110223 Tonnesson CV full - the Department of Peace and

Curriculum Vitae
Stein Tønnesson
Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Private address:
Jacob Aalls gt. 13
N-0368 Oslo
Tel. +47 48101292 (cell); +1 202 429 4744 (office); +1 202 413 2812 (cell)
e-mail: stein@prio.no
personal website: www.cliostein.com
Dr. philos., History, University of Oslo
Cand. philol. with French (University of Århus) and History (University of Oslo).
Work experience
Senior Fellow, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C.
Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Guest researcher, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Professor II, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of
Asia Consultant, Statoil, Stavanger
Senior Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen
Research professor, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen
Research fellow, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Doctoral scholarship, University of Oslo
Doctoral scholarship, NAVF
Employed by the Norwegian Association of Sports to write a history of
Norwegian sports
Amanuensis, teaching history at the University of Oslo
Journalist, Østlendingen Solør-Odal, Kongsvinger
Journalist apprentice, Glåmdalen, Kongsvinger
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Project management, research administration, board memberships
2011-2016 Leader, East Asian peace program, Department of Peace and Conflict Research,
Uppsala University
2011Member of the Board of Institutt for samfunnsstudier (Institute of Social Resarch),
2010Editorial Board Member, Global Asia (Seoul)
2007-2011 Member of the Board of Norfund (Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing
2005-2009 Project leader, Peace and Reconciliation in the Eastern Mediterranean, PRIO
2004Member of the advisory board for the International Institute of Asian Studies
(IIAS)/Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) publication series on Piracy
and Robbery in the High Seas
2004Editorial Board Member, Globalisations (Taylor & Francis)
2003-2009 Member of the Board of the Swedish School of Advanced Asia Pacific Studies
2003-2010 Member of the Board of Peace and Conflict Studies (PECOS), University of Oslo
2003-2009 Member of the Board of CARE Norway
2003-2007 Editorial Board member, Internasjonal politikk
2003-2006 Member of the Board of the Norwegian Network of Social Science Research
2001-2002 Member of committee to prepare a new 2-year MA course in peace and conflict
(PECOS), University of Oslo
2000-2001 Member of committee to evaluate applicants for position at the Department of
Classical and Romanic Studies, University of Oslo
1999-2000 Member of PhD dissertation committee for Liselotte Odgaard, political science,
University of Århus
1998-2001 Project leader, Maritime disputes in the South China Sea, Centre for Development
and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo
1998-2001 Leader of programme committee in the Research Council of Norway for
Globalisation and Marginalisation: Cross-disciplinary research on development
paths in the South (Utviklingsveier i Sør)
1997-1998 Member of committee to propose to the Research Council of Norway research
strategies concerning Development paths in the South (Utviklingsveier i Sør)
1993-1998 Member of programme committee in the Research Council of Norway for State
and Society, Democracy and Political Change in the Third World, and Public
Administration in Developing Countries
1994-1995 Deputy Director, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen
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Vietnam 1946: How the War Began, Berkeley CA: California University Press, 2010.
(Extended footnotes to be found on www.cliostein.com)
H-Diplo Roundtable Review, www.h-net.org/~diplo/roundtables, Vol. XI, No. 19, 2010 (2
Review Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2010, p. 305.
Book note Journal of Peace Research, Vol 47, No. 6, 2010, p. 814.
The Vietnamese Revolution of 1945: Roosevelt, Ho Chi Minh and de Gaulle in a World at War,
London, SAGE, 1991.
Review Internasjonal Politikk, 1992
Review Far Eastern Economic Review, 1992
Review Journal of Peace Research, 1992
Review Kristeligt Dagblad, 1992
Review le Monde Diplomatque, 1992
Review Nyt fra historien, 1992
Review Pacific Review, 1992
Review Peace and Change, 1992
Review Quan Doi Nhan Dan (Hanoi), 1992
Review Pacific Affairs, 1992.
Review Greg Lockhart, University of New South Wales, 1992
Review Asian Studies (Australia), 1993
Review Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 1993
Review Société francaise d’histoire d’Outre Mer, 1993
Review Sprawy Miedzynarodowe (Poland), 1993
Review Pacific Historical Review, 2, 1993
Review Journal of Asian Studies, 1993
1946: Le déclenchement de la guerre d’Indochine - les vêpres tonkinoises du 19 décembre, Paris,
l’Harmattan, 1987.
Review Le Canard Enchainé, 1986
Review Képi Blanc, April 1988
Review Politique Étrangère, 1988
Review Historiske tidsskrift, 4/1988
Review Le Monde Diplomatique, January 1988
Review Norsk Militært Tidsskrift 1/88
Review American Historical Review, October 1989
Review Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, XXI, 2, 1990
‘Folkehelse, trim, stjerner 1939–1986’ Vol. 2 of Norsk idretts historie, Oslo, Aschehoug, 1986.
Review Bergens Tidende 24 September 1986
Review Historisk Tidsskrift, 1, 1988
The Outbreak of War in Indochina, 1946, MA thesis published as PRIO-report 3/84:
Chapters, Appendices, Notes and References
Review Journal of Asian Studies, November 1985
Review Politique Etrangère, 4, 1986
Reference in Grosser article, 1986
Comment Le Monde, 9 December 1988
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‘Et tilbakeblikk på verden før 1850’, Oslo, Aschehoug 1997 (bilag til Spor i Tid, Verden etter
Spor i tid: Verden etter 1850 (with Tor Egil Førland), world history 1850-95 for Norwegian
secondary schools, Oslo: Aschehoug, 1995 (revised edition 1997).
Edited volumes
Odd Arne Westad, Chen Jian, Stein Tønnesson, Nguyen Vu Tung and James G. Herschberg (eds.),
77 Conversations between Chinese and Foreign Leaders on the Wars in Indochina, 1964–1977,
Cold War International History Project, Working Paper No. 22, 1998.
Stein Tønnesson, Juhani Koponen, Niels Steensgaard and Thommy Svensson (eds), Between
National Histories and Global History, Helsingfors, Finska Historiska Samfundet, 1997 (Report
to the Nordic Conference of Historians in Tampere, August).
Hans Antlöv & Stein Tønnesson (eds.), Imperial Policy and Southeast Asian Nationalism 1930–
1957, London: NIAS/Curzon Press, 1995.
Review Bijdragen, 1996.
Stein Tønnesson & Hans Antlöv (eds.), Asian Forms of the Nation, London: NIAS/Curzon Press,
Review Asian Affairs, 1997
Review South Asia, 1997
Review Nations and Nationalism, 1998
Review Contemporary South Asia, 1998
Stein Tønnesson (red.), Røde skoger: Skogsarbeidere forteller fra klassekampen på landsbygda,
Oslo: PAX, 1976, 240 pp. (Interviews with Norwegian woodcutters about class struggles in the
1920s and 1930s)
Articles in refereed journals
‘What Is It that Best Explains the East Asian Peace Since 1979? A Call for a Research Agenda,’
Asian Perspective 33(1), 2009: 111-136.
‘The Class Route to Nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus – and France,’ Nations and
Nationalism 15(3), 2009: 375-395.
‘The Case for a Proactive Indian and Chinese Approach to Climate Change and Energy Security,’
Strategic Analysis 31(3), 2007: 417–445.
‘The South China Sea in the Age of European Decline,’ Modern Asian Studies 40(1), 2006: 1–57.
‘The Imperial Temptation,’ Security Dialogue 35(3), September 2004: 329–343.
‘Globalising national states,’ Nations and Nationalism 10(1/2): Special Issue on History and
National Destiny: Ethnosymbolism and its Critics, January/April 2004: 179-194.
‘Sino-Vietnamese Rapprochement and the South China Sea Irritant,’ Security Dialogue 34(1),
March 2003: 55–70.
‘Why are the Disputes in the South China Sea So Intractable? A Historical Approach,’ Asian
Journal of Social Science 30(3), 2002: 570-601.
‘A ‘Global Civil War’?’ Security Dialogue 33(3), 2002: 389–391.
‘The Paracels: The ‘Other’ South China Sea Dispute,’ Asian Perspective, 26(4), 2002: 145-169.
‘China and the South China Sea: A Peace Proposal,’ Security Dialogue 31(3), September 2000:
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‘Vietnam’s Objective in the South China Sea: National or Regional Security?,’ Contemporary
Southeast Asia, vol. 22, no. 1, April 2000: 199–220.
‘The Longest Wars: Indochina 1945-75,’ Journal of Peace Research (1)1985: 9-30.
Book chapters
‘An international history of the dispute in the South China Sea,’ in Geoff Wade, ed. China and
Southeast Asia, Abingdon: Routledge Library on Southeast Asia, Vol. VI, 2009: 337-362.
‘Energy Security and Climate Change: The Potential Role of China and India,’ in Gunnar Fermann,
ed., Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Forces of Fragmentation and Integration. Berlin:
Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2009: 188-220.
‘Hva er nytt i krig?’ [What’s New in War?], in Hege Skjeie, Inger Skjelsbæk and Torunn L.
Tryggestad, eds, Kjønn, krig, konflikt: jubileumsbok til Helga Hernes [Gender, war, conflict,
anniversary book to Helga Hernes], Oslo: PAX, 2008: 127-137.
‘Franklin Roosevelt, Trusteeship, and Indochina: A Reassessment,’ in Mark Atwood Lawrence &
Fred Logevall, eds, The First Vietnam War: Colonial Conflict and Cold War Crisis. Cambridge
MA: HarvardUniversity Press, 2007: 56–73.
‘Le Duan and the Break with China,’ introduction to a document translated by Christopher E.
Goscha, in Priscilla Roberts, ed. Behind the Bamboo Curtain. China, Vietnam, and the World
beyond Asia, Stanford CA: Stanford University Press, 2006: 453–467.
‘Comment: Strategic Deficits in PeaceBuilding and Conflict Prevention,’ in Robert Picciotto &
Rachel Weaving, eds, Security and Development: Investing in Peace and Prosperity. Milton
Park: Routledge, 2006: 269–276.
‘Forord’ [Foreword], in Ole Berthelsen, ed., En frelser, en prest og en satan [A Savior, a Priest and
a Devil]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2005.
‘Fred mot Terror,’ in Bjørn Erik Rasch, ed., Islamistisk Terrorisme. Oslo: Abstrakt Forlag (298–
318), 2005.
‘Locating the South China Sea,’ in Paul H. Kratoska and Remco Raben, eds, Locating Southeast
Asia: Geographies of Knowledge and Politics of Space. Singapore: SingaporeUniversity Press,
2005: 203-233.
‘Marine vietnamienne et défense de l’espace maritime’ [The Vietnamese Navy and the Defence of
Maritime Space], in Christopher E. Goscha & Benoît De Tréglodé, eds, Naissance d’un ÉtatParti: Le Viêt Nam depuis 1945 [The Birth of a Party-State: Vietnam since 1945]. Paris : Les
Indes Savantes, 2004: 383–413.
‘Globalising national states,’ in Montserrat Guibernau and John Hutchinson (eds.), History and
National destiny: Ethnosymbolism and its Critics. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004: 179-194.
‘National divisions in Indochina’s decolonization,’ in Prasenjit Duara, ed., Decolonization. London:
Routledge, 2004: 253–277.
‘A ‘Global Civil War’?,’ in Bengt Sundelius, ed., The Consequences of September 11.Stockholm:
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Conference Papers 30, 2002: 103-111.
‘Hanoi’s Long Century’, in Robert Buzzanco & Marilyn Blatt Young, eds, A Companion to the
Vietnam War. London: Blackwell, 2002: 1-16.
‘Les pays nordiques et l’Asie,’ in Michel Foucher, Michel Bruneau, François Durand-Dastès, Gilles
Lepesant and Philippe Pelettier, Asies nouvelles, Paris, Belin, 2002: 428-431.
French version | English draft
‘A History of the Dispute,’ in Timo Kivimäki, ed., War or Peace in the South China Sea.
Copenhagen, NIAS Press, 2002: 6–23.
‘The Economic Dimension,’ in Timo Kivimäki, ed., War or Peace in the South China Sea.
Copenhagen, NIAS Press, 2002: 54–61.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Vietnam in the Asian Crisis,’ in Claes Brundenius and John Weeks, eds. Globalization and Third
World Socialism,London: Palgrave, 2001: 168–196.
‘Det Sydkinesiske Hav, historie’ i Den Store Danske Encyklopædi, vol. 18, København: Danmarks
Nationalleksikon, 2000: 399–400.
‘The Layered State of Vietnam,’ chapter 11 in Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard and Susan Young, eds, State
Capacity in East Asia: China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Japan,Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2000: 236–268.
‘Vietnam, historie,’ Store Norske Leksikon, Oslo: Aschehoug and Gyldendal, vol. 15, 1998: 347–
‘Foreword,’ in Erik Paul ed. Australia in south East Asia: Regionalisation and Democracy, NIAS
Report Series no. 37, Copenhagen, NIAS Publishing, 1998.
‘Tracking Multi-Directional Dominoes,’ introductory essay to Chen Jian, Nguyen Vu Tung, Stein
Tønnesson, Odd Arne Westad and James G. Hershberg (eds.), 77 Conversations between
Chinese and Foreign Leaders on the Wars in Indochina, 1964-1977, Cold War International
History Project, Working paper No. 22, 1997: 34–45.
‘Nordic World Views,’ Introduction to Between National Histories and Global History,
Helsingfors, Finska Historiska Samfundet, 1997: 7–22
‘Å pedagogisere verdenshistorie,’ chapter in Egil Børre Johnsen (ed.), Forbildets forbilder: Norsk
Sakprosa andre bok, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1996: 219–240.
‘Asia in Theories of Nationalism and National Identity’ (with Hans Antlöv), introductory chapter in
Tønnesson and Antlöv (eds.), Asian Forms of the Nation, London: NIAS/Curzon Press, 1996: 1–
‘Problèmes de l’utilisation des archives des services secrets dans les recherches sur le Viêt Nam
pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale,’ in Philippe Le Failler & Jean Marie Mancini (eds.), Viêt
Nam. Sources et approches, Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l’Université de Provence, 1996:
‘La paix imposée par la Chine: l’accord franco-vietnamien du 6 mars 1946,’ in Les Guerres
d’Indochine de 1945 à 1975, June 1996.
‘Vietnam, historia,’ Nationalencyklopedin, Höganäs, Bra Böcker, 1996: 433–434.
‘Min far, en jakobiner?’ in Øystein Rian, Finn Erhard Johannessen, Øystein Sørensen and Finn
Fuglestad (eds), Revolusjon og resonnement. Festskrift til Kåre Tønnesson, Oslo,
Universitetsforlaget, 1995: 293–315.
‘Norge og Stillehavsasia’ (with Frode Liland and Odd Arne Westad), in T.L. Knutsen, G.M. Sørbø
and S. Gjerdåker (eds.), Norges utenrikspolitikk, Oslo, Cappelen, 1995, pp. 416-438 (second
edition 1997: 447–469.
Articles about Charles Hoff, Olaf Helset, Idrettsstreiken and Norsk Idrettsforbund in Norsk
krigsleksikon, Oslo: Cappelen, 1995.
‘Filling the Power Vacuum: 1945 in French Indochina, the Netherlands East Indies and British
Malaya,’ in Hans Antlöv and Stein Tønnesson (eds.), Imperial Policy and Southeast Asian
Nationalism 1930-1957, Copenhagen, NIAS/Curzon Press, 1995: 110–143.
‘Alternative Perspectives on the European Role in the Construction of Southeast Asian
Nationalities,’ in Ingrid Wessel (ed.), Nationalism and Ethnicity in Asia, Vol. 1, pp. 5-18,
Berlin: LIT Verlag, 1995.
‘Peace and War: Cooperation and Conflict in 20th Century Indochina,’ in Arthur H. Westing (ed.),
Transfrontier Reserves for Peace and Nature: A Contribution to Human Security,Nairobi,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 1993: 67–76.
‘Comment on Charles Tilly: Where do rights come from?,’ in Lars Mjøset (ed.) Contributions to the
Comparative Study of Development, Institute for Social Research, Oslo, 1992.
‘Is Norway a European Country?,’ in Klaus Bohnen, Helmut Müssener und Friedrich Schmöe
(eds.), Europa, eine Kulturelle Herausforderung für die Nordischen Länder,
Kopenhagen/München 1992: 43–59.
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‘Vietnam as a Regional Power: A Study in Failure,’ in Iver B. Neumann, Regional Great Powers,
London, Macmillan, 1992: 179–203.
Non-refereed journal articles
‘China’s Changing Role in the South China Sea: Reflections on a Scholar’s Workshop.’ Harvard
Asia Quarterly, Vol. XII, No. 3 & 4, Winter 2010, pp. 18-30.
‘Asia in a Nordic Nutshell’, NIAS nytt, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, No. 2 September 2008:
‘Regionale stormakter på verdensscenen,‘ Part I, Hvor hender det? 3, Oslo: NUPI, 4 September
2006, Part II, Hvor hender det? 3, Oslo: NUPI, 18 September 2006.
‘Regionale stormakters globale rolle. Kina, India, Brasil og Sør-Afrika’, Internasjonal politikk
64(1), March 2006: 75–94.
‘Idealister og realister i USAs midtøsten-politikk,’ Babylon 3(1), 2005: 42–49.
‘Comment on Ken Menkhaus’ Paper: Stategic Deficits in PeaceBuilding and Conflict Prevention,’
Conflict, Security & Development 4(3), December 2004: 465–472.
‘Hvorfor mislyktes Norge politisk i sikkerhetsrådet?,’ internasjonal Politikk 61(2), 2003: 235–239.
Replies from Erik Sagflaat and Ole Peter Kolby.
‘Studies of Development: No Impasse, But a Long Way to Go’ (reply to Olle Törnquist), Forum for
Development Studies 29(1), 2002: 121–123.
‘Le Duan and the Break with China,’ Introduction to a document translated by Christopher E.
Goscha, Cold War International History Bulletin, No. 12/13, 2001: 273–278.
‘Norwegian Research on Development: A Comment on Johan Helland’s Article,’ Forum for
Development Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2001: 11–16.
‘Introduction,’ in ‘The South China Sea Islands and the Code of Conduct,’ special issue of Ocean
Development and International Law, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2001: 93–95.
‘Nobels fredspris 2000: Kim Dae Jung,’ Hvor hender det? Oslo: NUPI, 6 December 2000.
‘La difficulté d’utilisation des archives des services secrets : le cas de l’Indochine lors de la
Seconde Guerre mondiale.’ Renseignements & Opérations Spéciales, no. 5, juillet-août 2000:
‘Can Conflicts Be Solved by Shelving Disputes? A Rejoinder’ [to Lee Lai To], Security Dialogue
30 (2), 1999: 179–182.
‘Seip, vi og de andre,’ Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 1/1999: 90–92.
‘Fra historien om den tredje verden til én global verdenshistorie,’ Den Jyske Historiker nr. 81
August 1998: 114–130.
‘Asia-krisens politikk’, Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1998: 361–392.
‘Konflikten i Sør-Kinahavet’, Hvor Hender Det? 28/29, 1998.
‘Stat og verdighet i økonomisk vekst: Eksemplet Vietnam’, Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1997: 253–
‘Utsikt over det 20. århundre - fra Hanoi’, Samtiden 2–3, 1997: 92–110.
‘Fredsprisen 1996: Konflikten på Øst-Timor inn i rampelyset’, Hvor Hender Det? 15–16, 2
December 1996.
‘La paix imposée par la Chine: l’accord franco-vietnamien du 6 mars 1946,’ Cahiers de l’Institut
d’histoire du temps présent, 1996: 35–56.
‘Please be precise when researching democracy!’, NONESA 1, 1995.‘Østen i vest og Vesten i øst’
[The East in the West and the West in the East], Samtiden 2, 1995: 10–15.
‘Norden speiler seg: Identitetsdebatten 1986-93’, Historisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian) 3, 1993: 360397.
‘Vietnamese Capitalism and the Final Nationalisation of Ho Chi Minh’, NONESA 7, 1992.
‘Kunsten at opløse et imperium. Ti råd til Gorbatsjov og Jeltsin’, Omverden 6,1991
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Sammenligning av nordiske nasjonalismer’, Den Jyske Historiker 49, 1989: 146–159.
‘Proposals for a Lasting Peace in Indochina’, Bulletin of Peace Proposals 20 (3), September 1989:
‘Lærdommer fra Gol om edb’, Humanistiske Data, 1-2, 1989.
‘A French Decision for War, French and Vietnamese Decision-Making Before the Outbreak of the
War in Indochina, December 1946,’ The Vietnam Forum (published at the Yale Center for
International and Area Studies), Summer-Fall 1988: 112–135.
‘Historiker med PC’, Humanistiske Data, 2/88
‘Mellom lek og alvor - norsk idrett 1861-1986’, Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 4, 1986 (together with Finn
‘Trettiårskrigen i Indokina 1945-1975 som emne for historisk forskning’ (The Thirty-Years War in
Indochina 1945-1975 as Topic for Historical Research), Internasjonal Politikk 1, 1984: 105–
Reports and working papers
‘Hvor går Kina?’ Bok-essay i form av rapport til Det kongelige norske utenriksdepartement,’
[Where Is China Heading? Review Essay in the Form of a Report to the Royal Norwegian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs], 31 October 2010.
‘Burma and Its Neighbours: The Geopolitics of Gas’, Austral Policy Forum 06-30A 24 August
2006 (with Åshild Kolås).
‘Energy Security in Asia: China, India, Oil and Peace.’ Report to the Norwegian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, April 2006 (with Åshild Kolås).
‘The Good China - and Four Dangers’ Report to the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
1 June 2005.
‘Regionale stormakters globale rolle: Kina, India, Brasil og Sør-Afrika,’ report to the Norwegian
MFA, PRIO, 23 October, 2005.
‘Regime Stability in the Middle East,’ PRIO Report 3/2005, PRIO (with Are Hovdenak, Øystein
Noreng, & Hilde Henriksen Waage), 2005.
‘The Norwegian Church Aid in Vietnam’ , Report from fieldtrip, 11 June 2003.
‘A ‘Global Civil War‘‘ CPS Working papers no 4, University of Tromsø, November 2002.
‘An International History of the Dispute in the South China Sea’, East Asian Institute, Singapore,
Working Paper 71, 2001.
‘Can China Resolve the Conflict in the South China Sea?,’ East Asian Institute, Singapore, Working
Paper 39, 2000.
‘Resolving the South China Sea Conflict’, Draft report to Norwegian MFA, 24 August 1999.
‘Pacific Asia 2015‘(with Mattias Burell et al), Report submitted to the Swedish International
Development Authority (SIDA), 1996.
‘The Quest for Balance in a Changing Laos: A Political Analysis,’NIAS-Report 25, 1995 (with
Søren Ivarsson and Thommy Svensson).
‘Democracy in Vietnam?’ SIDA-report, October, 1993.
‘Vietnam’s politiska utveckling 1986-92’, Report to SIDA, 29 January 1993.
‘Reiserapport fra USA (SHAFR),’ June 1992.
‘Rapport fra forskningsreise i Vietnam’, August-September 1992.
‘Report from 1991 and Suggestions for 1992’, The ISS Peace Research Course, 1991.
‘Rapport fra forskningsreise til USA, Australia, Thailand og Vietnam høsten’ 1989, December
Book reviews
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Anthony Reid, Imperial Alchemy. Nationalism and Political Identity in Southeast Asia. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2010, in Pacific Affairs, forthcoming.
Donati, Caroline, 2009. L’exception syrienne entre modernisation et résistance [The Syrian
Exception between Modernisation and Resistance]. Paris: La Découverte, book note in Journal
of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 6, 2010, p. 811.
Nordhaus, William, 2008. A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming
Policies. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, book note in Journal of Peace Research Vol.
47, No. 6, 2010, p. 813.
Chaliand, Gérard, 2008. Le nouvel art de la guerre [The New Art of War]. Paris: l’Archipel, book
note in Journal of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 662.
O’Dowd, Edward C., 2007. Chinese Military Strategy in the Third Indochina War: The Last Maoist
War. London: Routledge, book note in Journal of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 664.
Fravel, M. Taylor, 2008. Strong Borders, Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in China’s
Territorial Disputes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, book note in Journal of Peace
Research Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 662.
Macmillan, Margaret, 2007. Nixon and Mao: The Week that Changed the World. New York:
Random House, book note in Journal of Peace Research,Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 663.
Smith, Ralph B., 2009. Pre-Communist Indochina. Ed. by Beryl Williams. London: Routledge and
Smith, Ralph B., 2009. Communist Indochina. Ed. by Beryl Williams. London: Routledge, book
note in Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 665.
Emmers, Ralf, Geopolitics and Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia. London: Routledge,
2010, in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 111-113.
Øyvind Østerud, Hva er krig? Oslo: U-forlaget, 2010, in Apollon, No. 1, 2010 (posted on the web
12 March): http://www.apollon.uio.no/vis/art/2010_1/artikler/bok_krig. A debate followed, with
Tønnesson providing a lengthy response, posted on 31 May 2010:
Michael Mandelbaum, The Case for Goliath: How America Acts as the World’s Government in the
21st Century.New YorkNY: Public Affairs, 2005, in The International History Review XXIX(4),
December 2007: 930–933.
John Redwood, Superpower Struggles: Mighty America, Faltering Europe, Rising Asia.New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, in The International History Review XXVIII (3): 684.
Iver Neumann, Norge - en kritikk. Begrepsmakt i Europa-debatten. Oslo: PAX, 2001, in
Internasjonal Politikk 60(2): 367–371.
Elisabeth Eide and Rune Ottosen, eds, Krigens retorikk. Medier, myter og konflikter etter 11.
september. Oslo: Cappelen, 2002, in Tredje Verden Magasinet X 5, November 2002: 16.
Peter Worthing, Occupation and Revolution: China and the Vietnamese August Revolution of 1945,
in The Journal of Asian Studies 61(3), August 2002: 1018–1020.
Kristina Jönsson, Translating Foreign Ideas into Domestic Practices. Pharmaceutical Policies in
Laos and Vietnam, in Statsvetenskaplig tidsskrift 4 (104), 2001: 390–393.
Jonathan D. Pollack and Chung Min Lee, Preparing for Korean Unification. Scenarios &
Implications, in Journal of Peace Research 39(4), July 2002: 508.
Andrew S. Natsios, The Great North Korean Famine. Famine, Politics, and Foreign Policy, in
Journal of Peace research 39(4), July 2002: 507–508.
Thomas H. Henriksen (ed.), Foreign Policy for America in the Twenty-first Century: Alternative
Perspectives, in Journal of Peace Research 38(6), November 2001: 760.
Michael D. Barr. Lee Kuan Yew: The beliefs behind the Man, in Asian Studies Review 25(3),
September 2001: 395-396.
Bruce McFarland Lockhart, The End of the Vietnamese Monarchy, in Journal of Southeast Asian
Studies 31(1), March 2000.
Erik Hobsbawm, Ekstremismens tidsalder (Norwegian translation of The Age of Extremes), in
Dagbladet8 January 1997.
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Torstein Hjellum, Kinesisk politikk, in HIFO-nytt 5, 1996.
Hans Hägerdal, Väst om öst. Kinaforskning och kinasyn under 1800– och 1900-talen, Lund
University Press, 1996, in Historisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian), 1997.
Michael A. Barnhart, Japan and the World Since 1868, in Historisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian) 3, 1996.
Joseph Smith: The Spanish-American War. Conflict in the Caribbean and the Pacific, 1895–1902,
in Nyt fra historien 1, 1996.
Anthony Milner, The Invention of Politics in Colonial Malaya: Contesting Nationalism and the
Expansion of the Public Sphere,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, in Nyt fra
historien 1, 1996.
J.P. Cross, First In Last Out: An Unconventional British Officer in Indochina, in Intelligence and
National Security 10(3), 1995.
Robert Cribb and Colin Brown: Modern Indonesia. A History since 1945, in Nyt fra historien 2,
Colin Mackerras (ed.), Eastern Asia: An Introductory History, in Historisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian)
1, 1995.
Nicolas Tarling (ed.), The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia, Vol. 2: The nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, in Nyt fra historien 2, 1993.
David P. Chandler, The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolution since 1945,
in Nyt fra historien 1, 1993.
Maarten Kuitenbrower, The Netherlands and the Rise of Modern Imperialism: Colonies and
Foreign Policy 1870–1902, in Nyt fra historien 1, 1993.
Dietrich Geyer (ed.), Die Umwertung der sowjetischen Geschichte, in Nyt fra historien 1, 1993; and
Journal of Peace Research 1, 1993.
Robert J. MacMahon (ed.), Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, in Journal of Peace
Research 3, 1992.
Patrice Morlat, La Repression coloniale au Vietnam (1908-1940), in Journal of Peace Research
Ken Post, Revolution, Socialism and Nationalism in Vietnam (4 vols.), in Journal of Peace
Research 3, 1992.
Ralph B. Smith, An International History of the Vietnam War (3 vols.), in Journal of Peace
Research 3, 1992.
Hanspeter Neuhold & Hans-Joachim Heinemann (eds.), Krise und Krisenmanagement in den
internationalen Beziehungen, in Nyt fra historien 2, 1992.
Herbert K. Tillema, International Armed Conflict Since 1945. A Bibliographical H andbook of War
and Military Interventions, in Journal of Peace Research 10, 1992.
Uri Ra’anan et. al., State and Nation in Multi-Ethnic Societies. The Breakup of Multinational States,
in Nyt fra historien, 2, 1992, and Journal of Peace Research 3, 1992.
Justin Wintle, The Viet Nam Wars, in Journal of Peace Research 3, 1992.
Justin Wintle, Romancing Vietnam. Inside the Boat Country, in Journal of Peace Research 2, 1992.
John Darwin, The End of the British Empire. The Historical Debate, in Journal of Peace Research
2, 1992.
Raymond F. Betts, France and Decolonisation 1900–1960, in Nyt fra historien 1, 1992, and
Journal of Peace Research 2, 1992.
Olivier Todd, Cruel April: The Fall of Saigon, in Journal of Peace Research 2, 1992.
Dick Wilson, China’s Revolutionary War, in Journal of Peace Research 2, 1992.
David Stevenson, The First World War and International Politics, in Journal of Peace Research 3,
David L. Anderson, Trapped by Success. The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953–61, in
Nyt fra historien 1, 1992.
Marek Thee, Whatever happened to the Peace Dividend? The Post-Cold War Armaments
Momentum, in Journal of Peace Research, 1991.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, La gloire des nations ou la fin de l’empire soviétique, Dagbladet 18
June 1991.
Göran Rystad (ed.), The Uprooted: Forced Migration as an International Problem in the Post-War
Era, in Historisk Tidsskrift (Swedish), 1991. Swedish version | English version
Norsk Idrettshistorisk Årbok 1989, in Historisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian) 1, 1991.
Anthony Short, The Origins of the War in Vietnam, in Historisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian) 2, 1990.
‘Indokina 1930-90: kort omtale av utvalgt litteratur’ [Short reviews of various books on Indochina
Conference proceedings
‘Can the Disputes to Islands and Maritime Zones in the South China Sea Be Resolved?,’ in Tran
Truong Thuy, ed. The South China Sea: Cooperation for Regional Security and Development.
Proceedings of the International Workshop, co-organized by the Diplomatic Academy of
Vietnam and the Vietnam Lawyers’ Association, 26-27 November 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam. Hanoi:
Nha Xuat Ban The Gioi, 2010, pp. 188-194.
‘Sources of and Regions of Crisis in South and East Asia.’ Proceedings of the International
Symposium on ‘Examination of the Regions of Crisis from the Perspectives of Turkey, NATO
and the European Union, and Their Impacts on the Security of Turkey, organised by the Turkish
General Staff, Istanbul 27-28 May 2004.
‘Historikeres rolle i samfunn,’ Gudmund Moren (red.) Historikerens rolle i samfunnet. Rapport fra
Norske historiedager 99, Lillehammer: Høgskolen i Lillehammer, research report 45, 1999: 19–
‘Two Scenarios of Conflict Management’ [in the South China Sea], Knut Snildal (comp.)
Perspectives on the Conflict in the South China Sea, Centre for Development and the
Environment (SUM), University of Oslo, Workshop Proceedings, 1999: 126–130.
Popular articles
‘Fra folkekrig til folkemakt’ [From People’s War to People Power], Morgenbladet, 11 February
‘Da Hu og Obama ble likemenn’ [When Hu and Obama Became Equals], Morgenbladet, 28
January 2011.
‘Obama mot sentrum’ [Obama Moving Towards the Centre], Morgenbladet, 7 January 2011.
‘Når slipper Liu Xiaobo fri?’ [When Will Liu Xiabo Be Released?], Morgenbladet, 10 December
‘Kim Jong-il tør ikke’ [Kim Jong-il doesn’t dare], Morgenbladet, 2 December 2010.
‘Ikke for tidlig med Kina-pris’ [Not Too Early for China Prize], Morgenbladet, 22 October 2010.
‘Skarp satiriker’ [Sharp Satire], Morgenbladet, 15 October 2010.
‘Såre fingre av sensur’ [Sore Fingers From Censoring], Morgenbladet, 15 October 2010.
‘Kina bekymrer meg’ [China Worries Me], Morgenbladet, 8 October 2010.
‘Farlig kinesisk spill’ [Risky Chinese Game], Morgenbladet, 1 October 2010.
‘Langt igjen til gjenforent Korea’ [Long Before Korea Will Be United], Morgenbladet, 20 August
‘Storm over Korea’ [Storm in Korea], Hvor hender det? no. 2, 2010-2011.
‘Rødt mot gult i Asia’ [Red Versus Yellow in Asia], Morgenbladet, 16 July 2010.
‘Fredsskapende kvinner i Sør-Thailand’ [Peace Making Women in Southern Thailand],
Morgenbladet, 11 June 2010.
‘Fredsskapende grenser’ [Peace Making Borders], Morgenbladet, 6 May 2010.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Stormakter beskylder hverandre for proteksjonisme’ [Great Powers Accuse Each Other of
Protectionism], Morgenbladet, 26 March 2010.
‘Luu Doan Huynh (1929-2010),’ obituary, Vietnam Studies Group, 23 February 2010.
‘Sørøst-Asias demokratihåp’ [Southeast Asia’s Democratic Torchbearer], Morgenbladet, 19
February 2010.
‘Kina gir lite ved dørene’ [China Does Not Concede Much], Morgenbladet, 22 January 2010.
‘God tale på feil sted’ [Good Speech in Wrong Place], Morgenbladet, 24 December 2009.
‘Peace for Asia,’ Asia Insights, no. 2, 2009 (December), pp. 9-10.
‘Kan Kina og USAs skjebnefellesskap ha blitt stå tett at det forrykker maktbalansen i Øst-Asia?’
[May the Shared Destiny of China and the USA Disrupt the Power Balance in East Asia?],
Morgenbladet, 20 November 2009.
‘Generasjonsskifter: 1979 var et vendepunkt. Står vi ved et nytt?’ [Generational Change. 1979 Was
a Turning Point? Is Another One Coming?], Morgenbladet, 16 October 2009.
‘Tretti år med fred’ [Thirty Years with Peace], Kina & Vi, October 2009, pp. 7-10.
‘Fred tross alt i Ukraina’ [Peace in Ukraine after all], Morgenbladet, 8-24 September 2009
‘Iran og Nord-Koreas gode fiende’ [Iran’s and North Korea’s good enemy], Morgenbladet, 7-13
August 2009.
‘Beijings pakistanske bekymring’ [Beijing’s Pakistani worry], Morgenbladet, 29 May - 5 June
‘Kina leter etter sin globale identitet’ [China is searching for its global identity], Morgenbladet. 2430 April 2009.
‘Norske interesser og verdier’ [Norwegian interests and values], Morgenbladet, 17-23 April 2009.
‘Vinnere og tapere i krisen’ [Winners and Losers in the Crisis], Morgenbladet, 13-19 March 2009.
‘Intet selvmord på PRIO’ [No suicide at PRIO], Aftenposten, 20 February 2009.
‘Obama gir håp om stillehavssamarbeid’ [Obama provides hope for Pacific cooperation],
Morgenbladet, 6 February 2009.
‘Må sikre fri forskning’ [Necessary to secure open research], Aftenposten, 1 February 2009.
‘Kinesisk hukommelse og glemsel’ [Chinese Memory and Forgetfulness], Morgenbladet, 915 January 2009.
‘Fredsavtale som inspirerer’ [Inspiring Peace Treaty], Morgenbladet, 21-28 November 2008.
‘Thailands demokratiske dilemma‘ [Thailand’s Democratic Dilemma], Morgenbladet, 14-20
November 2008.
‘Om å gjette feil fredspris’ [On guessing the wrong peaceprice], Morgenbladet, 17 Oktober 2008
‘PRIO har ikke noe syn på ambassade’ [PRIO does not have a view on the (Israeli) Embassy],
Aftenposten, 7 Oktober 2008
‘Hva kan Krimkrigen lære oss’ [What we can learn from the Crimean War], Morgenbladet, 12-19
September 2008.
‘India er ikke som Kina’ [India is not like China], Morgenblandet, 8-14 August 2008
‘Indisk optimisme—tross alt’ [Indian optimism—in spite of everything], Morgenbladet, 4–11 July
‘Mindre terror i verden’ [Less terror in the world], Morgenbladet, 30 May–5 June 2008.
‘Kinas såre fred’ [China’s Sore Peace], Morgenbladet, 25 April–1 May 2008.
‘Kypros-løsning i sikte’ [Cyprus Solution in View], Morgenbladet, 14–17 March 2008.
‘Tragedien George Walker’ [The Tragedy George Walker], Morgenbladet, 8-14 February.
‘Fred på jord?’ [Peace on Earth?], I Care, 1, 2008: 19-21.
‘Olje gir makt’ [Oil Makes Power], Morgenbladet, 21 December 2007–3 January 2008.
‘Afghanistan kan bli NATOs grav’ [Afghanistan may become NATO’s grave], Morgenbladet, 9–15
November 2007.
‘Hva er nytt i krig?’[What’s New in War?], Morgenbladet, 24-30 August 2007.
‘Hvem eller hva truer USA?’[Who or What Threatens the USA], Morgenbladet, 13-19 July 2007.
‘Global fredsindeks’ [Global Peace Index], Morgenbladet, 15-21 June, 2007.
‘Iran graver sin egen grav’ [Iran digs its own grave], Morgenbladet, 11-17 May, 2007.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Kinas harmoniske verden’ [China’s Harmonic World], Morgenbladet, 30 March–5 April, 2007.
‘Rettferd er ikke alltid rett’ [Justice is Not Always Right], Morgenbladet, 23 February–1 March,
‘Hvorfor ikke mer terror mot USA?’[Why Not More Terror Against the USA?], Morgenbladet, 19–
25 January. 2007.
‘Miljøbillioner må bevilges’ [Environmental Trillions Must Be Allocated], Morgenbladet, 22
December 2006–4 January 2007.
‘Energisikkerhetens globalpolitikk’ [The Global Politics of Energy], Statoil Magazine No. 6, 2006:
‘Hva gjør Kina i Midtøsten?’[What is China doing in the Middle East?], Morgenbladet, 17–23
November, 2006.
‘Farlig hybris’ [Dangerous Hubris], Morgenbladet, 22–28 September, 2006.
‘Asias maktunderskudd’ [Asia’s Power Deficit], Morgenbladet, 14 July, 2006.
‘Barnesoldater’ [Child Soldiers], Morgenbladet, 9 June, 2006.
‘Rikdommen bak hjørnet’ [Prosperity Around the Corner], Morgenbladet, 5 May 2006.
‘Fredens kvinner’ [Women of Peace], Morgenbladet, 24 March, 2006.
‘Vi som trenger Amerika’ [We who need America], Morgenbladet, 16 February, 2006.
‘Kvinner, vann og kornpris’ [Women, Water and Grain Price], Morgenbladet, 3 February, 2006.
‘Vietnamfreden’ [The Vietnam Peace], Morgenbladet, 13 January, 2006.
‘Splittede samfunn’ [Divided Societies], Morgenbladet, 2 December, 2005.
‘Fred og olje’ [Peace & Oil], Morgenbladet, 28 October, 2005.
‘En norsk tenker med verdensry’ [A Norwegian Thinker of World Renown], Aftenposten, 25 June,
‘Med Gud til hjelp’ [With God’s Help], Dagbladet, 18 May, 2005.
‘Kampen om doktorene’ [The Battle for the Doctors], Dagbladet, 3 April, 2005.
‘Statens globalisering’ [The State’s Globalisation], Dagbladet, 14 March 2005.
‘Kina og fascismen’, in Dagbladet, 19 July 2004.
‘Kan FN tøyle Blair og Bush?’, Dagsavisen, 28 January 2003.
‘Global borgerkrig’ Op-ed in Aftenposten 28 June 2002. (Reply from Henrik Thune, NUPI)
‘Human & Regional Security around the South China Sea,’ International Institute of Asian Studies,
IIAS Newsletter 24, February 2001: 32.
‘Here’s How to Settle Rocky Disputes in the South China Sea’, International Herald Tribune, 6
September 2000; and The Straits Times, 7 September 2000.
‘Østasiatisk geopolitikk og norsk globalpolitikk’, del 5 i Sosialdemokrati 2000. Arbeiderpartiets
programdebatt. Bakgrunn internasjonal politikk. Et temahefte fra Arbeiderbevegelsens
utredningssekretariat, February 2000: 29–34.
‘Det Sydkinesiske Hav: National eller regional sikkerhed?‘ Vietnam Ajour 4 (Dansk Vietnamesisk
Forenings blad), 1999.
‘Kastevindenes tiår,’Dagbladet 31 December 1998.
‘MONTANUS SUM,’ Internasjonalen 2, 1998 (published at the Institute of History, University of
‘Fra eurosentrisk til global verdenshistorie,’ Internasjonalen 1, 1998 (published at the Institute of
History, University of Oslo).
‘The Meeting that Never Was’, NIAS-Nytt,’No. 3, 1997, pp. 19-20’.
‘McNamara’s Conscience Meets Hanoi’, Indochina Interchange, September 1997: 14–16.
‘Norsk globalpolitikk’, Dagbladet 28 January 1997.
‘Er global solidaritet mulig?,’ Tredje Verden Magasinet X 6, 1996: 42–43.
‘Do Human Rights and Asian Values Go Together?,’ NIAS-nytt 4, December 1996.
‘Taiwan i Sørøstasia,’ Oslo, Norsk Kinaforum, Nyhetsbrev 2, 1996: 37–42.
‘Skal nordmenn pakke seg hjem?‘ article in Dagbladet about Norway and Indonesia, August 1996.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘European southeast-asianists think boldly, but need music as well as undergraduates,’ interview
with Dr. William H. Frederick, NIASnytt 2, July 1996.
‘Japan’s Relations with Other Asian States’, in The Foreign Policy of Japan, proceedings from a
Seminar at NUPI, Oslo, 6 September 1994.
‘Upp til kamp mot civilisationernas kamp!,’ Sydsvenskan, 21 August 1994.
‘Er Vietnam på vej mod demokrati?,’ Vietnam Ajour 2 (published by Dansk-vietnamesisk
forening), 1994: 5–7.
‘Orientalism, Occidentalism and Knowing about Others’, NIASnytt 2, 1994: 14–18.
‘Applying Mathematics and Democracy’, interview with the Vietnamese mathematician Phan Dinh
Dieu, NIASnyt, 2, 1993.
Vietnamese translation.
Comment Far Eastern Economic Review, August 1993.
Comment JPRS, February 1994.
Comment Phan Dinh Dieu (in Vietnamese), in PacAsian History, January 1994.
‘Vietnams Renovation Policy has been Attracting the Attention of Scandinavian Researchers’ (in
Vietnamese + English translation), Quan Doi Nhan Dan, 19 September 1992.
‘Hva er borgerkrig?’ Arbeiderbladet, 27 March 1992.
Reply from Prof. Kåre Lunden.
‘Nasjonenes glans’Dagbladet 18 June 1991.
‘Ubegeistrede franskmenn’Eureka 3, 1991.
‘A Scandinavian socialist in Vietnam’, Vietnam Courier, December 1989.
‘A Thai-Vietnamese Force’, letter to the editor, International Herald Tribune,10 August 1989.
‘Hvem var Le Duan?‘ [Who was Le Duan?] Arbeiderbladet 28 July 1986.
‘Yndig land i krise’, Article, 1979.
‘Kina vil ha krisemøte’ [China calls for Crisis Meeting], Dagsavisen, 29 November 2010.
‘Hvem truer verdensfreden?’ [Who Threatens World Peace?], Aftenposten, 25 August 2010.
‘Fremad marsj!’ ... Hva i all verden er krig?’ [March Onward! ... What On Earth Is War?],
Dagbladet Magasinet 28 August 2010.
Euronews interview about global energy security, April 2009.
‘Kolossen vaklar, men står’ [The Colossus Trembles, but Stands], Dag og Tid, 26 September 2008.
‘Der det er liv, er det håp’ [Where there is life, there is hope], Budstikka Pluss, 29 December 2007.
‘VN se lam gi o Hoi dong Bao an’ (in Vietnamese), BBC Vietnamese, 20 September 2007.
‘Mer fred på jord’, interview by Marianne Tønnessen, Vårt Land, 11 December 2006.
Interview in Renmin Ribao (The People’s Daily), 8 November 2006
‘Mellom fløyene,’ interview by Halvor Finess Tretvoll, Ny Tid, 2 April 2005.
‘SV må godta NATO dersom de vil i regjering!’, Reform, 2004.
‘Europas Offenheit ist seine Stärke’ in Neue Stadt, November 2003.
‘Fred som førsteprio’DN-magasinet, 15 June 2002.
‘Hva gjør du?‘ Dagbladet 17 November 2001.
‘Seks land krangler om retten til forblåste skjær i Sør-Kina havet’, Aftenposten, 2 June 2000.
‘Vietnam må velge’, Aftenposten, 7 February 2000.
Unpublished papers
‘The ‘Vietnam peace’. How priorities in Vietnam’s internal and external policies changed after
1987,’ paper presented at the 50th International Studies Association Convention, New York City,
18 February 2009.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Explaining the ‘East Asian Peace’ 1980–2005,’ paper presented at the 49th International Studies
Association Convention, San Francisco 27 March 2008.
‘China Needs a ‘Democratizing Deng’, paper written with Øystein Tunsjø, 27 July 2004.
‘Bin Laden against Bush: Are They at "war"?’, Draft chapter for a book about the effects of 9/11,
edited by Ron Pruessen, University of Toronto.
‘Sino-Vietnamese relations and the South China Sea,’ paper presented at the South China Sea panel
of the Third EUROSEAS conference, London 7–8 September 2001.
‘Why Federalism failed in Indonesia and Indochina, but triumphed in Malaya, 1945–50,’ paper
written and presented together with Hans Antlöv (Ford Foundation, Jakarta) at the workshop
‘Decolonization and Transformation in Southeast Asia,’ Singapore, 19–21 February 2001.
‘Ho Chi Minh’s First Constitution (1946),’ paper presented to the workshop on Nation-State
Formation at the International Conference on Southeast Asia in the 20th Century, University of
the Philippines, 28-30 January 1998, and (in a slightly revised version) to the International
Conference on Vietnamese Studies and the Enhancement of International Cooperation, Hanoi
14–17 July 1998. Lecture in the Philippines | Lecture in Hanoi
‘Politiske utsikter i Thailand og Sør-Korea,’ notat til Norske Skog, April 1998.
‘Le Declenchement de la Guerre en Indochine,’ Essay, University of Paris, 25 June 1998.
‘Fra eurosentrisk til global verdenshistorie’, paper presented at meeting of international historians,
Oslo 12 November 1997.
‘French Attempts to Reestablish a Normal Pace of Life in Indochina, 1946–47,’ paper presented to
a workshop on pace of life in Southeast Asia, 20 November 1997.
‘Vietnam’s situation as of May 1996’, May, 1996.
‘Asia and the Danger of a World Wide Anti-Democratic Backlash,’ paper presented at the
workshop ‘Democracy in Asia,’ NIAS, Copenhagen, 26–29 October 1995.
‘Synopsis til RUC om Demokrati og autoritære politiske systemer i Asien’, March 1995
‘Four Monumental Stories: National Monuments and Museums in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi
and Jakarta’, paper presented at a conference at NIAS, May 1994.
‘Reading History Backwards: Vietnam between China and the West, 1995–1885,’ paper presented
at the seminar ‘Current Developments in Asia Pacific’, University of Stockholm, 30–31 August
‘Did FDR Provoke the Japanese Coup of 9 March 1945 in French Indochina? Paving the Way for
Ho Chi Minh’, paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for the History of
American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), June 1992.
‘From Confucianism to Communism, and Back?—Vietnam 1925–95’, paper presented to two
conferences in 1992.
‘Dobbelmakt,’ 1991
‘Report from a Disintegrating Empire’, unpublished report from a research trip to Moscow, June
‘Les Deux Guerres d’Indochine 1945-1975,’ 1986.
‘Manuscript BBC World Service’ 19 December 1986.
‘Utvidelsen av det amerikanske engasjementet i Vietnam fra1961 til 1965’, Exam, University of
Oslo, November 1982.
‘Vietnams første deling – forspillet til krigen i Indokina1945-1946’ [The First Division of Vietnam
– the Prologue to the War in Indochina 1945-1946], Thesis in History, University of Oslo, July
‘USA og Vietnam 1944-1956’ Essay, University of Oslo, 1981.
‘La Décolonisation sous la IVè République’, Paper at Aarhus University, December 1980.
‘Kronologi VN 1945-46: Forspillet til krigen i Vietnam’, 1980.
‘Hvem er det der med sukkersød stemme vil have oss til at glemme Frankrig – analyse af en
valgtext fra Jacques Chiracs hånd,’ Autumn 1979.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Holdningskampen som motstandsstrategi under okkupasjon av Norge 1940-45’, Samtidshistorie
Oppland DH, Spring 1977.
‘Partiforholdene i Norge i tiden omkring 1900’ [Norwegian Political Parties in the time around
1900], Spring 1977
‘Skolen på Maihaugen’ [The school at Maihaugen], Samtidshistorie Oppland DH, June 1977.
‘Blodbadet, bøddelen og makten’, Samtidshistorie Oppland DH, Spring 1977.
‘Det norske hjelpearbeidet for Spania’ [The Norwegian Support to Spain] Samtidshistorie Oppland
DH, November 1976.
‘For en marxistisk historieskriving – borgerlig vitenskapsteori’, Samtidshistorie Oppland DH, Fall
‘Mellom klassesamarbeid og strassburgerteser – Åmot-konflikten 1932’, Samtidshistorie Oppland
DH (incomplete document) 1976.
Lectures and Talks
‘New Approaches to the Social History of Warfare,’ Montreal, 25 February.
‘The South China Sea and China’s Security Strategy in East Asia - are we entering an era of
strategic conflict?’ Panel introduction, Stockholm China Forum, 23 January.
‘East Asia’s Thirty Years’ Peace: Internally or Externally Driven?’ Fairbanks Center for Chinese
Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, 18 February.
‘The Role of Norway in Peace Processes,’ mediation course, United States Institute of Peace,
Washington, D.C., 18 January.
‘The Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo,’ informal presentation to a group of students from Hedmark
College, Oslo University College, 10 December.
‘Vietnam 1946: Hur kriget borjade,’ [Vietnam 1946: How the War Began], presentation of new
book at seminar organized by Vietnamforeningen, ABF-huset, Stockholm, 8 December.
‘The Role of Norway in Peace Processes,’ mediation course, United States Institute of Peace,
Washington, D.C., 30 November.
‘Misperceptions, National Interests, and Law in the South China Sea,’ paper presented to the
Second International Workshop The South China Sea: Cooperation for Regional Security and
Development, 10-12 November, 2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
‘Hvor går Kina? Kollaps, konflikt eller fortsatt fredelig vekst?’ [Where Is China Heading? Collapse,
Conflict, or Persistent Peaceful Growth], Polyteknisk forening, Oslo, 23 September.
‘The East Asian peace since 1979,’ Bjørknes University College, Oslo, 10 September.
‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ Bjørknes University College, Oslo, 6 September.
‘Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia,’ keynote address, the 6th EUROSEAS conference,
Göteborg, 28 August.
Speech on PRIO’s behalf at Håkan Wiberg’s funeral, Copenhagen 24 August.
‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ Peace and Conflict Studies (PECOS), University of
Oslo, 20 August.
‘War and Peace in Indochina,’ International Summer School, University of Oslo, 21 July.
‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ International Summer School, University of Oslo, 20
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘1979 som verdenshistorisk vendepunkt: Kontrafaktisk historie’ [1979 as a World Historical
Turning Point: Counterfactual History], Course for Secondary School Teachers, Nes
videregående skole, 21 April.
‘Facilitation of Peace Processes: The Role of Small and Medium Sized States,’ Conference on
International Conflict Mediation at the Crossroads, TAPRI, Tampere 16 April (via Skype).
‘Stormakten Kina: Truende eller fredelig?’ [China as Great Power: Threatening or Peaceful?],
Course for Secondary School Teachers, the Norwegian Nobel Institute, 25 March.
‘Krig og fred i Indokina, 1945-2010’ [War and Peace in Indochina, 1945-2010] Universitetet i
Agder, 9 March.
‘Blir verden mer fredelig?’ [Is the World Becoming More Peaceful?], Høgskolen i Lillehammer, 18
‘Østasias fred’ [The East Asian peace], Ris menighetshus, Oslo, 17 February.
‘Krig og fred i det lange 20. århundre’ [War and Peace in the Long 20th Century], Oppegård
Pensjonistakademi, Kolbotn, 10. februar.
‘The East Asian peace since 1979,’ Institute of Democracy and Peace, Udayana University, Bali, 8
‘Vietnam 1946: How the War Began,’ Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore, 3
‘The East Asian peace since 1979,’ S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore, 2 February.
Launch of the book Vietnam 1946: How the War Began, Méridien Hotel, Hanoi, 30 November.
‘Can the disputes over maritime delimitation and sovereignty to islands in the South China Sea be
resolved?’ Paper presented to the workshop The South China Sea: Cooperation for Regional
Security and Development, organized by the Vietnam Lawyers Association and the Diplomatic
Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi, 26-27 November.
‘The East Asian Peace Since 1979,’ Lecture at Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi, 27
‘1979 som verdenshistorisk vendepunkt: Kontrafaktisk historie’ [1979 as a World Historical
Turning Point: Counterfactual History], Course for Secondary School Teachers, BroAschehoug,
Oslo, 15 October.
‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ Bjørknes University College, Oslo, 24 September.
‘Ethical and Political Dilemmas in Humanitarian Action,’ Norwegian Red Cross, Oslo, 1
‘Asias fremvekst og sikkerhetspolitiske implikasjoner for Norge’ [The Rise of Asia: Security
Implications for Norway], Presentation at stasjonsjefsmøte [Meeting of Norwegian
ambassadors], Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo, 27 August.
‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ Lecture, Peace and Conflict Studies (PECOS),
University of Oslo, 26 August.
‘Peace in Europe, East Asia, and the World: What does it take for “small countries” like Norway
and Mongolia to play a larger role?’ Lecture at the Institute for Strategic Studies, Ulaanbaatar,
Mongolia, 17 August.
‘Peace in Europe and East Asia: Similar or Diverging Explanations?’ Presentation to the workshop
Long Peace of East Asia since 1979 and West Europe since 1945: Comparison and Implications
Yonsei University, Seoul, 10 August.
‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ International Summer School, University of Oslo, 30
‘Hva er viktige globale utfordringer på fredsbyggingsfeltet?’ Seminar talk, NORAD, Oslo, 16 June.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
Speech at the founding of the PRIO Alumni Association, PRIO, Oslo, 12 June.
‘Major Armed Conflicts Since the Cold War,’ Presentation at PRIO anniversary seminar A Peace
Opportunity Missed? Is the World getting Less Peaceful Again?, Oslo, 11 June.
‘The East Asian Peace Since 1979,’ PRIO Anniversary Seminar, 11 June.
Speech at reception to open the celebration of PRIO’s 50 year anniversary, Oslo City Hall, 5 June.
‘The East Asian Peace Since 1979,’ presentation at the workshop “The East Asian Peace –
Explanations and Sustainability”, Beijing, Institute of World Economy and Politics (IWEP),
CASS, organized in co-operation with the Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) and the
Institute of Defence Studies, Oslo, 25 May.
‘Kritisk blikk på Norges rolle i fredsprosesser: Bidrar Norge til fred?’ [A Critical View of the
Norwegian Role in Peace Process: Does Norway Contribute to Peace?] Det nordiske
administrative forbundet, Den norske avdeling [Nordic Administrative Association, Norwegian
Section], 2 April.
Welcoming address at the Launch of the Forum for Peacebuilding Ethics, Oslo, 18 March.
‘Networking,’ ISFiT Festival, Trondheim, 28 February.
‘Trends in Southeast Asia,’ Norwegian Business Network for Country Risk, Lysaker, 24 February.
‘Krig og fred i det lange 20. århundre’ [Peace and War in the Long 20th Century],
Pensjonistuniversitetet, Klingenberg kino, Oslo, 29 January.
’The Chinese Peace Since 1979,’ Sjefskurs 1, Forsvarets høgskole, Hadeland hotell, Gran, Norway,
6 January.
‘Climate, Energy and the Middle East,’ Humboldt University, Berlin, 2 December.
‘Peace and War in the Long 20th Century,’ Bjørknes College, Oslo, 30 October.
‘The East Asian Peace since 1979: How can we explain it? ‘ Bjørknes College, Oslo, 28 October.
‘Who Will Get the Nobel Peace Prize 2008?,’ Nobel Peace Centre, Oslo, 9 October.
‘Peace and War in the Long 20th Century,’ Nansenskolen, Lillehammer, 8 September.
‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ International Summer School, University of Oslo, 17
‘The Energy Security Paradigm,’ IDSA-PRIO International Seminar on Africa and Energy
Security: Global Issues, Local Responses, New Delhi 23–24 June.
‘Norwegian Peace Policy,’ internal lunch seminar, PRIO, Oslo, 20 June.
‘The East Asian Peace since 1979,’ Asia Forum, Stockholm 27 May.
‘Kina og USA – gjensidig økonomisk avhengighet eller geopolitisk rivalisering?’ [Sino-American
relations—economic interdependence or geopolitical rivalry?], Handelshøyskolen, Bergen 20
‘Vesten mot resten? Vår globale framtid’ [The West Agains the Rest? Our Global Future],
introduction to a seminar at the Verden til venstre (The World Turning Left) conference, Oslo, 4
‘Från krig till fred i Vietnam’ [From War to Peace in Vietnam], ABF-huset, Stockholm 22 April.
‘The Security Polices of the Far East: Asian Tigers on the Loose?,’ Aktualitetssymposiet,
Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Oslo 22 April.
‘Norges rolle som fredsmegler’ [The Norwegian Role as a Peace Mediator], Foreningen av tidligere
stortingsrepresentanter, Stortinget, Oslo 21 April.
‘The Class Route to Nationhood,’ The 14th Annual Ernest Gellner Nationalism Lecture, London 14
‘Climate, energy and peace’. China-Nordic Peace Research Conference, Beijing, 7-8 April.
‘Hvor går USA?’ [Where is the USA Heading?], talk at the Tim Greve seminar, Refsnes gods, 9
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Vietnam 1946: Déclenchement d’une guerre de longue haleine’ [Vietnam 1946: Outbreak of a
Drawnout War], seminar talk at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS),
Paris 13 February.
‘Evig krig for evig fred. Kan vi lykkes i Afghanistan?’ [Eternal war for eternal peace. Can we
succeed in Afghanistan?], Oslo, Elfenbenstårnet, 26 February.
‘Klima, olje og fred’ [Climate, Oil and Peace], Det 28. oljeindustripolitiske seminar, Sandefjord 16
‘Det politiske systemet i Vietnam – kan det endres?’[The political system in Vietnam – can it
change?], Norsk misjon i øst [Norwegian Mission in the East], ed., Fem foredrag om trosfrihet
og menneskerettigher i Vietnam, åpent seminar torsdag 13. september 2007 ved Norsk
Lærerakademi, Bergen [Five lectures on freedom of faith and human rights in Vietnam, open
seminar Thursday 13 September 2007 at the Norwegian Teachers College, Bergen], 8–17.
‘War and Peace in the Long Twentieth Century,’ lecture at the peace research course, International
Summer School, University of Oslo, 9 July.
‘La Chine et la politique d’exploitation économique des Spratley et des Paracels dans une
perspective historique’ [China and the policy of economic exploitation in the Spratlys and
Paracels in historical perspective], paper presented at the conference La Chine et la mer :
sécurité et coopérations régionales en Extrême Orient depuis 1954 [China and the Sea: Security
and regional cooperations in the Far East since 1954], Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, 30
‘Det geopolitiske bakteppe for internasjonale operasjoner’ [The geopolitical background for
international operations], talk at seminar organized for the Norwegian government’s committees
on development policy and defence policy, Oslo, 14 May.
‘The Case for Energy Innovation Parks in India and China,’ lunch talk at CICERO, Oslo, 9 May.
‘North Korea,’ Forsvarets Høyskole, Oslo, 25 April.
‘Stability and Instability in the Middle East,’ NATO Joint Warfare Centre (training course for Iraqi
officers), Stavanger, 19 April.
‘China’s Quest for a Harmonious Middle East,’ Statoil Geopolitics Day, Stavanger, 28 March.
‘Methodologies in Peace Research,’ Centre for Peace Studies, University of Tromsø, 21 March.
‘The Global Politics of Energy Security’WashingtonDC: WoodrowWilsonInternationalCenter for
Scholars, 5 March.
‘The Politics of Energy Security,’Helsinki, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 21 February.
‘Conflict Resolution or Joint Development in the South China Sea?’ Presentation at the Institute for
Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) 9th Asian Security Conference, New Delhi 10 February
‘Norske interesser i fred og forsoning’ [Norwegian Interests in Peace and Reconciliation],
Presentation at seminar organized by the Norwegian MFA to analyze Norwegian interests in a
globalizing world, Oslo, Voksenåsen, 29 January 2007.
‘Hvor er verden i 2015/2020? ‘ [Where Will the World Be in 2015/2020?], Presentation at seminar
organized by the Research Council of Norway’s Global Department, Asker, Holmen Fjordhotell,
17 January.
‘Conflict resolution or joint development in the South China Sea?,’ 9th Asian Security Conference,
organised by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, 10 January
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Is the Trend Towards a More Peaceful World Sustainable?,’ Presentation at the Institute for
Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, 19 December.
‘Er trenden i retning av en mer fredelig verden bærekraftig?’ [Is the Trend Towards a More
Peaceful World Sustainable?], LillehammerUniversityCollege, 5 December.
‘Kan olje og fred kombineres?’ [Are Oil and Peace Compatible?] Lecture at Pensjonistuniversitetet,
Lillehammer, 5 December.
‘The Global Role of Regional Powers,’ Lecture to the PRIO-Bjørknes-StellenboschUniversity MA
Course, Oslo 3 November.
‘Is the Trend Towards a More Peaceful World Sustainable?’Near EastUniversity, Nicosia, 19
October and Intercollege, Nicosia, 20 October.
‘Who Is Going To Win the Nobel Peace Prize?’NobelCenter, Oslo, 12 October.
‘The Global Role of Regional Powers: China, India, Brazil and South Africa,’ lecture presented at
the Lowy Institute, Sydney, 29 May.
‘The Global Role of Regional Powers: China, India, Brazil and South Africa,’ presented at the
Australian Parliament House Library Seminar, Canberra, 24 May.
‘Multi-religious Society and Terrorism, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding – International
Perspectives,’ comments at a conference on ‘State, Religion and Civil Society: Forging a
Critical Partnership to the Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century in South Africa, India,
Norway and Beyond,’ hosted by the South African and Indian Embassies to Norway and the
Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, Oslo, 15 May.
Presented, together with Åshild Kolås, PRIO’s report on ‘Energy Security in Asia: China, India; Oil
and Peace’ to a China group meeting at the MFA, 12 May.
‘Historikeren i kampen om historien’ (The Historian in the Struggle over History), closing lecture at
the annual congress of the Norwegian Association of Historians, Kristiansand, 6 May.
‘The Norwegian Approach to Peace making,’ presented at the 35th anniversary celebrations of
TAPRI, Tampere, Finland, 3 May.
‘China – a Global Great Power,’ lecture presented to Forsvarets Høgskole, Oslo, 27 April.
‘Armed Conflicts and their Solutions: Global Trends,’ presented at a seminar on ‘Counter
Insurgency and Human Rights,’ Grand Kemang Hotel, Jakarta, organized by the Indonesian
military, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and an Indonesian law firm, FRR, 11 April.
Launched report on ‘Bullets Without Borders: Improving Control and Oversight over Norwegian
Arms Production, Exports and Investments’ (Amnesty International Norway and Norwegian
Church Aid report commissioned from PRIO, and written by Kyrre Holm, Nicholas Marsh and
Anne Thurin), Oslo, 29 March.
Presented a lecture on ‘The Norwegian Approach to Peace and Conflict Resolution’ at the Near
EastUniversity, Nicosia, 9 March.
Presented a talk on ‘Where is China Heading?’ to Groruddalen Rotary, 21 February.
Presented introductory and closing remarks at the annual conference of PRIO’s Cyprus Centre on
‘PeaceBuilding in Divided Societies,’ 26 November 2005.
‘The New Challenge of European Security Research’, presented at the inauguration of the Research
Council of Norway’s new liaison office, Brussels, 21 November (drafted by J. Peter Burgess).
‘Peace and the Scarcity of Oil,’ presented at the 13th International Conference of the Institute for
Political and International Studies (IPIS) on Central Asia and the Caucasus, Tehran, 7-8
‘Peace and Oil,’ presented at a roundtable organized by the Chinese Institute of International
Studies, Beijing, 31 October.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Hvor går FN’ [What Will Become of the UN?], lecture to a seminar organized by the Norwegian
Trade Union movement (LO) and ‘No to Nuclear Weapons,’ Oslo, 24 October.
‘The Global Role of Regional Powers (China, India, Brazil, South Africa),’ the annual conference
of Norwegian ambassadors, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo, 23 August.
‘Globalisering av nasjonale stater’ [Globalisation of the Nation State], Aktualitetssymposiet,
Institutt for Statsvitenskap, University of Oslo, 11 March.
‘Can China Resolve the Dispute in the South China Sea?,’ Institute of World Development, Beijing,
4 March (morning).
‘How China Copes with its Growing Dependence on Imported Oil,’ Institute of World
Development, Beijing, 4 March (afternoon).
Congratulatory remarks at the opening of an International Symposium on ‘Peace and Prosperity in
the Northeast Asia,’ organised by The Uri Party Foundation, Seoul, 13 January.
‘Regional and Global Forces,’ panel debate at a seminar on ‘Can The Middle East Offer Political
Stability and an Acceptable Business Environment?,’ Statoil, Stavanger, 30 November.
‘How to explain the South East Asian Peace’ presented at a Thai-Norwegian seminar on ‘Sharing
Experiences in Promoting Regional and Global Peace,’ presided over by His Royal Highness
Crown Prince Haakon and Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Bangkok, 25
Presented a lecture on human rights, Worldview Rights, Stavanger, 18 November.
‘From Nation-building to Peace-building: A Historical Approach,’ lecture to Bjørknes students, 11
‘Oljepriser - politisk, sosiale og demografiske forhold i Midt-Østen,’ Oljedirektoratet, Solstrand, 23
‘Energy in a Peace Perspective’, paper presented at the 32nd CPMR General Assembly, Stavanger,
23 September.
‘Distinguishing civil from international war – and terrorism – in the Southeast Asian state system’,
draft for CSCW workshop at PRIO, Oslo, 18 August.
‘La guerre d’Indochine a-t-elle été un enfant de la guerre froide?’Lecture at Mairie de Montreuil, 8
‘Sources of Possible Crisis in East and South Asia’, background paper presented to the International
Symposium ‘Examination of the regions of crisis from the perspectives of Turkey, NATO and
the European Union, and their impacts on the security of Turkey,’ organised by the Turkish
General Staff, Istanbul 27-28 May 2004.
‘USA: Det nye verdensimperiet?’ [USA: The New Global Empire?], debate with Geir Lundestad,
Zoo Lounge, Oslo, 19 April.
‘Al Qaeda vs. USA: Is it a ‘War’?,’ 4th lecture in a series of lectures entitled After Iraq: The Making
of a New World Order?, Samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, UiO, 2 March.
‘Is the USA an empire - and should it be?,’ lecture to Forum for politisk teori [Political Theory
Forum], Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter, Oslo, 20 February.
‘Kina, partner eller utfordrer for USA? Og hva med Japan?’ [China, Partner or Contender to the
USA? And What about Japan?] , lecture at a seminar on Kina i verden - en stormakt? [China in
the World – A Superpower?], Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, Kjeller, 19 February.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
Presented a lecture on ‘Human rights, Multicultural Understanding and Conflict Management’ to
students of Buskerud Høgskole, Drammen, 16 November.
‘Peacebuilding and development co-operation’, text based on a keynote address delivered at a joint
Japanese-Norwegian seminar on ‘Peacebuilding and Development Co-operation,’ Oslo 25
September 2003.
Co-chair of an MFA workshop on ‘Autonomy Arrangements and Internal Territorial Conflicts,’
Voksenåsen, Oslo, 14–15 November.
‘Krigen USA – Al Qaeda: global borgerkrig? ,’ lecture to the Luftkrigsskolen, Trondheim, 11
‘A Clash of Extremes: Bin Laden and Bush in a World at War’, presented at conference on Did the
World Turn Upside Down? 9/11 in Historical Context, University of Toronto, 3 November.
‘Fredsutdanning i et globalt perspektiv,’ fredsutdanningskonferanse 2003, Tromsø, 22 October.
Participation at the ‘The European Union Security Conference on Coherence and Capabilities,’
Swedish Institute of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, 20 October.
‘Genocide - The Cambodian Case,’ participation in panel debate following screeing of Rithy Panh’s
film S 21, The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine,Cinemateket, 16 October.
‘A very complex region – the mother of (almost) all conflicts,’ Statoil seminar on The Middle East:
The fundament of Opec and a challenging upstream market, Stavanger, 9 October.
Interview and discussion with Director Rithy Panh following screeing of his film S 21, The Khmer
Rouge Killing Machine, Kjellerklubben, 28 September.
‘Peace-building and development co-operation: Achievements and experiences,’ keynote address at
a joint seminar between Norway and Japan, Peace-building and Development Co-operation,
NORAD, Oslo, 25 September.
Community of Sant-Egidio and the Diocese of Aachen, International Peace Meeting 2003, War and
Peace: Religions and Cultures in Dialogue, Aachen, Germany, 7-9 September.
‘Peace Education dialogue and the need for knowledge and doubt,’ Soka Gakkai Denmark, Askov
Højskole, Denmark, 9 August.
Workshop on ‘Trans-Atlantic Dialogues: The United States and Europe, Before and After 9/11’ as
part of the Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS) on
America in the World: Transnational Aspects of Life and Culture in the United States, 6-9
August, Trondheim.
‘Krigen mellom USA og Al Qaida i Midtøsten,’ PETROPOL conference on En oljeverden mellom
terror og enevelde?, Norges forskningsråd, Oslo, 25 June.
‘The Bush Doctrine, Europe and East Asia,’ 2nd GRAD Conference on Regional Cooperation and
Global Security, SimonFrazerUniversity, Vancouver, Canada, 14-16 June.
Introduction to Hanne Sophie Greve, winner of the Prisoner’s Testament Prize, Aktive Fredsdager,
Risør, 24 May.
‘An Ideological Transatlantic Crisis?,’ talk at ‘Utenrikskonferansen 2003’ Er multilateralismen
truet? [Is Multilateralism threatened?], Gamle Logen, Oslo, 23 May.
Commentator at a special seminar on US Foreign Policy under George W Bush, with Mel Leffler,
Nobel Institute, Oslo, 23 May.
‘Regional sikkerhet og USA’s rolle i Øst-Asia’ [Regional Security and USA’s roll in East Asia],
lecture given at a seminar on the USA’s roll in East Asia, Forsvarets Høyskole, Oslo, 20 May.
‘Peace-building and federal constitutions, with emphasis on the Malaysian experience,’ talk at a
seminar organised by the Norwegian MFA for the Liberation Tigers’ (LTTE) Political Affairs
Committee, Oslo 31 March
‘Krigen i Irak - årsaker og konsekvenser’ [The War in Iraq - Causes and Consequences], lecture at
Høyskolen i Lillehammer, 28 March 2003 and the Nobel Institute, 2 April.
‘Good governance,’ talk at NORAD’s Friday seminar, 14 March.
‘Human rights in Vietnam,’ talk at NORAD and MFA seminar, 7 March.
‘Present World Politics and Global Peace,’ the 2nd Humanity Conference EarthHuman Peace
Forum, Korea, 1-3 March 2003.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Is war in Iraq inevitable?’ talk at a seminar organised in the Oslo University Aula, 13 February.
‘Comments on strategy against political violence,’ talk at strategy seminar in the Norwegian Church
Aid, Sørmarka, 28 January.
‘Conflict resolution and peace building,’ talk at an internal seminar in the Norwegian MFA, Oslo,
30 January.
‘Bush and the Axis of Evil,’ talk at seminar organised by the Norwegian Peace Council, Oslo 16
‘China and North Korea,’ talk at the Norwegian MFA course for future diplomats, Oslo 16 January.
‘US policy and the upcoming war in Iraq,’ talk to the Board of the Labour Party’s Youth
organisation (AUF), Oslo, 13 January.
‘Vietnam and Human Rights,’ talk at seminar in the Norwegian MFA, Oslo, 7 January.
‘Historical Approaches to the relationship between terrorism and armed conflict’, presented at
Workshop onTerrorism and Armed Conflict organised by SIPRI and PRIO, Oslo, 8-9 December
‘Franklin D. Roosevelt and the French loss of Indochina, 9 March 1945’, First Indochina War
Symposium, Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, Austin, 1-3 November 2002.
‘The al-Qaeda-US Conflict - A Global Civil War?,’ presented at COST conference on Violence,
Terrorism and War - New Research Challenges after September 11, Copenhagen Peace
Research Institute, 4 September.
‘Regionalism and Security in East Asia,’ 2nd NORASIA conference, Trondheim, 30 August 2002.
‘A ‘Global Civil War?,’ Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 10 April.
‘Breaking (out of) the ‘axis of evil’’ (in Korean), Jeju Development Center, Jeju City, at the
seminar ‘Establishing the Jeju North-South Peace Center,’ 25 February 2002.
‘Engaging the Hegemon: China, Vietnam and North Korea’s approach to the USA,’ Institute of
International Relations, Hanoi 22 February, Korean National Defense University, Seoul 28
February, International Studies Association Conference, New Orleans 27 March, Forum for
kultur, vitenskap og livssyn, Oslo 16 April, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, 2
May. English | Korean
‘Sino-Vietnamese relations and the Gulf of Tonkin,’ dinner talk to group of diplomats, Hanoi 22
‘Peace and peace research,’ Tønsberg videregående skole 25 January.
‘Kina i stormakts-konserten,’ Oslo, seminar organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 7
‘Marine vietnamienne et défense de l’espace maritime,’ paper presented at the conference ‘Vietnam
depuis 1945,’ Paris 11-12 January.
‘Why federalism failed in Indonesia and Indochina, but triumphed in Malaya, 1945-50,’ talk at a
graduate course in Vietnamese history at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
(EHESS), Paris 17 January.
‘The ‘Asian Revolution’ of 1949-50 and Ho Chi Minh’s secret visit to Beijing and Moscow,’ talk at
a graduate course in Vietnamese history at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
(EHESS), Paris 31 January.
‘Korea etter fredsprisen: mot en vellykket gjenforening?,’ innledning, sammen med Vladimir
Tichonov, på U-landsseminaret, University of Oslo, 6 February.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Why Federalism failed in Indonesia and Indochina, but triumphed in Malaya, 1945-50,’ paper
written and presented together with Hans Antlöv (Ford Foundation, Jakarta) at the workshop
‘Decolonization and Transformation in Southeast Asia,’ Singapore, 19-21 February.
‘The borderless South China Sea: A contemporary history’, seminar introduction at the East Asia
Institute, Singapore 23 February.
‘Security in East Asia, with emphasis on the triangular relationship China-Japan-USA,’ lecture at
the Norwegian Defence Academy (Forsvarets Høgskole), Oslo 14 March.
‘Historical perspectives on the countries around the South China Sea’ (‘Et historisk blikk på
landene rundt Sør-Kina-havet’), talk at seminar organised by the Teachers Association
(Lærerforbundet) in Oslo, 14 March.
‘Experiences from ten years of Canadian-sponsored ‘Managing Potential Conflicts in the South
China Sea’ workshops, dinner talk to Norwegian alumni of Canadian universities at the
residence of Canada’s Ambassador to Norway, Oslo 15 March.
‘Locating the South China Sea,’ paper presented at the workshop ‘Locating Southeast Asia:
Genealogies, concepts, comparisons and prospects,’ Amsterdam, 29-31 March.
‘The Paracels: The other South China Sea dispute’, paper presented at panel on the South China Sea
at the International Studies Association (ISA) Hong Kong Convention, 26-28 July.
‘Sino-Vietnamese relations and the South China Sea,’ paper presented at the South China Sea panel
of the Third EUROSEAS conference, London 6 September.
‘Verden og FN i en ulvetid,’ introduction to a seminar in the United Nations Association (FNSambandet), and in Oslo Arbeidersamfunn, both 24 October.
‘Global guerrilla-krig? Al Qaida, Taliban og USA efter 11. september,’ introduction to a seminar at
Roskilde University Centre, 23 November.
‘Vietnam and the South China Sea,’ talk at Lingnan University, Centre for Asian Pacific Studies
and Department of Politics and Sociology, Hong Kong 21 January.
‘Asias politiske utfordring,’ innledning på seminar organisert av Nærings- og Handelsdepartementet
og Norges Eksportråd, Oslo 27. januar.
‘China, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea,’ presentation at the Third ECAN Annual
Conference in Copenhagen, 10 February.
‘Verdenshistorie på tvers av sivilisasjoner’, innledning på mandagsseminaret, Historisk Institutt,
Universitetet i Oslo, 28. februar.
‘China and the South China Sea’, introduction to seminar at the East Asia Institute, Singapore 7
‘Sikkerhet i Øst-Asia, med særlig vekt på trekantforholdet Kina-Japan-USA,’ foredrag ved
Forsvarets Høyskole, Oslo 17. mars.
‘Hvem kan løse konfliktene i Sør-Kina-havet?’ foredrag ved U-landsseminaret, Universitet i Oslo
27. mars.
‘ASEAN developments seen from the outside’, lecture at the Norwegian Regional Forum 2000,
Kuching, Sarawak 9 March.
‘The South China Sea in the age of European decline, 1930-1956,’ paper presented to the Oslo
Conference on Human and Regional Security in the South China Sea, 2 June.
‘The conflict in the South China Sea,’ report about the Oslo Conference on Human and Regional
Security around the South China Sea to the European CSCAP’s annual meeting, Paris 22 June.
Comments on papers by Mari Yoshihara and Hongshan Li under ‘Specialised Theme’ no. 16:
‘Changing Approaches to the Pacific World,’ 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences,
Oslo 10 August.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Marginalisation and Poverty,’ Opening address to the conference ‘Partners in Research: Setting an
Agenda for Norwegian Poverty Research in Collaboration with Researchers from the South,’
organized by CROP in Oslo, 28-29 August 2000.
How can Norway follow up the World Development Report on poverty? Comments made under the
panel ‘An alternative view on the forthcoming World Bank Development Report 2000/2001, as
seen by a group of Norwegian poverty researchers,’ at the First National Conference on
Norwegian Poverty Research in the Third World, organized by CROP in Oslo 29 August 2000.
‘China’s Window of Opportunity in the South China Sea,’ discussion paper at the second
roundtable of The Asia-Pacific Security Forum, Paris 7 September.
‘Conflict Resolution in the South China Sea,’ lecture at internal seminar at the International Peace
Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), 12 October.
‘China and the South China Sea,’ contribution to seminar at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
(NIAS), Copenhagen 10 November.
‘Asia-krisens politikk,’ foredrag på faglig-pedagogisk dag, Universitetet i Oslo 4. januar.
‘Resolving the South China Sea Conflict’ Paper to the workshop on the South China Sea Conflict,
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo, 31 March
‘Hvor ble det av Asias århundre?,’ innledning på årskonferansen for Nettverk for
Stillehavsasiastudier, Bergen 19. januar, foredrag for Polyteknisk forenings seniorgruppe, Oslo
1. februar, foredrag på kurs for lærere i videregående skole, Kongsvinger 24. februar og Hamar
26. februar, foredrag på Høgskolen i Lillehammer 8-9. april, Høyskolen i Agder 27. april.
‘Vietnam og konflikten i Det sydkinesiske hav,’ foredrag for ‘Danish Management Forum’ på
Skjoldnæsholm (formiddagen) og i Dansk-vietnamesisk forening (aftenen), København 6. mai.
‘Konflikt och konfliktlösning i Sydkinesiska Sjön,’ kurs på Center för Öst- och Sydöstasien,
Göteborg 26. mai.
‘Den geopolitiske situasjon i Stillehavs-Asia,’ innledning på seminar i Det Norske Arbeiderpartis
‘tenkeloft,’ Stortinget, Oslo 27. mai.
‘A global history of integration and variation,’ talk at seminar on international and global history,
Institute of History, University of Göteborg 3 June.
‘Historikerens rolle i samfunnet,’ panelinnlegg på Norske Historikerdager, Lillehammer 17. juni.
(Senere publisert av Høgskolen i Lillehammer.)
‘Vietnam’s Aim in the South China Sea: National or Regional Security’, Paper presented at the 4th
Euroviet conference in Passau, Germany, 16 September.
‘What Became of the Asian Century?’ talk at the conference World History at the Turn of the
Millennium, University of Aarhus, 23 September.
‘Co-operation in Asia’, talk at seminar in the European Parliament, Brussels 24 November.
‘Energy and Security around the South China Sea,’ introduction at seminar for the Norwegian
Foreign Ministry, Oslo 20 January.
‘Asias krise, sosiale og politiske konsekvenser,’ introduction at seminar in Statoil, Stavanger 21
‘Vietnam in the Asian crisis,’ introduction to seminar at the Vietnamese Institute of International
Relations, Hanoi 19 February.
‘Asiatiske nasjonsformer,’ seminar at the Institute of History, University of Oslo, 16 March.
‘Can Vietnam Ride Out the Crisis?,’ seminar at ABF-huset, Stockholm 1 April.
{110223 Tonnesson CV full v1}
‘Politiske virkninger av Asiakrisen,’ seminar at the Christian Michelsen Institute, Bergen 16 April,
and at Høgskolen i Bodø, 27 April.
‘Et samlet syn på verdenshistorien’ (A comprehensive view of world history), course organised by
Aschehoug Book Publishers for secondary school teachers, Loen 17 April, Gardermoen 24
April, and Kongsberg 14 May, also presented at a panel on the teaching of history at the
Norwegian historians’ conference in Bodø, 26 April.
‘Asiakrisens politikk’ (The Politics of the Asian Crisis), lecture at the regional meeting of
Norwegian ambassadors in Asia, Hanoi 20 April.
Norwegian | English
‘Is there a momentum for solving the South China Sea Conflict?,’ introduction at an open seminar
at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo 29 April.
‘Asiakrisens politikk’ (The Politics of the Asian Crisis), introduction to seminar about Norwegian
business opportunities in Asia, organised by the Ministry of Trade and the Norwegian Export
Council, Oslo 3 June.
‘The Politics of the Asia Crisis,’ lecture at the IIAS-NIAS Asia Update seminar in Amsterdam 12
May and Copenhagen 13 May, and at a seminar organised in Turku 18 May.
‘Asienkrisens konsekventser för Indokina,’ lecture at the University of Göteborg, 26 May.
‘A naval approach to the political history of the South China Sea region’, seminar at NIAS,
Copenhagen 9 June.
‘Vietnam in the Asian Crisis,’ talk at seminar on Cuba and Vietnam organised by Roskilde
University Centre at the Centre for Development Studies, Copenhagen 11 June.
‘The Vietnamese Constitution of 1946,’ paper presented to the Vietnam Studies Conference in
Hanoi, 16 July.
‘Asia-krisens politikk,’ lecture at NORAD, Oslo, 18 August.
‘Southeast Asia in Great Power Naval Strategies’, paper presented at the panel ‘Revising the history
of Southeast Asia’ at the EUROSEAS conference in Hamburg, 3-6 September.
‘Asiakrisen - bakgrunn og internasjonale konsekvenser,’ seminarinnledning i AOF, Oslo, 15.
‘Er handel og investeringer det beste middel for å fremme utvikling?,’ innledning på seminar i
Polyteknisk Forening, Oslo 24. september.
‘Asia-krisens politikk,’ seminarinnledning på NUPI, Oslo, 14. Oktober
‘Southeast Asia in Great Power Naval Strategies’ lecture at SUM, 19 October
‘Kommunisme, konfutsianisme og økonomisk vekst, 1945-97’ og ‘Asia krise, 1997-98,’ to foredrag
på Høgskolen i Agder, 21. oktober.
‘Malaysias 20. århundre i sørøst-asiatisk kontekst,’ foredrag for kurs i malaysisk, Universitetet i
Oslo, 22. oktober.
‘Nytt verdensbilde, konflikter, nye utfordringer,’ foredrag på Kompetansesenteret i Molde, 29.
oktober og i Trondheim, 20. november.
‘Globalhistoriske lærebøker,’ innledning på Historisk Institutts mandags-seminar, UiO 2.
‘Samuel Huntington’s World View,’ lecture at Asieninstitutet, University of Copenhagen, 26
‘Asia-krisens politikk,’ foredrag på Utenriksdepartementets aspirantkurs, Oslo 14. desember.
‘Stat og verdighet i økonomisk vekst: Eksemplet Vietnam,’ introduction at seminar in the
Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Dpt. of multilateral aid, 6 January.
‘Det nye Asien,’ ‘Kan fattigdommen afskaffes i Asien?’ og ‘Statens rolle i Asien,’ three lectures to
a seminar in the Danish Foreign Ministry (DANIDA), 10 June.
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‘Nations- and Federations-of-intent in Indochina,’ oral presentation at the history panel of the
Euroviet III conference in Amsterdam, 2 July.
‘Hva er verdenshistorie?’, Innledning og verdens(global)historie, Copenhagen, 16 October.
‘Fra eurosentrisk til global verdenshistorie’, meeting of international historians, Oslo 12 November.
‘Asias krise,’ lecture at conference in FN-Sambandet, Gardermoen 24 November.
‘Utsikt over det 20. århundre - fra Hanoi,’ lecture at the seminar ‘Én verden - samme historie?,’
Røros, 3 March.
‘Democracy and Democratisation in Asia’, paper presented at the FAU seminar at Djursvold
Kursuscenter, 7-9 March.
‘Taiwan i Sørøstasia’, Oslo, Norsk Kinaforum, 20 May.
‘Ville svaner og flyvende gjess: Ideologi og økonomi i Asias 20de århundre’, Oslo, lecture for
Statskonsult 10 September.
‘Står demokrati og menneskerettigheter i strid med asiatiske verdier?’ Lecture at seminar in
preparation of PM Gro Harlem Brundtland’s visit to Thailand and Vietnam, 18 September.
‘Er global solidaritet mulig?’Oslo, Socialist Left Party’s Millennium Conference, 28 September.
‘Økonomisk integrasjon og politiske spenninger i Sørøst-Asia,’ lecture at SAIH-seminar, University
of Oslo, 22 October.
‘1990-årenes fagre nye verden: ti utviklingstrekk’, lecture at course for Seconday school teachers,
organised by Aschehoug forlag, Oslo 3 January.
La paix imposée par la Chine: L’accord franco-vietnamien du 6 mars 1946,’ paper presented at
round table conference at the Institut d’histoire du temps présent, Paris 6 February.
‘Problèmes dans l’utilisation des archives des services secrets dans les recherches sur le Viêt-Nam
pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale,’ paper presented at the 2nd European Vietnam Studies
Conference in Aix-en-Provence, May.
‘Asias århundre,’ lecture at conference organised by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry for the PM’s
office, 28 June.
Å pedagogisere verdenshistorie,’ lecture at the Norwegian non-fictional writers association NFF’s
seminar ‘Å skrive historie,’ 17 September.
‘Asien och faran för et globalt bakslag för demokratiet,’ introduction at democracy day in
Göteborg, 29. september.
‘Asia and the Danger of a World Wide Anti-Democratic Backlash,’ paper at workshop ‘Democracy
in Asia,’ NIAS, Copenhagen, 26-29 October.
‘The Third Wave in Asia: a Chronology of Democratization,’ paper at workshop ‘Democracy in
Asia,’ NIAS, Copenhagen, 26-29 October.
‘Ti teser om verden’, lecture for history teachers
‘Nasjonalismens janusansikter’, lecture at three seminars organized by Aschehoug forlag in
Trondheim, Bergen and Oslo, February-April.
‘Demokrati i Vietnam?,’ indledning på offentlig møde organiseret af Dansk-vietnamesisk forening,
København 23 marts.
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‘Four Monumental Stories: National Monuments and Museums in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi
and Jakarta’, paper presented at the conference ‘Comparative Approaches to National Identity in
Asia,’ NIAS, Copenhagen 26-28 May.
‘Democracy and Peace in Asia,’ lecture at the International Summer School, University of Oslo, 22
‘World History: East-West and North-South’, paper presented at ‘Nordisk Historikermøte’ in Oslo,
17 August.
‘Japan’s Relations with other Asian States,’ paper presented at seminar on ‘Japan’s foreign policy,’
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo, 6 September.
‘Den vietnamesiska revolutionen 50 år efter,’ lecture at the Centre for Asia-Pacific, Stockholm, 7
‘Asia and the Danger of a Worldwide Anti-Democratic Backlash,’ lecture at the Centre for AsiaPacific, Stockholm, 4 October.
‘Imperialism,’ University of Oslo, 18 October.
‘Asien og faren for et verdensomspændende tilbageslag for demokratiet,’ Institut for statskundskab,
Copenhagen 9 November.
‘Overlever kommunismen i Asia?,’ foredrag på Center for freds- og konfliktforskning, København
3 februar.
‘Reading History Backwards: Vietnam between China and the West, 1995–1885’, paper presented
at Centre of Asia-Pacific, University of Stockholm, 30-31 August 1993, and at the Nobel
Institute, Oslo.
‘From Confucianism to Communism, and Back? - Vietnam 1925–95’, paper presented at
conference on ‘State and Society in East Asia,’ University of Copenhagen, 29 April to 2 May,
and at the yearly conference of the Norwegian Association of Development Studies (NFU), 1820 June.
‘Occidentalism, Orientalism and Cultural Imperialism’, lecture at NEWAS conference, NIAS,
Copenhagen, 14 October.
‘Triangular approaches to the history of decolonisation in Southeast Asia,’ paper presented at
conference on ‘Nationalism and Ethnicity in Southeast Asia,’ Berlin 21-23 October.
‘Did FDR Provoke the Japanese Coup of 9 March 1945 in French Indochina?,’ paper presented at
the yearly conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR),
Hyde ParkNY, June.
‘Imperienes sammenbrudd i Europa, 1917-18 og 1989-92’, foredrag på Aschehoug forlags
sommerkurs i Praha, 1 July.
‘Cooperation in Indochina as a Challenge to the Nation States,’ paper presented at the yearly
conference of the Nordic Association of Southeast Asian Studies, Kungälv, October.
‘Has Communism survived in Vietnam?,’ lecture at Christian Michelsens Institute, Bergen,
‘Nation Building in Southeast Asia,’ seminar talk at NIAS, Copenhagen, 17 November.
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‘Kunsten at opløse et imperium. Det franske koloniriges etablering, udvikling og afvikling (tilegnet
Hr. Gorbatsjov og Hr. Jeltsin)’, lecture at Department of History, University of Aarhus.
‘Legenden om ‘Augustrevolutionen’’, lecture at NIAS, Copenhagen.
‘History and National Identity in Scandinavia. The Contemporary Debate’, 1st lecture in partial
fulfilment of the degree of doctor philosophiae, University of Oslo, September.
‘United States Policy Towards Asia and Africa During the Cold War’, 2nd lecture in partial
fulfilment of the degree of doctor philosophiae, University of Oslo, September
‘Ho Chi Minh and Viet Nam Doc Lap 1941-1942’, paper presented to the Fifth Passau Colloquium
on Southeast Asia, Passau (Germany), June.
‘Stormaktsrivalisering i Indokina, 1930-1990,’ seminar paper presented at University of Oslo.
‘General Leclerc and the Franco-Vietnamese accord of 6 March 1946’, statement presented at
colloquium on ‘le Général Leclerc et l’Indochine,’ Paris.
‘Where Do Rights Come From,’ comments on paper by Charles Tilly, The Vilhelm Aubert
symposium, Institutt for samfunnsforskning, Oslo
‘Nasjonalitet og revolusjon i Indokina’, Introduction to panel discussion at University of Oslo.
‘Comparative method in the study of the causes for the Vietnamese Revolution of 1945’, lecture at
AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra.
‘Historiography and National Liberation in Norway and Vietnam,’ lecture at Institute of Social
Sciences, Hanoi.
‘Sammenligning av revolusjoner’, seminar talk at University of Oslo.
‘A French Decision for War, French and Vietnamese Decision-Making Before the Outbreak of the
War in Indochina, December 1946’, lecture at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
‘La France et le déclenchement de la guerre d’Indochine’, lecture at L’Université de Paris VII
‘December 1946 : The Outbreak of the War in Indochina – A Study in Fatal Decision Making’
Lecture at School of Oriental and African Studies (London), December 1986.
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