Blood - Holterman

Mrs. Holterman
Name: _________________
Date: _________________
The function of blood is
a) to transport:
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
b) to maintain homeostasis, which is ________________________________________
c) and: ______________
There are 4 main parts of blood to look at:
1. Plasma
a) What percentage of plasma is water?
Check your text to find what percentage of blood is plasma.
2. Red Blood Cells
Check your text to find: i. What is the scientific name?
ii. What percentage of blood do red blood cells take up?
3. White Blood Cells
Check your text to find: i. What is the scientific name?
ii. What percentage of blood do white blood cells take up?
4. Platelets
Slide 2: Red Blood Cells (Draw this slide)
1. How long do red blood cells live?
2. a) What shape are they?
b) Why do they have this shape?
3. How do red blood cells carry Carbon Dioxide?
4. a) What molecules carry oxygen in red blood cells?
b) How much does it increase oxygen carrying capacity?
5. Predict why red blood cells do NOT have a nucleus.
6. When do red blood cells appear blue? Explain why.
Slide 3 and 4: White Blood Cells (Draw slide 4)
1. What is the function of these cells?
2. How is their function achieved?
Slide 6: Platelets (Draw this slide)
1. What is the function of platelets?
2. How do they clot blood?
H:/Science/SBI 3U/Internal Systems/Blood Microviewers