Nutrition - TeachersTeacherProjects

Virtual Field Trip Outline
I. Introduction
My virtual field trip will be about Nutrition. Students will learn about macronutrients
(carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids), the food groups/food pyramid, how to
read nutrition facts as well as how exercise. These topics are very important to
understanding and making good choices regarding diet and exercises.
This trip is designed with junior high students in mind. It is critically important that
students at this age become aware of the choices that they make when dealing with their
health. The habits that they create now will stick with them for years to come. If they
are able to begin new, healthy habits, hopefully they will carry on those habits.
II. Macronutrients
What will your page/slide be about? What kind of resources (images, links, etc.) will
you include on this page? If you know any resources you are going to include, list them.
My first page will be about macronutrients. Students should be able to define and give
examples of each of the macronutrients. It will have four subtopics (or perhaps these
should each be their own page?). Each page will define and explain the macronutrient,
including but not limited to its structure and function in the body, as well as images and
potential dangers of having too many or too few of the essential elements.
o Carbohydrates
 provides information
about carbohydrates including how the body uses them!
o Lipids
rticle provides information about fats and how the body uses them
o Proteins
tedArticle provides information about protein and how the body uses
o Nucleic Acids
 I cannot find anything right now about nucleic acids that would be kidfriendly. Everything that I have found so far has been very technical.
III. Food Pyramid
In this section, students will explore the food pyramid. Students should be able to
identify examples for each section. provides an interactive
website which allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the food group including
examples of each provides an interactive
quiz based on the food pyramid! It also has the option of printing the score page at the
end of the quiz!
IV. Reading Nutrition Labels
In this section, students will explore nutrition facts to help make healthy decisions.
Students will be able to choose a healthy choice given a number of nutrition labels. provides an easy explanation of
how to read the information on a food label and explains what each section really means. has an interactive
game which allows students to not only identify various parts of a food label, but also
compare food labels for various foods. This tool also gives a score at the end!
V. Exercise
In this section, students will explore how exercise is an important part of nutrition.
Students will be able to give examples of ways to stay fit and active and avoid injury. provides information about how
kids can stay fit and healthy provides examples
of what to do to get out and play. It gives examples to do when you are alone, what to do
when there are only two people and what to do for bigger groups.
Additional Resources
 provides games
which would work for any of these topics