the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
to be held at The Adam’s Mark Hotel Buffalo,New York April 10 to April 13,2002
Session 4. Primate Cognitive Ecology. Symposium. Grand Ballroom D.
Organizer and Chair:P.A.GARBER,University of Illinois,Urbana.
Compared to many groups of animals,primates are characterized by large brain size,enhanced manipulative abilities,and complex cognitive skills.In this symposium we examine primate cognitive ecology.Our goals are to examine evidence for major
taxonomic differences in primate cognition,and whether a theory that combines causal knowledge of both social and ecological
information offers a clearer understanding of decision-making and cognition in human and nonhuman primates.Emphases will
be placed on problem-solving strategies in natural field settings.Research on primate cognition in captive environments,and
studies of learning and neural development also are included.
8:00 am Introductory Remarks:Decision-making in primates.P.A.GARBER.
8:15 am Brain growth,life histories,and cognition in primate and human evolution.S.R.LEIGH.
8:30 am Less is more:why simple rules are adaptive solutions to complex foraging problems.C.JANSON.
8:45 am The use of visual,olfactory,and spatial information during foraging in wild nocturnal and diurnal
anthropoids:A comparison between Aotus ,Callicebu s,and Saguinus .J.C.BICCA-MARQUES,P.A.
9:00 am The sensual side of primate food choice.N.J.DOMINY,P.W.LUCUS.
9:30 am Variation in Foraging and Food Processing Techniques Among White-faced Capuchins (Cebus capucinus )
in Santa Rosa National Park,Costa Rica.R.O ’MALLEY,L.M.FEDIGAN.
9:45 am Break
10:00 am Experimental field study of tool use in wild capuchins (Cebus capucinus ):learning by association or
learning by insight?P.A.GARBER,E.BROWN.
10:15 am What does the ability to use tools tell us about ‘cognition ’?M.A.PANGER.
10:30 am Paleoenvironmental basis of cognitive evolution in great apes.R.POTTS.
10:45 am The evolutionary foundations of learning by imitation in chimpanzees.K.A.BARD.
11:00 am Spatial cognition and memory in a symbol-using chimpanzee.C.MENZEL.
11:15 am Human Cognition and Tool Use:Inspiration for Primate Studies.J.DIXON KELLER.
11:30 am Discussion.
Session 9. Primate Behavior I: Socioecology and Conservation. Contributed Papers. Grand
Ballroom D.
Chair:D.WATTS,Yale University.
1:00 pm More Evidence for Visual Predation in the Slender Loris.K.A.I.NEKARIS.
1:15 pm Does group size reflect a trade-off between predation risk and within-group food competition?S.
1:30 pm Ranging Behavior of Nicaraguan Howling Monkeys (Alouatta palliata )as Evidence for Within-Group
1:45 pm The influence of a large home range on the social structure of free ranging spider monkeys (Ateles
geoffroyi )on BCI,Panama.C.CAMPBELL.
2:00 pm Inter-group variation in ranging patterns in golden-mantled tamarins,Saguinus tripartitus .C.KOSTRUB.
2:15 pm Changes in Visibility Affect Ranging Behavior and Vigilance in Vervet Monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops ).
2:30 pm The influence of swamp use and fruit consumption on western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla )ranging
behavior at Mondika Research Center.D.DORAN,D.GREER.
2:45 pm How specialized are ripe-fruit specialists?Dietary selection in the face of sympatric competitors and
shifting fruit abundance.J.L.DEW.
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm The response of white-bellied spider monkeys to the vocalizations of sympatric frugivores.S.SUAREZ.
3:30 pm Experimental evidence of long-term memory for resource locations in Pithecia pithecia .E.
3:45 pm Seasonal variations in nutritional components of diet in two lemur species in Madagascar.N.
4:00 pm Patterns of use in leaf source species by mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata ).B.WELKER.
4:15 pm Percussive Technology:Wild Chimpanzees Pound Open Baobab Fruits.L.MARCHANT,W.McGREW.
4:30 pm Ethno-archaeology of unhabituated chimpanzees at Mont Assirik,Senegal,West Africa.W.McGREW,
4:45 pm Experimental evidence for the effects of reduced ground predator pressure on the habitat use of
arboreal monkeys in the Tai Forest,Ivory Coast.W.McGRAW,R.BSHARY.
5:00 pm Conservation of lemurs in the Onive-Vohidahy region of eastern Madagascar.S.LEHMAN.
5:15 pm Recent forest destruction and its impacts on critically endangered primates in the lower Tana River,
Session 11. Hominid Evolution and Primate Evolution. Contributed Posters. Grand Pavilion.
Chair:M.TEAFORD,Johns Hopkins University.
8:00 -8:30 am Poster set-up.
8:30 -10:00 am Authors of even-numbered posters present for questions.
10:30 am -12:00 pm Authors of odd-numbered posters present for questions.
12:00 -12:30 pm Poster take-down.
1 Please don ’t throw the baby out with the bath water:Skeletal characters in cladistic analyses of hominoid
2 My data are better than yours:Comparing the relative utility of data partitions in reconstructing evolutionary
3 Phalanges of Omomys carteri from the Eocene of North America and the morphology of early primate grasping
4 Paleocene and Eocene primate-bearing faunas from the Great Divide Basin,SW Wyoming.R.ANEMONE.
5 Analysis of trabecular bone structure in the femoral heads of two Omomyid primates.T.RYAN,R.KETCHAM.
6 The effect of time on levels of variation in Eocene primates.J.SCOTT.
7 Biogeography of platyrrhine communities across the northern tier of South America.S.M.FORD.
8 Morphology of frontal bone of Amphipithecus .M.TAKAI,N.SHIGEHARA,N.EGI,T.TSUBAMOTO.
9 Problems in body mass estimation for primitive anthropoids.N.EGI,M.TAKAI,N.SHIGEHARA,
10 Discriminant function analysis of distal humeral morphology and locomotor adaptations in extant and fossil
11 Patterns of craniofacial variation in primates.J.M.PLAVCAN.
12 Paleoenvironmental reconstructions with respect to the extinction of Sivapithecus in Pakistan.S.NELSON.
13 East African cercopithecid fossil record and its relationship to global climatic change.S.FROST.
14 Canine sexual dimorphism in four middle Miocene catarrhines from Maboko Island,Kenya.B.BENEFIT,
15 Dietary adaptations of late Miocene Colobinae.J.REITZ.
16 Estimation of body mass and diet for fossil cercopithecids from the Asbole area of the Afar,Ethiopia.C.ORR,
17 Measuring enamel thickness in papionins.L.HLUSKO,G.SUWA.
18 In vivo bone strain and finite-element modeling of the anterior root of the zygoma of Macaca.C.ROSS,D.
19 Behavioral Comparisons of Primate Audiograms.M.COLEMAN.
20 Giant lemurs were hunted and eaten in Madagascar.V.PEREZ,L.GODFREY,M.ATKINSON.
21 Activity patterns of subfossil lemurs:evidence based on the relative size of the optic canal.E.C.KIRK,R.F.KAY,
22 Variation in the face of Australopithecus robustus .C.STEININGER.
23 A Note on the Relative Minimum Frontal Breadth with Special Reference to the Taxonomic Status of Homo
erectus .Q.WANG,P.TOBIAS.
24 Earliest Pleistocene Homo in Asia:craniodental comparisons of Dmanisi and Sangiran.S.C.ANTÓN,E.
25 The Human Fossils of La Chaise,Bougeois-Delaunay.S.CONDEMI.
26 Possible evidence of deliberate shaping on the Swartkrans early hominin bone tools.L.BACKWELL,F.
27 Mode and tempo of the hominid pelvis evolution.F.MARCHAL.
28 The Comparative Morphology of the Hominoid Fibula.T.M.GREINER.
29 New hominid distal humeral material from Sterkfontein,Swartkrans and Drimolen.C.MENTER,L.R.BERGER.
30 The comparative morphology of hominin postcranial remains from the Kapthurin Formation,Baringo District,
31 Direct Three Dimensional Morphometric Analysis of Calcanei of Some Catarrhines.M.MAGA.
32 Niche differentiation in forest primates and origins of hominid bipedalism.P.RODMAN.
33 Midtarsal flexibility,footprints,and the evolution of bipedalism.J.MELDRUM.
34 Missing Mammals:The effects of simulated fossil preservation biases on the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of hominid sites.C.ROBB.
35 Patterns of faunal and environmental change in the Hadar Formation,Ethiopia.R.BOBE,G.ECK.
36 Parameterized reference models for morphological comparison of fossil and modern skulls.J.KIM,G.WEBER,
37 Consideration of Fatness in Body Mass Estimation from Skeletal Indicators.P.STUBBLEFIELD.
38 Comparison of impression materials used on fossil teeth.D.GUATELLI-STEINBERG,J.MITCHELL.
39 Lateralization of minicolumns in human planun temporale is absent in nonhuman primate cortex.
40 Computerized shape analysis of hominid endocasts.C.MacLEOD,D.FALK,H.MOHLBER,J.SHAH,K.
41 Analysis of cerebellar shape and asymmetry in extant primate and African fossil hominid endocasts using 3d
digitizing technology.D.WHITE,D.FALK.
42 Ontogenetic development of the axillary border of the scapula in Neandertals.A.BUSBY.
43 Neandertal Facial Morphology and Cold Adaptation:A Comparative Approach.J.BLUMENFELD.
44 The Paranasal Sinuses:An Active Residual System.R.KORITZER,G.HACK.
45 Anterior dental dimensions and the evolution of human facial form in the Middle and Late Pleistocene.
46 The Kebara 2 Neandertal hyoid and speech capacity revisited:size and shape relative to mandibular dimensions.C.TOLL,R.FRANCISCUS.
47 A Reanalysis of the Tabun C2 Mandible.N.E.HOLTON.
48 A preliminary re-evaluation of the mylohyoid groove of Gran Dolina specimen ATD6-5.A.J.NEVGLOSKI.
49 Posterior migration of the mental foramen during Neandertal and modern human mandibular growth.
50 Morphogenetic determinants of the mandibular ramus breadth:A test in modern human populations.M.
51 Using Singular Warps to Study Morphological Integration.F.BOOKSTEIN,P.GUNZ,H.INGEBORG,
52 Testing caliper and wire frame measures against positional measures.J.H.PROST.
53 Allometric departures of the human brain:some methodological considerations.J.RILLING.
54 The first documented occurrence of spondylosis deformens in an early hominin.D.STAPS.
55 Early Hominids from South Africa:Will Trabecular Densities reveal different kinds of Bipedalism?V.
Session 14. Primate Behavior II: Social and Reproductive Behavior. Contributed Papers.
Ballroom D.
Chair:S.LEIGH,University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign.
8:30 am Causes for primate sociality:Inferences from other mammals.A.MUELLER,C.SOLIGO.
8:45 am Assessing behavioral style in chimpanzees:methods and preliminary results.S.F.ANESTIS.
9:00 am Demographic and social constraints on male chimpanzee behavior.J.MITANI,D.WATTS,J.PEPPER,
9:15 am Interchange of Grooming and Coalitionary Support by Wild Male Chimpanzees.D.WATTS.
9:30 am Hunting Behavior of Adolescent Male Chimpanzees at Ngogo,Kibale National Park,Uganda.
9:45 am Female Reproductive Strategies in Chimpanzees of the Taï Forest,Côte d ’Ivoire:Do Females Exhibit
Preferences for Particular Males?R.STUMPF,C.BOESCH.
10:00 am Reproductive seasonality in wild chimpanzees:A new method of analysis from Kibale,Uganda.D.
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Sex differences in chimpanzee and orangutan diet and the sexual division of labor of humans.
10:45 am Play behavior in infant western lowland gorillas at the Lincoln Park Zoo.S.MALLAVARAPU.
11:00 am Patterns of subgrouping,social affiliation and social networks in Nicaraguan mantled howler monkeys
11:15 am Life history of male white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus ),Santa Rosa National Park,Costa Rica.
11:30 am Behavior and demography of a semi-free ranging population of long-tailed macaques (Macaca
fascicularis )at Padangtegal,Bali,Indonesia.A.FUENTES,K.G.SUARYANA,A.L.T.ROMPIS,I.G.A.
11:45 am Reproductive Parameters and Asynchronous Reproduction in Wild Hamadryas Baboons.L.SWEDELL.
Session 19. Primate Biology I: Anatomy and Functional Morphology. Contributed Papers.
Grand Ballroom D.
Chair:W.HYLANDER,Duke University Primate Center.
2:00 pm Incongruence and homoplasy in the mammalian skeleton.M.ALLARD,R.C.McCARTHY,B WOOD.
2:15 pm Bootstrap-based methods for comparing morphological integration patterns.T.COLE,S.LELE.
2:30 pm Increasing population sample sizes using global skeletal size variables.A.D.GORDON.
2:45 pm Finite element analysis of a macaque skull:applications for functional morphology.D.STRAIT,
3:00 pm Sexual Dimorphism and Testicle Size in White-collared Lemurs.S.JOHNSON,A.GORDON,R.
3:15 pm Anatomical Comparison of Male Orangutans and Gorillas.R.McFARLAND,J.GURCHE,A.ZIHLMAN.
3:30 pm Timing Differences in Male versus Female Ontogenies.S.KING.
3:45 pm The ontogeny of form variation in the African ape facial skeleton:a hierarchical approach to the
interspecific comparison of ontogenetic trajectories.S.COBB,P.O ’HIGGINS.
4:00 pm Break
4:15 pm Ontogenetic variation in forelimb postcranial morphology of Gorilla.S.INOUYE.
4:30 pm Ontogeny of paranasal sinuses in the Platyrrhini.J.ROSSIE.
4:45 pm Dental development in hylobatids,or how to get to the same place in the same time on a different road.
5:00 pm Phylogenetic Distribution of Craniofacial Traits in Papionin Primates.M.SINGLETON.
5:15 pm Gross,histological,and CT scan investigation of the maxillary-premaxillary suture and upper incisors in
5:30 pm More on the three-dimensional trabecular architecture of anthropoid primates:Macaca fascicularis and
Symphalangus syndactylus .R.FAJARDO,R.MÜLLER.
5:45 pm Morphometric variation in proximal femoral development in primates and mammals.M.A.KRIZ,
Session 21. Primate Behavior and Biology. Contributed Posters. Grand Pavilion.
Chair:P.RODMAN,University of California,Davis.
8:00 -8:30 am Poster set-up.
8:30 -10:00 am Authors of even-numbered posters present for questions.
10:30 am -12:00 pm Authors of odd-numbered posters present for questions.
12:00 -12:30 pm Poster take-down.
1 A New Resource of Chimpanzee Biomaterials.J.BECK,C.BEISWANGER,R.ROBLEDO,W.BOGGS,J.
2 Foraging and patch use in white-handed gibbons.T.Q.BARTLETT,W.Y.BROCKELMAN.
3 Hormonal Assessment of Sexual Maturation in Three Captive Lowland Gorilla Males (Gorilla gorilla gorilla ).
4 Natal dispersal of titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch )at Cocha Cashu,Manu National Park,Peru.F.BOSSUYT.
5 Growth and development in body tissues and proportions of African apes (Gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes ):a
preliminary report.D.BOLTER,A.ZIHLMAN.
6 Female Immigration Patterns in Mantled Howling Monkeys (Alouatta palliata )on La Pacifica,Guanacaste,
7 Growth spurts in linear dimensions in Pan troglodytes .L.S.BUCHANAN
8 Reaction to Novel Objects by Captive Slender Lorises:Implications for Behavior in the Wild.C.CROZIER.
9 Contribution of central nervous system characters to hominoid phylogenetics.A.deSOUSA,B.WOOD.
10 Rates of agonism by lemurid primates:Implications for establishing female dominance.E.ERHART,
11 Dental monomorphism in a wild population of Propithecus verreauxi from Beza Mahafaly,Southwestern
12 Food selection by black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza )in relation to plant chemistry in the
13 Pattern of Morphologic variation among Living Hominoids.F.GUY.
14 To what extent are male-male relationships dependent on mother-son relationships in bonobos (Pan paniscus )?
A case study on a captive alpha male bonobo.M.FORTUNATO,C.BERMAN.
15 Craniofacial form comparison between Bornean and Sumatran orang-utans.S.HENS.
16 Maintenance of spatial proximity in red-fronted brown lemurs Eulemur fulvus rufus .J.GERSON.
17 Kinematics of Bipedal Locomotion in Bipedally-Trained Japanese Macaques (Monkey Performance Monkeys).
18 Loud calls in adult male mona monkeys on the island of Grenada,West Indies.M.GLENN.
19 Serotonin transporter promoter length variants among the Cercopithecinae.J.LORENZ,K.SMITH,J.VIRAY,
20 Spatial and genetic differentiation in an isolated tropical tree population:reconstructing primate seed dispersal.
21 Stable isotope composition in Propithecus diadema edwardsi from Talatakely and Vatoharanana in Ranomafana
National Park,Madagascar.E.McGEE,S.VAUGHN,P.WRIGHT.
22 Infanticide and subsequent mating behavior in a black and white colobus monkey group.T.HARRIS.
23 Anatomical Correlates to Nectar Feeding Among the Strepsirrhines of Madagascar.M.MUCHLINSKI.
24 Limb preference in the lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla ).R.HARRISON,P.NYSTROM.
25 Leptin and Reproductive Function in Captive Male Macaques and Baboons.M.MUEHLENBEIN,B.
26 Cultural Transmission of a Communicative Gesture in a Captive Group of Bonobos (Pan paniscus ).
27 Energetics of bipedal and quadrupedal walking in Japanese macaques.M.NAKATSUKASA,E.HIRASAKI,
28 A Preliminary study of positional behavior in Alouatta caraya in northern Argentina.M.KOWALEWSKI,
29 Dental microwear pattern in hamadryas and anubis baboons.P.NYSTROM,L.SWEDELL,
30 The Wild Chimpanzee ’s Working Day:Activity Budget at Gombe National Park,Tanzania.J.LODWICK,
31 An interactive database for primate morphometric studies.D.REDDY,S.FROST,M.FRIESS,L.MARCUS,
32 Shifting Status:Four years of adult male hierarchy in Macaca fascicularis at Padangtegal,Ubud,Bali,Indonesia.
33 Geometric morphometric analysis of extant hominoid mandibles —using mandibular morphology to differentiate hominoid species.C.ROBINSON.
34 Effect of Ecological Conditions on the Daily Activity Budget of Adult Male Mantled Howler Monkeys (Alouatta
palliata )Living in a Forest Fragment at Bocas del Toro Province,Republic of Panama.K.MELTZ.
35 Ontogeny and allometry of mandibular fossa placement in African apes.R.J.ROWLEY.
36 Adaptive strategies and resource utilization of the mantled howling monkey (Alouatta palliata )in a small forest
fragment in Nicaragua.K.MITCHELL,J.FLOYD,L.WINKLER.
37 Effects of branch orientation on quadrupedal walking in Loris tardigradus .N.J.STEVENS.
38 Male dominance rank reversals during the breeding season in ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta ):changes
resulting from female mate choice.J.PARGA.
39 Evaluation of bone mineral density in Great Ape mandibles using high-resolution computed tomography.
40 Competition between savanna chimpanzees and humans in southeastern Senegal.J.PRUETZ.
41 Locomotion dependent variation in the trabecular pattern of the hominoid proximal femur.T.B.VIOLA.
42 Land use histories of rural landscapes in Japanese macaque habitats.D.SPRAGUE
43 Foot use in Propithecus verreauxi during bipedalism.R.WUNDERLICH,M.SINOPOLI,J.SCHAUM,
44 Raymond Dart as a primatologist.G.STRKALJ,P.TOBIAS.
45 Growth and development of the fetal craniofacial complex in humans (Homo sapiens )and pigtailed macaques
(Macaca nemestrina ).M.ZUMPANO,J.RICHTSMEIER.
46 Monkey See Monkey Learn:Macaques learn 3-item lists by observing experienced subjects.F.SUBIAUL,
47 Neural substrates of cognition in monkeys and apes:preliminary observations.K.SEMENDEFERI,
48 Social Behavior and Aggression among Ringtailed Lemurs.R.SUSSMAN,O.ANDRIANASOLONDRAIBE,
49 Lateralized Behaviors in Lemur catta .M.SHAW.
50 Object manipulation in a population of semi-free ranging Macaca fascicularis in Bali,Indonesia.W.TRUCE,
51 Diet of a 300-member Angolan colobus monkey (Colobus angolensis )supergroup in the Nyungwe Forest,
52 The role of the accessory olfactory bulb in nocturnal mating systems.L.ALPORT,D.OVERDORFF.
53 Female chimpanzee allogrooming behavior at Ngogo,Kibale National Park,Uganda.M.WAKEFIELD.
54 A comparison of fission-fusion patterns in two communities of mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata ).
55 Parity Initially Mitigates the Effects of Aging on Bone Mineral Density (BMD)in the Spine of Rhesus
56 In vivo masticatory strains in a regracted face.F.YATES,D.LIEBERMAN.
Session 23. Primate Evolution. Contributed Papers. Grand Ballroom B.
Chair:J.M.PLAVCAN,University of Arkansas.
8:00 am Primate Phylogeny Based on Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequences.D.DeGUSTA,
8:15 am Primate Origins:Disruption of Eye Position and Oculomotor Coordination by the Masticatory Muscles
in Otolemur and Felis.C.HEESY,C.ROSS,B.DEMES.
8:30 am Phylogenetic utility of papionin postcranial morphology.M.COLLARD,S.ELTON.
8:45 am Morphology as a key to evolutionary change in the primate brain.K.ALDRIDGE.
9:00 am The phylogeny and taxonomy of plesiadapiforms.M.SILCOX.
9:15 am A New Skeleton of Theropithecus brumpti (Primates:Cercopithecidae)from Lomekwi,West Turkana,
9:30 am Break
9:45 am First primate postcrania from the Eocene of Myanmar casts doubt on anthropoid origins in Asia.
10:00 am Pondaungia cotteri ,a slow-moving primate seed predator from the Eocene of South Asia.R.KAY,
10:15 am Dental variation in Arapahovius gazini with comments on the early Eocene (Wasatchian)community
ecology of the Washakie Basin,WY.F.CUOZZO.
10:30 am A Lower Miocene Lorid femur from Napak,Uganda.L.MacLATCHY,R.KITYO.
10:45 am Postcranial anatomy of Ankarapithecus meteai and the origin of the great ape and human locomotor
11:00 am Chimpanzee walking.B.DEMES,J.POLK,W.JUNGERS.
11:15 am Galloping kinetics of primates vs.non-primates:implications for understanding primate locomotor
11:30 am Gait mechanics in the common marmoset:Implications for the origin of primate locomotion.D.
11:45 am Morphological Correlates of Forelimb Protraction in Primates.S.LARSON.
Session 24. Primate Biology II: Molecules And Biomechanics. Contributed Papers. Grand
Ballroom D.
Chair:W.JUNGERS,State University of New York,Stony Brook.
8:00 am Molecular Perspectives on Dispersal in Lowland Woolly Monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii ).
8:15 am Comparative analyses of genetic social structure in wild gorillas (Gorilla gorilla )using DNA from feces
8:30 am Within group relatedness and genetic mating systems in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar ).
8:45 am Quantifying inhibition using real time-PCR in DNA extracted from the feces of wild savannah baboons.
9:00 am IGF-I bioavailability and patterns of body size variation.R.BERNSTEIN,S.LEIGH,M.SIEGEL,
9:15 am Testosterone and Reproductive Aggression in Wild Chimpanzees.M.MULLER.
9:30 am CSF 5-HIAA,life history and aggression in captive female macaques (Macaca mulatta ).A.CLEVELAND,
9:45 am Soft tissue constraints on basicranial flexion and length.R.McCARTHY,D.STRAIT,C.KIRK.
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Recruitment and firing patterns of jaw muscles during mastication in ring-tailed lemurs.W.HYLANDER,
10:30 am Functional morphology of the mandible in Otolemur spp .A.BURROWS,T.SMITH.
10:45 am Analysis of phase II movements during the power stroke of chewing in Papio.C.WALL,C.VINYARD,
11:00 am Biomechanical Investigation of African Apes and Influences of Positional Behavior.K.CARLSON.
11:15 am The positional behavior of douc langurs,Delacours ’ langurs,,and white-cheeked gibbons at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center,Cuc Phuong National Park,Vietnam.C.BYRON,H.COVERT,T.
11:30 am The origins of diagonal-sequence walking gaits in primates:an experimental test involving two didelphid
11:45 am Swing phase and the use of diagonal sequence gait in primates.D.RAICHLEN,L.SHAPIRO.
12:00 pm A new theory concerning the adaptive value and evolution of diagonal-sequence gaits in primates and