MI, Learn Style, & Personality tests sites

1. http://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=questionnaire
Link to VARK- VARK is an online questionnaire to find your learning style Visual, Aural, Read/write,
Kinesthetic, or Multimodal. Plus the site offers a other options and information related to study
techniques for your style. There has also been some research done with VARK and they provide a link to
that information.
2 . http://www.literacyworks.org/mi/home.html
Howard Gardner’s Multiple intelligences assessment on line gives top 3 results explains them as well
as providing ide4as of what to do for more use of those particular intelligences . Give results in all
areas, plus a resource area to use for each intelligence.
3 . http://www.thelearningweb.net/personalthink.html
Personal Thinking styles concrete sequential, concrete random, abstract random, abstract sequential.
You need to take this and print it off and do your own calculations and placement on the form.
4 . http://www.learning-styles-online.com/
Learning styles Inventory = 70 questions to find if one is visual, aural (auditory), verbal, physical, logical,
solitary. It also includes explanations. Scroll through the page and take the free inventory unless you
desire more detailed information- then pay for it. You may also download this in an excel format for
your files or print copies.
This also has link for instructors to use this with a class/group and find various statistical information for
your group.
5. http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/lsi/lsiframe.html
Abiator’s LSI is a very extensive site. This site has multiple inventory tests and if you want one site this
might fit your preference. It contains inventory tests for learning styles as well as links to strengths
related to the different styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). There are also teaching ideas, activities, and
other inventory tests (global/analytical), and of course Multiple intelligences.
6. http://similarminds.com/test.html
Enneagram Personality test provides a look at 8 categories and scores indicate % of this in your
personality based on your level of truthfulness when taking the test.
7. http://www.enneagram.net/tests/index.html
AntherEnaegram teast- go to the bottom and take the 7 minute test for free.
8. http://www.testcafe.com/enn/?affil=
Another site with multiple test options Personality
? st uses the nine
Color Is Your Aura? Each person has a natural inclination
towards certain colors and a natural dislike towards others but did you know colors have a natural inclination towards
certain people and personalities? The Aura Color Test is
designed to match your personality with the color that most
naturally describes who you are - your natural "aura" color.
Kind of Person Are You? Our test is based on the 'Big Five'
theory of personality, pioneered in a popular 1963 study by
psychologist Warren Norman. This theory classifies the main
non-cognitive personality traits as extroversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and
9. http://www.personalityonline.com/tests/engine.html?testid=2
The Enneagram measures personality along 9 different scales, each of which are linked to a number of
personality traits. This test is huge.... 180 question and is loosely based on a 9 point diagram which is
based on mystic theories but is fairly comprehensive in its analysis.
Each question is a statement which you have to answer either (Y)es you agree totally, (S)omewhat if
you partly agree with the statement or (N)o if you disagree with the statement. Once you have
answered all 180 questions then your answers will be analysed and you will be given your results
straight away.
You will also have the option to save your answers so far at any point in the test should you wish to
come back to it later.