Armin Hodzic

Hodzic 1
Armin Hodzic
Mr. Kozak
Everyday Use Rough Draft
07 September 2012
I believe the theme of Everyday Use is people change they never stay the same. An
example of this theme is when Dee comes back as Wangero because she is in the black pride
movement. “No mama,” she says “Not ‘Dee,’ Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo!” Pg.106. This
quote fits my theme perfectly because Dee didn’t like being named after her oppressor so she
changed her name to an African one. Another example of a character expressing the theme is by
Mama. Mama’s favorite child used to be Dee. Until she found out Dee changed completely and is
now very stubborn and Greedy. So Mamas favorite is Maggie now. “I did something I never had
done before: hugged Maggie to me, then dragged her on into the room, snatched the quilts out of
Miss Wangero’s hands, and dumped them into Maggie’s lap Pg 108. Mama changed because the
same Mama who loved Dee wouldn’t have ever taken the quilts but Mama changed, she doesn’t
have the same respect she used to have for Dee. The Most significant idea of my paragraph is
people change and sometimes you have to understand how the people around you are feeling.