakers will be
brutally honest and tell you details of parties, "sleepovers", skip days and more. Find out what the kids in our
community are really doing during their nights out when you think they are sleeping over at friends' homes, at the
movies, going to dinner, and more. This program, when held at West Springfield in 2009, was one of the decade's
best! Come and find out the truths of life as a teen. **This event, due to anonymity and subject matter, is Adults
only, no one under age will be admitted.**
Local Community Outreach for a Safer Burke Centre Parkway Ramps Up
Last week’s accident in front of Terra Centre was a potent reminder of how dangerous walking and clearly, driving
along BCP can be. On behalf of "Burke Walks -- Safe and Green," we are pleased to invite all members of the
affected communities (and encourages you to invite your friends and family) to “Burke Walks – Safe and Green”
which has a facebook page on the Internet. You needn’t be on facebook to show support and join. The mission of
the group is to provide safe pedestrian routes across Burke Centre Parkway (BCP) to connect our neighborhoods,
promote access to our community institutions, and encourage walking and biking for the economic and
environmental benefits that this bestows. Please go to http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=252512408892 or
send an email message to burkewalks@gmail.com.
For More Information on any of the PTSA Health and Safety Programs, contact Heather Ripley at
zripleys418@msn.com or 703-239-2436. Any updates will be posted on the PTSA website and sent out via the
FCPS KIT program.
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Congratulations to Robinson 2009-2010 PTSA Reflections Participants and Winners
This year the Robinson PTSA saw a 100% increase of student participation from last year. The PTSA is very proud
of all the students who participated and thank them for their hard work. Special congratulations to the Robinson
Award Winners.
This year five Robinson middle and high school students, Adnan Chowdhury, Hannah Fair, Alissa Feudo, Isabella
Rodriguez and Ivan Huynh, were selected for district competition and received certificates of merit or outstanding
achievement. The two Robinson outstanding achievement awardees, Isabella Rodriguez (10) and Ivan Huynh (12),
will be representing Robinson at the state PTSA Reflection Competition this year. Congratulations to all the district
competition awardees and best of luck Isabella and Ivan in the state competition.
List of Winners of the 2009-2010 PTSA Reflections Program
Category 1)
Film – M.S.
Film – M.S.
Literature – M.S.
Literature – M.S.
Literature – M.S.
Literature – H.S.
Literature – H.S.
Literature – H.S.
Music – H.S.
Music – H.S.
Photography – M.S.
Photography – M.S.
Photography – M.S.
Photography – H.S.
Photography – H.S.
Photography – H.S.
Visual Arts – M.S.
Visual Arts – M.S.
Visual Arts – M.S.
Visual Arts – H.S.
Visual Arts – H.S.
Visual Arts – H.S.
Adnan Chowdhury
Riley Mahan
Sarah Gross
Casey Early
Alexandra Collins
Hannah Fair
Carly Buckholz
Emily Cali
Alissa Feudo
Rishabh Simhal
Natalia Leanne Bell
Anna Otto
Jacob Medley
Isabella Rodriguez
Brynn Rollo
Kelsey Trouton
Soyoung Shin
Sarah Marksteiner
Bethany Muller
Ivan Huynh
Christine Lee
Eunice Yun
Position 2)
1st place
2nd place
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
2nd place
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
1) M.S. = Middle School; H.S. = High School
2) 1st place = Outstanding Achievement; 2nd place = Certificate of Excellence; 3rd place = Certificate of Merit.
Calendar Year 2010 Robinson Secondary School PTSA Meeting Schedule as of 1/25/10
Meetings begin at 7:00 PM.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Board Meeting, Principal’s Conference Room
Monday, March 15, 2010
Board Meeting, Principal’s Conference Room
Monday, April 19, 2010
Board Meeting, Principal’s Conference Room
Monday, May 17, 2010
General Membership Meeting/Program, Gold Cafeteria
Monday, June 7, 2010
General Membership Meeting, Hallway in Front of the Principal’s Conference Room
Questions about an upcoming meeting? Contact Terry Matlaga Bell at tmatlaga@yahoo.com.
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2010 People’s Choice Awards
Sponsored by
Robinson Secondary School PTSA
Name of Nominee _______________________________________________________
Role in school or community _______________________________________________
(e.g. teacher, student, principal, coach, etc.)
Phone/Email of Nominee __________________________________________________
Nominated by ___________________________________________________________
Phone _____________________________ E-Mail ____________________________
Relationship to Nominee___________________________________________________
Describe how this nominee has actively promoted positive human relations at Robinson. Please be
specific. What impact has this person had on you or others? How did their actions benefit you and/or the
school community? (Additional pages may be used.)
If you know of anyone else who may be interested in supporting this nominee, please encourage them to
submit an additional nomination form.
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Who are the people who make you feel respected and
welcomed? Who do you feel most comfortable
approaching individual whose enthusiasm, kindness or
caring attitude makes it more pleasant here at Robinson?
Who has done something special to bring people together?
Let their Achievements Be Recognized
Nominate them for the
2010 PTSA’s People’s Choice
THURSDAY, MARCH 25th at 3:00 PM
Rules and General Information
All members of the Robinson community may submit nominations or be nominated. This includes students,
teachers, aides, counselors, secretaries, coaches, cafeteria staff, principals, school bus drivers, parents,
custodians, librarians, sponsors, etc.
Items to note:
Previous award recipients are ineligible to be nominated again.
Nominations may NOT be made by a family member.
Forms are available in:
Each sub-school, The Main Office, The Administrative Office, and
The PTSA website (www.robinsonptsa.org).
Winners will be notified in writing and invited together with their nominators, family and colleagues to
attend an award presentation to be held after school in mid-to-late April. For more information please
contact: Terry Matlaga Bell, PTSA President, tmatlaga@yahoo.com, (703) 802-1496
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June 17, 2010 Ticket Order Form
All Night Grad Party (ANGP 2010) is in the works, Seniors! Every year a special party is held for the graduating
class. The event is great fun and a celebration of your Robinson years. Food, games, casino, DJ and dancing,
prizes, tattoo artists, will be featured and MUCH MORE! The event is the night of graduation and will run from 11
PM until 4 AM. YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Tickets will be on sale during the year. Right now the price per
ticket is $80 but this will increase. So fill out the form and include your check made out to Robinson ANGP 2010 and
mail it in right now! Questions? Email patsydupre@aol.com or pskckbrown@cox.net
Print Student Name _____________________________________________________
Order now and pay only $80
Additional donation (i.e. may help pay for ticket
for another student) ANGP is a 501(c) (3)
All Night Graduation Party 2010
I understand that participation in this activity involves public property, and neither the All Night Graduation Party
(ANGP) Committee nor its parent volunteers will have any responsibility for the condition or use of this property. I
have been made aware of the purpose of this activity and the variety of events, to possibly include swimming, to
which my student may participate. I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, my child is physically able to safely
participate in the ANGP activities. I understand that I can contact the ANGP to have all my questions concerning
this activity answered.
Please print neatly!
Student Signature _______________________________________________________
Student Cell ____________________________________________________________
Print Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian EMAIL Address _________________________________________
I am interested in volunteering. YES
Home Phone __________________________Parent Cell________________________
Make $80 Check out to Robinson ANGP
Mail to
ANGP 2010
P.O. Box 424
Fairfax Station, VA 22039
An actual ticket will NOT be issued right away. A list of students that have paid will be maintained and can be found
on our website, www.angp2010.org
***GMU Front Row Seat Raffle***
Try for your chance to be one of the 4 winners. Each winner will receive 8 RESERVED front row seats at
George Mason University the night of graduation. One Raffle Ticket costs $ 10.
Name:________________________________________________# of Chances____________
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Applications for the 2010-11 school year are being accepted through March 26.
Fairfax Academy offers 2 credit advanced elective classes for juniors & seniors.
The courses are especially helpful for students considering a future college major or career choice in any of the
Academy’s subjects, or for students who appreciate challenging, hands-on skills training. Interested students may
schedule a visit to observe an Academy class on Tuesdays & Thursdays beginning February 2 through March 25.
See your school counselor right away for more information!
Fairfax Academy Courses for 2010-11: Chinese, Dance, Fashion Design, Korean, Music & Computer Technology,
Professional Graphics Studio, Professional Musical Theatre & Actor’s Studio, Professional Photography Studio and
Professional Television Production.
To learn more about Fairfax Academy programs and specific course requirements, plan to attend the
Information Night on Thursday, March 4, 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the FHS Auditorium. (Snow Date: Tuesday,
March 9)
Other FCPS Academies: Did you know that there are six academies in Fairfax County Public Schools? Fairfax
Academy is the only academy to offer courses exclusively in the career pathway of Communications & the
Arts. Other academies at Chantilly High School, Edison High School, Marshall High School and West Potomac High
School offer courses in multiple career areas --- Health & Human Services, Engineering & Scientific Technology,
International Studies & Business and Communications & the Arts. Falls Church High School also offers academy
classes, primarily in the Health Sciences. Fairfax High School students often travel to Marshall, Falls Church &
Chantilly Academies for coursework offered in these additional career areas. Specific information can be found
on the websites of each of these high schools.
SkillsUSA: The District competition for Skills USA will be held on Monday, February 1 at Chantilly High
School. Fairfax Academy students from Pro Graphics Studio, Pro Photography Studio and Pro TV Production, along
with FHS students from Auto Tech, will participate in February and we look forward to having another team of
qualifiers for the state competition in April. The Fairfax Academy/Fairfax HS chapter of SkillsUSA is a 100%
membership chapter this year – one of only a select few chapters in Virginia to attain that membership honor!
MCTfest 2010: Music and Computer Technology students have organized and will both manage and perform in
their annual fundraiser showcase to be held Friday, February 12, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, in The Forum, Ernst Center,
NVCC-Annandale. All of the bands and solo musicians are required to perform original music and all are current
MCT students and friends. It is a great evening of jazz, blues, rock and pop music --- and all for a good cause!
Funds raised will go toward MCT program activities, including their Boston trip in March. MCTfest is open to the
public, with $15 tickets available at the door.
Black & Blue Student Choreography Showcase: Fairfax Academy’s student choreography showcase, featuring
dancers from a number of FCPS schools, will be held on Sunday, February 21, 12:30 pm, in the FHS
Auditorium. Dance students from Fairfax Academy, West Potomac Academy and other high schools will perform
their original dance pieces for an invited panel of professional choreographers and instructors, including Dana
Fisch, director of the NYC dance troupe Undertoe Dance Project. The panel will judge the pieces and provide
feedback to the student choreographers, with a special award for Best in Show. This event is open to the public,
with $5 tickets available at the door.
Black & Blue
Choreography Showcase, Sunday, Feb 21, 12:30 pm, $5, FHS Auditorium
MCTfest Fundraiser, Friday, February 12, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, $15, NVCC-Annandale, Ernst
Center, The Forum
Fairfax Academy Info Night, Thursday, March 4, 7:30 pm
Parents & Student interested in Fairfax Academy classes should definitely plan to attend this event. It’s a great
opportunity to meet Academy students and teachers and learn first-hand about Academy classes!
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We will be having our second parent/administrators coffee on Thursday, February 11 at 7:00 pm in
Davala Hall. We find that parents always have a lot of questions and concerns about course selection
options for both rising ninth graders and rising eighth graders. On this evening, we will provide parents
with a lot of information about the course selection process. We will also have a question and answer
time to address other activities and events going on in the middle school. Please mark your calendars for
our February coffee.
The After School Program provides a safe environment for our middle school students Monday
through Friday. Students may choose to receive instructional support or participate in academic
enrichment, service-learning, youth development, and/or fitness activities. A small snack is provided.
A few program reminders as we reach the semester break:
 Students are responsible for selecting an activity offered, reporting to the meeting location, and
signing in with a teacher/sponsor by 2:20.
 Daily activities are posted on the first page of The Ramblast, the middle school’s weekly
 Late bus service is provided on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but parents must pick-up
their student by 4:45 if he/she stays after on Tuesday and/or Friday.
 Students are not allowed to leave campus and return to ride the late bus home.
 Students must have a PE uniform at school to participate in fitness activities.
 Students should notify parent and receive permission to stay after prior to doing so.
Please encourage your student to check the activity schedule on the first page of The Ramblast each week
for confirmed meeting dates and locations. The Ramblast is posted on the 24-7 After School Program site
as well as on the Robinson website under the Middle School link. Activity cancellations are announced
during lunch and are posted on 24-7. We encourage students to get involved in activities here at
Robinson as a way to stay connected and involved in our school community and to receive the
academic support needed.
The Robinson Middle School After School Program has been awarded a grant by the NFL and
National Dairy Council to promote wellness in the middle school through implementing the national
program, Fuel Up To Play 60. Our Peer Helpers Club, sponsored by Jennifer Miley, is leading the
campaign by promoting healthy eating and being active for 60 minutes each day. These students recently
conducted a lunch time survey of selected students to taste and rate healthy snack options for the after
school period. In addition, the PE teachers introduced a paper tracker on which students can record their
healthy eating and physical activity each day for four weeks. We hope all students will participate and
develop healthy eating and exercise habits.
Additional highlights for the third quarter:
Annie Musical Performance - Opening Night Friday, Feb. 12 Presented by the RMS Drama Department
Builders Club – Community Service Opportunities Every Month
Dance Team Competition at South County HS – Early Spring
Red Cross Babysitters Training Course – Tentative Start Date Feb. 11
Science Olympiad Competition - Late Winter/Early Spring
TSA Technology Competition – Early Spring
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Many more activities are offered, so please read The Ramblast weekly for details about signing up for
individual activities. Additional program information, including late bus routes, is available on 24-7. Please
contact Mary Aunon, After School Program Specialist, at 703-426-2339 with your questions or concerns.
Weather Note: In the event of a 2-hour early closing or school cancellation, all middle school after
school activities will be cancelled. All bused students will be sent home on their regular buses.
Congratulations to Mrs. Pat Hinman for being selected as a Special Recognition Adviser in the 2009 Yearbook
Adviser of the Year national competition! Only seven people from across the United States were selected for
any honor from the Journalism Education Association, and Mrs. Hinman is the Mrs. Hinman is the first
junior high/middle school advisor recipient ever! A well deserved honor, Mrs. Hinman!
It is too late to order nameplates and eighth grade ads, but you can still order a 2010 Sentry all-color, awardwinning yearbook. There is a new order form available on the website, in Mrs. Hinman’s room, A223 and in
both subschool offices. You can mail in the check and form or turn it in to either subschool secretary or to
Mrs. Hinman. If there are any left after distribution in June, prices will be higher. Get yours now!
The Sentry is also looking for pictures from our “big snow.” If you have any good photos of your kids playing
in the snow, please send them to sentryyearbook@gmail.com. Please give a brief explanation and identify the
students in the picture. Questions? Contact Mrs. Hinman at pehinman@fcps.edu. Don’t send pictures to that
address however, our box size is too small for photos.
Thanks to all of the students who participated in the American Mathematics Contest 8 in November.
Congratulations to the following students who were the top scorers:
1st place Cole DePasquale and Kameron Wong
2nd place Vaiju Raja, Bethany Camp, and Soyeun Jeng
3rd place Cormac Berigan and Monica Valle
Middle School Guidance News
Scheduling Process: Counselors will meet individually with seventh and eighth grade students during
February to discuss recommended courses and choices of electives. Your students should bring home a
Course Offering Booklet, a Course Selection Sheet, and a Recommendation sheet. Please consider a
challenging but not overwhelming schedule of classes for your student. Teachers and counselors make
recommendations for each student based on grades, test scores, study habits and motivation. Sign and return
the course selection sheet within a week. If you have questions or concerns about classes for next year, please
call or email your student’s counselor.
March SOL testing: On March 2 and 3, all students in grade eight in the Fairfax County Public Schools will
be taking the Standards of Learning (SOL) Writing Tests. The multiple-choice portion of the Writing test will
be administered on Tuesday, March 2 and the direct writing portion of the Writing test will be administered
on Wednesday March 3. It will be very helpful if you can avoid appointments that may take your child out of
school during this time period.
Additional 7th and 8th grade SOL testing will be from May 24 – May 28. Please mark your calendars. At that
time, all 8th grade students will take a SOL test for each of their academic classes; 7th grade students will take
SOL tests for English, history and math. Please do not make doctor’s appointments or other commitments
for those days.
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Robinson Crew Announces New Head Coach
When the Robinson Crew team hits the water on February 22nd they will be
under the direction of new Head Coach Jon Barrett. Coach Barrett has been
coaching the men's team since 2005 and this year he will work with both the
men's and women's varsity team. Prior to joining the Robinson Crew
Coaching staff, Barrett coached at George Mason University for five years
where he also was a four year varsity oarsman. He will be supported a great
staff of coaches including Robinson's own physical education teacher Kate
Laczynski who will be the women's assistant coach.
The team has been working hard at winter conditioning and training and is
excited to begin water training at the end of February. The first regatta for the
varsity eights will be the Polar Bear Regatta on March 27th at Sandy Run
Rowing Facility on the Occoquan River. Supporters are encouraged to join
the team at the river for a great day of racing.
The crew team is also pleased to congratulate team member Cate Oakley
who has been recognized as one of only 52 national recipients of the
USRowing 2009-2010 Scholastic Honor Roll. The USRowing Scholastic
Honor Roll recognizes high school seniors who have excelled in by
academics and rowing.
Robinson Theatre News
Congratulations to the Robinson Production Company
for their excellent performance of Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs!
The next Robinson Production will be Annie. The Middle School will present this popular, highenergy show on Feb. 12-13 at 7pm, and Feb 13-14 at 2pm. Buy your tickets now, as these
shows will likely sell out! Rehearsals have started also for the High School Spring Musical, The
Boy Friend. It is a playful musical comedy, set in a girls’ boarding school in the French Riviera,
in the 1920’s. Performances will be April 29- 30 and May 1 at 7:30, and May 7- 8 at 7:30.
Tickets to both shows can be purchased through the website www.RobinsonDrama.org.
The next TheatreSports competition will be held at Robinson on March 5th, at 7:30 pm. This is
improv fun which will entertain the whole family!
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Robinson Middle School Drama Presents:
February 12 @ 7pm
February 13 @ 2pm & 7pm
February 14 @ 2pm
Tix $8 presale/$10 door & online
# Tickets
Feb. 12 7pm
Feb. 13th 2pm
Feb. 13 7pm
Feb. 14th 2pm
TOTAL:_______ _______
All tickets will be sent to your EMAIL!
Please write legibly. Thank you!
Please send order form along with cash or check
(made out to Robinson Secondary) to:
Robinson Secondary School
c/o MS DRAMA D106
5035 Sideburn Rd.
Fairfax, VA 22032
Order online at www.robinsondrama.org!
**Pre-sale ticket reservations will only be accepted if received on or before
FEBRUARY 1, 2010.**
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Middle School Peer Mediation
The Middle School Peer Mediation class asked students to sign an anti-bully pledge during the week of January
25th. Students who signed were given a button to wear indicating they agree to be more aware of their behaviors
and curtail the hurtful ones. The entire class is hopeful that their efforts create a more peaceful place in which to
Length of course: Semester
Prerequisites for course: None, open to all seventh graders.
Course Description: This is a hands-on class that focuses on time and material
management in a fun and often edible way. FACS 7 reinforces math and science
concepts, incorporates the social sciences and strengthens writing skills. It also offers
students the chance to socialize in a positive atmosphere and develop leadership skills.
Course Highlights: Students in FACS 7 spend 6-7 weeks in food preparation. The final test
is preparing a breakfast. Students then spend 6-7 weeks sewing, and some classes make
as many as 3-4 projects. Other topics include learning a craft, how to decorate their
bedrooms, and how to care for young children.
Benefits: Course material is presented using projects that the student can take home or
eat. Successful projects increase self esteem. It is reported that 90% of students feel
good about themselves when they cook for others. Students work cooperatively in FACS
and utilize peer support.
A word from the teacher: The focus of the class is to have a good time while learning life
skills. Students are up and moving around in class while working on projects. We are
serious when we need to be, but we have fun. This is one of the most important classes
a student can take as it will help students learn to be healthy and improve their
relationships and people skills.
Homework requirements: The only homework assigned is to enhance class activities.
There are fewer than three assignments per quarter. Any other work done at home is
considered extra credit. Students are encouraged to repeat at home what they have
learned in class. Often students make class recipes for their families so they can share
what they have learned.
Who should take this course: Everyone who wants to learn life skills and who would like
to see a practical application for the math, science, history and writing that they are
learning in all other classes should consider FACS. Take FACS 7 if you would like to...
 cook for yourself.
 become familiar with kitchen safety and sanitation practices.
 make wise choices when choosing food and clothing.
 learn to make or mend clothes.
 understand how to care for others.
 discover how to express yourself with clothing and by decorating your room.
Additional info: Everyone who tries in FACS is successful. We learn from mistakes and
correct them. No one fails if they try, and we all help each other. The projects are fun
and the food is fantastic!
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James W. Robinson Secondary ♦ 5035 Sideburn Road ♦ Fairfax VA 22030
Length of course: Semester
Prerequisites for course: None, open to all eighth graders.
Course Description: This course is an introduction to family and consumer sciences
including cooking, sewing, personal development, and family and career planning. The
course also integrates science, math, and writing.
Course Highlights: FACS 8 includes 5-7 weeks of food preparation and gives students an
opportunity to personalize their own nutrition plan. Students will spend 6-7 weeks sewing,
and advanced students will have the opportunity to take on extra sewing projects.
FACS 8 students spend 1-2 weeks learning about goal setting, future plans, and careers.
Benefits: Students will learn basic skills for life including management of resources,
personal development, goal setting, cooking, and sewing skills.
A word from the teacher: This course is designed to teach students life skills while having
fun. Students are learning skills that will benefit them now and in the future. While the
classroom has rules, the design of the course allows students to interact while
completing tasks and to build relationships with other students.
Homework requirements: Minimal homework requirements emphasize and reinforce
classroom learning. Extra credit homework opportunities are available.
Who should take this course: This course is designed for students who wish to learn
sewing or cooking skills, how to make smart life choices as well as plan for the future.
Electives offered in High School FACS department for grades 9 to 12 -
taught in the fall and offered to 9th through 12th grades. This is an introductory course
and could be taken in preparation for other year-long courses such as marketing. The
main emphasis is design elements taught at student level of interest, dealing with both
interior decorating and fashion, and consists of fun, creative hands-on projects that the
students love.
This is followed by FITNESS AND FOODS taught in the spring. It is offered to 9th
through 12th grades. This course focuses on wellness, discussing healthy food
alternatives, and preparing healthy foods in our lab.
Fee required. For scheduling, students are enrolled in both classes.
The other very popular electives for 9th through 12 grades are
GOURMET/INTERNATIONAL FOODS which meets the whole year. It is lab based,
so attendance is important. Delicious recipes, and knowledge about food.
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James W. Robinson Secondary ♦ 5035 Sideburn Road ♦ Fairfax VA 22030
Teacher Cadet Course
Teaching the Profession that Teaches all Others.
This class is to inform and enlighten Robinson’s students about education
as a career choice and to attract students into the teaching profession.
Teacher Cadets engage in hands on activities. They plan, organize and
communicate while leading a group – a class - to achieve a goal – mastering
knowledge. They also become aware about college admissions and scholarship
But Teacher Cadet is more than about learning about education as a
career choice, it teaches the skills every successful professional must master.
The primary advantage our students gain is actual experience in practicing the
art of teaching/coaching, – with a real life class, not merely roleplaying with
their classmates. These skills are the basis for a successful career, not just
in teaching, but in life. Although not all these students will ultimately choose
the educational career path, they will be the businessmen/woman, community
leaders and parents of tomorrow.
Most importantly, while achieving all these positive ends, we have fun.
We work with elementary and middle school classes, they are eager to learn
and fun to be around. We work with teachers eager to share what they know.
They get college credit – it doesn’t get any better!
After mastering the skills taught in teacher cadet, they will be more
informed and involved with the practical aspects of education. This class
offers a CTE Diploma Seal; child must have or be taking Early Childhood
Careers, another course that is an excellent introduction to the education
profession. If you have questions about Teacher Cadet or Early Childhood
Careers; contact Mrs. Collins at @ x2349 in room D105 or your child’s
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James W. Robinson Secondary ♦ 5035 Sideburn Road ♦ Fairfax VA 22030