
1. St. Pölten ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 History of St. Pölten ......................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Dates and facts about St. Pölten ..................................................................................... 2
1.3 Surgery times for elected officials .................................................................................... 4
2. Guide to the Municipal Authority [Magistrat] .......................................................................... 5
3. Children and young persons .................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Birth of a child................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Childminders and child-care ............................................................................................ 8
3.3 Statutory school attendance - Schools ............................................................................ 8
3.4 Contributions to costs in the Lower Austrian regional kindergartens in the St. Pölten
City district ............................................................................................................................ 17
3.5 Advisory services for children and young adults ........................................................... 17
3.6 Meeting places for young people ................................................................................... 18
4. Marriages.............................................................................................................................. 19
5. In the event of a death ......................................................................................................... 20
6. Religious groups................................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Officially recognised churches in St. Pölten .................................................................. 21
6.2 Officially registered religious faith communities ............................................................ 22
7. Advisory centres for work-related matters ........................................................................... 23
7.1 Job-seekers’ advisory services ...................................................................................... 23
7.2 Advisory services for those in employment ................................................................... 23
8. Accommodation in St. Pölten ............................................................................................... 24
8.1 Housing associations and estate agents ....................................................................... 24
8.2 Advice centre for housing issues ................................................................................... 25
9. Debt problems ...................................................................................................................... 25
10. Disabilities – People with special needs ............................................................................ 26
11. Men’s advisory service ....................................................................................................... 27
12. Women’s advisory services ............................................................................................... 27
13. Health ................................................................................................................................. 28
14. Services for migrants ......................................................................................................... 29
14.1 Residence .................................................................................................................... 30
14.2 Integration Agreement [Integrationsvereinbarung, IV] ................................................ 30
14.3 Certificated course providers ....................................................................................... 31
14.4 Associations for migrants ............................................................................................. 31
15. Further education/Courses ................................................................................................ 33
16. Culture and leisure activities .............................................................................................. 34
16.1 Libraries ........................................................................................................................ 34
16.2 Museums ...................................................................................................................... 34
16.3 Theatres ....................................................................................................................... 35
16.4 Cinemas ....................................................................................................................... 36
16.5 Sport ............................................................................................................................. 36
16.6 Swimming and bathing in St. Pölten ............................................................................ 36
17. Key emergency numbers and addresses .......................................................................... 38
17.1 Emergency phone numbers ......................................................................................... 38
17.2 Emergency medical services ....................................................................................... 38
17.3 Rescue organisations .................................................................................................. 39
17.4 Technical emergency services .................................................................................... 39
17.5 Lost cash withdrawal cards or credit cards.................................................................. 40
18. Other useful addresses ...................................................................................................... 41
1. St. Pölten
1.1 History of St. Pölten
St. Pölten, Austria’s oldest city and youngest regional capital, a city for retail and industry
with a Baroque city centre, lies to the south of the Danube, in the heart of Lower Austria
During the first four centuries A.D. the first town, founded by the Romans (Aelium Cetium),
extended over the area today occupied by the old town centre, on the river Traisen. In the
11th century, the town was granted its market charter, and in 1159 (now for the second time)
its city charter. During the Baroque period, St. Pölten flourished as a city; important master
builders such as Jakob Prandtauer and Joseph Munggenast lived and worked here, along
with the artist Bartolomeo Altomonte. In 1785, St. Pölten became a bishop’s seat and a
garrison town.
The incorporation of outlying districts undertaken in 1922, and again in 1972, saw the area of
the city being expanded considerably. In 1986, the biggest city in Lower Austria was chosen
as the Province’s capital city. Adjoining the old city centre, the new district housing the
Landhaus (regional government) was created, with the Lower Austrian regional government
transferring here from Vienna in autumn 1996.
1.2 Dates and facts about St. Pölten
Geography and climate
Latitude (degrees North):
Longitude (degrees East):
Height above sea level:
Temperature (annual average 2005)
Hours of sunshine 2005:
Precipitation (annual total, 2005)
Highest amount of precipitation in August:
Lowest amount of precipitation in October:
853.06 hectares
48 degrees 11 minutes
15 degrees 37 minutes
267 metres
9.2 degrees Celsius
72.8 millimetres
81.1 millimetres
4.9 millimetres
City Government
Mayor Mag. Matthias Stadler
Deputy Mayor Susanne Kysela
Deputy Mayor Ing. Johannes Sassmann
City Councillor Silvia Buschenreiter
City Councillor Dietmar Fenz
City Councillor Martin Fuhs
City Councillor Mag. Renate Gamsjäger
City Councillor Ing. Franz Gunacker
City Councillor Mag. Ingrid Heihs
City Councillor Robert Laimer
City Councillor Alfred Neuhauser
City Councillor Ing. Wolfgang Nowak
City Councillor Mag. Johann Rankl
City Councillor Mag. Bernhard Wurzer
Municipal Council
26 seats
10 seats
2 seats
3 seats
1 seat
City twinning
since 1957
since 1967
since 1968
since 1991
since 2000
since 2005
Population (2.7.2007)
Inhabitants with main place of residence here 51,590
- of whom, women 28,405
- of whom, non-Austrian citizens 5,720
Second home-owners 3,623
Population including second home-owners 55,213
Population by nationality
1.3 Surgery times for elected officials
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and City Councillors hold regular surgeries (unless stated
otherwise: at the Town Hall).
Mayor Mag. Matthias Stadler
Wednesdays, 9.00–11.00, 1st floor
By appointment
Deputy Mayor Susanne Kysela (Personnel, Security, PR, Fire Brigade)
Thursdays, 8.00–9.30, Room 104
City Councillor Martin Fuhs (Sport, Civil Protection)
Wednesdays, 15.00–16.00, Room 116
City Councillor Mag. Renate Gamsjäger (Construction and Housing)
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 14.00–15.00, Room 116
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 14.00–15.00, Kulturhaus Wagram
City Councillor Ing. Franz Gunacker (Transport)
Tuesdays, 15.00–16.00, Room 116
City Councillor Ing. Wolfgang Nowak (Environment)
Every 1st and 3rd Monday in the month, 8.00–9.00, Room 116
City Councillor Mag. Johann Rankl (City Works)
Tuesdays, 14.00–15.00, Room 116
City Councillor Mag. Ingrid Heihs (Finance, Economy, Tourism)
Wednesdays, 13.00–14.00, Room 116
City Councillor Dietmar Fenz (Social Welfare, Health, Family, Integration)
Thursdays, 14.00–15.00, Room 116
Deputy Mayor Ing. Johannes Sassmann
Thursdays, 8.00–9.00, Room 118,
Every 1st and 3rd Monday in the month, 16.00–17.00, ÖVP Office, Völklplatz 2,
and by appointment – call +43 2742 333-1002 (secretariat)
City Councillor Alfred Neuhauser
Every 1st and 3rd Monday in the month, 16.00–17.00, ÖVP Office, Völklplatz 2,
by appointment – call +43 2742 333-1002 (secretariat)
City Councillor Mag. Bernhard Wurzer
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday in the month, 17.00–18.00, Room 118,
by appointment – call +43 2742 333-1002 (secretariat)
City Councillor Silvia Buschenreiter
By appointment – please call +43 2742 351817
2. Guide to the Municipal Authority [Magistrat]
Alongside the Municipal Council [Gemeiderat], the City Senate [Stadtsenat] and the Mayor,
the Magistrat is part of the St. Pölten city administration. It comprises the Magistrat
directorate, twelve departments and the audit office. The Magistrat departments are in some
instances further divided into individual sections. The heads of section report to the
departmental boards, and these in turn report to the Magistrat director.
Citizens’ Advice Centre [Bürgerservicestelle]
Rathausplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-3000
Fax: +43 2742 333-3029
E-mail: buergerservice@st-poelten.gv.at
Web: www.st-poelten.gv.at
Opening times:
Mon.–Thurs. 8.00–11.30 and 13.30–15.30, Fri. 8.00–12.00
Magistrat departments
Magistrat directorate
General Administration
Financial Administration
Health Administration
Education and Culture
Veterinary Administration
Committee Matters and Sport
Building Regulations, Surveying, Fire and Police
Environment and Markets
Audit Office
3. Children and young persons
3.1 Birth of a child
The following listing does not claim to be complete – the personal circumstances of each
individual are too diverse to permit this. We advise you, where applicable, to make contact by
‘phone with the relevant authorities.
Registry Office
Youth Welfare, Infant Nursing Package
Registration Office
Tax Office, Family Allowance
Medical Insurance, Maternity Benefit, Child Benefit
Medical insurance for the child
Registry Office
The personal certificates forwarded by the Landesklinikum St. Pölten hospital for recording
the birth of your child back are obtained back from the Registry Office.
You can also obtain the following from there:
1. An application form for family allowance;
2. The requested number of birth certificates;
3. 2 confirmations of an entry in the register of births for the medical insurer and the tax
4. Confirmations of registration for your child, if the Registry Office has been able to
make the registration, or else a
registration form for the child (see the Registration Office entry)
Please note:
Certificates can only be issued on presentation of an identity card bearing a photograph and
upon payment of fees.
Contact details:
Standesamt St. Pölten (Registry Office)
Rathausplatz 1, Zimmer 16
Tel. +43 2742 333-2020, -2021, -2022, -2023, -2024
E-mail: standesamt@st-poelten.gv.at
Youth Welfare, Infant Nursing Package
You obtain an infant nursing package from the district office for the district in which you have
registered your main place of residence. Contact office for St. Pölten residents: Magistrat St.
Pölten, Jugendhilfe (Youth Welfare), Hessstrasse 6, 1st floor, Room 6–8
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2530
Fax: +43 2742 333-2549
E-mail: jugendhilfe@st-poelten.gv.at
Office hours: Mon.–Thurs. 8.00–11.30 and 13.30–15.30, Fri. 8.00–12.00
Registration Office
In many instances there is no need to contact the Registration Office separately, because the
Registry Office will already have registered your child (with the documents sent from the
hospital) and obtained a confirmation of registration. However, if the Registry Office has been
unable to register your child (because you did not complete a registration form in the
hospital, or for technical reasons), you are required to do so immediately.
The following documents are required:
1. Declaration of place of domicile;
2. Birth certificate;
3. Proof of nationality of one parent (for a child born inside marriage);
4. Proof of nationality of the mother (for a child born out of wedlock);
5. Identity card bearing a photograph for the person registering the child.
Please note:
The district office in whose area the child’s main residence is to be located is the responsible
office. For registration in St. Pölten, please contact the Magistrat St. Pölten, Wahl- und
Einwohnerangelegenheiten (Electoral and Residents’ Matters).
Opening times:
Mon.–Thurs. 8.00–11.30 and 13.30–15.30, Fri. 8.00–12.00
E-mail: meldeamt@st-poelten.gv.at
Tax Office, Family Allowance
Send the application for family allowance to the tax office responsible for your main place of
residence. If your main place of residence is St. Pölten, the office responsible for you is the
tax office Finanzamt St. Pölten-Lilienfeld, Daniel-Gran-Strasse 8, 3100 St. Pölten.
Telephone: +43 2742 304
E-mail: post.029.fawnb@bmf.gv.at
Web: www.bmf.gv.at
Office hours: Mon.–Fri. 7.00–16.00
The following documents are required:
1. Application form, which you have received from the St. Pölten Registry Office (also
available from all Tax Offices or on the homepage);
2. Proof of the applicant’s main place of residence;
3. Proof of child’s main place of residence;
4. Confirmation of an entry in the register of births from the Registry Office.
Medical Insurance, Maternity Benefit, Child Benefit
If the mother of the new-born child is insured with the Lower Austrian compulsory regional
medical insurer (Gebietskrankenkasse), please contact the insurer’s district office nearest to
your main place of residence.
Information about maternity benefit, child benefit and other support can be obtained from
your social insurance provider or from the Chief Association of Austrian Social Insurance
Providers (Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungen).
The following documents are required for maternity benefit:
1. Confirmation of an entry in the register of births from the Registry Office;
2. If the birth was in hospital: Confirmation of a hospital stay (issued to the mother when
discharged from hospital).
The following documents are required for child benefit:
1. Proof of child’s main place of residence;
2. Proof of the main place of residence of the parents (or of the single mother);
3. Official decision regarding recognition of family allowance (the decision is sent to you
by the tax office);
4. For EU or EEA citizens registering for the first time in Austria: EU-EEA certification;
5. For people possessing another nationality: Proof of NAG (Niederlassungs- und
Aufenthaltsgesetz = law on residence and stays) card
6. For asylum-seekers: a favourable decision on asylum.
Medical insurance for the child
Whilst you are drawing child benefit, medical insurance cover is provided and thus the child
is also jointly covered.
3.2 Childminders and child-care
Dr.-Karl-Renner-Promenade 12
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 841-62
E-mail: tagesmuetter@stpoelten.caritas.at
Web: www.stpoelten.caritas.at
Fröstlgasse 1a
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 74575
Opening times: Mon.–Fri. 11.00–19.00
Emphasis on childcare and learning support from age 5 onwards, plus collection from school
KiJuFa – Kinder, Jugend & Familie (NÖ Hilfswerk)
Purkersdorfer Strasse 25
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 252514
Web: www.hilfswerk.at
Childcare by child-minders, babysitting circle, playgroup, learning support and assistance
with homework
Kids + Family Service (NÖ Volkshilfe)
Schreinergasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 354203
Mon.–Fri. 8.00–12.00
Weds. 14.00–18.00
E-mail: Tagesmuetter-noe@familie.at
Web: www.familie.at
3.3 Statutory school attendance - Schools
Children who turn 6 before 31 August are required to attend school from the following 1st
Monday in September.
The children are registered by the parent or guardian with the primary school [Volksschule]
assigned on the basis of place of residence. The school’s head teacher establishes the
readiness for school of your child.
If a school providing full day-care is needed, the child should be registered with the desired
school and the primary school responsible for the child on the basis of catchment area
should be notified.
Attendance at a school outside the catchment area can be applied for in writing. In addition
to the application form, the following documents for the child should be taken along:
1. Declaration of place of domicile;
2. Proof of nationality or a document providing proof of nationality (e.g. parental
passport in which the child is entered);
3. Birth certificate;
4. Social insurance number;
5. Vaccination record (“Impfpass”);
6. Court decree appointing guardian(s), for children who are under guardianship.
If it is foreseeable that your child cannot take part in lessons at primary school without
special support, you can also bring along medical findings or reports on treatment. The
further steps required are initiated by the school’s management.
the general obligation to attend school can also be fulfilled by taking equivalent tuition in a
private school not under public law, or through home tuition. Such arrangements are to be
advised by the parents/guardians to the district school board for the city of St. Pölten.
For further information:
Magistrat St. Pölten, Abteilung Schulwesen (Schools Department)
Rossmarkt 6, 2nd floor
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2661
E-mail: schulverwaltung@st-poelten.gv.at
Primary schools [Volksschulen]
The children are registered by the parent or guardian with the primary school assigned on
the basis of place of residence.
Daniel-Gran-Volksschule I
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 49
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 363185
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-danielgran-1@noeschule.at
Daniel-Gran-Volksschule II
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 49
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 364179
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-danielgran-2@noeschule.at
Web: www.schulen.asn-noe.ac.at/vsstpoelten-danielgran2/
Franz-Jonas-Strasse 10
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 74971
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-jonas@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-jonas.ac.at
Grillparzerstrasse 8
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 77614
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-grillparzer-1@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-grillparzer1.ac.at
Grillparzer-Volksschule II
Grillparzerstrasse 8
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 73226
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-grillparzer-2@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-grillparzer2.ac.at
Volksschule Harland
Salcherstrasse 41
3104 St. Pölten-Harland
Tel.: +43 2742 881168
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-harland@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-harland.ac.at
Otto-Glöckel-Strasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 363235
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-gloeckel@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-gloeckel.ac.at
Volksschule Pottenbrunn
Weiglstrasse 6
3140 Pottenbrunn
Tel.: +43 2742 42265
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-pottenbrunn@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-pottenbrunn.ac.at
Volksschule Pottenbrunn-Ratzersdorf (school refuser provision)
Ratzersdorfer Hauptstrasse 85
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 253123
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-pottenbrunn@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-pottenbrunn.ac.at
Volksschule Radlberg
Radlberger Hauptstrasse 123
3105 Radlberg
Tel.: +43 2742 362209
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-radlberg@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-radlberg.ac.at
Volksschule St. Georgen
St. Georgener Hauptstrasse 132
3151 St. Georgen
Tel.: +43 2742 885217
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-stgeorgen@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstgeorgen-steinfelde.ac.at
Volksschule Spratzern
Pestalozzistrasse 28
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 881271
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-spratzern@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-spratzern.ac.at
Volksschule Stattersdorf
Stattersdorfer Hauptstrasse 109
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 253184
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-stattersdorf@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-stattersdorf.ac.at
Volksschule Viehofen
Austinstrasse 27
3107 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 361980
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-viehofen@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-viehofen.ac.at
Volksschule Wagram
Unterwagramer Strasse 49
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 257215
E-mail: vs.stpoelten-wagram@noeschule.at
Web: www.vsstpoelten-wagram.ac.at
Application to private schools:
To apply to private schools, contact must be made directly with the respective school
Secondary schools [Hauptschulen]
The Hauptschule covers four years of schooling and is intended to provide a basic general
education and – depending on the pupils’ interests, aptitude and skills – to prepare them for
professional life and transfer to a higher secondary or vocational school.
Conditions for acceptance:
All pupils who have successfully completed the 4th grade in the primary school can attend a
secondary school. Information is issued by advisors on school transfer during the 4th grade
in primary school in the first half of the academic year, at parents' evenings.
Dr.-Theodor-Körner-Hauptschule I
E-mail: hs.stpoelten-koerner-1@noeschule.at
Web: www.8ung.at/sporths
Dr.-Theodor-Körner-Hauptschule II
E-mail: hs.stpoelten-koerner-2@noeschule.at
Web: www.musik-hs.schulweb.at
Economics – Communications - Engineering
Dr.-Theodor-Körner-Hauptschule III
E-mail: hs.stpoelten-koerner-3@noeschule.at
Web: www.hs3online.com
Natural Sciences
Dr.-Theodor-Körner-Hauptschule IV
E-mail: hs.stpoelten-koerner-4@noeschule.at
Web: www.hsstpoelten-koerner4.ac.at
Hauptschule Pottenbrunn
E-mail: hs.stpoelten-pottenbrunn@noeschule.at
Web: www.hspottenbrunn.ac.at
Creative & Performing, IT
Hauptschule Viehofen
E-mail: hs.stpoelten-viehofen@.at
Web: www.hsstpoelten-viehofen.ac.at
Application to private schools:
To apply to private schools, contact must be made directly with the respective school
Special schools [Sonderschulen]
SPZ Allgemeine Sonderschule Mitte
Ausstellungsstrasse 4
3100 St.Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 74238
E-mail: 302013@noeschule.at or aso.stpoelten-mitte@noeschule.at
SPZ Allgemeine Sonderschule Nord
Heinrich-Schneidmadl-Strasse 10
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 361766
E-mail: 302023@noeschule.at or aso.stpoelten-nord@noeschule.at
Web: www.spzstpoelten-nord.ac.at
Allgemeine Sonderschule St. Georgen
Kirchengasse 1a
3151 St. Georgen
Tel.: +43 2742 884379
E-mail: 302033@noeschule.at or aso.stpoelten-stgeorgen@noeschule.at
Web: www.schulen.asn-noe.ac.at/asostgeorgen-steinfelde
Polytechnic School [Polytechnische Schule]
The Polytechnic School provides basic vocational training as a better preparation for
apprenticeships in various career areas.
In particular, all pupils undergo an orientation phase lasting up to eight weeks and enabling
them to clarify their own skills, interests and preferences.
Pupils can opt for one of the following specialist areas:
 Technical professions (metalwork, electrical work, construction and woodworking)
 Retail careers and office work
 Human and creative careers, services, tourism
Polytechnische Schule
Ausstellungsstrasse 7
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 74907
E-mail: pts.stpoelten@noeschule.at
Web: www.ptsstpoelten.ac.at
Apprentice training college [Berufsschule]
In Austria, apprenticeship training is pursued under what is known as the "Dual System", with
training being given both in the workplace and in the apprentice training college.
Web: www.berufsschulen-noe.at
Higher general secondary schools [Allgemein bildende höhere Schulen]
The higher general secondary schools comprise a four-year lower stage and a four-year
upper stage leading to the higher secondary school qualification (Matura).
Success in the Matura examinations leads on to an entitlement to study at university level or
to pursue the B-track career path in the public service sector.
The aim and objective of the higher general secondary school is to provide students with a
comprehensive and in-depth general education and thus also to provide a preparation for a
university course of study.
Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium St. Pölten
Josefstrasse 84
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 72959-0
Fax: +43 2742 72959-22
E-mail: s302016@noe.ac.at
Web: www.bgstpoelten.ac.at
Bundesrealgymnasium und Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium St. Pölten
Schulring 16
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 72055
Fax: +43 2742 71609
E-mail: brg.stpoelten@noeschule.at
Web: www.borgstpoelten.ac.at
Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium für Leistungssportler, Expositur St. Pölten
Kolpingstrasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 73453-55
E-mail: 302046@noeschule.at
Web: www.borglsp-stpoelten.ac.at
Gymnasium Englische Fräulein der Vereinigung von Ordensschulen Österreichs St. Pölten
Schneckgasse 3
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 72656-0
Fax: +43 2742 73819
Web: www.privatgymstpoelten.ac.at
Higher secondary technical and vocational colleges [Berufsbildende höhere Schulen,
or BHS]
The higher secondary technical and vocational colleges offer students a comprehensive
general education and higher vocational training in an integrated format. These dual
qualifications enable college-leavers to have direct access to relevant specialist careers; and
the Matura qualification establishes general suitability for a university course of study. This
schooling route takes five years.
Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule St. Pölten
Web: www.hakstpoelten.ac.at
Werkmeisterschule für Berufstätige der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte NÖ, St. Pölten
Web: www.werkmeisterschule.at/stpoelten/
Höhere technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt St. Pölten
Web: www.htlstp.ac.at
Bildungszentrum der Caritas
Web: www.lac.ac.at
Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe St. Pölten
Web: www.hlwstpoelten.ac.at
Konservatorium für Kirchenmusik der Diözese St. Pölten
Web: www.dsp.at/kons
Werkmeisterschule für Berufstätige des WIFI der Wirtschaftskammer für NÖ, St. Pölten
Web: www.noe.wifi.at/default.aspx?menuId=144
Höhere Lehranstalt für Tourismus des WIFI, St. Pölten
Web: www.wifi-tours.at
Private Fachschule für Altendienste und Pflegehilfe St. Pölten
Web: www.hlwstpoelten.ac.at
Kolleg/Aufbaulehrgang für Design
Web: http://www.noe.wifi.at/eShop/bbDetails.aspx/bbnr/387857/zg/Da5
Bundesbildungsanstalt für Kindergarten- und Sozialpädagogik St. Pölten
Web: www.bakipstpoelten.ac.at
Ausbildungsinstitut für Mitarbeiter in der Erwachsenenbildung St. Pölten
Web: www.weiterwissen.at/ausbildungsinstitut
Religionspädagogisches Institut der Diözese St. Pölten
Web: www.dsp.at/rpi
Krankenpflegeschule am Landesklinikum St. Pölten
Web: krankenpflegeschule.kh-st-poelten.at
Coaching and private tuition
Biku Lernstudios
Schneckgasse 14
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 77561
Fax: +43 2742 775614
E-mail: nachhilfe@biku.at or office@biku.at
Web: www.biku.at
Biku Lernstudios
Kremser Gasse 41
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 20236
E-mail: nachhilfe@biku.at
Web: www.biku.at
Hilfswerk St.Pölten-Stadt – Rund ums Lernen
Purkersdorfer Strasse 25
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 252514-30
E-mail: BL.St.Poelten@noe.hilfswerk.at
LernQuadrat St.Pölten
Julius-Raab-Promenade 2/B1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 21444
E-mail: st.poelten@lernquadrat.at
Web: www.lernquadrat.at
Franziska Müller
Bahnhofplatz 8
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 357930
Fachhochschule St. Pölten
The University for the Applied Sciences FH St. Pölten specialises in the areas of Human
Sciences – Economics – Technology.
With a range of new courses, the start of this academic session sees around 1,500 students
being supported by 200 staff, tutors and assistants. The university is currently
accommodated on two sites. However, work has already begun on anew building for the
Study at universities for the applied sciences is characterised by a strong emphasis on
practical applications and on team-oriented project work. The pattern of study is geared
primarily to knowledge transmission, and research plays a less important part. The FH St.
Pölten considers another of its main tasks is to expand co-operations with regional, national
and international partners. To that end, a number of co-operations have been established
both with companies in the private sector and with non-profit organisations, as well as with
the public sector.
Currently the FH St. Pölten offers nine courses of study:
Human Sciences:
A masters’ degree in social work
Social work
Media and communications consultancy
Media management
Computer simulation
IT security
Telecommunications and media
Contact details:
Fachhochschule St. Pölten GmbH
Matthias-Corvinus-Strasse 15
3100 St.Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 313228
Fax: +43 2742 313228-339
E-mail: office@fh-stpoelten.ac.at
Web: www.fh-stpoelten.ac.at
Design-Universität St. Pölten
The new design university is the first private university for the creative economy in Austria.
Contact details:
WIFI St. Pölten
Mariazeller Strasse 97
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 890-2412 (course information)
Tel.: +43 2742 890-2411 (college & Foundation Course information)
E-mail: office@ndu.ac.at
Web: www.ndu.ac.at
Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule
The theological college is by far the oldest university-level establishment in St. Pölten.
Contact details:
Hochschule der Diözese St. Pölten
Wiener Strasse 38
A-3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352792-21
Fax: +43 2742 352792-28
E-mail: dekanat.hochschule.stpoelten@kirche.at
Web: www.pth-stpoelten.at/
3.4 Contributions to costs in the Lower Austrian regional kindergartens in the St. Pölten City
Contribution to the costs of play equipment and educational materials:
The contribution is specified by the Schools Board at the start of the 1st and 2nd semesters at
kindergarten (September 2006, February 2007). For each six-month period, the amount is €
40; these monies are earmarked for the purchase of play equipment and educational
Contribution for dinner money:
Orders and cancellations for meals are to be notified to the kindergarten by 8.30 at the latest.
The cost of the meal is € 2.40 per portion. The money is collected monthly in arrears.
Contribution for afternoon supervision after 13.00:
Up to 20 hours/month € 30;
Up to 40 hours/month € 50;
Up to 60 hours/month € 70;
Over 60 hours/month € 80.
Contributions are payable monthly in arrears. Application may be made to the relevant office
at the Lower Austrian Regional Government for a reduction on the grounds of low family
income. The forms and information sheets for this are available from the kindergarten or the
Schools Board.
Contribution for maintenance of the kindergarten:
Where the main domicile of the child attending the kindergarten and/or of the parent or
guardian is situated outside St. Pölten, then a contribution is payable towards the
maintenance of the kindergarten. This contribution can be paid by the parent or guardian, the
local authority in the place of main domicile or by other third parties, and is set at € 155 per
month for the kindergarten year 2006/07.
If you have further questions, staff on the Schools Board (tel: +43 2742 333-2660, -2664, 2666 and -2667) would be pleased to assist.
3.5 Advisory services for children and young adults
Wohngruppe Airbag
Wohngemeinschaft für Jugendliche
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 47/1/3
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 28206
Beratungszentrum Rat & Hilfe
Support for children and young adults, offering psychological diagnostic services and training
for poorly-performing children, advice on questions and problems with school, learning, work,
siblings, parents, teachers, drugs, alcohol, worries, crises, physical issues, etc.
Kranzbichlerstrasse 24a
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 353510-24
Mühlweg 26
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 363053
Die Möwe – Kinderschutzzentrum
Wiener Strasse 34, 2nd floor
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 311111
Contact details: Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.00–13.00, Mon., Weds. 14.00–18.00
Kinderschutzgruppe (St. Pölten hospital)
Protection for mistreated and abused children and young adults
Propst-Führer-Strasse 4
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 300-13506
Nordrand – Mobile Jugendarbeit St. Pölten and Verein Jugend und Lebenswelt
Using a streetwork approach, young people at risk of addiction or at risk in other ways are
supported on the basis on anonymity, voluntary participation and a non-judgemental
approach. These services are available free of charge.
Herzogenburger Strasse 64/2-4
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 26700
Parental separation/divorce or the death of a parent constitutes a crisis for children and
young adults. Rainbows groups offer help and support.
Schreinergasse 1, Stiege 2
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 26619
Child psychology and youth psychology advisory service for the Land of Lower Austria
[Kinder- und jugendpsychologischer Beratungsdienst des Landes Niederösterreich]
Am Bischofteich 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 9025-37539
City police unit
Dealing with questions and information about the police:
Hugo Schläger (Youth Contact Officer)
Dr.-Adolf-Schärf-Strasse 3
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 59133-3192100
3.6 Meeting places for young people
Jugendzentrum Steppenwolf & skate hall
Herzogenburger Strasse 18-20
3100 St. Pölten
Opening times:
Weds. 14.00–20.00
Thurs. 14.00–20.00
Fri. 14.00–20.00
Sat. 13.00–19.00
Tel.: +43 2742 313767, +43 664 6100298
Freiraum – Jugendkulturhalle der Stadt St. Pölten
Administrator: Youth Coordinator DSA Wolfgang Matzl
Herzogenburger Strasse 18
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 664 6100179
Web: www.freiraum-stp.com
Little Phönix
Schneckgasse 22
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 72240
Service mobile number for work-related counselling services: +43 676 826688398
Opening times: by agreement with Mag. Sepp Gruber
E-mail: bszgruber@gmx.at
H2 SchülerInnenzentrum
Heitzlergasse 2
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 357889
Opening times: Tues.–Fri. 11.30–17.00, only on school days
Web: www.h2-schuelerzentrum.at
4. Marriages
It is possible to get married at any Austrian Registry Office. The application for a marriage
ceremony (at which both the engaged persons must be present in person) needs to be made
to the Registry Office for the place of main residence of one of the engaged couple. It is not
possible to book a date for a marriage ceremony without an application in person!
If you wish to marry in a place which is not the Registry Office for your place of residence,
you should have the date noted in good time before submitting the application by the
Registry Office of your choice where the ceremony is to be conducted.
You require this date when making the application for your marriage. You can make the
application for your marriage at the earliest six months in advance of the planned date.
Contact details:
Standesamt St. Pölten (Registry Office)
Rathausplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2020, -2021, -2022, -2023, -2024
Fax: +43 2742 333-2029
E-mail: standesamt@st-poelten.gv.at
Opening times: Mon.–Thurs. 8.00–11.30 and 13.30–15.30, Fri. 8.00–12.00
5. In the event of a death
Following a death, a number of official requirements must be complied with. For individual
inquiries, it is advisable to obtain information by ‘phone before visiting the relevant office.
The burial or committal can be registered with any undertaker’s. Where there is an
entitlement to death benefit from an insurance company, you can eliminate the payment
formalities if you take along the insurance policy and the last payment statement.
The following documents are required:
1. Birth certificate (for those born prior to 1939: baptism certificate);
2. Where married: marriage certificate (for marriages conclude prior to 1.8.1938:
certificate of marriage issued by the church);
3. Where the deceased is widowed: the death certificate of the spouse;
4. Where the deceased is divorced: the divorce decree (decree absolute) from the last
5. Proof of academic title or engineering title;
6. For Austrian citizens: proof of citizenship;
7. For non-Austrian citizens: passport;
8. Confirmation of registration or registration form;
9. Death certificate issued by the attending doctor (only necessary if the death has not
occurred at the Landesklinikum St. Pölten).
Where the death has occurred at the Landesklinikum St. Pölten, you or an undertakers’
company appointed by you will receive a deed confirming the death following presentation of
the documents for the deceased to the office for "Registry Office Matters” [“Standesamtliche
Angelegenheiten“] at the Landesklinikum. This deed and the documents for the deceased
are then to be taken to the Registry Office.
If death occurs in a private home, in a nursing home or as the result of an accident, you or an
undertakers’ company must take the aforementioned documents to the Registry Office. The
deed confirming the death is issued by the Registry Office.
Contact details:
Standesamt St. Pölten (Registry Office)
Rathausplatz 1, 1st floor, Room 18
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2020, -2021, -2022, -2023, -2024
Opening times: Mon.–Thurs. 8.00–11.30 and 13.30–15.30, Fri. 8.00–12.00
The personal documents belonging to the deceased are returned to you immediately by the
Registry Office. You can also obtain the following from there:
1. Death certificates
2. Documents confirming an entry in the Register of Deaths
Please note:
The Registry Office notifies the medical insurer, the Registration Office and the Driving
Licence Section that the insured is deceased.
6. Religious groups
In St. Pölten, the majority of the population are members of the Roman Catholic church
(2001: 67.9%). 3.5% are members of the "evangelisch" [ Protestant] church, and 1.1% are
Orthodox Christians. 7.5% are members of the Islamic faith community. 16.9% of St. Pölten
residents are not members of any faith. The remaining categories are “other" (1.1%) and “not
known” (2%). All figures are taken from the last census in May 2001.
For more information, visit http://www.kirche.at/www.kirche.at or
6.1 Officially recognised churches in St. Pölten
Catholic Church
St. Pölten diocese
Domplatz 1, 3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 324
Web: www.kirche.at/stpoelten/
Evangelische Kirche A.B. in Austria
Superintendent Mag. Paul Weiland
Julius-Raab-Promenade 18
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 73311
E-mail: noe@evang.at
Serbian Orthodox Church
to the Holy Apostle Thomas
Priest Ljubomir Bolic
Hanuschplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten-Stattersdorf
Tel.: +43 676 4809101
Romanian Orthodox Church
2nd Sunday in the month, at the Cathedral Pfarrzentrum
Ovidiu Latiu, Tel.: +43 664 3019205
Eugen Buruiana, Tel.: +43 676 6126751
Historic Catholic Church Parish of Krems/St. Pölten
Presbytery: 3100 St. Pölten, Wiener Strasse 41
Tel.: +43 2742 357-605, +43 676 6146812 (Priest Dr. theol. Christian Halama)
E-mail: freihsl@altkatholiken.at
Web: www.altkatholiken.com
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
St. Pölten parish
Kugelgasse 6
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 351576
New Apostolic Church
Wiener Strasse 189, 3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 1 5860521
6.2 Officially registered religious faith communities
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Mühlweg 62
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 362436, +43 2742 360220
7. Advisory centres for work-related matters
7.1 Job-seekers’ advisory services
Arbeitsmarktservice St. Pölten
Advice for unemployed persons and job-seekers
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 10
3100 St. Pölten
Mon.–Fri. 7.30-15.30
Tel.: +43 2742 309-0
E-mail: ams.sanktpoelten@ams.at
Web: www.ams.at
BIZ – Berufsinfozentrum
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 12
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 309
E-mail: biz.stpoelten@326.ams.or.at
7.2 Advisory services for those in employment
Arbeiterkammer Niederösterreich
The Arbeiterkammer represents the interests of employees, and can provide advice on
matters relating to employment law, social welfare law and consumer protection; it can also
represent its members in court.
Gewerkschaftsplatz 2
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 57171-7150
E-mail: stpoelten@aknoe.at
Web: www.aknoe.at
Arbeitnehmer- und Betriebsseelsorge (employment advice and counselling service)
3100 St. Pölten, Schneckgasse 22
Tel.: +43 2742 72240, +43 676 826688398
E-mail: bsz.gruber@.gmx.at
Web: www.betriebsseelsorge.at.tf
Factories Inspectorate [Arbeitsinspektorat]
The Factories Inspectorate ensures protection for workers’ health and safety through
carrying out its statutory responsibilities.
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 10
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 363-225
E-mail: post.ai8@arbeitsinspektion.gv.at
Web: www.arbeitsinspektion.gv.at
Regional workers’ and employees’ professional association [Landarbeiterkammer]
Statutory interest group representing workers' rights, legal advice in connection with
employment or professional practice, and interventions with employers
Neue Herrengasse 2, Top 6
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352683
Fax: +43 2742 28265
E-mail: stpoelten@lak-noe.at
8. Accommodation in St. Pölten
8.1 Housing associations and estate agents
Allgemeine gemeinnützige Wohnungsgenossenschaft St. Pölten
Josefstrasse 70-72
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 77288
Gemeinnützige Bau-, Wohn- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft Alpenland und Terra
Rennbahnstrasse 30
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 204
Schönere Zukunft, Gemeinnützige Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft
Lederergasse 8
3100 St. Pölten
Gemeinnützige Wohnbau-GmbH
Mühlweg 114
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 353248
Fax: +43 2742 353248-20
bau1 reg. Gen. mbH
Kerensstrasse 17
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 311031
BWS Genossenschaft
Passauer Strasse 48
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 75368
Bau-, Wohn- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft
Spratzerner Kirchenweg 40
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 73003
Waldbrunnerstrasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 881557
Gemeinnützige Wohnbaugesellschaft Terra
Rennbahnstrasse 30
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 204
Domus Liegenschaftsverwaltungs-GmbH
Herzogenburger Strasse 56
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 313403
Trauttmansdorffsche Liegenschafts-GmbH
Hauptstrasse 77
3140 Pottenbrunn
Tel.: +43 2742 43208
Borger Immobilien
Wiener Strasse 3-7
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352332, +43 2742 357292
Immobilien Steigberger
Kremser Gasse 13
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352492
Realbüro Edlauer
Domgasse 4
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352438
Realitätenbüro Schafranek
Radetzkystrasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 363109
S-Real-Immobilien Vermittlungs-GmbH
Josefstrasse 120
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 50100-26245
Weiretmair GmbH
Linzer Strasse 19
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352336
8.2 Advice centre for housing issues
Verein Wohnen
Beratungsstelle Wohnungssicherung NÖ Mitte
Delogierungsprävention in NÖ [Lower Austria eviction prevention]
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 36
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 355934
Fax: +43 2742 355934-25
9. Debt problems
Debt advisory service
Herrengasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 355420
Fax: +43 2742 355420-20
10. Disabilities – People with special needs
Ambulatorium Sonnenschein
Diagnostic and treatment centre for developmentally-delayed or disabled children and young
Eichendorffstrasse 48
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 75305
Kinder- und Jugendabteilung des Krankenhauses St. Pölten
Out-patient and in-patient treatment of sick children and young people by a professional
team. Qualified social workers on-hand to provide social welfare assistance to families.
Propst-Führer-Strasse 4
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 300-2021
Office of the Lower Austrian Land Government, Dept. GS 5
Assistance for people with special needs comprising: medical therapies, aids and equipment,
assistance during early development and with education and schooling, assistance with
career integration, assistance through protected employment, assistance with social
integration, assistance with social care and support and personal assistance
Landhausplatz 1, House 14, 3rd floor
3109 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 9005-16341
Opening times: Tues. 8.00–12.00
NÖ Gebietskrankenkasse
The Lower Austrian regional medical insurers offer fee exemption and benefits from the
Support Fund [Unterstützungsfond] for disabled persons.
Kremser Landstrasse 3
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: 050 899
Arbeitsassistenz für Menschen mit psychischer oder geistiger Beeinträchtigung
The Arbeitsassistenz (employment assistance service) develops and monitors career
objectives for people with mental problems, illnesses or disabilities
Dr.-Karl-Renner-Promenade 12
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 841-40 to -45
Geschützte Werkstätte St. Pölten
Integrative business, offering positions to people with a reduced ability to work due to
Ghegastrasse 9-11
3151 St. Georgen-Hart
Tel.: +43 2742 74511-0
Tagesheimstätte St. Pölten
Hnilickastrasse 20-22
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 72655
11. Men’s advisory service
Beratungszentrum Rat & Hilfe
Heitzlergasse 4
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 353510-35
Opening times: Tues. 16.00–18.00 and by appointment
12. Women’s advisory services
Aktion Leben
Mühlweg 26
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 363286-12
Opening times: Weds. and Thurs. 8.00–13.00
Familienberatung (Family Advice Centre)
Heßstrasse 6
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2501
Opening times: Thurs. 17.00–19.00
Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Kindern (intervention agency to prevent
violence against women and children)
Kremser Gasse 37/1st floor
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 31966
Opening times: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.00–17.00, Weds. 14.00–17.00
Protection, residential facility, support and advice for women and their children who have
experienced or are threatened with physical violence and/or mental cruelty.
Maximilianstrasse 69
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 366514
Opening times: daily 0.00–24.00
E-mail: hausderfrau.stpoelten@pgv.at
Mühlweg 26
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 363053
Opening times: daily 0.00–24.00
Women and men enjoy equal opportunities under Austrian law in all aspects of our society.
The city of St. Pölten wishes to support women in leading lives which reflect their own
choices in how their lives are led. Learning the German language is very important in this
regard. Initial and continuing education and training for girls and women is the basis for
earning an independent income and not being financially dependent on another person. Girls
and women have the right to determine for themselves their choice of career and
The city of St. Pölten is particularly concerned to ensure that women are supported in being
well-informed about the legal and social principles in this area, in order to be aware of their
options and entitlements.
13. Health
Gesundheitsverwaltung (health administration)
Linzer Strasse 6
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2516
1. Medical Officer services; performing medical officer examinations;
2. Public Health responsibilities and epidemic control;
3. Preventive health (school medical service, school dentistry, lung function tests,
hearing tests);
4. Social health services (advisory centre management – family advice, alcohol advice,
etc. – support for older citizens, support for the disabled);
5. Responsibility for general hygiene concerns, e.g. involvement in the event of
sanitation issues of a general nature;
6. Advice on outbreaks of head-lice, itching mites etc.;
7. Conducting general and special vaccinations;
For further details: www.st-poelten.gv.at
AIDS information and contraception advice
(Sozialmedizinischer Dienst des Magistrats der LH St. Pölten)
Linzer Strasse 10-12
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2518
Diabetic and nutrition advice (Lower Austria Gebietskrankenkasse)
Kremser Landstrasse 3
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: 050 899
14. Services for migrants
District Authorities, St. Pölten, Aliens' Department [Bezirkshauptmannschaft St. Pölten,
Am Bischofteich 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 9025-37415, -37416, -37417
Alien’s Section [Fremdenpolizeiliches Referat]
Deportations, postponements of deportation, Convention passports, alien’s passports, etc.
Linzer Strasse 47
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 803-355113
Opening times: Mon.–Fri. 8.00-13.00
Office of the Lower Austrian Land Government
Group for Internal Administration [Gruppe Innere Verwaltung]
Dept. For Police Matters [Abt. Polizei-Angelegenheiten]
Haus 16
Landhausplatz 1
3109 St. Pölten
Responsible for all types of right to residence, apart from visa
Tel.: +43 2742 9005-13052, -12649, -13060
Dealings with parties: Tues. 8.00–12.00
Integration issues in the St Pölten city area
Frau Mag. (FH) Sevim Dogan
Rathausplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2036
Evangelischer Flüchtlingsdienst (church-supported assistance to refugees)
Domgasse 4, 6th floor
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 21438
Opening times: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8.00–12.00
Caritas der Diözese St. Pölten
Advice on asylum, migration and residence issues, contact-point for priests, associations and
private persons supporting refugees, and transitional assistance with clothing, food and
Mag. Sara Rodriguez-Toral
Dr.-Karl-Renner-Promenade 12
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 841-95
FAIR (Für Arbeit Integration Recht)
Advice centre for migrants
Rathausplatz 6
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 21804
Opening times: Tues., Fri. 9.30–12.30, Weds. 14.00–16.00
Integrationszentrum St. Pölten
Beratungsstelle Perspektiva
Integration advice for refugees with recognised status
Schiessstattring 35/9
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 71473
Opening times: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.00–12.00, Mon., Thurs. 14.00–16.00
Flüchtlingsprojekt Verein Wohnen (assists with housing)
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 36
3100 St. Pölten
Contact details: Sandra Scharf
Tel.: +43 2742 355934-26
UMF – Projekt Emmaus
Wohnheim Viehofen
Contact: Gernot Kulhanek
Tel.: +43 2742 31406-300
Mobile: +43 676 88044294
14.1 Residence
The law on residence and stays (Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz, or NAG) came into
force on 1 January 2006, with some changes to the previously-applicable situation.
The law on stays distinguishes between:
- Temporary residence permits;
- Permanent resident permits;
- Family members; and
- Duration of stay.
For more information, please consult the homepage of the Austrian Federal Ministry for
Internal Affairs, section on Aliens’ Rights Affairs [“Fremdenwesen"]. All residence permits
are issued in card form. For further information, please visit www.help.gv.at. Information on
the transitional arrangements can be found on the homepage for the Interior Ministry.
Contact details:
Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsbehörde
Rathausplatz 1
3100 St.Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2082, -2083
Fax: +43 2742 333-2089
Dealings with parties:
Mon.–Fri. 8.00–12.00
14.2 Integration Agreement [Integrationsvereinbarung, IV]
Anyone seeking the issue or extension of a permanent residence permit must undertake to
satisfy the Integration Agreement within a period of five years. As part of the Integration
Agreement, two modules which complement one another must be passed:
Module 1 – Reading and writing as part of a literacy course (75 hours). Proof of achievement:
generally, evidence that reading and writing have been acquired is sufficient, and a school
certificate (including a certificate from the country of origin) is adequate for this.
Module 2 – spoken command of the German language and the ability to participate in the
social, economic and cultural life in Austria (300 hours).
The following are exempted from this obligation:
1. Anyone who is still a minor at the time of compliance;
2. Anyone for whom compliance is an unreasonable expectation by reason of advanced
age or state of health;
3. Anyone declaring in writing that his or her period of residence shall not exceed 24
months and that he or she thereby waives the submission of an application for
extension of stay.
14.3 Certificated course providers
Club für Interkulturelle Begegnung (club for inter-cultural meeting)
C.I. St. Pölten
Julius-Raab-Promenade 43
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: + 43 1 9905811
NÖ Hilfswerk
Ferstlergasse 4
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 2491403
Schneckgasse 14
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 77561
Mariazeller Strasse 97
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 890-2000
14.4 Associations for migrants
Albanischer Islam-Kultur-, Wohltätigkeits- und Sportverein (Albanian Islamic Culture,
Welfare and Sports Assocation)
Wilhelmsburger Strasse 11
3151 St. Georgen
Tel.: +43 2742 86537
Alevitischer Kulturverein (cultural association)
Keltenstrasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 24600
Osman-Pasa-Kultur-, Sport- und Hilfsverein (culture, sports and welfare association)
Liessfeldstraße 28
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 22646
Austro-Asiatisches Forum (Austrian-Asian Forum)
Dipl.-Ing. Akther Baig
Josef-Bichler-Strasse 7
3107 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 31990-640, +43 664 1009584, +43 676 6402624
Islamischer Kultur- und Wohltätigkeitsverein (Islamic cultural and welfare association)
Matthias-Corvinus-Strasse 2
3100 St. Pölten
Amara-Kulturzentrum (cultural centre)
Herzogenburger Strasse 5
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 660 6572583
Verein für Österreich-Türkische Freundschaft in Niederösterreich (Lower Austrian AustrianTurkish Friendship Association)
Schneckgasse 22
3100 St. Pölten
Web: www.dostluk.cc.nu
15. Further education/Courses
Volkshochschule der Landeshauptstadt St. Pölten
Herzogenburger Strasse 68
3100 St. Pölten
Tel. +43 2742 72146
Fax: +43 2742 72146
E-mail: helmut.wagner@st-poelten.gv.at
Web: www.vhs-stpoelten.at
BFI (Berufsförderungsinstitut)
Schulring 21
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 313500
Fax: +43 2742 313500-444
E-mail: stpoelten@bfinoe.at
Web: www.bfinoe.at
Ibis Acam Bildungs GmbH
Schiessstattring 31-33
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 70146-11
Fax: +43 2742 70146-20
Web: www.ibisacam.at
WIFI (economic support institute of the Lower Austria Economic Chamber Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich)
Mariazeller Strasse 97
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 890-2000
Fax: +43 2742 890-2100
E-mail: kundenservice@noe.wifi.at
Web: www.noe.wifi.at
ZIB Training GmbH-Zentrale
Bräuhausgasse 3/3/1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 21311
Fax: +43 2742 21311-5
E-mail: info@zib-training.at
Österreichisches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (Austrian Institute for Adult Education)
Neue Herrengasse 17a
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 294-17485
Fax: +43 2742 294-17486
E-mail: office@oieb.at
16. Culture and leisure activities
16.1 Libraries
Prandtauerstrasse 7
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2700
Fax: +43 2742 333-2709
In January 2006, the new central city library was opened in Prandtauerstrasse. It offers a
range of children’s literature and literature to appeal to teenagers, novels, biographies,
foreign-language literature and practical guides, history, books on the natural sciences and
humanities, travel, medicine, sport, gardening and lifestyle, through to works on music,
literature, art and a selection of magazines.
A current photo ID is required to register with the library. Once you have registered, you are
issued with a personal, non-transferable reader’s card which can be used to borrow all media
for a period of three weeks.
Niederösterreichische Landesbibliothek
Kulturbezirk 3
3109 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 9005-12847
Fax: +43 2742 9005-13860
E-mail: post.k3@noel.gv.at
Opening times:
Mon., Weds., Thurs., Fri. 8.30–16.00, Tues. 8.30–19.00
Bundesstaatliche Pädagogische Bibliothek beim Landesschulrat für Niederösterreich
Rennbahnstrasse 29
3109 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 280-1482
E-mail: pbn@lsr-noe.gv.at
16.2 Museums
The City Museum (Stadtmuseum) provides a comprehensive insight into the history of the
city of St. Pölten and its inhabitants.
Prandtauerstrasse 2
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: + 43 2742 333-2643
Web: www.stadtmuseum-stpoelten.at
Opening times:
Tues.–Sat. 10.00–17.00, closed on Sun., Mon. and public holidays
A tower with possibilities for artistic expression – the symbol of the cultural identity of the
regional capital, visible from afar.
Kulturbezirk 1
3109 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 908050-100
Opening times for information centre and viewing terrace:
Mon. to Sat. 8.00–19.00, Sun. and public holidays 9.00–17.00
Opening times for exhibition space:
27 April to 1 November 2007
Tues.–Sun. and public holidays 9.00–17.00
Landesmuseum - NÖ Museum-Betriebs-GmbH
The comprehensive collections of the Landesmuseum include numerous treasures of Lower
Austrian culture and history.
Kulturbezirk 5
3109 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 908090-100
Web: www.landesmuseum.net
Opening times:
Tues.–Sun. and public holidays 9.00–17.00
The Diocesan Museum ranks as one of the jewels amongst St. Pölten’s museums.
Domplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 324-331
E-mail: Info@dz-museum.at
Web: www.dz-museum.at
Opening times: May to October, Tues.–Fri. 10.00–12.00 and 14.00–17.00, Sat. 10.00–13.00
16.3 Theatres
Landestheater Niederösterreich
Rathausplatz 11
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 908060
Fax: +43 2742 908060-660
Web: www.landestheater.net
E-mail: office@landestheater.net
Festspielhaus St. Pölten
Kulturbezirk 2
3109 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 908080
Fax: +43 2742 908081
Web: www.festspielhaus.at
E-mail: office@festspielhaus.at
Bühne im Hof
Julius-Raab-Promenade 37
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352291
Fax: +43 2742 352294
Web: www.bih.at
E-mail: office@bih.at
Advance ticket sales (9.00–17.00):
Linzer Strasse 18
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 21130
16.4 Cinemas
Hollywood Megaplex
Engelbert-Laimer-Strasse 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 288
Web: www.hollywood-megaplex.at
Cinema Paradiso
Rathausplatz 14
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 21400
Fax: +43 2742 34331
E-mail: office@cinema-paradiso.at
Web: www.cinema-paradiso.at
Culture and Film Festival
39 days of summer sensation in the Rathausplatz
Opening times and performance times:
Restaurants Mon.–Sun. 9.00–1.00
Films screened from around 17.00
Seating (cinema): Approx. 200
16.5 Sport
Whether professional sport, amateur sport, sport for health and fitness, or traditional club
sports - if you want to stay fit in St. Pölten, you will find no lack of opportunities and contacts.
Contact details:
Sports Section [Sportreferat]
Willi Vojta
Rathausplatz 1
3100 St.Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2806
Fax: +43 2742 333-2809
E-mail: sport@st-poelten.gv.at
16.6 Swimming and bathing in St. Pölten
Schiessstattring 15
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 352661
Web: www.aquacity.at
E-mail: aquacity@st-poelten.gv.at
Ratzersdorfer See
Only a few kilometres to the north of the city centre, the shores around the Ratzersdorfer See
lake are home to the sports and leisure paradise for St. Pölten.
Location and routes: access via the Bimbo-Binder-Promenade. In summer there is a
dedicated bus route. Directly on the Traisentalweg path, or alternatively on the North-West
and North-East cycle routes and walking routes nos. 2, 11, 13 and 14.
Handel-Mazzetti-Strasse 2
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 72991
Opening times: Start of May to 2nd weekend in September, daily 9.00–(latest) 19.30
Viehofner Seen
Location and routes: Directly on Dr.-Adolf-Schärf-Strasse and on the Traisentalweg path, or
alternatively on the North-West and North-East cycle routes and walking routes nos. 2, 11,
13 and 14.
17. Key emergency numbers and addresses
17.1 Emergency phone numbers
Crisis response
Tel.: +43 800 202016
Mon.–Fri. 19.00–7.00, Sat., Sun. and public holidays 0.00-24.00
Women’s helpline against male violence [Frauen-Helpline gegen Männergewalt]
Tel.: +43 800 222555 (toll-free)
Daily 0.00–24.00
Tel.: +43 800 600607
Daily 16.00–24.00
Rat auf Draht (emergency helpline for children and young adults)
Tel.: 147
Daily 0.00–24.00
Telephone counselling service
Tel.: 142
Daily 0.00–24.00
Fire brigade
Tel.: 122
Tel.: 133
Tel.: 144
17.2 Emergency medical services
Emergency doctor on-call, provided by the Lower Austria medical association [NÖ
Tel.: 141
Weekdays 19.00–7.00, weekends round the clock
Landesklinikum St. Pölten (hospital)
Tel.: +43 2742 300
Mountain rescue
Tel.: 140
Centre for information on suspected poisoning
Tel.: +43 1 4064343
Central number for calls to doctors
Tel.: +43 1 53116
17.3 Rescue organisations
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Österreichs, Rettungsstelle St. Pölten
Herzogenburger Strasse 33
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 303
Austrian Red Cross, St. Pölten District Office [Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz, Bezirksstelle St.
Ludwig-Stöhr-Straße 7
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: + 43 2742 804
E-mail: st.poelten@n.roteskreuz.at
Austrian Water Rescue Service, Lower Austria Land Association [Österreichische WasserRettung, Landesverband Niederösterreich]
Goldegger Strasse 8
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: + 43 664 1363727
Fax: + 43 2742 333-2549
17.4 Technical emergency services
ARBÖ [vehicle rescue and recovery]
Tel.: 123
Mariazeller Strasse 262
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 883856
ÖAMTC [vehicle rescue and recovery]
Tel.: 120
Schulze-Delitzsch-Strasse 3
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 73568, +43 2742 78583
EVN electrical fault reporting [EVN-Störungsmeldestelle]
Tel.: +43 2742 74530
E-mail: stpoelten@evn.at
District heating and water supply (municipal works)
Tel.: +43 2742 333-4420
Cable TV
Tel.: +43 2742 75630
Web: www.kstp.at
Locksmith (replacement key service)
Linzer Strasse 10-12
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 676 9330343
17.5 Lost cash withdrawal cards or credit cards
Tel.: +43 800 2048800
Tel.: +43 1 717010
Diners Club
Tel.: +43 1 501350
Visa Card
Tel.: +43 1 71111770
18. Other useful addresses
Registration Office [Meldeamt] for the St. Pölten Magistrat
Prandtauerstrasse 2
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 333-2070
Tax Office [Finanzamt]
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 8
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 304
Regional health insurer [Gebietskrankenkasse]
Kremser Landstrasse 3
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: 050899
Family Section [Familienreferat]
Landhausplatz 1
3109 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 9005-13282
Employment Office [Arbeitsamt]
Daniel-Gran-Strasse 10
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 309
District Authorities [Bezirkshauptmannschaft]
Am Bischofteich 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 9025
Regional goverment [Landesregierung]
Landhausplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 9005
Pension insurer [Pensionsversicherungsanstalt für Arbeiter und Angestellte]
Friedrich-Hillegeist-Strasse 1
1021 Vienna
Tel.: +43 50303-32982
Lower Austria advisory service [Beratungsdienst für Niederösterreich]
Europaplatz 5
3100 St. Pölten
Web: www.pensionsversicherung.at
Insurance association for railway- and mine-workers [Versicherungsanstalt für Eisenbahnen
und Bergbau]
Linke Wienzeile 48-52
1061 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 58848-239, -205
Fax: +43 1 58848-497
Farmers’ social insurance fund [Sozialversicherungsanstalt der Bauern]
Ghegastrasse 1
1030 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 79706
For further information, please also visit our tourist information centre:
Rathausplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 353354
Fax: +43 2742 333-2819
E-mail: tourismus@st-poelten.gv.at
Opening times April to October:
Mon.–Fri. 8.00–17.00, Sat., 9.00–17.00
Sun. and public holidays 10.00–17.00
Opening times November to March:
Mon.–Fri. 8.00–17.00
Services: Information and comprehensive literature on culture, accommodation, dining,
leisure, sports and events
Organising guided city walks for visitor groups
Preparing information folders for conferences, seminars etc.
Assistance and advice for individual and group tours
Web: www.st-poelten.gv.at
Editor and publisher: Municipal Authority [Magistrat] for the regional capital of St Pölten
Responsible for content: Mag. (FH) Sevim Dogan, Tel. +43 2742 333-2036
Cover design: Michaela Plesser
Translations: Linguanet Austria GmbH, 3100 St. Pölten, Mariazeller Straße 46
Date: 30.10.2007