Microbiology Syllabus - Mineral Area College

Microbiology Syllabus
Rhonda Gamble Ph.D.
Fall 2006
3 credit hour
Mineral Area College
Short Description of Course
The course involves the study of the morphology and culture techniques of bacteria, fungi, and other
microorganisms. Emphasis will be on the diagnostic procedures, etiology, and control of selected human
Honors Options: The class may be taken with honors. The student must get instructor. A contract of
student and instructor responsibility is signed by the end of the second week of class that specifies the
conditions of receiving honors credit.
Reference Material and Texts
Microbiology, an Introduction; Tortora
Ebola : Close
Course Objectives and Competencies
After completing this course the student will:
Demonstrate a knowledge many of the types of microbes which are of importance to the nursing
Be able to identify the common and historical diagnostic procedures used to classify human
Be aware of control methods (sterilization, disinfection, hand washing, etc.)
Compare characteristics (portal of entry, sites of infection, portal of exit, modes of transmission,
etc.) of selected human pathogens.
Course Competencies for: Microbiology (BIO258)
The student will accomplish the following competencies upon successful completion of the course in
Microbiology (BIO258). Successful completion is defined as receiving a grade C or better in the semester
course. These competencies should be attainable with the various evaluation methods which include
lecture exams, laboratory reports and quizzes.
1. The student will be able to compare the tools used to distinguish the microbiological causative
agents of disease.
2. The student will differentiate infectious diseases by comparing the disease causing organism’s
mechanism of pathogenicity
3. The student will compare the visualization techniques used to observe microorganisms.
4. The student will associate microbial metabolism and growth with methods used to control
microbial growth.
5. The student will compare antimicrobial drugs and their effects on microbes in the human body.
6. The student will evaluate modern immunologic methods used for vaccination and
identification of pathogens.
Teaching Methods
Lectures with computer presentation, laboratory experiments with live bacteria, reading assignments,
writing assignments (both individual and collaborative) and computer programs.
The laboratory meets once a week. Many times students must come in a day or two after the lab to
record results.
Student Evaluation
A series of multiple choice and short answer/essay examinations in lecture are combined with laboratory
quizzes, and reports, to make up the total course grade. The identification of a bacterial semester
unknown is included in the final grade. The lowest lecture exam grade will be dropped (except for the final
exam which is the National League of Nursing Microbiology Exam) before the class average is
determined. There will be no make-up exams. Students that make at least a C on all lecture tests
(including the lowest) will have one percentage point added to their final course grade. Laboratory
quizzes may not be made up. Only 10 lab quizzes will be recorded and the remaining lowest quizzes
dropped. No late laboratory reports will be accepted and will be recorded as a zero. Students will work
with the instructor to establish deadlines. Only 10 laboratory reports will be counted toward the final
Grading: 92-100 A, 84-92 B, 75-83 C, Below 75 F
Lecture Exams 500 (keep 400)
Lab Quizzes 120
(keep 100)
Lab Reports 120
(keep 100)
Semester Unknown
Lab Practical
Special Policies
If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need any test or course
materials provided in an alternative format, notify your instructor immediately. Reasonable efforts will be
made to accommodate your special needs. Special Needs Services is located in AS103.
Microbiology is a required nursing course. Other students may be enrolled with special permission from
the instructor. All rules concerning absenteeism, tardies, cheating and the grade scale are in accordance
with Mineral Area College=s nursing policy and will be followed whether or not the student is in the nursing
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in a zero on the assignment or an F in the course. Students
may make appeals about such decisions to the head of the nursing department and/or the Dean of
Cell phones shall be turned off during class (not on vibrate).
Please check with the instructor about available tutoring services. The Excel program at Mineral Area
College provides tutors qualified students.
Lecture and Laboratory Outline
Introduction, Microbial World
Microbial World (Chapter 1)
Observing Microorganisms (Ch 3)
Observing Microorganisms
Labor Day - No classes – Sept 4
Laboratory (may be altered due to media availability)
Handwashing and colony count (begin experiment)
Film: Ignaz Semmelweis
Prequiz: Handwashing: observe results (Report)
Insect vector Identification begun
Film: Robert Koch
Exam I
Prequiz: Simple Stain
Qualify for inoculation procedure
Functional Anatomy of prokaryote (ch 4)
Gram Stain
Endospore Stain
Bacteria in food (Serial Dilutions)
Functional Anatomy of prokaryote
Functional Anatomy of prokaryote
Exam II
Microbial metabolism (Ch 5)
Sugar Fermentation
Gram Stain of bacteria in food experiment
Microbial growth (Ch 6)
Control of Microbial Growth (Ch 7)
Control of Microbial Growth
Differential and selective Media
Streak and pour plate
Exam III
Principles of Epidemiology (Ch 14)
Prequiz: Catalase and Oxidase test
Begin Biolog evaluation of semester unknown
Principles of Epidemiology
Prequiz: Biolog evaluation of semester unknown
Mechanism of Pathogenicity (Ch 15)
Mechanism of Pathogenicity
Prequiz: Water coliform test
Mechanism of Pathogenicity
Exam IV
Prequiz: Parasite and vector identification
Fall Break - No Class (Nov 3)
Antimicrobial Drugs
Prequiz: Zone of inhibition for antibiotics and disinfectants
Antimicrobial Drugs
Antimicrobial Drugs
Film: (Black Death and immunity)
Practical Applications of Immunology (Ch 18)
Film: (Discovery of Penicillin)
Work on semester unkown and lab identification
Lab identification Exam: Lab practical on results of previous labs (50)
Thanksgiving - No Classes
Practical Applications of Immunology (Ch 18)
Exam V
Semester Unknowns Due (50)
Finals Week NLN Microbiology Final