Mock Interview Assignment

Mock Interview Assignment
You will be participating in a mock interview in class. I will be
interviewing you for one of three possible positions. It is up to you
which position you choose to interview for.
You will be expected to act as if you are really interviewing for this
position with your company. Business attire is required.
The three positions available to interview for are as follows:
1 – Accountant for Wal-Mart
2 – Bookkeeper for General Electric
3 – Auditor for Ford Motor Company
You will be expected to know what job duties are typical for your
position. You will also be expected to have some knowledge of the
company for which you are interviewing with. All of these are Fortune
500 companies, so it should not be hard to gather some information
on your company.
As for your education background and work experience, you are all
college graduates from an in-state college, with a Bachelor’s degree
in Accounting. Rely on any and all previous work experience you
have from jobs in your real life.
You will be graded according to the Mock Interview Rubric.