Mission and Goals 1 - University of Central Oklahoma

College Mission, Goals, Strategic Plan
Mission statement
 add the words: partnerships, e.g. “realizing individual potential through
partnership”; practical application; and leadership
 It seems pretty vague and not something that is easily remembered or reflects
what we do so accurately that you can’t help but remember it
 Current one is fine
 Something that has a few well selected words that are ‘real” and we develop as a
whole college
 As a new faculty member it is difficult for me to answer this question. However,
several years ago I completed two courses here as a student. My experiences as a
student at this University were positive and I feel met the needs of the students
enrolled in those particular courses.
 I feel that the mission statement is very well thought-out and includes the
enhancement of all students. Therefore, I would not make any changes at this time.
 The mission statement and goals appear very well done and all-inclusive to me.
 the Mission Statement doesn’t really address the “human being molding” that
goes on in our classes. Yes, we are preparing professionals. However, we are also
molding people and teaching life skills.
 I’m not sure for a “Masters – L” university that we are expected to mold people.
However, I just know that in addition to “professional knowledge and experiences”, I
am also teaching my students what is acceptable/expected and what is not.
 I don’t feel I can really answer this question, except to say that the mission
statement is well written, balanced, and sound.
 I believe the focus need to be on students first – we have many areas that are
represented in the COEPS – hopefully the goal for a student is to become a
professional – whether teaching or in some other profession. The words ‘non-teaching
discipline’ needs to be omitted. In my opinion, teaching is encompassed in various
professions. THE COEPS mission is to provide students with knowledge and
experiences which enhance their life so they are prepared to participate as welleducated professionals in the community in which they choose to exist.
 The current mission statement gives the overall goal for the work we do. The area
that needs innovation is to have a “vision statement” that is necessary to envision the
future of CEPS. As the “vision statement” signifies where we want to be in the future,
it will lay the foundation for our plans through the years to come by.
 Our mission statement should lay more emphasis on scholarly work/research,
promoting student success and academic excellence, and ongoing assessment. In other
words “marketing” CEPS “products”
Goal # 1:
Since UCO does not currently offer doctorate degrees, is a Doctor of
Psychology in Forensic Psychology the most needed for our community?
I’m just not sure a doctoral program is within our mission. I know it is a
niche we could fill; however, would it detract focus and funds from other
things we are committed to.
Goal #2
First it seems there are two different objectives stated here: research
opportunities and implementing WebCT. I agree with increasing research
opportunities for students. I also think we should strive to increase support for
faculty research/working with students (e.g., thesis committees, etc..) as well.
Second, why is WebCT singled out? Don’t we want to increase the use of all
appropriate technology in the classroom/with students?
 Implementing WebCT for all appropriate classes ties into the mission statement
nicely because the mission statement refers to meeting the needs of a changing society
and technology is a huge part of the current and future society.
Goals #3
deal with performance of students which ties-in with having excellent
Goal #4
deal with performance of students which ties-in with having excellent
Goals 4, 13, and 15 are reflective in nature and deals with being dynamic in the
sense of being will to make changes based on assessment.
4- courses need to be evaluated on an on-going basis
5 – it is important for professors to have office space which provides privacy for
work, meeting with students, meeting with peers, etc.
7 – it is very important to maintain communication with stakeholders
10 – with continued changes in technology, it is crucial that faculty be provided
opportunities to expand their knowledge and be introduced to various areas of
 Goals 1, 12, and 14 all relate to continuing to build and improve on high quality
programs that can produce better professionals out of our student body. Specifically,
goal 12 can enhance faculty knowledge base and effectiveness in the classrooms
which in turn improve the quality of the programs affected by goal 12.
 I think all goals/objectives are applicable except I do have questions about #1 &
 Goal 8 emphasizes building on technology.
1. What other suggestions would you offer?
Ensure faculty are provided with adequate release time for program coordination
and working with student interns, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
a. Expand a students understanding of their area of study through an
awareness, appreciation and application of educational research.
b. Promote scholarship and research in which students and faculty are
involved in their own quest for knowledge which, in turn, enhances their
c. Support scholarly interaction, debate and research within the College and
throughout the profession.
d. Incorporate the thought process that involves more “business emphasis” in
our functions.
e. Expand the international diversity and include this commitment as a part
of our current mission and vision statements to emphasize the importance
of diversity and global awareness. This will become consistent with the
current UCO mission statement.
f. Continue to encourage and support faculty as leaders and agents of change
in the field of education at local, state and federal levels.
g. Offer more incentive based programs and opportunities to increase the
thirst for effective participation among all faculty, staff and students.
Our websites should focus and emphasize more on the student achievement and activities
and celebrate their success thus contributing to the “marketing” the image of CEPS not
just in the State of Oklahoma, but across the United States and in time across the world.
Our goal and passion should be such that people across the world would one day speak
about UCO College of Education and Professional Studies as they now speak of other top
Universities and institutions of Higher Learning
To what degree does the current mission statement capture our work?
The mission statement is excellent. I believe that the collective thrust of
faculty and staff is dedicated to making what is reflected in that statement
What suggestions do you have for revising the mission statement?
Living by and making happen what is stated in the mission statement needs no
The list of 15 goal/objectives listed is broad and inclusive.
Rather than deleting and/or adding additional goals maybe a thorough
assessment of activity related to the existing goals might be productive.
What other suggestions would you offer?
Efforts to add to the number of endowed chairs in the College of Education
and Professional Studies
Mission Statement. The mission of the College of Education and Professional Studies is
to provide dynamic programs which meet the needs of a changing society....leave
it simple...
Goals/Objectives--cannot see #1 as a priority(a masters program is appropriate) and
also # 15 needs to be revised for clarity
4. Assessment data needs clarification as to how and what is collected...as it
needs to be purposeful
6. Funding support from administration through an officer dedicated to that
15. Promotion of what for the alumni?
#4. Clarification is needed for this goal on purpose of collected data.
Assessments need to be redesigned for easier distribution and collection.
For example: *The Field Experience Self Assessment needs to be incorporated as an
online data collection instead of paper in which a person much count the data. Then data
would be quickly accessed and counted (similar to the demographic data tool on the
Review of College Mission, Goals and Strategic Plan
1) To what degree does the current mission statement capture our work?
More specific terminology would express our agenda for facing the future.
2) Here's my take on our mission statement:
…" to provide relevant programs which effectively meet the needs and challenges of
our changing society and prepare our students to be leading practitioners in the
disciplines represented in the CEPS."
3) Identify the goals/objectives that are relevant and supportive of our vision and mission
and provide rationale.
Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 seem to be most related directly to the CEPS mission.
Objectives 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15 might be approached more effectively from the
university level.
I don’t have any complaints with our mission statement but I think our goals and
objectives need to be reevaluated. How did a PhD program for forensic science make the
number one spot? Let’s work on improving our undergraduate and graduate programs
before we take on a doctoral program. I would like to see some goals specifically for
teacher education.
2. To what degree does the current mission statement capture our work?
Response: The current mission statement captures what we do in the College of
Education and Professional Studies.
3. What suggestions do you have for revising the mission statement?
Response: None at this time. I will respond to each Goal in the activity below.
4. Identify the goals/objectives that are relevant and supportive of our vision (still in
the working stage) and mission and provide rationale.
Response: Goal #1 – Still relevant. I do not know the status for approval for a Psy D. in
forensic psychology; however, it is still a vision for many in our college.
Goal #2 – Still relevant. Those who wish to have WebCT in their course have taken the
training and have that program up and going. The number of research opportunities have
increased through CEPS Research Days and Paulette Shreck’s work with that program.
Many faculty encourage student participation.
Goal #3 – Still relevant. UCO continues to be competitative with other teacher training
institutions in our state. Faculty strive to give students opportunity to have the skill,
knowledge and disposition to respond to the state and national examinations. Likewise,
our students continue to test well, earning high scores and pass ratios on state and
national examinations.
Goal #4 – Still relevant. Throughout the year, changes are made to individual courses
that reflect information gained on assessment data. As far as I know, the same types of
activities occur in programs and within Professional Teacher Education. Many meetings
have resulted of learning of changes that were needed.
Goal #5 – Still relevant. Well – this Goal has some challenges. However, changes were
made at the beginning of last fall that has made working conditions much better. There is
a need for a Classroom Building on campus, not just for CEPS, but for other the colleges,
as well.
Goal #6 – Still relevant. External Funding certainly has increased within the past five
years. With the hiring of Gerry Cherry, I believe much greater gains will be made in the
Goal #7 – Still relevant. Communication with stakeholders via publications and other
appropriate methods is certainly relevant from a political perspective. I am always
impressed by our former students when they are invited to participate in the annual
Professional Advisory meeting. They are very honored to be a part of this event. This is
one of the best committee activities that I experience. Principals and teachers that were
not graduates of our program are also very willing to serve and share what they like about
teachers from UCO in comparison to those from other teacher training universities.
Goal #8 – This Goal has recently been completed. However it still may be relevant as I
am under the impression that all of the five college website as well as the Graduate
College will be receiving information about creating a like- or very similar webpage
design in the near future.
Goal #9 – Still relevant, if there is a need in other CEPS departments to develop a plan to
reduce the number of course or program duplications. I participated in a request to look
at the various “psychology” courses that were offered among PTE, Psychology and the
Child Development courses in HES two years ago or so. It is my understanding that this
was successfully resolved. I do not know where this issue stands in other courses or
Goal # 10 – Still relevant. As large as our faculty is becoming, even though there are
many opportunities available for leadership as well as are other professional development
activities, Faculty, staff and students often need to be made aware of the opportunities or
develop the motivation to partake of these opportunities.
Goal #11 – Still relevant. Certainly in PTE, the department chair and other faculty have
made a great effort to make adjuncts welcome and to know the Goals/Objectives of the
course(s) they are teaching. With the accountability of NCATE approaching, much has
been done toward this effort.
Goal #12 – Still relevant. Financial support for faculty scholarship and research has
always been an issue at UCO. However, CEPS faculty make the best of what monetary
funds are available and look for opportunities to conduct research with our colleagues
and present that work at nearby universities within a reasonable range.
Goal #13 – Still relevant. I have no knowledge of a task force having been formed to
review the effectiveness of current practices of graduate and undergraduate student
advisement and make recommendations. However, as the university is working to
institutionalize the Academic Affairs Long-Term Goals 1 & 5, advisement will become
even more important. This is particularly true if service-learning and research & creative
activities become inculcated into graduation requirements.
Goal #14 - Still relevant. There have been several college and university agreements
made to share course offerings and programs. Among these agreements is the one at
Rose State and teaching Foundations of American Education. I know there are other
agreements with the Business College and the College of Mathematics and Science.
Goal #15 – Still relevant. With the technology for the development of student portfolios,
the development of a system to utilize alumni data base for promotion and development
should be a workable and easily accomplishable Goal. The training of faculty to utilize a
data base must be built into this scenario.
5. What other suggestions would you offer? – see each goal and subsequent
Review of College Mission, Goals and Strategic Plan
Goal: To review and revise the college mission, goals and strategic plan
6. To what degree does the current mission statement capture our work?
7. What suggestions do you have for revising the mission statement?
The current mission only captures a portion of our units work. The current mission
statements sole emphasis is on instruction. It does not capture the research and scholarly
activity engaged in by members in the college that adds to the knowledge base within the
various disciplines. The mission does not capture the outreach that individuals provide to
the greater community (programs, professional development, expertise, service projects).
The current mission does not capture the out-of-classroom activities involving students
that members of the college lead or participate in. This includes activities such as service
projects, advisors for student organizations, mentoring, stampede week, and student
research. Finally, involvement in service to colleagues and the university such as
committee work and professional development is not included in this mission statement.
While this mission may cover the primary reason why we are here at UCO it does not
capture the variety of other activities in which members of the CEPS engage as part of
their work at UCO as in contributing to bodies of knowledge, service to community,
colleagues, students, and professional organizations.
8. Identify the goals/objectives that are relevant and supportive of our vision (still in
the working stage) and mission and provide rationale.
My initial thoughts are based on a fairly narrow interpretation of the current vision
statement (quality and appropriate student instruction) and so my response deals
primarily with goals/objectives tied close to this narrow interpretation.
This should be based not only on our internal data (instructor, college, university) but on
outside data such as scores of state and national exams, feedback of stakeholders and
professional in the fields for which we are preparing the students, and state and national
data from similar institutions.
I would also add that we should consider making course and program changes based on
changes in our student population and refinements in instructional practice. This might
include a goal to develop a culture that embraces peer review of teaching
methods/practices and a culture that considers course offerings and instructional
approaches based on changes in student populations and student needs versus protection
of courses.
Based on a broader vision that includes scholarship, research, and service goals that focus
on support for these activities are important. I see these activities as not only being
important for personal growth but pays dividends for students in a couple of ways. One it
provides students with opportunities to attach themselves to these types of
activities/projects as a way to develop additional skills or to investigate if these types of
activities are of future interest to them. Second it benefits students as faculty are more
likely to be aware of changes in the field and incorporate those changes into their courses.
Mission Statement – I think the current statement, while accurate in depicting what we
do, is too wordy to be memorable or meaningful. Perhaps a condensed version would
still capture the essence of our mission: The mission of the CEPS is to provide programs
of excellence which prepare professionals to meet the needs of a changing society.
Goals/Objectives – I’ll comment on each one:
Is this really our Number One goal? It is worthy, no doubt, but is it realistic,
given the
nature of our institution? Will the Big Two be able to share the stage
with UCO?
These are really two separate goals. One deals with implementation of WebCT.
Another, separate, goal is increasing research opportunities for students. Make
these into
two distinct objectives. Further, I suggest we clarify what is meant by
High scores do reflect student achievement, but do not provide a complete picture
of the whole student. It is important that we have such data for accountability purposes,
but let us not lose sight of our mission which goes beyond just test scores.
Relevant and appropriate.
This continues to be a number one priority for those of us left in the cubicles. We
been good “team players” but will not be complacent about the situation.
Increasing external funding is an appropriate objective. The inclusion of a new
grants director will aid in seeking grant opportunities to fund initiative.
Relevant and important
Yes, these should be updated more regularly.
This seems to be something that should be automatic.
10/12 Very relevant. Appreciate the leadership training and professional training that is
available on campus, as well as
continuing and increased support for faculty
participate in scholarly and creative activities. Release time is very important
when the
size of the project warrants this and is
appreciated and necessary to
continue to
encourage and support faculty.
Important goal…Adjunct faculty can be some of our best ambassadors in the
community and can address much about UCO and CEPS as a result of their
See 10 above.
Was this done?
This objective needs clarification. Courses that require field experiences (in
education, for example) are difficult to translate in other settings, without
direct control of UCO faculty.
Relevant. This can also be accomplished through publications mentioned in 7
I would love to see my kids attend a university where the staff, administrators, and
professors model what they expect of the students, where the college nurtures and
challenges the students not only intellectually, but also physically (health/exercise),
emotionally (spiritual/ego/self-confidence), and socially (leisure/volunteer/relational
time). I would want my kids to grow not just in mind, but in all aspects of life, and I
would want my kids to see that modeled by those in the college with whom they
Please respond to the following questions and submit your responses to your
department chair or unit head.
1. To what degree does the current mission statement capture our work?
I think that the statement does a fine job in describing what we do in the
college. It is very explicit in that it talks about both teacher and non teacher
education directions a student can go for in the college.
2. What suggestions do you have for revising the mission statement?
I think that the statement is fine as it is stated. Maybe a revision could be
considered after the Fall Retreat.
3. Identify the goals/objectives that are relevant and supportive of our vision (still in
the working stage) and mission and provide rationale.
#2. WebCT- I think that this is very important when considering the current
state of affairs in educational delivery systems and the Internet.
#5 Office spaces- This objective is very important. I think for the COEPS to
truly be a 21st Century college, faculty need a place that is both functional and
private for study and preparation for class and other duties.
#6- Funding- The COEPS to move in the direction that I sense we are wanting
to go, needs to have not only adequate funding, but other sources and
opportunities for funding for both research and development.
These are the main objectives that I think are worth consideration.
4. What other suggestions would you offer?
I think that the COEPS is poised to be the best college not only on this campus,
but maybe in the state. We have a rich history and good things seem to be right
around the corner.
We may need to relate our mission to undergraduate research/creative activities and
leadership. Dynamically meet the needs of a changing society might be changed to
dynamically meet the changing needs of society through applying research/creative
outcomes; outstanding professionals might be changed to professional leaders.
CEPS Strategic Plan (2005-06) – Goals/Objectives
All are good, see boldface comments.
1. Seek approval for a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program in forensic
psychology. Can we do this with current faculty?
2. Implement WebCT in all appropriate courses. Increase the number of research
opportunities for students. This should be an independent goal.
3. Maintain high scores and pass ratios on state and national examinations.
4. Make course and program changes based on assessment data.
5. Provide secure and quality office spaces for staff and faculty. Will this ever
6. Increase external funding for specific CEPS initiatives.
7. Communicate with stakeholders via publications and other appropriate methods.
8. Design a new college and department websites.
9. Develop a plan to reduce the number of course or program duplications.
10. Increase opportunities for leadership and other professional development for
faculty, staff and students.
11. Acculturation of adjunct faculty.
12. Provide support for faculty scholarship and research. Travel budget increases.
13. Form a task force to review the effectiveness of current practices of graduate and
undergraduate student advisement and make recommendations as desired. This
needs to get done this year for graduate students.
14. Develop agreements with other colleges and universities to share course offerings
and programs.
15. Develop a system to utilize alumni data base for promotion and development.
the current mission statement seems very generic and long; not very personalized
to us- you could insert any college and the statement would still work.
Make it more specific to CEPS and what we stand for at UCO….not so generic.
I think all the goals/objectives in the CEPS strategic plan seem appropriate.
(no specific suggestions at this time….I’ll think about it)
 Development of a Family Life Education Center: the mission would be to mentor,
educate, do research, write grants and provide internship opportunities for
students. The Center would be available to cosponsor national speakers in
conjunction with other community resources in FLE, as well as, public health and
business. This could incorporate the Child Study Center to serve faculty, staff,
students and the community. This would be a collaborative with ALL departments
in CEPS ie: KHS, Psych, Special Education, Early Childhood Education,
Guidance and Counseling, HES and could even include programs from other
colleges ie: criminal justice, forensics, sociology, women’s studies, drama, art,
 Endowed Chair as Director of the Family Life Education Center would be
responsible for 3 areas: Child Development, Marriage and Family, and
Gerontology and be responsible for fulfilling the mission of the FLE Center.