
New Senior Member Packet
Welcome to the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)! You are joining one of the most prestigious volunteer
organizations in the country, offering nearly limitless possibilities and opportunities. Many new
members come into this program and are overwhelmed with information overload. There is a lot
of information and things you can do in CAP. For this reason we are going to go through the new
member process slowly. This membership packet will have everything you will need to get
started in CAP.
First, there is a check list (included in this packet) called “New senior member checklist” This
checklist will be your guide for the next year. Make sure to keep it in a safe place so that you can
keep track of your progress. This document should be reviewed by your mentor and the
professional development officer every quarter.
OK so here we go….
In this packet you should have a form labeled “Application for senior membership in the Civil
Air Patrol” this is CAPF-12. Fill this application out completely. You will need to sign the
application in two places. First on the front page at the bottom and then you will need to sign the
second page under the “Oath of Membership” section with a current CAP member witnessing
you signature. It is important that you read and understand the oath of membership.
*Note: the person who signs your application (usually the Squadron Commander or his/her Vice
Commander) will also need to sign in two places. First in the “Background Information” section
under “Signature of Reviewing Commander” and the second place is the top of the second page.
You will also need to get a FBI fingerprint card done. This card is labeled FD-258. You can do
this at your local police station. (Remember to wash your hands well, as any oil/dirt etc. can
cause an incorrect print) you should have two cards just in case they have to try again.
Ok… now that you have your application and finger print card done you now turn in this packet
to the squadron with the new member fee. This fee varies between states so talk to your squadron
commander to find out the cost. You can also pay to have your membership packet expedited.
This is a good decision and will make it so that you don’t have to wait as long to get your
membership ID.
*******It is important to note that it is vital to keep a copy of everything you do. I always tell
members to make two copies of any certificates, activity rosters, or anything they are involved
with outside the normal meeting. One copy is for your squadron files the other is for your
personal record *********
New Senior Member Packet
It may take a little time for you to receive your CAP membership and although you won’t be able
to pass off certain requirements before you membership is processed, there are some things you
will be able to do.
While waiting for your membership you can do the following two items.
CAP FOUNDATIONS MODULES: Take the CAP Foundations Modules. These are part of the
level one course that all new senior members must go through. They are located at these courses
will give you information concerning the CAP, its history and its management. After finishing
the courses, print out the quizzes and fill them out. You will take these quizzes with you to a
CAP meeting where they will be graded and any questions you may have will be answered. We
will talk more on what level one is once you get your membership ID and card.
1. History and Organization Module 1
i. Course 1 Quiz
2. Policies Article Module 2
i. Course 2 Quiz
3. Uniforms Article Module 3
i. Course 3 Quiz
4. Customs and Courtesies Article Module 4
i. Course 4 Quiz
5. Core Values Article Module 5
i. Course 5 Quiz
6. Leadership Article Module 6
i. Course 6 Quiz
FEMA TESTS: CAP uses online FEMA exams to help train members in emergency operations.
If you are looking to get into either air or ground operations you will need to take the following
online classes; FEMA 100, 200,700, and 800 courses. These courses will introduce you to the
Incident Command System. I know this looks like a lot to do it will only take a few days to get
everything done.
New Senior Member Packet
Go through the course presentation. As soon as one is done it will give you the option to
open a printable version of the course. Open the printable version and it will appear in a new
window. If you press CTRL F you will be able to open the “find” window. This will allow
you to type a certain word or phrase and your computer will search through the document for
that word or phrase. When you take the exam this may help you find the answer. (Remember
the FEMA courses are open book)
IMPORTANT your certificate of completion will be emailed to you. Be sure to print 2
copies! You will keep one in your file and hand the other one into the squadron. Do not
delete the email.
Hurray, you are now an official member of the Civil Air Patrol!!
So what do you do now? Well now the fun begins. Now that you are a member you are
considered a Senior Member or SM for short. You cannot become a CAP officer until you are
finished with Level 1. So know we need to finish up your level one.
The level I Foundations program is a CAP orientation program and the first of CAP's Five
professional development program levels. During this training you will be exposed to the history
of our organization and familiarize yourself with the general policies and procedures. Should you
have any questions, and I am sure you will, about what you are leaning in level one please do not
hesitate to talk to your mentor, unit Professional Development Officer, or Unit Commander. You
can find information on level one at the following url:
Once you have received your membership ID you can now begin. The following may only be
done with your CAP ID on e-services. E-services is CAP’s membership portal and it is vital that
you get familiar with the program..
1. E-SERVICES. Ok you will need to create an account. It is located at
eb%2feServices.aspx (To make it easy for you copy and paste this link into a browser) This
is where you will go to fill out your CAP information and where your CAP information will
be stored.
2. CADET PROTECTIN PROGRAM TRAINING (CPPT) is a required element of Level
One and is designed to introduce new senior members, Cadet Sponsor Members, and cadets
17 and older to CAP's Cadet Protection policies. CPPT helps ensure a healthy and safe
environment for cadets while providing the foundation for a professional climate and the
highest standards of behavior of all our members in leadership positions. CPPT helps ensure
a healthy and safe environment for cadets while providing the foundation for a professional
climate and the highest standards of behavior of all our members in leadership positions.
New Senior Member Packet
You can find information on level one at the following url:
The Cadet Protection Program is outlined in CAPR 52-10
 First Print the pretest (20 Questions)
 Second Read CAPR 52-10
 Third Read CAPR 50-3
 Fourth Review Cadet Protection Slides (PowerPoint)
 Fifth Take your corrected pre-test to your unit. Your leaders will validate the test
with you and answer any questions that you may have. Your leaders will ask you
some additional questions about this material.
 Sixth Your leaders will also give you one of two case studies to consider. You will be
asked how you would respond in similar circumstances. You can review the case
studies now so that you can frame your potential answers before your meeting:
Case 1
Case 2
3. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The Civil Air Patrol is an equal opportunity organization. To
better understand what this means for you as a new member you will need to take the Equal
Opportunity briefing. It is located at
4. OPERATIONAL SECURITY (OPSEC) The Civil Air Patrol accomplishes mission for a
variety of organizations. Some of the material you will be dealing with is Sensitive and
requires your understanding of Operational Security (OPSEC). You will also file a nondisclosure agreement for OPSEC. This is located in e-service.
5. INTRO TO SAFETY FOR NEW MEMBERS one of the most important aspects that CAP
cogenerates on is Safety. A safe environment for all of our members is very important. This
course will introduce you to how CAP views safety. It is located in eservice under CAP
utilities/Safety management system.
You have now finished all of the requirements for your level 1. Your squadron personnel officer
will send a CAPF-11 to national to have your level 1 recorded. Once it shows up in e-service
you are now authorized to wear the membership ribbon. Congratulations!!!!!!!
So you’re an officer now… well not technically you are still considered a SM unless you have a
special circumstance (ie. past military officer, Pilot, school teacher, Dr. exc…) your mentor or
personnel officer can explain the special circumstances to you. If you do not fall under these
areas you will have to wait six months to be promoted to a 2nd Lt, which now you are an officer,
New Senior Member Packet
Ok now that your level 1 is done it is time to sit back and enjoy being an officer. Well not really,
it is time to actually get to work.
You now enter into the Level II phase of CAP. The level II phase is the Technical Training
phase. In this phase you will chose what you want to do in CAP. For example you can work in
personnel, finance, aerospace education, communications, or cadet programs just to name a few.
Your mentor or professional development officer can go over the different fields available to
1. SPECIALTY TRACKS I always encourage members to choose two specialty tracks to
work on at a time. Your first choice should coincide with what you are doing for your
squadron. The second choice should be something you think would be fun. Remember
you need to have fun in CAP, if you don’t you will lose interest and will stop coming to
The following are the specialty tacks available. You can find the specialty track pamphlets at .
200 Personnel
201 Public Affair
202 Finance
203 Inspector General
204 Professional Development
205 Administration
206 Logistics
210 Flight Operation
211 Operations
212 Standardization-Evaluation
213 Emergency Service
214 Communications
215 Aerospace Education
216 Cadet Program
217 Safety
218 Planes and Programs
219 Legal
220 Health Services
221 Chaplain
223 Historian
226 Moral Leadership
227 Information Technology
228 Drug Demand Reduction
220 Organizational Excellence
Your mentor or professional development officers have check off lists for the specialty track.
These check off lists will help and guide you through the process. Usually these specialty tracks
will take six months to a year to complete.
2. CAP Officer Basic Course (OBC) sometimes this is referred to as ECI-13. The OBC, which
is found I e-service under the Learning Management system. The OBC is comprised of three
blocks of instruction with each block examining CAP and leadership: the Personal Dimension of
Leadership; the Professional Dimension of Leadership, and the Organizational Dimension of
Leadership. Each block has several lessons included. Each lesson takes about 30 minutes to
complete, and there is a total of 20 hours of instruction
To complete the OBC, you must successfully pass an open-book online quiz at the end of each
lesson within the blocks. When all the lessons in Block 1 are complete, you will move to Block 2,
New Senior Member Packet
etc. After completing all 3 Blocks, your completion of the Officer Basic Course will be
automatically recorded in eServices under your Professional Development Training as "ECI-13".
3. SQUADRON LEADERSHIP SCHOOL (SLS) the Squadron Leadership School
provides CAP's members with a basic understanding of CAP operations at the squadron
level and how those operations affect CAP's national missions. Additionally, you will
learn more about CAP customs, core values, and communications. Case studies,
discussion, and group assignments are integral facets of the SLS. Squadron Leadership
Schools are administered at group or wing level and last from 12 to 16 classroom hours.
It is also offered as an online course. Students completing SLS are awarded a certificate
of completion and this training is noted on their permanent record.
You can find the online SLS courses at
U3k2MHc6MA. There is a waiting list so I would suggest you go ahead and sign up now.
If you want to wait for a class taught by the wing usually the classes are taught on an
annual basis.
You have now finished all of the requirements for your level II. Your squadron personnel officer
will send a CAPF-24 to national to have your level II recorded. Once it shows up in e-service
you are now authorized to wear the leadership ribbon. Congratulations!!!!!!!
New Senior Member Packet
Ok there are a few more things I would like to talk about that are important. There are a few
more things you will need to do in CAP. First you will need to take the CAPT- 116 and CAPT117. Next it is important to obtain you CAP driver’s license, which allows you to drive CAP
vehicles. Finally, if you are a pilot you will need to turn in copies of your licenses.
1. CAPT 116 In order to qualify for General Emergency Services you will need to complete
116. You will need this course before you can participate in any emergency services air or
ground operations. You can find this test at
2. CAPT 117 The continuing education course 117 Part 2 is needed for pilots. Part 1 and 3 are
also recommended. You can find this test at
3. You will now be able to print your 101 Card. Your 101 card tells other CAP members what
you are qualified in. You will be taking this card with you to all of your CAP missions and
To get your 101 card
Log into eServices
On the left side of the screen you will see a list of places you can go in eServices.
Click on My Operations Qualifications/National Reports
On the top of the screen click on Emergency Services
This will give you the option to print your 101 card. You may also submit a
picture of yourself in front of a white backdrop and have that picture placed on
your card as well.
4. DRIVING RECORD Some missions may require you to drive a CAP vehicle. Submit a copy of your
driving record from a tag agent, a copy of your CAP membership card, and a copy of the front and
back of your driver’s license to the squadron.
5. PILOT RECORD If you are flying submit copies of your FAA licenses, Medical, endorsements, military
ID, etc to the squadron.
Okay you are now all ready to be handed off to your next checklist. If you are working with ground
crews, flight crews, etc. ask who you need to meet with in order to get all of your requirements done at
your next CAP meeting.