March 12, 2015 - Local Workforce Area 23

Planning Committee of Local Workforce Investment Area 23
Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2015
1. Welcome – Call to Order
The regular meeting of the LWIA23 Planning Committee was called to order at 4:32 p.m. on Thursday,
March 12, 2015 in the C.E.F.S. board room in Effingham by Chair Matt Roedl. Roll call was read by
Katrina Ingle.
Members Present:
Lisa Atkins, Paula Littlejohn, Matt Roedl (Chair), Paul White, Ryan Whitlock
Members Absent:
Gwen Kim, Lewis Ryder
Others Present:
Kathy Hegemann, Katrina Ingle, Tony Logue, Elaine Nuding, Kevin Pierce, Ray Rieck, Gerry Schlechte
2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Chair Roedl asked for a motion regarding the minutes of the previous meeting on December 11, 2014.
Lisa Atkins made the motion to approve the minutes and Paul White seconded. No further questions or
comments were made. Voice vote was requested by the Chair and the vote was unanimous. Motion
3. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Update
Gerry Schlechte reported that Federal regulations for the act that were due out in January have still not
been released. Once the Federal regulations are issued, the State will then provide further detailed
guidelines. The new estimated release date is now the “Spring”. One change that has been noted is
that a Youth Council will no longer be required. The agenda for the next CEO meeting on Monday
includes recommending a continuation of the Youth Council that is currently in place. CEFS and WIA
staff will participate in various WIOA training opportunities over the next couple of months to help
better understand the new law that will be effective on July 1st.
4. Board Composition Going Forward
Gerry Schlechte reported that the Board composition will still require a business majority but labor and
community based organization (CBO) representation must be 20%. Minimum program partners include
Adult Ed, Vocational Rehabilitation, Higher Education, Wagner-Peyser, and Economic Development.
The CEOs will have input and final approval on Board composition changes. No action from planning
committee required.
5. Service Provider Update
Elaine Nuding reported in place of Kevin Bushur. New college classroom training enrollment for the
spring semester included 45 Adult, 19 Dislocated Worker, and 12 Youth. All CEFS staff attended a
budget training course on January 27th to help customers with their budgeting needs. A new
manufacturing skills class began on Monday at the Lake Land College Workforce Development Center in
Mattoon. There have been 4 rapid responses conducted over the past month: Sygenta Seeds in Paris on
February 25th with 25 employees, Dana Holding in Robinson on March 3rd with 26 employees (possibly
Trade eligible), Rex Energy in Lawrenceville on March 5th with 13 employees, and ShopKo in Sullivan on
March 11th with 16 employees. CEFS partnered with The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and
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used over $24k for training including 4 CDL and 4 CNA customers. WIA then covered the supportive
services for these customers. CEFS is expecting to receive further funding from the grant this year,
which helps enable WIA to assist more customers. Robin Kralman with CEFS has been working with
Jarco in Salem on an Incumbent Worker training program. The plan includes lean manufacturing,
mapping, and computer training. Onsite classes provided by Kaskaskia College began last week and will
include up to 52 current employees. New adult enrollment is currently on hold due to level of funds
remaining and to maximize carryover for the next plan year. Current youth focus is for out of school
youth and drop outs in order to meet the 75% requirement under the new WIOA law.
6. Business Services Report
a. Community/Business Project in Salem - Kevin Pierce reported that he met with the
Mayor of Salem who was interested in economic development in his area. A meeting
with several local businesses was held in December. Kevin and Robin Kralman gave an
informational presentation to educate on the services offered by WIA. The incumbent
worker contract with Jarco was a product of this meeting. Douglas County is currently
planning on hosting a similar meeting for their area.
b. Illinois workNet - Kevin Pierce reported that the quarterly integration report showed a
status of “Meet” or “Exceed” for all categories. DCEO is still in the beta testing of the
conversion and are working to make the website more functional and interactive.
c. Marketing and Advertising Update - Kevin Pierce reported that the IL Workforce
Partnership (IWP) is a professional association of all the workforce areas in Illinois. Each
year they issue statewide awards in various categories. This year, two LWIA 23
nominees were chosen as award winners. Kevin Ross, Superintendent of Marshall
School District, was awarded the Individual Leadership Award. Patterson Companies in
Effingham was awarded the Business Leadership Award. The awards banquet will be
held on April 9th at the Governor’s mansion in Springfield. A new radio campaign began
for March and April on WCRC in Effingham and WMCI in Mattoon. Two current TV
commercials will continue to air through the end of June. A new commercial for the
youth program will be filmed next week to begin airing in April for a two month period.
Signage was added to one of the local Effingham public transit buses. CEFS is working
on gathering data to determine the effectiveness of the advertising initiatives.
d. Board Commitment Statement Going Forward - Kevin Pierce presented a proposed
Board Member Statement of Responsibilities form. The form would be effective with
the next program year. The planning committee requested the following changes to the
form: Item 1, remove “4 business days” in advance requirement; Item 6, specify Board
Chair or Director; Item 8, add general statement of confidentiality.
Chair Roedl asked for a motion to approve the form with specified modifications. Paul
White made the motion to approve the modified form and Paula Littlejohn seconded.
No further questions or comments were made. Voice vote was requested by the Chair
and the vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
e. Testimonial Summary for Marketing - Kevin Pierce reported that there is a plan to begin
obtaining testimonials from partnering businesses to be used as a future marketing tool.
Release forms will be obtained giving permission to use statement summaries for
advertising. Because this falls within the current marketing structure, no action from
the planning committee is required.
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Monthly Newsletters to CEOs and Board Members - Kevin Pierce reported that a
proposal will be given to the Board for a monthly 1-2 page newsletter to be sent to all
Board and CEO members. This will be used to help keep members updated and
engaged between quarterly meetings. The hope is that the information may be easily
shared by the CEOs at their county board meetings. No action from planning committee
7. Other Business - Matt Roedl suggested sending IWP award winner info to local newspapers for
publication and possible free WIA advertising. Kevin Pierce asked to officially add Kathy
Hegemann to the planning committee, all members present agreed.
8. Public Comment - Gerry Schlechte mentioned that Kevin Pierce is going to begin meeting with
each board member annually to encourage board engagement. Matt Roedl announced that due
to other commitments he would like to step down as planning Chair for the next plan year. But
he plans to continue to be an active member.
9. Closing Remarks
Chair Roedl stated that it has been a pleasure serving as the planning committee Chair.
10. Adjourn
Chair Roedl asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lisa Atkins made the motion to adjourn and
Paula Littlejohn seconded. Voice vote was requested and was unanimous. Motion carried. Meeting
adjourned at 5:18 p.m.
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