microarray virtual lab activity

Approximate time for completion—45 minutes
Link from Wise’s website (Microarray Virtual Activity) or go to:
1. Define genomics.
Studying many genes (1000’s) at one time
2. How can you tell if a gene is turned on? See if the gene is being expressed
(translated into protein).
What is the experimental question in this virtual lab?
What is the difference between the genes of cancer cells and normal cells?
Describe, in detail, what a microarray is made of.
It is a plate that contains thousands of spots. Each spot contains multiple
copies of DNA sequences corresponding to a specific gene.
Write the 7 steps in the microarray procedure.
Collect tissue, isolate RNA, isolate m RNA, make labeled DNA copy, apply
DNA, Scan microarray, Analyze Results
After the vortex slide, you will see the question “Why doesn’t DNA stay in
Click the + symbol to get the answer, and write here:
Double stranded DNA is much larger than RNA.
How are the m RNA molecules selected from all types of RNA?
They use columns containing beads with poly-T strands that will bind to the poly
A tail of RNA. The rest of the RNA washes away.
List the two reasons why c DNA (complementary DNA) is used instead of RNA.
So that a fluorescent label can be added to the DNA and DNA is more stable
than RNA.
What is meant by complementary base pairing, and why is it important in making
Any two strands of DNA that are complementary will find and pair with each
other. This is “hybridization” It is important because this is how the unknown
genes will be detected.
What color of spots is a cancer researcher interested in studying?
Red spots
Click link from Wise’s website (“Customized Medicine Scenario Shown
What disease does Latrice have? What medicine is commonly prescribed for this
Leukemia. Purinethol is normally prescribed
Did you notice the black and white slides? Why did they use B & W for these?
To represent 30 years ago.
While this drug works well for many people, it can have adverse effects, and
even cause death, in some. Explain.
TPMT is a gene normally breaks the drug down after it has done its job, but
some people do not have a functional TPMT gene.
Percent of people who have full TPMT enzyme activity. 89%
Percent of people who have partial enzyme activity 11%
Percant of people who have no enzyme activity and should not receive the drug.
Approximate time for completion—45 minutes
Link from Wise’s website (Microarray Virtual Activity) or go to:
1. Define genomics.
2. How can you tell if a gene is turned on?
3. What is the experimental question in this virtual lab?
4. Write the 7 steps in the microarray procedure.
4. After the vortex slide, you will see the question “Why doesn’t DNA stay in
Click the + symbol to get the answer, and write here:
5. How are the m RNA molecules selected from all types of RNA?
6. List the two reasons why c DNA (complementary DNA) is used instead of
7. What is meant by complementary base pairing, and why is it important in
making microarrays?
What color of spots is a cancer researcher interested in studying?
Click link from Wise’s website (“Customized Medicine Scenario Shown
What disease does Latrice have? What medicine is commonly prescribed for this
Leukemia. ___________________________
Did you notice the black and white slides? Why did they use B & W for these?
While this drug works well for many people, it can have adverse effects, and
even cause death, in some. Explain.
Percent of people who have full TPMT enzyme activity. _____
Percent of people who have partial enzyme activity ____
Percant of people who have no enzyme activity and should not receive the drug.