Chapter10 - EDUC111ChildGrowthDevelopment

7eCHAPTER TEN- Outline
Reading Highlights: Chapter Overview - 363
Initiative vs. guilt (Erikson’s 3rd stage) – 364
self-understanding – 364-365
foundations of self-concept – 365 - 367
emotional development – 367-369
self-regulation –369
self-conscious emotions – 370-371
empathy and sympathy – 371
peer relations – 372-377
morality - 378
social learning theory – 380-383
punishment – 381 -382
positive discipline - 383
aggression – 385-389
gender typing – 390-397
child rearing – 398-401
child maltreatment – 401- 405
Terms and Concepts:
initiative versus guilt
gender typing / gender constancy
empathy / sympathy
solitary play
uninvolved childrearing
parallel play
gender constancy
associative play
child abuse
cooperative play
prosocial behavior
proactive aggression (instrumental) reactive aggression (hostile)
physical aggression
verbal / relational aggression
Main Ideas:
 Erikson called this stage of development “initiative versus guilt”. Children in this
stage have a new sense of purposefulness. They are trying to master many new skills
and develop their understanding of their own identity. Play gives them a new way to
do this. Through play, they can practice social skills and try new roles. Their
confidence can be easily shattered by harsh adult criticism though – from adults they
need guidance and reasonable limits, not criticism.
 Young children are constructing a sense of self – this is called self-concept. Usually
they describe themselves in terms of observable characteristics like name, age, toys,
favorite activities, etc.
 Self-esteem is one component of self-concept. Usually preschoolers have very high
self-esteem; this helps them to keep trying to master physical and social challenges
without getting discouraged.
Children at this age are aware of a range of their own and other people’s emotions.
Their new ability to name their feelings helps them to increase their self-control; both
words and self-control fail when they are tired, ill, etc.
The development of play goes through several stages. Play helps children to improve
language and social skills and problem solving. It supports imagination and
creativity, and allows them to try out their ideas about the world around them. At this
age children begin to form first friendships and to enjoy social events like play dates
and birthday parties.
Children’s grasp of moral and prosocial behavior is increased by warm consistent
adult models. Inductive discipline helps children understand the consequences of
their actions. An authoritative parenting style promotes moral and social competence.
Preschool children expand their sense of identity by exploring notions of gender. At
this stage, their grasp of gender roles tends to be rigid and stereotypical.
Berk Chapter 10: Emotional and Social Development
in Early Childhood6e
Erikson’s Third Stage – Initiative versus Guilt
Briefly explain the conflict for this stage:
Why did Erikson regard play as helpful to this stage?
How does the text define Self- Concept?_______________________________________
Preschoolers usually describe themselves by listing their physical attributes and
possessions; their self concepts are very ________________________. Early struggles
over objects are a sign of developing _____________. By 3 ½, children also describe
themselves in terms of ___________________.
Conversations with parents about past events help children to develop
_____________________ memory. As children construct a life story, this clarifies their
Self–esteem is defined as: _________________________________________________
Preschoolers generally have high self-esteem – why is this particularly helpful for this
Some 4 year olds do become easily discouraged and give up easily – what parental
behavior may contribute to this?
EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT As preschoolers develop, their emotional
understanding – emotional competence - increases. Here are 3 things that help:
C_________________________________ development
S __________________ experience
How does the child’s temperament affect the development of emotional self-regulation?
How do adults help children learn to regulate their emotions?
Self-conscious emotions
As children’s self-concept’s become better developed, they become increasingly sensitive
to ____________ and _______________. As a consequence, they often experience selfconscious emotions, which can be defined as
They still really depend on adult feedback to know when to feel self-conscious emotions.
In order to help children develop moderate and adaptive (not too intense) levels of shame
and pride, adults should give feedback that focuses on how to improve
__________________________, rather than on the ___________ of the child. The text
distinguishes between the effects of shame and guilt:
Shame makes children feel__________________________________
Guilt without shame motivates children to ___________________________________.
However the text also reminds us that children’s feelings and adult responses occur
within the framework of culture, and that changes the impact shame has on children’s
self concept. (See the box on page 366 for more on this interesting aspect of
The ability to feel empathy increases during the preschool years, as children get a better
handle on emotions in general. Compare the definitions of empathy and sympathy:
Empathy is _______________________________________________________
Sympathy is ______________________________________________________
When motivated by empathy, toddlers use actions to offer comfort to others. In contrast,
preschoolers begin to rely more on _______________. What kind of parenting promotes
pro-social feelings of empathy and sympathy?
PEER RELATIONSHIPS Preschoolers become much better at interacting with other
children. What 3 aspects of their development contribute to this? Preschool children
 _________________________________________
 _________________________________________
 _________________________________________
Mildred Parten noted that children go through several stages in improving their ability to
interact with peers. Briefly explain each stage:
Non-social Activity______________________________________________________
Parallel Play____________________________________________________________
Associative Play_________________________________________________________
Cooperative Play_________________________________________________________
Note that these stages do not replace each other, but instead children transition into one
and back to another over the course of the day. Patents may worry about a child who
spends time playing alone – describe the difference between solitary behavior that is
cause for concern, and solitary behavior that is constructive and developmentally
Make-believe or sociodramatic play becomes especially common during the preschool
years. List 2 cognitive and 2 social benefits of this type of play. (Hint: you may have to
check back to page 319 if you don’t remember the cognitive benefits.)
Cognitive benefits: 1.
Social benefits:
Culture and adults’ view of play affects how children play and how much time they spend
in play. Why might play be particularly important for social development in our modern
Western society?
First friendships form during the preschool years. How do preschoolers define a friend?
How does the ability to make friends affect a child’s kindergarten adjustment?
Making friends and achieving social acceptance requires children to be able to do social
problem solving. Read the 6 stages of social problem solving identified in Figure 10.1.
How can adults help children who are poor social problem solvers?
Parents affect a child’s peer relations. Name 2 direct and 2 indirect parental influences:
Direct 1.
Indirect 1.
Foundations of Morality
Preschool children’s developing moral sense is apparent in their labeling of right and
wrong behavior. At first the child’s morality is ______________ ______________ by
adults. Hopefully as the child matures, morality becomes regulated by ______________
How does inductive discipline support the development of moral behavior?
How can guilt be a positive factor in developing moral behavior?
Modeling by adults also influences the development of moral behavior. List 3 factors
that make models effective:
Give 2 reasons why punishment is not an effective means of guiding behavior:
The text states that beginning in late infancy, all children display aggression from time to
time. Define the 2 general types of aggression:
1. Proacvtive (Instrumental) Aggression:
2. Reactive (Hostile) Aggression:
Aggression is expressed in three varieties:
Physical Aggression
Verbal Aggression
Relational Aggression
Describe 2 ways that some parents and families contribute to aggressive behavior in
children: ____________________________________________________
Explain 2 ways that TV and other media contribute to aggressive behavior in children:
GENDER TYPING refers to any association of activities, behaviors, objects, etc. with
one sex or the other according to cultural stereotypes. Children begin to acquire common
associations with gender even before they can _________________________________.
During the preschool years, children’s gender stereotyped beliefs become more like rigid
___________ than flexible guidelines. Although culture influences gender norms, some
gender typed behavior may have biological - and evolutionary - origins.
Briefly explain how exposure to androgens during prenatal development may establish
some biological basis for gender typed behavior:
Describe one way that parents also shape the gender typed behavior of their children:
Define gender identity:
Define androgyny:
Define gender constancy:
What are the three steps leading to the mastery of gender constancy?
Which comes first- gender constancy or gender typed behavior? Explain:
Briefly explain the benefits of the authoritative child rearing style:
CHILD MALTREATMENT Read the factors related to child maltreatment in table
10.3. Identify and briefly define the 4 types of child maltreatment:
Name 2 consequences of child maltreatment:
Identify one prevention strategy:
Practice Quiz #10
1. In preschool, children have NOT yet realized that
a there are only two sexes
b activities, clothing, and jobs do not determine one’s gender
c they are either male or female
d girls act, play and dress differently than boys
2. When asked how well he draws pictures, a 4 year old is likely to say that he is
a better than some kids, but worse than others
b a poor artist
c a great artist
d unconcerned about whether he’s good or not, because he enjoys drawing and that’s the
important thing
3. Kenzie, a 3-year-old, engages in a lot of solitary play. She enjoys playing with
blocks, puzzles, dolls and painting by herself. She is most likely
a socially unskilled
b depressed
c rejected by her peers
d a bright child with normal social skills
4. In the third stage of his theory, Erikson suggested that parents can help ward off too
much guilt in preschoolers by
a helping them with new tasks and activities
b not setting limits for them
c establishing a trusting relationship with them
d punishing them if they talk back
5. As young children become aware of gender stereotypes, overt aggression
a decreases in girls as well as boys
b increases in both boys and girls
c decreases in boys but not in girls
d decreases in girls but not in boys
6. 4-year-old Lance is least likely to describe himself in terms of
a hair color
b things he owns
c inner traits
d everyday behaviors
By what age do children correctly judge the causes of many basic emotions?
1 to 2 years
2 to 3 years
4 to 5 years
6 to 7 years
8. Donny and Vinnie are playing with the same objects near each other, but not talking
to each other or interacting. This is __________ play.
a parallel
b cooperative
c nonsocial
d associative
9. Inductive discipline involves
a ignoring the child’s behavior
b withdrawing affection from the child
c pointing out the effects of their behavior
d using physical punishment
10. Research consistently shows that punishment
a does not promote lasting changes in children’s behavior
b is a very effective method of discipline
c is especially good for promoting long-term discipline goals
d works just as well as modeling in teaching moral behavior
Child Growth and Development Video Worksheet (Berk Chapter 10)
I. Young children face 5 major tasks in psychosocial development:
1. ____________ ________ as separate person
2. ____________ _____________ with distress of others
3. ___________ _______________, __________ and ___________
4. _____________ ______-____________
5.learn to ________ ________ __________________________ of choices
These marked changes in the child’s behavior emerge as a result of
3. _____________________________________________________
II. Self Awareness
Erik Erikson’s 2nd stage is _________________________ vs. ________________ and
The sense of self at this stage is often expressed in these 3 ways:
Erikson’s 3rd Stage =_______________________ vs. ____________________________
The preschooler feels _____________ when things go well, and _________________
and ______________________ when experiencing failure.
From infancy through preschool age, children go through 4 stages in dealing with
Two aspects of self awareness are :____________________________ and
III. Interpersonal Relationships
Attachment is necessary for healthy emotional development.
Refueling = _________________________________________________________
Emotional object constancy = ___________________________________________
Sibling Rivalry – all children feel to some degree
Parents can help reduce rivalry over new baby by:
Parents can help reduce sibling rivalry between older siblings by:
Relationships with other children provide the child with:
IV. Discipline>>>>>>>> Self-discipline
Acceptable methods of discipline include:
Principles of positive discipline include:
______________________________ ________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________