dentika Dental Journal
dentika Dental Journal is a biannualy journal that
publishes scientifically articles in the field of
dentistry. Authors are invited to submit for publication articles reporting original article. Articles
which have been presented in scientific meeting
must be given with foot note regarding the
1. Article may be written in Indonesia or English
Use good and correct Indonesia language,
according to “Pedoman Umum Ejaan Indonesia yang disempurnakan” and “Pedoman
Umum Pembentukan Istilah”.
The foreign term is written in the original form
typed in italic. Non-foreign medical term is
better to be avoided of.
2. The journal publishes several types of peerreviewed original articles. The systematic
article writing is as follows:
a. Research report: Introduction, Materials
and Methods, Results, Discussion (ended
by conclusion and suggestion if necessary), References.
b. Case report: Introduction, Case, Case
Management, Discussion (ended by conclusion and suggestion), References.
c. Literature review: Introduction, Subtopics, Discussion (ended by conclusion
and suggestion), References.
Title: Article is initiated with the title of the
article (written in English and Indonesian),
followed by authors name, affilation and
authors complete address institution(s), and Email address of author to whom correspondence should be sent.
Abstract: should be written in English and
Indonesian, include a maximum 250 words,
unstructured however contains of background,
aim of study, materials and methods, results
and conclusion. 3-5 key words are listed in
order of importance and placed below the
Acknowledgement: (if any) should be written
before the references. This section can be used
to appreciate the institutions or persons who
have made substantive contributions to the
study or in the writing process of the
manuscript. Specify grant or other financial
support, citing the name of the supporting
organization and grant number.
3. All parts of the article include abstract, title of
the tables and figures and also references typed
with MS Word Program and should be doublespaced on A4 paper, using Times-New Roman
with 12 font size. Scientific names of bacteria,
animals and plants should be in italics, and the
first letter should be capitalized. E.g. Bacillus
enteriditis, Streptococcus mutans. The names of
medicine are recommended to use chemical
terms written in small letters. In case of
commercial name, the first letter should be in
capitalised, e.g. amoxicillin, Amoxan.
4. The number of pages should not exceed 12
pages. Please send three copies (one original
and 2 copies) of article accompanied by soft
copy (CD) to:
Editor of dentika Dental Journal
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Alumni No. 2, Kampus USU
Medan 20155, Indonesia
5. References not more than 25 and quotation
writing use numbering order system according
to the first references appeared (Vancouver
Style). Journal abbreviation referred to Index
Dental Literature. References should not be
more than 10 years ago.
Personal author (one to 6 authors)
Whitaker EJ. Primary, secondary, and
tertiary treatment of dental caries: a 20-year
case report. J American Dent Assoc 2006;
137: 348-52.
More than 6 authors
Brian B, Greenwel H, Fiorellini J,
Giannobile W, Offenbacher S, Salkin J, et
al. Epidemiology of periodontal diseases. J
Periodontol 2005; 76: 1406-19.
Whelton HP, Ketley CE, McSweeney F,
O’Mullane DM. A review of fluorosis in the
European Union: Prevalence, risk factors
and aesthetic issues. Community Dent Oral
Epidemiol 2004; 32 (Suppl. 1): 9-18.
McDonald RE, Avery DR. Dean JA.
Dentistry for the child and adolescent. 8th
ed., St Louis: CV Mosby Co, 2000: 180-5.
Chapter in book
Mitchell RN, Cotran RS. Acute and chronic
inflammation. In: Kumar V, Cotran RS,
Robbin Sl. eds. Basic pathology. 7th ed.,
Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 2003: 33-7.
Edited book
Greenberg MS, Glick M. eds. Burket’s oral
medicine: diagnosis and treatment. 10th ed.,
USA: BC Decker, 2003: 544-8.
Cairns BB. Infra-red spectroscopic studies
of solid oxygen. Thesis. Berkeley, California: University of California, 1995: 156.
Situmorang N. Dampak karies gigi dan
penyakit periodontal terhadap kualitas
hidup: Studi di dua kecamatan kota Medan.
Disertasi. Jakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana
FKM UI, 2004: 35.
Lemenhow S, Hosmer DW, Klar J. Besar
sampel dalam penelitian kesehatan. Alih
Bahasa. Pramono D. Yogyakarta: Gadjah
Mada University Press, 1997: 12-5.
Bourdhem. Outline of therapy of practice.
Trans. Nice R. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1977: 58-61.
Walter R. Duarte WR, Pereira PN, Swift EJ,
Heymann HO, Arnold RR. Effect of resin
adhesive systems on root caries formation
in-vitro. Quintessence Int 2008; 39(1): 33-7.
Zulkifli A, Rogayah J, Razlan M. Cigarette
smoking among Malaysian youth: problems
and prospects. In: Malaysian Dental
Association, ed. Proceedings of the Malaysian Society of Health 21st Scientific
Symposium. Kuala Lumpur, 1997.
Pucher JJ, Otomo-Corgel J. Periodontal
disease and systemic health-diabetes
our0402/diabetes.html> (28 August 2003)
6. All illustration (figures, photographs, charts and
graphs) should be clear, numbered and cited in
the text in order of appearance. Number tables
consecutively in the order of their first citation
in the text and supply a brief title for each.
Photos must be printed on glossy white paper.
7. Reprints may be ordered from the publisher if
8. Article which is not appropriate to the editor’s
requirements should be returned if included the
dentika Dental Journal
dentika Dental Journal terbit 2 kali setahun.
Redaksi hanya menerima artikel asli yang
ditujukan bagi dentika DENTAL JOURNAL,
artikel yang pernah diajukan dalam pertemuan
ilmiah harus diberikan catatan kaki mengenai
pertemuan tersebut.
1. Artikel dapat menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
atau bahasa Inggris. Pergunakan bahasa
Indonesia yang baik dan benar, sesuai Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang
Disempurnakan dan Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah. Istilah asing yang ditulis
dalam bentuk aslinya diketik miring. Istilah
asing non medis sebaiknya dihindari.
2. Journal ini menerima beberapa jenis artikel.
Sistematika penulisan artikel adalah sebagai
a. Laporan Penelitian: Pendahuluan, Bahan
dan Metode, Hasil, Pembahasan (diakhiri
dengan kesimpulan dan saran bila perlu),
Ucapan Terima Kasih, Daftar Pustaka.
b. Laporan Kasus: Pendahuluan, Kasus,
Penatalaksanaan kasus, Pembahasan (diakhiri dengan kesimpulan dan saran),
Daftar Pustaka.
c. Tinjauan Pustaka: Pendahuluan, Sub
topik-sub topik, Pembahasan (diakhiri
dengan kesimpulan dan saran), Daftar
Judul: Artikel diawali dengan penulisan judul
artikel (dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa
Indonesia), diikuti dengan nama penulis (tidak
disingkat) disertai catatan kaki alamat lengkap
(korespondensi) instansi tempat bekerja penulis,
Abstrak: Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris
dan Indonesia maksimum 250 kata, tidak
terstruktur tetapi berisi latar belakang, tujuan,
bahan dan metode, hasil dan kesimpulan. Di
bawah abstrak disertakan 3-5 key words.
Ucapan terimakasih: Bagian ini digunakan
untuk menyampaikan terima kasih kepada
semua pihak yang membantu bila memang ada
dan harus diletakkan pada akhir naskah
sebelum daftar pustaka.
3. Semua bagian artikel meliputi abstrak, judul
tabel dan gambar serta daftar pustaka diketik di
atas kertas A4 dengan program MS Word dan
harus renggang ganda menggunakan font 12
Times New Roman. Foto harus dicetak diatas
kertas putih mengkilat. Gambar/grafik/ tabel
harus jelas dan disertai keterangan. Nama
bakteri, binatang dan tumbuh-tumbuhan diketik
miring (italic) dan huruf pertama memakai
huruf besar.
Contoh: Bacillus enteriditis, Streptococcus
Nama obat-obatan dianjurkan memakai nama
generik diketik dengan huruf kecil, kecuali bila
nama dagang huruf pertama memakai huruf
Contoh: amoksilin, Amoxan.
4. Jumlah halaman artikel tidak lebih dari 12
halaman. Artikel sebanyak 3 (tiga) rangkap (1
rangkap asli dan 2 rangkap copy artikel) disertai
CD dikirimkan ke alamat redaksi:
Editor dentika Dental Journal
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi,
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jalan Alumni No. 2, Kampus USU
Medan 20155, Indonesia
5. Daftar pustaka
tidak lebih dari 25 dan
penulisannya disusun menggunakan sistem
Vancouver. Setiap nama pengarang diberi
nomor urut sesuai dengan urutan pemunculannya dalam naskah. Singkatan jurnal mengacu
kepada Index Dental Literature. Pustaka
hendaknya tidak lebih dari 10 tahun yang lalu.
Kepustakaan yang diambil dari jurnal
dengan penulis 1-6 orang
Whitaker EJ. Primary, secondary, and
tertiary treatment of dental caries: a 20-year
case report. J American Dent Assoc 2006;
137: 348-52.
Lebih dari 6 orang pernulis
Brian B, Greenwel H, Fiorellini J,
Giannobile W, Offenbacher S, Salkin J, et
al. Epidemiology of periodontal diseases. J
Periodontol 2005; 76: 1406-19.
Whelton HP, Ketley CE, McSweeney F,
O’Mullane DM. A review of fluorosis in the
European Union: Prevalence, risk factors
and aesthetic issues. Community Dent Oral
Epidemiol 2004; 32 (Suppl.1): 9-18.
McDonald RE, Avery DR. Dean JA.
Dentistry for the child and adolescent. 8th
ed., St Louis: CV Mosby Co., 2000; 180-5.
Bab suatu buku
Mitchell RN, Cotran RS. Acute and chronic
inflammation. In: Kumar V, Cotran RS,
Robbin Sl. eds. Basic pathology. 7th ed.,
Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 2003: 33-7.
Buku yang diedit
Greenberg MS, Glick M. eds. Burket’s oral
medicine: diagnosis and treatment. 10th ed.,
USA: BC Decker, 2003: 544-8.
Cairns BB. Infra-red spectroscopic studies
of solid oxygen. Thesis. Berkeley, California: University of California, 1995: 156.
Situmorang N. Dampak karies gigi dan
penyakit periodontal terhadap kualitas
hidup: Studi di dua kecamatan kota Medan.
Disertasi. Jakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana
FKM UI, 2004: 35.
Lemenhow S, Hosmer DW, Klar J. Besar
sampel dalam penelitian kesehatan. Alih
Bahasa. Pramono D. Yogyakarta: Gadjah
Mada University Press, 1997: 12-5.
Bourdhem. Outline of therapy of practice.
Trans. Nice R. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1977: 58-61.
Walter R. Duarte WR, Pereira PN, Swift EJ,
Heymann HO, Arnold RR. Effect of resin
adhesive systems on root caries formation
in-vitro. Quintessence Int 2008; 39(1): 33-7.
Zulkifli A, Rogayah J, Razlan M. Cigarette
smoking among Malaysian youth: problems
and prospects. In: Malaysian Dental
Association, ed. Proceedings of the Malaysian Society of Health 21st Scientific
Symposium. Kuala Lumpur, 1997.
Pucher JJ, Otomo-Corgel J. Periodontal
disease and systemic health-diabetes
our0402/diabetes.html> (28 Agustus 2003).
6. Semua ilustrasi (gambar, foto, bagan dan
grafik) harus jelas, diberi nomor dan diacu
berurutan pada teks. Foto berwarna harus
kontras, tajam, jelas dan dicetak di atas kertas
7. Reprin dapat diajukan ke dewan redaksi bila
8. Artikel yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan
redaksi akan dikembalikan bila disertai