8/17/11 - St. Petersburg College

QEP Team Meeting
Attended (via SPOC): David Monroe, Ashley Hendrickson, Karen Hesting, Janice Thiel
QEP Team Meetings: September 21 and October 19 conflict with the IE & Assessment
Team meetings. Janice will move the meetings to September 7 and October 5, 12:301:30.
A) Janice met with Ashley on 8/4/2011 and reviewed all assessment criteria to
identify areas of improvement.
B) Ashley will present the findings of her review of the QEP and response
document at the next QEC meeting on Friday, September 2, 9:00-11:00 a.m.,
EpiCenter, 2-304:
1) Brief overview of initiatives:
(a) Student Success
(b) Professional Development
(c) Critical Thinking Resources
2) Initiative #1: Student Success
(a) Student performance on the 13 Learning Outcomes
(i) Element of critical thinking =>Aligned SLOs => Targets
for aligned measures => Overall results per measure
(b) Progress on discipline-specific assessments
(c) Progress on incorporating CT into student organizations
3) Initiative #2: Professional Development
(a) Progress on assistance to faculty for teaching for critical thinking
(b) Progress on developing in-house expertise
4) Initiative #3: Resources for Critical Thinking
(a) Progress on compilation of resources and RLOs
(b) Progress on contribution to Critical Thinking Literature
C) SACS Working Group
1) Next meeting is scheduled for:
(a) Wednesday, August31, 2:30-3:30 p.m., EpiCenter, 1-324
2) 5-Member Team attending the SACSCOC Summer Institute – Cynthia
Grey, George Greenlee, Frank Appunn, Tonjua Williams, Ashley
Hendrickson – will present their experience.
3) Need process for moving recommendations from this group into action.
D) Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC)
1) ARC and Ethics CTAP assignment – Ashley and Janice (Ashley will ask
Jesse if he’s planning to attend.) will meet with these faculty on
Thursday, August 18, 3:15 p.m., Clearwater Campus, NM 201.
PHI 1600
PHI 1600
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Number Campus Faculty
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QEP Team Meeting
PHI 1600
PHI 1600
PHI 1600
PHI 1600
2) ARC Scoring Workshop is scheduled for Friday, November 18, 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m., District Office Consular Conference Room DO 102.
Ashley will discuss with Jesse who will facilitate.
E) Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT)
1) Scoring Workshop was held 6/3/2011
(a) The report is complete, and we are awaiting results from
Tennessee Tech.
2) 2012 Administration
Student Success
A) Classroom Activities – Faculty Champions finalizing classroom strategies
(interventions) to implement this coming fall/spring.
B) Rubrics
C) ePortfolio
D) Student Activities
1) David is starting a “Free Thinkers” club at Tarpon Springs Campus. Dave
will touch-base with Maureen Mahoney, and Janice will touch-base
with Tonjua Williams about a college-wide event.
Professional Development
A) Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting
1) Friday, September 2, 9:00-11:00 a.m., EpiCenter – 2-304
2) Matthew, David, Ashley and Janice attended a planning meeting on
3) Student representative Sarah Pemberton, Clearwater Campus SGA
4) Ashley will present the findings of her review of the QEP and response
5) Janice will send Outlook appointment invitation to members once Dave
and Matt have sent their announcement.
B) Critical Thinking Institutes
1) Fall Critical Thinking Institute
(a) Date: Friday, September 23
(b) Time: 8:30-3:00 p.m.
(c) Location: Clearwater Campus Arts Auditorium
(d) Student presentation during opening general session – Nancy
Smith. (not dance)
(e) Janice will contact catering, resend invitation to present, and send
registration information.
(f) Partnership with CETL – Janice and Li-Lee will meet with four
faculty who attended the International Conference on Critical
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QEP Team Meeting
Thinking on Friday, August 26, 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. to plan
the Opening Session.
(g) Agenda:
(i) 8:30-9:00 – Morning Munchie
(ii) 9:00-9:15 – Welcome (Dr. Vittetoe, Dr. Law?)
(iii) 9:15-10:15 – Plenary Session (Matthew Bodie, Cher
Gauweiler, Bill Hemme, Ginny Price)
(iv) 10:15-10:30 – CETL/QEP Remarks (Li-Lee Tunceren,
Janice Thiel)
(v) 10:30 – Break
(vi) 10:45-11:45 – 1st Break-Out Sessions
(vii) 11:45-12:45 – Lunch (TBD)
(viii) 12:45-1:45 – 2nd Break-Out Sessions
(ix) 1:45-2:00 – Break
(x) 2:00-3:00 – Discipline-Specific Discussions
Matt helped determine discipline groupings. IDTs have
agreed to train facilitators on Posterous to capture
information. Karen will approach other Instructional
Design Technologists about a date. Janice will solicit
facilitators for the following areas:
Arts & Humanities
Social & Behavioral sciences
 Human Services
 Student Life Skills
Computers & Technology
 Engineering Technology
Business, Finance, Management
 Parks & Leisure Services
 Hospitality & Tourism Management
 Early Childhood
 Sign Language Interpretation
 Library
Law & Public Safety
 Emergency Medical Services
 Public Safety Administration
 Paralegal Studies
 Ethics
Health Sciences
 Health Information Management
 Dental Hygiene
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QEP Team Meeting
 Orthotics & Prosthetics
 Physical Therapist Assistant
 Respiratory Care Radiography
 Nursing
 Medical Laboratory Technology
 Funeral Services
 Veterinary Technology
2) Narrowing the Gulf – March 29-30, 2012. Janice has approached Edna
Ross about presenting the key note.
B) Faculty Champions
1) Janice will follow-up about submitting a proposal to present at the Fall
Critical Thinking Institute.
2) 2011 Faculty Champions
(a) College of Business and Engineering Technology are not yet
complete with Spring 2011 deliverables. Janice will follow-up
with them.
3) 2010 Faculty Champions
(a) Medical Lab Technology and Natural Science are not yet complete
with Fall 2010 deliverables. Janice will follow-up with them.
4) Final Survey for 2009 and 2010 Faculty Champions – Janice will work
with Ashley to develop this.
5) QEP-CETL Bridge Team
(a) Janice Thiel, Li-Lee Tunceren, Bill Hemme, Matthew Bodie, Cher
Gauweiler, Ginny Price attended the Annual International
Conference on Critical Thinking July 25-28, 2011, and they will
meet on Friday, August 26, 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. to discuss
strategies to sustain the critical thinking initiative.
C) Academic Roundtables
Critical Thinking Resources
A) Gateway Website
B) RLO’s – A total of 4 new RLO activities have been created by 2011 Faculty
Champions and have been added to the RLO repository
C) Instructional Portfolios
D) Critical Thinking Resource Centers
1) Matthew will review the site and note ideas for improvement.
Accomplishments of the 2010-11 Academic Year for the Three Initiatives of the Quality
Enhancement Plan (QEP) provided to Anne Cooper on 8/16/2011 (red updates since
Student Success
 Included 14 additional academic programs, involving 16 additional Faculty
Champions: Dental Hygiene, Emergency Medical Services, Funeral Services,
Health Information Management, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Human
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QEP Team Meeting
Services, Medical Laboratory Technology, Natural Science, Orthotics &
Prosthetics, Parks & Leisure Services, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiography,
Respiratory Care, Veterinary Technology. Added College of Business, Computer
and Information Technology, Engineering Technology, Health Information
Management, Humanities & Fine Arts, Mathematics, Public Safety
Administration, Sign Language Interpretation, and Social & Behavioral Sciences.
Crafted 10 additional discipline-specific scenarios to use with the SPC-developed
Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC).
Held seven on-campus critical thinking events for students including “SPC
Reads” and pre-event activities for the Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour (EET).
Conducted pre- and post-assessment of the EET. Selected a student representative
for the Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC). Critical Thinking club being
discussed for the Tarpon and/or Clearwater Campuses.
Collected 153 student Critical Thinking Application Paper (CTAP) samples from
six randomly-selected PHI 1600 – Studies in Applied Ethics sections from the
Fall 2010 semester. Held a scoring workshop, involving 15 faculty members, to
assess student learning outcomes. This will be repeated for Fall 2011.
Conducted the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) during the Spring 2011
semester; 233 students participated in the six randomly-selected sections
mathematics courses (MAC 1105 and STA 2023). The scoring workshop,
involving approximately 16 faculty, will be held June 4, 2011 to assess student
learning outcomes. CAT Scoring Workshop was conducted with 18 faculty and
staff. Specific strategies to teach for critical thinking were identified and
published in the Blue & White.
Hired an assessment coordinator.
Professional Development
 Held three college-wide events: Fall Critical Thinking Institute, Retreat for
Academic Roundtables, and Spring Critical Thinking Institute/Narrowing the
Gulf. 2011 Fall Critical Thinking Institute for Teaching in Learning, in
partnership with CETL, will be held September 23 at the Clearwater Campus.
 Held monthly workshops for Faculty Champions on topics related to critical
thinking, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, assessment, and the
construction of Instructional Portfolios for Critical Thinking.
 Added instructional videos and other learning resources and components to the
online Faculty Champion Guide.
 Added 12 additional Academic Roundtables (ARTs), with 41 active faculty
members and 5 non-academic members. Initiated 9 new Academic Roundtables.
 Sent five administrative staff to the SACSCOC Summer Institute and sent four
faculty to the SACSCOC Annual Meeting. Sent 2 staff and 3 faculty to the
SACSCOC Summer Institute. They will present lessons-learned at the next SACS
Working Group meeting.
 Initiated a QEP-CETL bridge team to help continue critical thinking efforts within
the CETL mission. Six-member faculty team attended the International
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QEP Team Meeting
Conference on Critical Thinking and will present the Opening Session at the Fall
Institute. The team will also help devise strategies to sustain critical thinking
efforts beyond 2012.
Critical Thinking Resources
 Continued maintenance and increased resources via the Gateway Website for
Critical Thinking.
 Promoted better cataloging of library resources to identify those related to critical
thinking (i.e., Critical Thinking Resource Centers). One-click search of items in
the critical thinking collection has been implemented and available via the
Gateway Website.
 Collected 11 additional Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs). Four additional RLOs
have been added to the repository.
 Completed 10 additional Instructional Portfolios which detail the process and
results of the ART’s study and implementation of critical thinking strategies
within its discipline. Nine new Instructional Portfolios have been started.
 Increased resources and links related to the completion of the Fifth-Year Interim
Report, which includes the QEP Impact Report. SharePoint site for the Fifth-Year
Interim Report constructed, and utilization by the SACS Working Group has
 Purchased additional copies of Paul & Elder’s miniature guides to distribute to
faculty, including the new “The Aspiring Thinker’s Guide to Critical Thinking” to
provide at the Fall Critical Thinking Institute.
*Action Item
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