Ch. 19

Ch. 19 Protists
19.1 The World of Protists
A. What is a protist?
1. A protist can be _____ or ________________________ (ex: kelp). A ________________________
can be heterotrophic or autotrophic. Protists are ________________________
2. There’s no “typical” Protist
a). _________________ - b). _________________ - plantc). _________________ - Fungusunicellular, animal-like
like, photosynthetic autotrophs that
like protists that breakdown decayed
produce much of the world’s oxygen organisms
B. What is a Protozoan?
1. Protozoans are unicellular, _________________ -like, heterotrophic protists.
C. Diversity of Protozoans – they’re grouped according to how they move
a). _________________ (“false feet”) – cytoplasmic extensions used for feeding and movement
1. _________________: Shapeless protists. Phylum
Ex: Amoeba –reproduce asexually and feed by endocytosis and
a). Asexual reproduction – a single parent produces
one or more identical offspring
2. _________________: Protozoans
with flagella. Phylum Zoomastigina
Ex: flagellates – have one or more flagella (“whip-like” tail)
3. _________________: Protozoans with cilia. Phylum
Ex: paramecium – move by hair-like extensions called cilia
4. _________________: Parasitic protozoans. Phylum Sporozoa
Ex: sporozoans – produce spores and can cause malaria (300 million cases in world)
19.2. Algae: Plantlike Protists
A. What Are Algae? -They contain chlorophyll for ______________________, produce most of the
world’s _________________, unicellular and multicellular
B. Diversity of Algae.- Six major algae phyla
1. __________________: Autotrophs and heterotrophs: Phylum
a. Contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis but no cell wall
b. Can ingest food when light is not found
c. Contain a “whip-like” flagella for moving
2. _________________: The golden algae. Phylum Bacillariophyta
Ex: Diatoms – autotrophs with hard shells of silica, reproduce asexually then sexually
3. _________________: The spinning algae. Phylum
Ex: Dinoflagellates – have 2 flagella and cell wall, some produce
toxins and cause red tides.
4. _________________ _________________. Phylum
Ex: Red algae – Red, multicellular marine seaweed
a. Thallus – seaweed body that lacks roots
5. ________________________. Phylum Phaeophyta
Ex: Brown algae – Brown, multicellular kelp
6. _________________________. Phylum
Ex: Green algae - grow in moist areas
a. Algae can grow in a _________________ – a group of cells that live
Ex: Volvox
b. Algae can reproduce asexually via _________________ – an individual
breaks into pieces and each piece becomes a new individual
C. _________________ of _________________ – life cycle in which organisms alternates between haploid
(N) and diploid (2N) generations
1. _________________ – haploid stage, makes gametes
2. _________________ – Diploid stage, makes spores
19.3. Slime Molds, Water Molds, and Downy Mildews
A. The fungus-like phylums:
1. _________________ – plasmodial slime
2. _________________ – 3. _________________ –
molds are animal-like but reproduce with
Cellular slime molds
water and downy mildew
spores (fungi) a. Plasmodium – a mass of
keep their haploid cells
appear fuzzy and grow in
cytoplasm that contains diploid nuclei but no
moist places
cell walls