Course Objectives - Temple University

CIS 1056 Advanced Web Technology and Programming - Syllabus
Course Description
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in C+IN SC 1052 Introduction to Web Technology and Programming
In this course, students learn basic object oriented programming and debugging techniques using web
programming languages such as JSP, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This course will focus on
fundamental programming concepts such as data types, type conversion, exception handling, assignment
statements, methods, objects, conditions, and loops. In addition, students will learn how to
 use JSP implicit objects (request, out) and HTML/CSS for input and output,
 create and access a database (directly and through code),
 use JSP implicit objects (session, response) to provide user log-in and restricted page access.
Students are expected to have prior knowledge of basic web design since HTML, CSS, and Javascript will only
be reviewed briefly and not covered in any detail. Each student will create a very simple web application that
(1) lists and inserts products, (2) lists and inserts users/customers, (3) provides log-in (4) restricts some pages
to logged-in users. This course is intended for students in the Digital Media Minor.
Textbooks and Resources
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, 9/E
Y. Daniel Liang, Armstrong Atlantic State University
ISBN-10: 0132936526
ISBN-13: 9780132936521
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2013
Format: Paper; 1344 pp
Published: 03/02/2012
If you buy this online (e.g., amazon), you can get paperback version for about $120. The Temple
bookstore offers a cheaper version for about $60 (pages to be placed in a 3 ring binder).
Web references and other materials will be posted in blackboard
Project and Labs
Each student will create their own web application that reads from a database and offers some product for
sale. Students will use development environments in our computing labs (e.g., NetBeans, MySqlWorkbench),
but students will also receive instructions so that they may create these same (free/open source)
development environments on their PCs at home. Each week, students will be given a small lab assignment
that will enhance the functionality of their web application. Most lab assignments will provide sample code
which serve to guide the students as they write (similar) code to enhance their web application. Since
“doing” is critical to learning, lab assignments must be submitted each week (see late penalty policy below).
If a student is unable to submit a lab, they should still complete the work since it will be re-graded as part of
their final project. Students should be careful not to “over plan” and “under deliver” their web applications
as this will result in late penalties and poor grades.
Syllabus for CIS 1056 Advanced Web Technology and Programming
Tentative list of Course Topics:
A traditional java textbook will be utilized to provide adequate examples for fundamental programming
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Java
These chapters combined since JSPs will be used to gather text input & convert to numeric:
o Chapter 43 JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
o Chapter 2 Elementary Programming (and data types)
o Chapter 9 Strings and Text I/O
o Chapter 14 Exception Handling
Chapter 3 Selections
Chapter 4 Loops
Chapter 5 Methods
Chapter 8 Objects and Classes
Chapter 10 Thinking in Objects
Chapter 34 Java Database Programming
Chapter 42 Servlets (very light coverage – definition only)
Chapter 45 Web Services (very light coverage – definition only)
For topics that are more specific to web application programming, tutorials and other web resources will be
provided as reference.
Syllabus for CIS 1056 Advanced Web Technology and Programming
Tentative Lab Content – check blackboard for latest info and dates.
Lab Title
Course Introduction. Development
environment. JSP pages (server side
dynamic creation of HTML page) and
their relationship to HTML/CSS.
Posting page to self, persistance of
user input. Debugging tips for HTML
layout, CSS styles, JSP compiler errors.
How to use "view source" to ensure
JSP page does not generate
malformed HTML.
Data type conversion, I/O, exception
handling, assignment statement,
conditional logic. JSP includes.
Review TCP/IP (telnet, ftp).
Debugging tips: out.print (display
intermediate results on the HTML
output), interpreting JSP exception
errors that can show up on the web
page, System.out.print (display
intermediate results in the tomcat or
Glassfish log).
Classes. Static methods (that validate
user input).
Lab Description
Install NetBeans at home. Create a JSP page that is targeted to sell
some product (of your choice). The page will reference an external
style sheet and include at least one image. The page layout
(HTML/CSS) should have the normal areas: title (reflective of what
you will be selling), nav bar (about 5-6 links, including "home",
"products", "users", & "labs"), content (see next sentences), footer
(your name included). In the content area, describe the products
your site will be selling. Also in your content area, put a form with a
text field for the user to enter their name and a submit button.
When the user clicks submit, the page shall say hello to whatever
name was entered. No need to publish this page, just attach files to
blackboard (a zip file of your JSP project folder and a word doc with
screen captures).
Create page "calculate.jsp" (with same layout as index.jsp) that takes
3 or more inputs. When the user clicks submit, the input values shall
persist and the page shall display a (single) calculated result. Your
calculations must include conditional logic (if statement). If the user
enters any non-numeric values, the page displays an error message
(using exception handling). Make sure to include user instructions
telling what to input and what calculations will be performed. The
calculations that you select can be anything you like (and does not
have to be related to the overall topic of your website). Use JSP
include statements so that common areas of your web pages are
stored in separate files (e.g., title, nav bar, footer, etc). Create page
"labs.jsp" (referenced by Add a link from labs.jsp to this page
(calculate.jsp). For this homework and every subsequent
homework, publish your site and attach files to blackboard (zipped
project folder and word doc with screen captures).
Create a page "methods.jsp". Convert your calculation from
previous lab into a static method (of a java class). Incorporate use of
(given) Validation class with static methods. Your page
"methods.jsp" should function exactly the same as last week's
"calculate.jps", but most of the code will be in java classes, not JSP
page. For this lab and every subsequent lab, add a link from the top
of your content area of your labs.jsp to the page of that week's
homework. So, for this week, the link is from labs.jsp to
Syllabus for CIS 1056 Advanced Web Technology and Programming
Objects. Properties, non-static
Create a "Department" class with properties: Department_Name
(String), Number_of_employees (integer), Total_Salary (integer) and
another property of your choice. Add two constructor methods: a
default constructor that sets department name to ", number of
employees and total salary both to 0 (decide how to set your
property) and a second constructor that takes the name of the
department (and possibly your property - you decide). For both
constructors all class properties must be set to something. Add
getter methods for all properties. Add a setter method for
department name (and for your added property), but not for number
of employees or total salary. Add method "employ" that takes the
salary of the new employee (adds 1 to number of employees, adds
the new salary into the total salary). Add method "fire" that takes
the salary of the employee to be fired (subtracts 1 from number of
employees, subtracts the given salary from the total salary. Add
method: getAvgSalary() that tells the average salary. Create
"objects.JSP" that displays and allows users to invoke methods on 2
different Department objects.
Display data: database connections,
more exception handling, loops.
more practice with databases,
exception handing, use of classes
(e.g., db connection class, class to
generate HTML from DB data),
conditional logic, loops.
Create database with two tables: "product" and "web_user". Certain
fields in each table will be required, but each student will add 2 of
their own fields to the product table (one must be nullable and noncharacter). Populate the database with data (at least 5 -10 records
per table). Create a word document "database.doc" that shows
your work (includes screen captures). Add a link from labs.jsp to this
document ("database.doc").
Incorporate sample code "show_users.jsp" (shows all the users from
database table web_user) into your web app. Create your own JSP
page "show_products.jsp" that shows all the data from your product
table. Data should be displayed in a HTML table. No need to use
classes. Your nav bar "users" shall link to "show_users.jsp" and
"products" shall link to "show_products.jsp".
Create page "calc_products.jsp" that functions like last week's
"show_products.jsp", except that the code is moved from the JSP
page into java classes: db connection clas and ProductSql. Class
ProductSql shall have a displayAll () method that generates HTML
Table (String) containing all the products from the database (using
HTML table). Enhance method displayAll() so that it adds a
calculated field to each product row you are displaying. This
calculated field needs to use conditional logic (IF statement). Your
nav bar "products" shall now link to this page "calc_products.jsp".
Into your web app, incorporate sample code "validate_user.jsp" and
related java classes. Create "validate_product.jsp" and associated
classes ("Product", "ValidateProduct") to validate a new product. For
this week, user data will not actually be inserted into the database,
only checked to determine if it will be accepted by the database or
not. Add a link from (the top of) page show_users.jsp to
validate_user.jsp. Add a link from (the top of) page calc_products.jsp
to validate_product.jsp.
object composition. Validation.
Syllabus for CIS 1056 Advanced Web Technology and Programming
Into your web app, incorporate sample code "insert_user.jsp" plus
related java classes. To class ProductSql, add a method insert() that
takes a ProductValidate object and a database connection object and
inserts the validated product into the database. Create a page
"insert_product.jsp" that allows a user to insert a product record into
the database (by using the classes just mentioned). From the top of
"show_users.jsp" and "calc_products.jsp" add links to
"insert_user.jsp and insert_product.jsp (respectively).
database delete, use of javascript
from JSP pages. Debugging tips: hover
over link to ensure any (JSP produced)
HTML link is well formed -- or "View
Source". Javascript debugging - use
alert to display intermediate results.
If javascript has syntax or runtime
error, it just stops executing.
Into your web app, incorporate sample code that deletes a web user
from the database. Start out with a copy of calc_products.jsp (page
that lists all products). Add delete icon to every product record (with
call to delete javascript function).
session, response.redirect ()
Database prepared statement
Add username/pw logon functionality to index.jsp page. Password
protect some pages with response.redirect()
Course Policies and Procedures
Labs are typically introduced during the lecture prior to the lab. Although there may be some
additional instruction at the beginning of lab, the labs are mainly self-directed with help available. The
lab handout will be posted in Blackboard. DO NOT WORK AHEAD since labs may be changed right up
to the lecture where they are introduced.
The details of each lab assignment can be found in blackboard. At the end of each lab, there are
instructions for submission which usually includes that you attach a zip file of all your source code right
into the blackboard assignment (where the instructions were) AND publish to your website. Grading
typically consists of testing your work from your website and reviewing the code as submitted into
blackboard. Lab homework is due midnight before the next lab (unless otherwise specified). Late
penalties are based on time of submission into blackboard.
Lab homework submitted after the deadline (up to 1 week late) gets a 20% late penalty. Lab
homework is not accepted after that. If you start working on your homework the day before it is due,
you will probably miss the deadlines. IT IS IMPERATIVE that you ask for help if you find that you are
not working effectively on your lab homework.
At the beginning of lab each week there will be a QUIZ.
o The quiz will cover the previous week’s lab. Prepare for this by studying the previous lab
handout and reviewing the assignment you just submitted (from last lab).
o The quiz may also cover any material presented in lecture. Prepare for this by attending
lecture, taking notes, and reviewing materials posted in blackboard.
o Quizzes cannot be made up and if you arrive late, you will not be awarded extra time.
However, since every student will have the occasional issue, the lowest 2 quiz grades will be
dropped. If you attend each lab and study for each quiz, you can use your 2 drops to cancel
out your poorest grades (instead of cancelling out 0s for when you missed lab).
o Quizzes are weighed heavily. It is a quick feedback mechanism (for me and for you) – to
ensure that you are keeping up and learning the necessary material.
Syllabus for CIS 1056 Advanced Web Technology and Programming
In lab, after you finish taking the quiz, start right away working on the lab. Don’t expect to complete
your lab homework during lab, but try to finish your lab homework as soon as possible afterwards
(you might need to ask for help).
Please NOTE the instructions on how to move your web application from one computer to another
(for example, from your home computer to a lab computer). It’s not a word document that can be
easily moved around and edited. It is a web application that needs to be “deployed” onto the
destination computer. Students who don’t follow these instructions have many problems trying to
work in the labs (and deploying to their web site).
The computer labs in Wachman Hall are NOT open 24 hours 7 days a week. Learn the lab hours and
adjust your schedule accordingly. If you prefer to work from home, it is your responsibility to set up
your own development environment there, but I will help you as much as I can. Most students who do
not promptly set up a web development environment at home do not do well in the course.
Attendance: If you must miss lecture or lab, check Blackboard to see what material was presented and
ask your classmates about anything else that may have been discussed.
Communication: Please contact me as soon as possible if you think you are running into difficulties.
Ask me, or your lab instructor, or another student for help AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Disability Disclosure: Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a
disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Student must
provide me with a note from the office of Disability Resources and Services (100 Ritter Annex, 215-2041280).
Academic Honesty and Ethics: Temple University and I expect you to observe the highest ethical
standards. When working in the lab or on your project, you may consult others, but the work you
submit must be your own. Never share your answers with others. Never accept answers from others.
Unless otherwise directed, all quizzes are closed book, closed computer. All violations of academic
honesty will be handled according to university policy.
Tentative Grade Weights
Lab Homework
Final Web Project
Weekly Quizzes (lowest 2 dropped)
Final Exam
Grade Scale
90- 94
87- 89
83- 86