Global Health Student Association

Global Health Student Association
January 14, 2004 meeting
5:00 pm
 Advisor: Dr. Ann DeBaldo – Associate Dean of Research
 Officers
 Fouzia Khan – President, Dept: GLH
 Hokehe Eko – Vice President, Dept: GLH
 Sophia Hector – Treasurer, Dept: HPM
 Mohini Persaud – Secretary, Dept: EPI
 PR Committee
 Fances Andrade, Dept: EPI, Email:
 Sharon Watson, Dept: HPM, Email:
 Angela Diggs, Dept: EOH, Email:
 Hot-Topic
The hot topic is something that you, as members, choose to
discuss. It is an issue that you want to know more about or it can be
a discussion where you share your knowledge with others. Once
the hot topic sheet is completed they are given to Mohini Persaud,
the secretary. The executive body of GHSA chooses a topic that
the majority of the members would be interested in. Since a couple
of members expressed an interest in discussing the SARS outbreak,
that will be the hot topic for the next meeting.
5:05 pm
Getting to Know You
The attendees were asked to answer some questions about
themselves and them to go around the room finding other people
who had same answers. Everyone had a great time finding
someone else who liked the same things that they did.
Congratulations to Heidi DiSalvo who had the most in common with
everyone!! She won a great bag filled with lots of good stuff,
courtesy of GPSO.
5:20 pm
GHSA Website
 The GHSA website will be going up soon. Now you can email
your hot-topics and suggestions to us.
 We are currently looking for someone to be our Webmaster. The
position will include giving the COPH Webmaster ideas or items
to put on the website. Anyone interested? Please contact
Kaplan’s Offers
 Tests available: GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, etc.
 Fund-raising opportunity for GHSA – Kaplan would
arrange practice tests for USF students if GHSA would
sponsor it. They would supply all the materials needed
with no fee. The attendees at the meeting voted the
GRE and the MCAT as the tests that they are most
interested in taking as practice tests. They suggested
that $5.00 is a reasonable price to pay for a practice
test. All proceeds from the practice tests will go
towards the GHSA student fund. The fund may be used
to bring speakers to COPH or to help students attend
Global Health Conferences.
Potential Field Experience/Special Project
 Himalayan Health Exchange
 GHSA distributed a flyer that contained projects and contact
information for potential field experiences abroad. This
information can be found on the website listed below.
Best Attendance Award
 At the end of the semester there will be an award given to the
student who attended the most meetings held by GHSA.
5:25 pm
The Advocacy Program
Speaker: Nora Penia
The Advocacy Program provides help to survivors and victims
of violence and abuse. They provide crisis intervention and
information, discuss available options or offer emotional
support to help you deal with life. They are there when you
need someone to help with problems that may get in the
way of making right decisions. The Advocacy Program is
available to assist all USF students and employees. You may
contact them by calling (813) 974-5756 or go to for more information.
5:35 pm
HSC Service Corps
Speaker: Ellen Kent
Ellen invited everyone to come to the Health Science Center
Service Fair on February 2, 2004 from 12-2 pm. This is a great
opportunity to meet and learn about the different
organizations that offer volunteer opportunities. The fair will
be in the College of Nursing courtyard. For more information
go to .
5:50 pm
***The next GHSA meeting is on Wed., Feb. 4, 2004
at 5:00 PM in COPH room 2004.