
Cognitive Level of Analysis
Review Quiz
You will be given 15 seconds to write what you know on the following
theories, terms, contributions, methods etc.
1. Identify 3 principles of the cognitive level of analysis.
2. Identify 2 different research methods in the cognitive level of analysis.
3. Evaluate the research methods above.
4. Identify 3 studies that could be used to explain each principal in the cognitive
level of analysis.
5. Define schema theory and provide an example of a schema.
6. Evaluate schema theory making reference to 2 studies.
7. Explain bottom-up and top-down processes.
8. Explain the 3 stages of memory.
9. Explain two models or theories of one cognitive process.
10. Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process.
11. Explain how biological factors may affect one cognitive process.
12. Explain the long term memory process.
13. Define anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia.
14. Explain how cultural factors may affect memory and education.
15. Define reconstructive memory and serial reproduction.
16. Identify and explain two types of modern technology that help investigate
the relationship between cognitive factors and behaviour.
17. Explain arousal theory.
18. Explain Lazarus’ theory of appraisal.
19. Explain Ledoux’s model of biological pathways of emotion in the brain.
20. Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process.
21. List empirical studies in the cognitive level of analysis.
22. Studies with ethical considerations.
23. Studies with gender considerations.
24. Studies with cultural considerations.
25. Study based on schema theory.
26. Study based on biological factors.
27. Study with cognitive and biological factors.
28. Study based on memory reconstruction.
29. Study based on culture.
30. Study based on the use of technology (MRI, PET scans).
31. Study based on arousal theory.
32. Study based on the theory of appraisal.
33. Study based on flashbulb memory.
34. Applications of each study above (questions 27 – 38).