
Megan Crocker
Grades 3-6
Teaching Objectives
1. To teach kids about the different properties of polymers and how polymers are made because
polymers make up objects we use every day.
1. Polymer- a large molecule that is made up of smaller molecules so that it forms a long chain that can
interact with other polymers and make objects; polymers make up many objects that we use every day
such as rubber, bouncy balls, skateboards, and many other plastic things.
1. Cornstarch
2. Water
3. Elmer’s White Glue
4. Food Coloring
5. Liquid Starch
6. Borax
7. Small, Plastic Cups
8. Popsicle Stick for stirring
9. Plastic bag
10. Gloves (unless you want to get messy!)
11. Plastic container or another small bin
12. Measuring cups and spoons
Introduce the idea and definition of polymers by using a molecular model. Show how small, individual
molecules form a large chain of molecules, called a polymer, through a process called polymerization.
Polymers have different properties and some are rubbery, slimy, and even hard.
1. Measure out ½ cup of cornstarch.
2. Mix in ¼ cup of water using a popsicle stick.
3. Add food coloring if you wish.
4. Mix the two ingredients until there are no clumps of cornstarch left.
5. Store oobleck in a plastic bag.
Silly Putty
1. Measure out ¼ cup of liquid starch and pour it into the plastic container or bin.
2. Measure out ½ cup of white Elmer’s glue and add it to the liquid starch.
3. Add food coloring, if you wish.
4. Mix the starch and glue using a popsicle stick. At first it will be really slimy and watery, but as you
knead it, the glue and starch will mix and it will become drier. You can wear gloves if you do not want
to mix the putty with your bare hands.
5. Store in a reclosable sandwich bag.
Bouncy Ball
1. In one plastic cup, mix ½ teaspoon of borax with 2 tablespoons of hot water and stir until the borax
dissolves. You can add food coloring if you want a colored bouncy ball.
2. In another cup, pour 1 tablespoon of white Elmer’s glue and then add ½ teaspoon of the borax
solution, prepared in Step 1. DO NOT MIX! Allow the ingredients to react for 10-15 seconds before
stirring them together until they are fully mixed.
3. Add ¼ teaspoon of cornstarch and mix.
4. When you can no longer stir the mixture, take it out of the cup and mold it into a ball with your hands.
It will be slightly sticky at first, but as you play with it, it will become less so.
5. Go ahead and bounce it! You can store it in a reclosable sandwich bag when you have finished playing
with it.
Bring the students together and tell them to examine each of the polymers that were made. Ask them to see
what properties each of the concoctions have in common and if they think they are solids or liquids.
Example Properties:
 Flexible or Stiff
 Strong or Weak
 Smooth or Rough
 Hard or Soft
Today, you will be making and learning about three different polymers!
1. Measure out ½ cup of cornstarch and mix in ¼
cup of water.
2. Add food coloring if you wish.
3. Mix the two ingredients until there are no
clumps of cornstarch left.
Silly Putty
1. Measure out ¼ cup of liquid starch and pour it into a plastic container.
2. Measure out ½ cup of white Elmer’s glue and add it to the liquid starch.
3. Add food coloring, if you wish.
4. Mix the starch and glue with a popsicle stick. At first it will be really slimy and watery,
but as you knead it, the glue and starch will mix and it will become drier. You can wear
gloves if you do not want to mix the putty with your bare hands.
5. Store in a reclosable sandwich bag.
Bouncy Ball
1. In one plastic cup, mix ½ teaspoon of borax with 2 tablespoons
of hot water and stir until the borax dissolves. You can
food coloring if you want a colored bouncy ball.
2. In another cup, pour 1 tablespoon of white Elmer’s glue and
then add ½ teaspoon of the borax solution, prepared in
Step 1.
DO NOT MIX! Allow the ingredients to react for
10-15 seconds
before stirring them together until
they are fully mixed.
3. Add ¼ teaspoon of cornstarch to the glue and borax mixture.
4. When you can no longer stir the mixture, take it out of the cup and mold it into a ball
with your hands. It will be slightly sticky at first, but as you play with it, it will become
less so.
5. Go ahead and bounce it! You can store it in a reclosable sandwich bag when you have
finished playing with it.
Student Worksheet
1. What is a polymer?
2. Make observations of each of the polymers. For example: are they sticky, slimy, hard, soft, smelly,
stretchy, rubbery, or bouncy? Can you think of any other ways to describe them?
Silly Putty
Bouncy Ball