environmental engineering ii

Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
Korea University
(ACEE319 환경공학 II)
Spring Semester 2009
The main objective of this course is to teach fundamental principles of unit
operations and processes in environmental engineering, primarily water and
wastewater treatment. Specifically, based on transport and transformation
principles studied in Environmental Engineering I, physical, chemical, and biological
unit processes applied to water and wastewater processes will be lectured
systematically. In addition, air quality engineering is briefly introduced in terms of
fate and control of air pollutants (if water quality engineering course work is
completed). This course is designed to provide basic and applied knowledge that
are essential for the engineers to design environmental engineering systems. (Note:
this course is taught in English.
Introductory Environmental Engineering Courses (환경공학 I)
Three Semester Hours: Two-hour Lecture and One-hour Lab
(The combined course credits will be given to the students based on their
performance on both lecture and lab courses.)
Time & Place:
Lecture: Monday 2:00 – 4:45 am (5, 6 교시) 창의관 207 호
Lab: Monday 5:00 – 7:00 pm (7, 8 교시) 공학관 267 호
Professor: SeungKwan (S.K.) Hong, Ph.D., P.E.
Office: Engineering 312
Tel: 02-3290-3322, H.P: 010-6518-9459, Fax: 02-928-7656
E-mail: skhong21@korea.ac.kr
Office Hours: Monday 1:00 to 2:00 pm or by Appointment
(Note: Open Door Policy will be kept if possible)
Website: http://water21.korea.ac.kr
Teaching Assistant:
Lecture: Chang-woo kim (Graduate Student)
Office: Engineering 337 (물환경플랜트공학연구실)
Tel: 02-929-3910, H.P.: 010-9988-9044, Fax: 02-928-7656
E-mail: ckddnman@korea.ac.kr
Lab: Chan-hee Boo (Graduate Student)
Office: Engineering 337 (물환경플랜트공학연구실)
Tel: 02-929-3910, H.P.: 010-5198-2271, Fax: 02-928-7656
E-mail: qncksgml@korea.ac.kr
Lab: Ji-hun Goog (Graduate Student)
Office: Engineering 337 (물환경플랜트공학연구실)
Tel: 02-929-3910, H.P.: 010-9559-4015, Fax: 02-928-7656
E-mail: kukjihun@korea.ac.kr
Environmental Engineering Science (EES)
W. W. Nazaroff and L. Alvarez-Cohen, John Wiley and Sons (2001)
(The same textbook used in Environmental Engineering I, 환경공학 I)
Extra Text: Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering
T. D. Reynolds and P. A. Richards, PWS Publishing Company (1996)
The student will be evaluated as follows:
The student should attend more than 2/3 of the classes scheduled. The students
who fail to do so will receive F (or I) grade regardless of his/her performance in
homeworks and examinations.
Homework: 15%
Homework will be given weekly or biweekly depending on the topics. It should be
handed in a week after the date assigned. No late homework will be accepted.
Each student should perform and submit his/her own work, although group effort is
Midterm Examinations: 30%
Two midterm exams will be given to the students, each one contributing to 15% of
the course grade. The midterm exam will be closed book and notes. All necessary
tables and diagrams will be provided for students. The students are allowed to
prepare and bring one-page summary reference to the test.
Final Examination: 30%
Final exam will be comprehensive including laboratory work.
Laboratory Reports: 25%
The procedure of laboratory experiments and the format of laboratory reports will be
discussed in detail in lab session.
Note: No make-up exam will be offered unless an emergency or unavoidable cause
can be identified and approved by the instructor.
Course Schedule
(Spring 2009)
Lecture Topics
Reading Assignments
Water Quality Engineering: Introduction
Definitions, Natural Waters, Water Quality Problems,
Regulations, Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes
Chap 6. A - B
Physical Treatment Methods
Sedimentation, Filtration, Membrane
Chap 6. C 1-3
Physical Treatment Methods
Sedimentation, Filtration, Membrane
Chap 6. C 1-3
(Physico)Chemical Treatment Methods
Disinfection, Coagulation and Flocculation
Chap 6. D 1-2
(Physico)Chemical Treatment Methods
Disinfection, Coagulation and Flocculation
Chap 6. D 1-2
Examination I
(Three-hour Exam Covering Week 1 to 5 Lectures)
(Physico)Chemical Treatment Methods
Adsorption, Ion Exchange
Biological Treatment Methods
Activated Sludge
Chap 6. E1
Biological Treatment Methods
Activated Sludge
Chap 6. E1
Biological Treatment Methods
Trickling Filters
Chap 6. E2
Biological Treatment Methods
Anaerobic Digestion
Chap 6. E3
Examination II
(Three-hour Exam Covering Week 7 to 11 Lectures)
Air Quality Engineering: Introduction
Air Pollution Problems, Pollutant Emission Control
Chap 7. A-B
Air Quality Engineering:
Treatment Technologies, Air Quality Modeling
Chap 7. C-D
Final Exam Review
Final Exam
(Comprehensive Three-Hour Examination
Chap 6. D 3-4
Note 1: Final exam will be conducted on June 15 during final exam week (June 15-19).