Common Characteristics of World Religions

Common Characteristics of World
1. Stories of Origin and Important
People (Early History)
Where do humans come from? What individuals are
recognized as founders or leaders in this religion? How
did the religion begin?
2. Core Beliefs
What do followers believe about the world around them? What is the
right way to be? What happens at the end of life?
3. Holy Writings
What are the important texts? Where can they find instructions on
how to live and act?
4. Symbols & Objects
What symbols or objects are important to followers of this faith? Why are they
important? What ideas do they represent?
5. Holy Places & Places of Worship
What places in the world are considered sacred? Where do followers of this
religion worship?
6. Rituals & Rites of Passage
How do followers practice their faith in everyday
activities? How do they worship? How do followers
acknowledge important life events such as birth,
growing up, marriage, death?
7. Celebrations & Holidays
What days or events have particular significance to followers of this religion?
Why? How are these days celebrated?
Common Characteristics of World
1. ___________________________
Where do humans come from? What individuals are
recognized as founders or leaders in this religion? How
did the religion begin?
2. ___________________
What do followers believe about the world around them? How
did the religion begin?
3. _____________________________
Where can they find instructions on how to live and act?
4. _____________________________
What symbols or objects are important to followers of this faith? Why are they
important? What ideas do they represent?
5. ______________________________
What places in the world are considered sacred? Where do followers of this
religion worship?
6. __________________________
How do followers practice their faith in everyday
activities? How do they worship? How do followers
acknowledge important life events such as birth,
growing up, marriage, death?
7. _______________________________
What days or events have particular significance to followers of this religion?
Why? How are these days celebrated?