Syllabus CPT 150 Microcomputer Concepts Spring 2016 I. General

Syllabus CPT 150 Microcomputer Concepts Spring 2016
I. General Information
Course Number/Section: CPT 150-31
Instructor Name: Robert Richardson
Title: Microcomputer Concepts
Office Hours: By appointment only
Catalog Description:
This course introduces students to the Microcomputer and various state-of-the-art software
applications: word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation. The overall goal of the
course is to guide the student into becoming a proficient microcomputer user. Students are
provided with hands-on experience by using programs in the Microcomputer Laboratory.
Prerequisite(s): None
II. Required Text
The textbook is customized and required for WCCC students in CPT 150.
Note: Shrink wrapped package includes:
 Westmoreland County Community College CPT 150
Microcomputer Concepts Custom book;
 SAM 2013 and MindTap Reader printed access code;
 Microsoft Office 2013 printed access code (180-day trial version)
The book bundle Is only available at the WCCC bookstore at the
Youngwood campus or Education centers. Books purchased used, online,
or rented will not have the required supplemental material.
ISBN: 9781337149082 for paper bundle.
ISBN: 9781337149082 for eBook version.
Textbook, SAM access, and Office 2013 are required because:
 Quiz questions come from them
 Assignments are there
 Reading assignments are there
 Practice exercises are there
 All assignments are completed in Office 2013
III. Required Specific Equipment/Supplies
A. Furnished by student: one USB Flash drive (Online course students: Reliable Internet Access,
Internet Explorer, Windows PC, Office 2013, and one USB Flash drive.) Note: registered students
can download and install a free 180-day trial version of Office 2013. This course requires the use
of a Windows computer. A Macintosh computer and Microsoft Office for the Macintosh are
not acceptable.
B. Furnished by the college: Blackboard course management system, student email account,
Internet Explorer, Office 2013 -- available at any WCCC facility,
IV. Reference Materials
 Various computer books are available in the Learning Resource Center. The LRC also provides
access to print, non-print, and electronic information resources. WCCC Online Electronic
Resources: login and click the Library pull-down menu
 Student Class Files, grades, email available at: – Login, click Blackboard, click on
course name
V. Procedures
A. Evaluation and Grading Scheme
Final course grade is weighted and based on total points accumulated over the semester with
a breakdown as follows:
Revised: 3.6.2016 jas
Exams hands-on in SAM
Assignments/SAM projects/SAM training
Class participation (CP)
Final Cumulative Exam
The following scale will determine grading for course:
90-100%=A; 80-89%=B; 70-79%=C; 60-69%=D; 0-59%=F
B. Exams/Quizzes
Exams are administered in SAM after each major topic and task based or hands-on exercises.
They will address chapter material as well as class discussion material. Make-up exams are
not permitted. No make-up for the last test or final exam. A cumulative final exam, available
in Blackboard, is required at the end of the course.
C. Assignments:
There will be several assignments due during the semester. These are designed to provide
the student with activities to increase proficiency with the material presented in class. Each
assignment has a due date. Late assignments receive no credit.
D. Projects
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft PowerPoint projects are
assigned for this course with specifications provided well in advance of the due date.
E. Attendance and Class Participation
Face-to-face students will participate in classroom activities and online students will make
regular submissions to a graded, threaded topical discussion board.
Any college class requires a time commitment from the student. You must plan to spend 6-9
hours per week outside of class time working on course material. This involves:
 Reading the assigned chapter
 Reading and reviewing lecture material presented in the classroom
 Completing textbook assignments and SAM assignments
 Viewing and reporting findings from assigned Web sites
 Participating in classroom activities
For this to be a rewarding and positive educational experience you must manage your time
wisely. Develop a schedule for yourself so that you are completing course work on a regular
basis. This may be at the same time and day each week, or as time permits.
You should make every effort to attend all classes, arriving on time with the required
materials and ready to begin promptly. Irregular or casual attendance results in fragmented
understanding and poor performance. You are responsible for all work and all
announcements made during class.
F. Withdrawal Policy:
Students withdrawing before midterm will receive a "W" grade. Students withdrawing after
mid-term will receive a grade of "W" only if passing at the time of the request. There may be
a financial issue associated with your withdrawal and you are encouraged to meet with a
counselor and/or financial aid representative prior to completing the required withdrawal
forms. Student initiated withdrawal forms are in WCCC Resources in Blackboard. College
Initiated Withdrawals will be completed at any time during the semester for students not
actively participating in the class.
Revised: 3.6.2016 jas
A college initiated withdrawal will be initiated for any student failing to login into this course
in Blackboard and/or participate in classroom activities for a period of three consecutive
G. Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any
student who is found to be an active participant, on either end, in any incident, will receive a
grade of zero for that assignment. Repeat incidents earn an F for the course.
H. Classroom Conduct
 Cell phones and other electronic devices not needed for the course are to be turned off
during class.
 The course will use computers with continuous Internet capability and “Surfing the
Net,” “chatting online,” or any other unauthorized extra-curricular activity during class is
not permitted.
 Students enrolling at the college assume obligations to conduct themselves in a manner
compatible with the college’s function as an educational institution. Your attention is
drawn to the WCCC Catalog and Student Handbook, in particular the sections
concerning the Code of Student Conduct, Disruptive Student Behavior, and Academic
 Only WCCC assigned student email address ( is used for email
communication. Faculty WCCC email address is Please enter
the course number in the subject line of your emails (CPT 150). You must also include
your full name in the body of the email.
VI. Students with Disabilities:
If you need an accommodation due to a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact Disabilities Services in Room 130 Founders
Hall, 724-925-4121; or Lauren Eicher, Counselor of Disabilities & Student Behavioral Intervention
Services, at
Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations to be provided in a timely manner.
Accommodations must be supported by adequate documentation and are determined on an
individual basis.
VII. Course Outline (available in Blackboard or attached)
Revised: 3.6.2016 jas