
There are 4 phrases in this piece.
Phrase 1 bars 1-12
the music is dramatic with wide leaps, chromaticism,
diminished and chords with a 7th added. There is no sense
of key, however it is regarded to be in c. In bar 8 the key
of A major is hinted at (F and G sharps). In bar 12, c minor
is suggested with a b natural.
The phrase ends with the vocal line unaccompanied,
followed by a cadence by the continuo.
Phrase 2 bars 13-15
There is dissonance in these three bars
Phrase 3 bars 15(end)-20
A tonal centre of f minor is suggested.
The narrative (word setting) becomes more metrical.
It ends in f minor
Phrase 4 bars 20-end
There is a contrast here, as the character of the continuo
changes, becoming a throbbing bass line with repeated
notes underpinning the vocal line.
A new tempo is introduced with pedal notes in the
The vocal part becomes more lyrical, with the use of
melisma-on the word “anger”-er-zur.
There are wide leaps, chromatics and suspensions.
The vocal part ends on 1c. chord with the continuo ending
the music with a v-1 (cadential 6/4-don’t worry I will
explain!!) which is a perfect cadence in C major.