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Renee Sandra LAREDO
586 Jersey Avenue #2, Jersey City
New Jersey 07302
Phone: (201) 798-9530/917) 806-6920
Email: laredor@msn.com
French native award-winning writer and translator specializing in Film
and Performance who taught at universities as well as major
organizations in the United States seeks position as an interpreter/
translator in the Tri-State Area.
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Spring 2002
Interview of José Montalvo, French Choreographer, by
The New York Times Magazine for his performance called
Le Jardin Ito Ito. Translation done from French
into English and vice versa. Le Jardin is homage
to the diversity, cosmopolitanism of today’s
Parisian’s identity.
United Nations in New York, May 2002
Children’s Forum – Meeting of over 18 delegates to the
Special Session of the General Assembly on Children.
Interactive presentation on priority areas of outcome
Documents, “A World Fit for Children.”
Fitz and Co Media, New York, January 2001
Reception to present French members of the Modigliani
Committee scheduled at the Carlyle Hotel on January 23rd.
The Modigliani Committee was created to preserve and promote
the work of the artist Amadeo Modigliani. Foremost scholars
joined the Blue Ribbon Panel to safeguard, research and
and authenticate the work of the artist.
Interpreter into English of speeches delivered by Christian
Parisot, director of the Modigliani Committee, and head of
the history department at the University of Orleans and
Pascale Lismonde, art historian at Radio France.
French American Foundation – April 1999
Art Administration Exchange Program: Meeting between French
Theater administrator and their American East Coast
Colleagues. Interpreter from English to French to English
Dance Theater Workshop
Talk with David White, Producer
The Yale Repertory Theater, Yale University
Talk with Benjamin Mordechai, managing director.
Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab
Talk with Anne Cattaneo, dramaturg.
Julliard School
Talk with Harold Stone, Director and Faculty member.
La MaMa E.T.C.
Interview with Ellen Stewart, director.
Cannes International Film Festival, May 1987
La Quinzaine des Realisateurs, invited American Directors
Such as Jim Jarmush who was in the competition with
Down By Law. Interpreted interviews for the French Press.
Interpreter, Deauville American Film Festival, Sept. 1989
Interpreter for the actor Ben Gazzarra.
MIRAMAX FILMS, New York, January 2001
Translation of a film script from French into English –
Julienne et son Amour (Julienne and her Lover),a Jean
Renoir script written for Jeanne Moreau.
Miramax Acquisitions& Co-Productions bought the rights and
wanted an English version to present to producers
Lincoln Center Festival – N.Y.C December 1999
Translator for les Colporteurs, a French based Circus Company
Which performed during the Festival in NYC.
Translation of Press Kits and Brochures.
New York Public Library - 1998
Translation of President’s mail to Paris from English into French
8 Bond Studios - 1998
Translation of advertising brochures
NY Habitat
BNP Paribas, New York, 2005 to Present
Teach French to advanced level Bankers, using French films
Such as Francois Truffaut’s Jules et Jim as well Moliere’s plays
L’Avare and Les Fourberies de Scapin.
Public Speaking
Adjunct Instructor
St John’s University, Queens, 2001 to Present
Department of Speech, Communication Sciences and Theater
Teach the Art of Public Speaking in a workshop format using
Techniques to improve projection, diction as well as stage
presence. Usage of famous speakers’ videos: M. L. King, J. F. K.
etc., to demonstrate, principles of public speaking in action.
Theater Workshop
St John’s University, Queens, Summer 2005
Department of Speech, Communication Sciences and Theater
Taught as an acting workshop. The students produced
& performed a montage of scenes extracted from films
including When Harry Met Sally, Pulp Fiction, Thelma and
Louise, Annie Hall and Carlito’s Way. Hamlet’s monologue was
done as a chorus line.
Writing for Business
Adjunct Instructor
New Jersey City University, Jersey City, Fall 2005
English Department
Taught the students how to create a folder that will represent
their own company. The folder includes the company logo, a
business proposal addressed to financial institutions, as well as
a press release and an invitation for the launching of the
product or service.
Children’s Literature
Adjunct Instructor
New Jersey City University, Jersey City Fall 2003
English Department
Taught as a literature not a writing method. This course deals
with genre including myth, fairy tale, modern fantasy, poetry and
more. The objective was to familiarize students with the
different types of stories that come under the umbrella of
“Children’s Literature” and to look at the multi-layered impact
such works have on the reader (verbal and non-verbal).
College Writing
Adjunct Instructor
New Jersey City University, Jersey City, Fall 2002
English Department
Taught by using reading assignment to improve
Students’ writing skills. Used text as well as video of the
epic Odysseus. The aim of the course is to write
essays while refining technical skills.
Survey of Dramatic Literature From 1620
Adjunct Instructor
New Jersey City University, Jersey City, Fall 2001
English Department
A survey of dramatic Literature, starting from the Greek
Tragedy as defined by Aristotle to the beginning of the 17th
Century. The course has a double goal, to understand the
development of drama as literature as well as
History of Drama and Theater
Teaching Assistant to John Bell
New York University, New York, Fall 1999
English Department
The course covered developments in European drama from
Greek tragedy to 19th century drama. The goal is to understand
theater as dramatic tradition, but also as a way it reflects the
culture of its community. Taught Jean Racine’s Phaedra and showed
a video of the play.
Book: Fred Astaire Flying in the Sky, Ed. Carnot - Present
“The book chronicling the life of Fred Astaire is written
in a cinematic flashback form from the point of view of
those of us who today are profoundly influenced by the
social and technical aspects of Fred Astaire’s filmed
musicals. Fred Astaire, Flying in the Sky is unique not
only because it is one of the few French language books to
treat the subject of the social importance of Fred
Astaire’s filmed musicals, but because it is one of the few
books in any language to treat Fred Astaire’s work from
this perspective.” Book outlined by Christopher Stanley.The
Book reviews film including, Top Hat, Swing Time, Shall We
Dance, Royal Wedding, Funny Face, Daddy Long Legs e.t.c.
Western European Stages, The Graduate Center of The City
University of New York publication – Spring 2002
P15 Interview with Alain Crombecque, director of the
Festival D’Automne in Paris.
“The festival has existed for thirty years and was created
by Michel Guy, a former Minister of Culture in 1972. The
Festival’s original mission was to be multi-disciplinary. It
is not exclusively a theater festival; it also includes
dance, opera and music. It is a festival that focuses on
Modernity. It is an important festival that plays a role as
a continuous bridge between the United States and France.
I’m speaking specifically of New York artists who have come
to the festival, such as Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk,
John Cage, but also Balanchine and the New York City
P23 Interview with Jose Montalvo , Choreographer & Director
of the Theatre National de Chaillot in Paris.
Jose Montalvo came to the Brooklyn Academy of
Music to present his dance called le Jardin Ito Ito.
“Ito Ito is a wink to Max Ersnt, because the piece is
conceptualized as a collage, and max Ernst defined the
collage as one of the instruments that helps gather the
maximum of happiness in any epoch. Choreographic writing
resonates with what has become of Paris and the Isle de
France.it is so to speak, a big cosmopolitan and
multicultural opening, and what I am trying to show is that
the different migrations which are totally part of France
are enriching it, and transforming its identity. That
provides a new springboard for an incredible new world of
imagination. That is why I have created this fable, this
choreographic fairy tale, to show that the new French
identity is like a collage, un Jardin Ito Ito.”
Slavic and East European Performance, Drama, Theater, Film
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, Spring 2002
P53 Kristian Lupa Directs Thomas Bernhard’s Extinction:
An interview.Sandra Laredo
Sandra Laredo interviewed Krystian Lupa in January 2002 in
Paris, where Lupa was working on his production of Thomas
Bernhards’s Extinction as part of the Festival d’Automne.
The interview was multilingual, with Laredo’s questions in
French and Lupa’s responses in Polish, translated by an
interpreter. The English translation is by Sandra Laredo
and Kurt Taroff.
Play Writing
Play translated by Sandra Laredo and Kurt Taroff from the
French version of Fausse Piste into the English version
titled Misdirection. The play was produced under the
direction of Michel Vinaver, playwright and director of the
Theater Department at La Sorbonne-Paris VIII. He
Developed an original writing method that he put into
practice during the Avignon Theater Festival in July 1989.
Glenn Loney, theater critic, reviewed it as being an
absurdist play that reminded him of Waiting for Godot.
The play was performed and Directed by Edmund Lingan at A
Taste of Art in May 2004. It was presented and directed by
Sandra Laredo at The Players Club in NYC in May 2005
A Noh play written as a transposition of an ancient
Japanese story into another one taking place in Manhattan.
Kimiko is a sort of modern Geisha selling her services to
businessmen. Caught in the journey of bad karma, she loses
her soul until Nagasaki-Yamamoto, a wealthy modern Samurai
in search of a good cause saves her. It is a
redemption story stylized as a Noh Play. It will involve
a Chorus that will produce musical sounds, as expression of
the characters’ moods.
Dream Blues
Script adapted from Les Petites Soeurs du Blues, a short story
Written by Sandra Laredo. The film is waiting to be produced
Dream Blues started as a 10 page story and was developed as a
featured musical film of 120 pages. The script was developed
during a screenwriting course at U.C.L.A.
The film explores the Dream versus Reality theme.
French Special
Film treatment developed into a screenplay.
Comedy featuring the adventures of naïve French women lost in
America in search for love. The film explores the Dream
Versus Reality theme.
Short Stories:
The Phantom of St Germain,
Takes place in the Borough of St Germain des Pres in Paris.
Sciences fiction story that explores the theme of a poetic
world versus a non-poetic one.
The Angel of the East Village,
Takes place in the part of New York that used to be called
Alphabet City. It depicts a character lost in the maze of
his own mind as a result of too much of whatever you could
think of.
La MaMa e.t.c. New York - March-April 2000
Choreography for Circle, a play directed by Virlana Tzack
and the Yara Art Group. Circle was written in collaboration
with a group of artists and composers from Mongolia. Those
artists emerge from the tradition of throat singing. Circle is
inspired by an old legend. Before a wedding ceremony, the shaman
plays drums to invite ancestral spirits to help him decide if the
union is a good one. The performance takes place during a wedding
ceremony. The party falls apart when the spirit of an unhappy
woman comes to haunt the groom. Dances are choreographed by a
group of seven young maids of honor who are chasing the evil
spirit. The choreography evolves around the fight between ghosts
and humans.
U.C.L.A – Dance Department, Los Angeles 1999
Choreography of a dance based on the music of Peter Gabriel’s
The Last Temptation of Christ. The dance was performed in the
program Work in Progress that presented new choreographers.
New York University – Tisch School of the Arts – New York, 1999
Directed What Did he See, a Richard Foreman play
performed in the context of a directing course taught by Richard
Schechner in the department of Performance Studies.
Un Si Danse – Paris - 1989 to 1991
Director and choreographer of corporate events. Performances of
A ballet and a flamenco dance for Lancôme; Twist and Rock n’
Roll for Spontex, and a Samba for the Champagne Trouillard.
Killing Zoe, directed by Rogers Avary, in Los Angeles, 1994
Film produced By Quentin Tarantino & Samuel Haddida,
as a Franco-American co-production Shot in Los Angeles and
performed in French. Part: A bank teller
The film was presented in Cannes’ Film Festival in May 1994
Danton, directed by Andrzej Wajda in Paris, 1983
The main actor was Gerard Depardieu. Part: A witness
La Città Delle Donne, directed by Federico Fellini in Rome, 1980
Fellini directed Marcello Mastroianni as the only man lost in an
international convention of feminists. Part: A feminist
The King of Fuh, directed by David Copeland in NYC, June 2006
Written by brute Force and performed at The Players Club.
Misdirection directed by Sandra Laredo in NYC, May 2005
Written by Sandra Laredo and performed at The Players Club
Dr Faustus directed by Ludwig Flashen in Paris, Spring 1990
Marlowe’s play was performed with Grotowski’s method.
Part: Mephistopheles
The Madwomen of Chaillot, directed by E. Depardieu in Paris, 1987
Jean Giraudoux’ play was performed in Bougival in 1987.
Six Characters in Search of an Author, directed by W Philips,
At The Stage Group Workshop in San Francisco.
Theatre National du Chatelet, Paris 1990
Observed the directing process of The Black Rider by Bob Wilson
Analyzed the elements of directing as well as stage
ones such as lighting and set designing.
Presentation of a paper on the topic at La Sorbonne in Paris.
Theatre National de Chaillot, Paris 1989
Observed the directing of Macbeth by Matthias Langhoff
Analyzed the elements of directing as well as
as use of original text and mise-en-scene.
Matthias Langhoff directed the play as a collage
of Art Brut. Lecture at La Sorbonne In Paris.
Title V, NJCU, Jersey City, Fall 2001
Award Granted by New Jersey City University’s Office of Grants
And Sponsored Programs for the proposal “Creating an E-Book:
Dances in American Films.”
La Fondation Lavoisier, Paris, 1996 to 1999
Study Abroad Fellowship, La Formation des Francais a L’etranger,
from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Paris, 1996-1999.
L’aide à l’Ecriture, Paris, 1995
Writing Award from the National Center of the Book, Ministry of
Culture, Paris, 1995.
Visiting Scholar at NYU Tisch School of the Arts, 1996 to 1998
The department of Performance Studies extended the privilege
Of a Visiting Scholar position which allowed me to consult
members of the school’s faculty and participate as an auditor in
their classes, as well as have library privileges.
Lecture: Fred Astaire in the American Musical of the 30’s,
October 1998
Visiting Scholar at UCLA, Dance and Film department, 1992 to 1993
Residency for the Pursuit of Independent Research on Fred Astaire
in the American Film Musicals. Tenure during which I offered
lectures and workshops to students and faculty members.
Research & Professional Development Opera Institute, Summer 2005
The Metropolitan Opera Guild
The guild appointed me to create a method on teaching how to
write an opera libretto, in the context of an Opera Institute.
Director, NYU, Tisch School of the Arts, New York, Spring 1997
Participated in a Workshop titled Redirecting the Classics
The workshop was conducted by Richard Shechner, in the department
of Performance Studies at Tisch School of the Arts. I directed a
scene from Ibsen’s A Doll House.
Member of the Players Club in New York City
Member of the Metropolitan Opera Guild
Member of the Writers Guild
Ph.D. Candidate in Film & Theater Studies, La Sorbonne–Paris I
Doctorat Nouveau, directed by Christian Viviani at Paris I,
M.Phil in Theatre Studies, La Sorbonne–Paris VIII, April 1992
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, directed by Michel Bernard
M.Phil in International Economics, La Sorbonne–Paris I,
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, directed by Jean Louis Guglielmi.
Received with High Honors.
French (native), Spanish.