Business Intelligence Roadmap

Business Intelligence Roadmap
Larissa Moss
Information Management Magazine, February 1, 2002
Editor's Note: This article is excerpted from the upcoming book, Business Intelligence
Roadmap: The Complete Lifecycle, by Shaku Atre and Larissa Moss.
Business intelligence (BI) initiatives are expensive endeavors. They call for new
technology to be considered, additional tasks to be performed, roles and
responsibilities to be shifted, and applications to be delivered quickly while being of
acceptable quality. What is needed is a new methodology.
A BI application is an engineering project; and engineering projects of any kind go
through six stages between inception and implementation:
Justification: An assessment is made of a business problem or a business
opportunity, which gives rise to the engineering project.
Planning: Strategic and tactical plans are developed, which lay out how the
engineering project will be accomplished.
Business Analysis: Detailed analysis of the business problem or business
opportunity is performed, which provides a solid understanding of the business
requirements for a solution.
Design: A product is conceived, which solves the business problem or enables
the business opportunity.
Construction: The conceived product is built, which is expected to provide a
return on the development investment within a predefined time frame.
Deployment: The finished product is implemented (or sold) and its
effectiveness is measured, which will determine whether the solution meets,
exceeds or fails the expected return on investment.
Old Single-Swim-Lane Development Approach
Because the BI environment is a cross-organizational decision support environment,
the system development practices of the past are inappropriate. Every system in the
past had a beginning and an end; and every system in the past had only one set of
users from one line of business. Cross- organizational activities were not deemed to be
necessary to solve the isolated problems of a line of business. Not only were they not
deemed necessary, but cross-organizational activities were perceived to be in the way
of progress because they slowed the projects.
For nonintegrated line-of-business system development, the conventional waterfall
methodologies are sufficient. They provide enough guidance for planning, building and
implementing standalone systems. However, these methodologies don't cover strategic
planning, cross- organizational business analysis or selecting new technologies with
every project, nor do they embrace the concept of application releases. They typically
start with project planning, concentrate on designing and coding, and end in
Unlike the development of old systems, the development of an integrated BI
environment is iterative in nature because such an environment is too large and too
complex to be built in one big bang. Data and functionality must be rolled out in
releases, with each deployment spiraling into requirements for the next release (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1: Spiral Methodology
New Cross-Organizational Development Approach
The expansion of e-business demands cross-organizational integration. This
integration does not merely refer to bridging old systems across different platforms; it
refers to information integration, information integrity, seamless business functionality
and streamlined organizational business processes. No other initiative demonstrates
this as vividly as customer relationship management (CRM). Cross-organizational
integration requires an enterprise-wide architecture as well as an infrastructure
(technical and nontechnical). Enterprise-wide architecture and infrastructure must be
considered core competencies.
A BI roadmap is an engineering roadmap that provides a framework for BI projects with
flexible entry points. This means that an organization can enter the effort at any step in
the development cycle, provided it meets certain entry criteria (prerequisites).
A BI roadmap also encourages parallel development tracks where multiple steps can
be performed simultaneously and multiple activities within the steps can occur at the
same time. The roadmap is also designed to be agile and adaptive so that the project
can be organized and managed as multiple parallel subprojects, each going through
several iterations on its own (i.e., "refactoring") as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: BI Project Organization
BI Development Stages and Steps
BI projects go through the same six stages common to every engineering project.
Within each engineering stage, certain steps are conducted to see the engineering
project through to its completion. A BI roadmap is comprised of sixteen development
Justification Stage
Step 1: Business Case Assessment. The business problem or business opportunity
is defined and a BI solution is proposed. Each BI application release should be costjustified and should clearly define the benefits of either solving a business problem or
taking advantage of a business opportunity.
Planning Stage
Step 2: Enterprise Infrastructure. Because BI is a cross- organizational decision
support solution, an enterprise infrastructure must exist or be developed while the BI
applications are developed. An enterprise infrastructure has two components:
Technical infrastructure which includes hardware, software, middleware,
database management systems, operating systems, network components, meta
data repository and applications; and
Nontechnical infrastructure which includes meta data standards, data naming
standards, enterprise data architecture (evolving), methodology, guidelines, testing
procedures, change control process, issues management procedures and dispute
resolution procedures.
Step 3: Project Planning. BI projects are extremely dynamic and changes to scope,
staff, budget, technology, users and sponsors can severely impact the success of the
project. Therefore, project planning must be detailed, and actual progress must be
closely watched and reported.
Business Analysis Stage
Step 4: Project Delivery Requirements. Scoping is one of the most difficult tasks for
BI applications. The desire to have everything instantly is difficult to curtail; however,
keeping the scope small is one of the most important aspects to defining the
requirements for each deliverable. These requirements should be expected to change
throughout the development cycle as more is learned about the possibilities and the
limitations of the technology.
Step 5: Data Analysis. The biggest challenge to all BI projects is the quality of the
source data. The bad habits developed over decades are difficult to break, and it is
very difficult and time-consuming to find and correct the damage resulting from the bad
habits. In addition, data analysis in the past was confined to one line-of-business user's
view and was never reconciled with other views in the organization. This step will take
a significant percentage of time in the entire project schedule.
Step 6: Application Prototyping. Analysis for the functional deliverable(s), formerly
called system analysis, is best done through prototyping. Today there are tools and
new programming languages that enable the developers to prove or disprove a
concept or idea relatively quickly. Prototyping also allows the users to see the potential
and the limits of the technology. This gives them an opportunity to adjust their delivery
requirements and their expectations.
Step 7: Meta Data Repository Analysis. Having more tools means having more
technical meta data in addition to the business meta data, which is usually captured in
a modeling CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tool. This meta data needs to
be mapped to other meta data and stored in a repository. Meta data repositories can
be purchased or built. In either case, the requirements for what type of meta data to
capture and store must be documented in a meta model. In addition, the requirements
for delivering meta data to the users have to be analyzed.
Design Stage
Step 8: Meta Data Repository Design. If a meta data repository is purchased, it will
most likely have to be extended with features that are required by your BI applications.
If a meta data repository is built, the database has to be designed based on the meta
model developed during the previous step.
Step 9: Database Design. One or more databases will be storing the business data in
detailed or aggregated form, depending on the reporting requirements of the users. Not
all reporting requirements are strategic, and not all of them are multidimensional. The
database design schema must match the access requirements of the business.
Step 10: ETL Design. This process is the most complicated process of the entire BI
project; it is also the least glamorous. Extract, transform and load (ETL) processing
time frames (batch windows) are typically small. Yet, the poor quality of the source data
usually mandates a lot of time to run the transformation and cleansing programs. It is a
challenge for most organizations to finish the ETL process within the available time
Construction Stage
Step 11: ETL Development. Many tools are available for this process, some
sophisticated and some simple. Depending on the data cleansing and data
transformation requirements developed during the data analysis step, an ETL tool may
or may not be the best solution. In either case, preprocessing the data and writing
extensions to the tool capabilities are frequently required.
Step 12: Application Development. Once the prototyping effort has finalized the
functional delivery requirements, true development can begin on either the same user
access and analysis tools, such as OLAP tools, or on different tools. This activity is
usually performed in parallel to the meta data repository and ETL activities.
Step 13: Data Mining. Many organizations do not use their BI databases to their fullest
capability. In fact, usage is often limited to prewritten reports some of them not even
new types of reports, but replacements of old reports. The real payback for BI
applications comes from the business intelligence hidden in the organization's data,
which can only be discovered with data mining tools.
Step 14: Meta Data Repository Development. If the decision is made to build a meta
data repository rather than to buy one, a separate team is usually charged with the
development process. This becomes a sizable subproject of the overall BI project.
Deployment Stage
Step 15: Implementation. Once all components of the BI application are thoroughly
tested, the BI databases and functions are rolled out. Users must be trained and the
support functions initiated. These functions include help desk support, maintenance of
the BI target databases, scheduling and running ETL batch jobs, performance
monitoring and database tuning.
Step 16: Release Evaluation. With an application release concept, it is very important
to benefit from lessons learned on the previous project. Any tools, techniques,
guidelines and processes that were not helpful should be reevaluated and adjusted,
possibly even discarded. Any missed deadlines, cost overruns, disputes and their
resolutions should be examined. Adjustments to the processes should be made before
the next release.
The development steps need not be performed in sequence; most likely, they will be
performed in parallel. However, because there is a natural order of progression from
one engineering stage to another, certain dependencies exist between some of the
development steps as illustrated in Figure 3. Steps stacked on top of each other in the
diagram can be performed simultaneously, while steps following each other should be
performed linearly because of their dependencies.
Figure 3: BI Roadmap Stages and Steps
Parallel Development Tracks
Most BI projects have at least three development tracks running in parallel once the
project delivery requirements have been defined:
ETL Track also known as Back-End. The design and population of the BI
target databases are the most important components of BI projects. The fanciest
OLAP tools in the world will not work if the databases are not designed properly or if
they are populated with dirty data.
Application Track also known as Front-End. Value-added data delivery
from the BI databases as well as easy ad hoc (spontaneous) access to the business
data are the key reasons for building the BI environment.
Meta Data Repository Track. Meta data is a deliverable for every BI
application. It can no longer be shoved aside as documentation. It must serve the
users as a navigation tool for the target databases in the BI environment.
Figure 4 shows the participation of the three development teams across the stages and
Figure 4: BI Roadmap Steps by Development Tracks
These three tracks can be considered major subprojects of the BI project. Each will
have its own team and set of activities after the project delivery requirements have
been formalized. Discoveries made on one track can, and often do, impact the other
tracks. Figure 5 shows the steps of the different tracks by color.
Each development track has a specific deliverable which contributes to the BI project
The ETL track will deliver loaded databases.
The application track will deliver the reports, queries and ad hoc tools.
The meta data repository will deliver the meta data.
Each track moves through the six engineering stages either together or apart and in
parallel, performing the engineering activities in their specific steps.
Figure 5: Parallel Development Track Steps
Justification for Using a BI Roadmap
A wise person once remarked that "a paper airplane can be constructed with little
forethought, but a jet airplane cannot." Similarly, a small stovepipe application with only
a handful of users can get by without a set of carefully planned and executed activities,
but a BI application certainly cannot.
As the BI environment evolves into a complicated cross-organizational decision support
environment over time, it is essential that a strong foundation exists to support such
expansion. Many things have to be considered and many tasks have to be performed
by many people to build the strong foundation. To casually construct a plan along the
way is irresponsible as this puts the organization's large investment at risk.
The question is not whether a methodology must be used, but rather what type of
methodology should be used and how to use it most effectively. A traditional waterfall
methodology is not suitable for the iterative-release concept of BI applications, but a BI
roadmap is.
Larissa Moss is founder and president of Method Focus Inc., a company specializing in
improving the quality of business information systems. She has more than 20 years of
IT experience with information asset management. Moss is coauthor of three
books: Data Warehouse Project Management (Addison-Wesley, 2000), Impossible
Data Warehouse Situations (Addison-Wesley, 2002) and Business Intelligence
Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision- Support
Applications (Addison-Wesley, 2003). Moss can be reached
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