Annotated Agenda

Annotated Agenda
March 19, 2012
3. Selectboard Reorganizational Meeting
***Be Prepared for a Group Picture***
Tom and Phil will need to take their Oath of Office with Missy before Monday’s meeting.
This is the first Selectboard meeting after the election cycle. Two (2) of five (5) members are new to the board.
The Board will need to nominate and vote on a Chair and Vice-Chair. Upon the conclusion of the nomination
process, the Selectboard could spend a few minutes discussing expectations and goals.
I thought that the Selectboard retreat last fall was time well spent; maybe this new Board would like to do
something similar. As a result of the retreat, we have the ‘logo contest’; we have been meeting with all the
boards, commissions, and committees; and money was set aside for the 250th celebrations.
There is a VLCT sponsored Selectboard training forum (information in Selectboard packet) that may be
beneficial for new Selectboard members; other potential training options could be looked into. There was a
suggestion at Town Meeting that all boards to be trained in how to effectively run meetings with Robert’s Rules.
Consider a Motion to nominate ______________ to serve as Chair of the Hinesburg Selectboard for a one (1) year
Consider a Motion to nominate __________ to serve as Vice-Chair of the Hinesburg Selectboard for a one (1) yaer
Consider a Motion to appoint ____________ __& ________________to review and sign weekly Warrants on behalf
of the Selectboard.
We will snap a quick picture at this point in the meeting. Smile!
4. Review Mission Statement and Operations of the Development Review Board (DRB)
(1) Tom McGlenn; possibly other members
(1) Report for 2012 Town Report – DRB
(2) & (3) 24 V.S.A. § 4460 & 4461
This is a continuation in the Selectboard’s series of meeting with all commissions, boards, and committees in order to
discuss both the successes and failures of the CBC and what, if anything, could the Selectboard or Town administration
offer in the way of support in order to make their work better.
The Development Review Board (DRB) reviews all development projects that require Town review under the
Zoning Bylaw and Subdivision Regulations, including variances, conditional uses, site plan reviews and
subdivisions. The Board meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month.
The following is from a November 14, 2011 correspondence from Tom McGlenn:
“The DRB does not have Projects per se, but has Appeal Hearings twice a month that
are scheduled and publicly notified in advance. Our Successes are taking in all the
oral and written testimony for each appeal, getting through all the Appeal Hearings
in an inclusive and thoughtful manner, and rendering good decisions in a timely
As for Challenges Faced by the DRB, I would say that our biggest challenge is our
meeting space. I asked Alex to put an overhead projector into our budget a few years
ago and that technology has not only been a huge benefit at our public meetings, but
it has greatly helped the DRB Staff to keep electronic records (which are now
requested of every applicant) for better access and distribution. I also asked Mary
Seemann to have name plates for Board members so our names are not only known
to the public attending meetings but to the viewing public on VCAM.
But our meeting space still remains a challenge. The downstairs conference room is
just that, a "conference room", better suited for small round-the-table meetings and
not public hearings, except some of our very small Appeal Hearings. We have been
holding our larger meetings, a la Hannaford's, in the Hall upstairs. This space affords
more public to comfortably attend meetings, but has logistics issues, setting up and
tearing down after meetings, and acoustics issues. I believe the Hall could be made to
work better and the Staff has done a great job in working with what we have, but the
challenge is to make the space better for the public, the Board and the Appellant.”
The DRB does not have a Mission statement defined by the Selectboard; rather it is a local board
governed strictly by State Statute. Sections 4460 and 4461 – those relevant to the Development
Review Board - are enclosed with your packet information.
Chairperson: Tom McGlenn
Vice-Chairperson: Zoë Wainer
Clerk: Dennis Place
Meetings Held: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
Location: Ground level conference room, Town Hall
Development Review Board Members
Ted Bloomhardt
Richard Jordan
Tom McGlenn
Bill Moller (alternate)
Sarah Murphy (alternate)
Kate Myhre
Dennis Place
Zoë Wainer
Greg Waples
Term Ends
Committee members serve 3-year terms
No Official Action Anticipated
5. Presentation from NRG Systems – Proposal to Erect Northwind100 turbine
(1) Jan Blittersdorf, NRG Systems, CEO
(2) Martha Keenan, NRG Systems
(1) Letter from Jan Blittersdorf
(2) Photo(s) of proposed Northwind100 turbine
Jan Blittersdorf, CEO, and Matha Kennan of NRG Systems will attend the Selectboard meeting in
order to talk about their proposed development of Northwind100 wind turbine on their property just
west of 60 Riggs Rd. This is a similar model of wind turbine as what can be seen at Dynapower Corp
on Rte. 116 in South Burlington.
Per Jan’s March 9, 2012 correspondence, this turbine will produce 25% of NRG’s electricity need and
allow their products to carry the WindMade label.
Martha Keenan attended the March 14 Planning Commission meeting to discuss the wind turbine that
NRG plans to install. It was a good discussion with Q&A on several areas – e.g., will the tower have a
light (no); will a “fall zone” around the tower preclude any future development plans for the property
(no); will this project interfere with any planned community facilities (no).
Martha indicated the wind turbine will complement their solar power, so that they will be able to
generate nearly 100% of their annual electricity needs. Only four (4) PC members were present for the
discussion, but those present reacted positively to the project, and once the formal Public Service Board
application notice is received, they may consider writing a letter of support.
NRG has asked the Selectboard to write a letter to the Public Service Board in support of this project. I
will draft a letter before Monday’s meeting; the Selectboard can decide to sign or to solicit more
feedback before backing the project. Local permits are not required for this proposed turbine but NRG
would like to generate local support for this project.
Consider a Motion to support NRG’s proposed operation of a Northwind100 wind turbine to supply
approximately 25% of their electicity and allow their products to carry the WindMade label, and to sign
a letter to the Public Service Board in support of said project .
6. Interview Applicant for Recreation Commission
(1) Justin Daniels, Hinesburg Resident
(2) Kevin Chaney, Hinesburg Resident
(1) e-mail (Letter of Interest) Justin Daniels.
(2) Kevin Chaney Bio.
(3) Resignation email from Carrie Harlow
Commission Members
Chairperson: Frank Twarog (482-5102)
Meetings Held: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m.
Location: Town Hall, First Floor Conference Room (call ahead to confirm)
Katie Bailey
Michael Bissonette
Tom Giroux
Carrie Harlow
Karen Tronsgard-Scott
Frank Twarog
››Vacant Seat - It could be yours. Find out How
Committee members serve 3-year terms
Term Ends
Mr. Justin Daniels will attend the Selectboard meeting to interview for a three (3) year position on the
Recreation Commission. He attended the Recreation Commission’s March 13 meeting and had a chance to get a
feel of the committee’s work. Evidentially he enjoyed the meeting enough to want to continue. If appointed, this
will be Justin’s introduction into Hinesburg local government. Justin works in banking and finance for the
National Life Group in Montpelier. He has two (2) young children.
Mr. Kevin Chaney also attended the last Recreation Commission meeting upon invitation from Tom Giroux and
also enjoyed the meeting enough to want to continue with his service. Kevin is the owner/CEO of Green Mtn.
Concert Services and serves on the Board of Directors for Burlington’s First Night. Kevin also has two (2) young
Carrie Harlow has indicated that she is not interested in another term on the board (email attached). Therefore,
two (2) seats are open at the moment.
Consider a Motion to Appoint Justin Daniels to a three (3) year seat on the Recreation Commission with a term
ending October 31, 2014.
Consider a Motion to Appoint Kevin Cheney to a three (3) year seat on the Recreation Commission with a term
ending October 31, 2014.
7. Consider new Selectboard Policy for Appointments to Commissions, Boards, and Committees
(1) Draft CPC Appointment Policy
(2) Draft CPC Application
(3) Comments and Input from Town Staff and CBC members.
(4) Comments from Joe – Annotated Agenda 2.29.12
The catalyst for this policy was the poor handling of appointments to the DRB at the February 9 Selectboard
meeting; this draft Policy for Appointments attempts to provide some consistency in expectations and
methodology to the timing and requirements for the Town to abide by when advertising and making
appointments to the various Commissions, Boards, and Committees (CBC) the Town sponsors.
With a little bit of Google research a good template was found from the City of Lone Tree, Colorado. From that
template, former Selectboard member Ken Brown, with some input from Town Administrator Joe Colangelo and
Town Planner Alex Wienhagen, drafted a policy for the Selectboard to consider.
The policy was sent to all Hinesburg Commission, Boards, and Committees for critique and feedback. Responses
to date are included with the Selectboard packet and most of them are extremely relevant for Selectboard
At the last Selectboard meeting, most of the conversation revolved around to treat CBC members when they
come-up for reappointment and whether or not the seats those members occupy on the CBC should be reopened
to the public, or if the immediate preference should be granted to the current member. To that end, the
Selectboard discussed to ways to handle such issues. 1) require a simple majority (3-2 vote) Selectboard approval
for the reappointment of current CBC members; 2) require unanimous (5-0) consent of the Selectboard before
granting reappointment; 3) make all seats open at the time terms are up and require the current CBC member
to submit a new completed application. This is the true crux of what this policy is attempting to sort-out.
While I realize that there may be some sentiment in the community and, potentially, with the new Selectboard,
to revisit the residency issue, I urge the Selectboard to put that issue to the side and focus on adopting a policy
that can be used to standardize the application process and give structure to the methodology of tracking CBC
appointments in the immediate. It is vital to have this standardized procedure in place and that was the original
reason for adopting the policy in front of you now. That is not to say the Board cannot go back to the residency
issue again but please do not have that issue delay the adoption of this policy.
Please finalize the changes you would like to see on this policy so the Selectboard can adopt at the next
Selectboard meeting.
No Official Action Anticipated
8. Consider Approving RFP for Recreation Path Project – Inspection Services
(1) Rocky Martin
(2) Jon Trefry
(3) Andrea Morgante
(1) Memo from Rocky
(2) RFQ from Sterling Management (online only due to page count)
If you would like to review a hard copy of Sterling Management’s proposal before the meeting please contact Joe
The Recreation Path project is potentially a big step closer to becoming a reality now. The project is now out to
bid for construction services. The action to consider on Monday is to hire a construction inspection company to
be the Town’s eyes on the ground to ensure the project is built as designed. This is an important contract
because, due to federal regulations, the Town must award the construction services contract to the low bidder
from the list of ‘qualified bidders’ that submit a bid; no preference can be given to quality at that point. So it is
imperative that the inspection engineer is capable of holding a less than desirable contractor accountable for
every step along the way.
Rocky’s memo summarizes the process to date. Five (5) proposals were received; the project review team
unanimously recommended Staff Sterling Management. That recommendation was made blind of cost. On
Friday afternoon (March 16) we had a chance to review the cost proposal and I expect to have an estimated total
cost for the inspection service contract for the meeting on Monday. While the Town will be billed by the hour,
the total estimated cost of the inspection engineering services will be around $150,000 – again, we will have an
official estimate from Sterling on Monday.
Consider a Motion to award the contract for construction inspection services for the Hinesburg STP (22)S
Recreation Path Project to Staff Sterling Management and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract when it
is prepared.
9. First Look at FY 2013 Water/Wastewater Budget(s)
(1)Rocky Martin, Director of Buildings & Facilities
(2) Brian Mattison, Water and Sewer Superintendent
(1) Budget Draft
This is a draft budget and I am not asking the Selectboard to approve the budget at this point. However, it
should give a 99% accurate picture as to where the budget will end up before approval.
Rocky’s spreadsheet summarizes the expected revenue for FY2013. We are anticipating approximately $95,000
in additional revenue compared to the current year. Reasons for this: 1) more accounts in both the water and
sewer department since FY2011; 2) new units – former Saputo; Thistle Hill; and KLM for both utilities. It is
important to not here that rates are proposed to remain stable.
The three (3) most significant changes in expenses are 1) attempt to increase annual capital reserve savings in
the Wastewater Department; 2) first annual payment on a 30-yr note in the Sewer Department (ARRA project
with 50% forgiveness); 3) new emphasis on capital improvement planning.
Other worthy notes: 1) Salaries and benefits include both FTE in the Water & Sewer department; 5% of Town
Administrator; 14% of Town Clerk(s); 25% of Building and Facilities. 2) Rocky’s truck is slated to be replaced.
This truck will also be paid for from the General Fund (75%-25% split) and was approved as part of the budget;
3) roof work is needed for the pump house; 4) we are planning on purchasing a trench box for $5000 and use a
50-50 grant from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns to offset the total cost. The trench box should be
purchased even if the Town is not awarded the grant.
I would like to polish up a few of the numbers before the budget is approved, especially in the insurance part of
the budget and to get a better understanding of the solar credits.
Unless there are major issues with this budget, expect to see it again on April 2nd for final approval.
No Official Action Anticipated.
10. Review of Town Meeting
Enclosures: None
The Selectboard could take a moment to reflect and discuss on Town Meeting and discuss thoughts on the issues
that were at the forefront: 1) FY2013 Town budget and Town Meeting night of March 5; 2) passed sewer bond
upgrade for Mountain View; 3) defeated bond for the Public Safety and Community Park Project; 3) Town
Administrator v. Town Manager issue; 4) other issues.
No Official Action Anticipated.
11. Town Administrator’s Report
1. VLCT’s Selectboard Institute – See information in your packet. I recommend Board
members take advantage of one of these. It would be great if the new Board member(s) –
who start in March – would sign up too.
2. Liquor Licenses – One more to approve for Cedar Knoll. This is a $100 First Class License.
3. Shelburne Falls Road Speed Enforcement – See memo from Chief Koss.
4. Town Administrator’s sophomore year goal – Spend much more time with the various
5. Planning Commission Resignation/Vacancy – See email from Tom Ayer in your packet. His
seat has been advertised.
6. Town Service Officer – Consider a Motion to appoint Ginny Roberts Town Service Officer.
Ginny tells me she is contacted approximately 4-5 times per year to fulfill her role.
7. Richmond Road Highway Safety Program – Back in October the Selectboard reviewed the
proposal from the Highway Safety Improvement Program between mile point 1.53 – 1.78 to
upgrade the signage. Consider a Motion to accept and sign the Maintenance Agreement
between the State of Vermont and the Town of Hinesburg for the Highway Safety
Improvement Program on Richmond Road. The original report is available on the digital
packet; please ask Joe specifically for a hard copy of this report if you would like one.