What does the word metamorphism mean in Greek?
What two major processes cause metaphorism?
Metamorphic rocks are classified according to what method?
When metamorphic rock have large minerals surrounded by small minerals the
large mineral are called?
5. How is baking bread like metamorphism?
6. What causes different metamorphism?
7. What causes minerals to change without melting?
8. Where can porphyroblast rocks be found?
9. How do minerals change without melting?
10. Most metamorphic rocks reflect the original chemical composition of the parent
rock. What would cause a metamorphic rock to not look like the parent rock?
11. Most metamorphic rocks have a parent rock. List 4 metamorphic rocks with their
parent rock.
12. What causes foliated metamorphic textures?
13. How is a foliated rock different from a nonfoliated rock?
14. List two of the most common types of foliated metamorphic rocks.
15. List two of the most common types of nonfoliated metamorphic rocks.
16. Compare low grade regional metamorphism rock with high grade regional
17. Draw a picture to show the different between foliated (needle like) minerals
verses nonfoliated (blocky) minerals.
18. Explain how you could illustrate mineral grains for both foliated and nonfoliated
using wet rice.
19. List all internal processes involved in the rock cycle
20. List all external processes involved in the rock cycle.
21. Draw the rock cycle and describe each step.