Course Policy - Department of Mathematics

MATH 124 – Calculus I With Applications
Section 3
Spring 2008
Instructor: Kerima Ratnayaka(Adjunct Faculty)
Office: MTL 124B (Math Teaching Lab)
Phone: 626-2107
Our class Web page:
Office hours: Mondays 3-4pm/Tuesdays 12-1pm/Wednesdays 2-3pm/Thursdays 1-2pm
Or by appointments
Course Webpage:
Text: Calculus, Fourth Edition by Hughes-Hallett et al. published by Wiley.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend every scheduled class and to be familiar with the
University Class Attendance policy as it appears in the General Catalog. It is the student’s
responsibility to keep informed of any announcements, syllabus adjustments or policy changes
made during scheduled classes. Students are expected to behave in accordance with the Student
Code of Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity. The guiding principle of academic
integrity is that a student's submitted work must be the student's own. University policies can be
found at I will be taking attendance daily.
All students must come ON TIME for class and NO TALKING DURING THE LECTURE.
BEFORE YOU COME TO CLASS. I will assign PREPWORK daily. I will be collecting all PREPWORK at the
beginning of class.
Homework/ Quizzes:
Homework will be submitted in two formats throughout the semester. A computer grading
program called WebAssign will be used for problems assigned from the text. Student accounts
can be purchased on-line at Your login and initial password will be
provided by me(WebAssign initial login information sheet). Hand-written homework
showing all work with proper notation will also be submitted. Late homework submissions will
not be accepted. In-class quizzes may also be given. A final homework/quizzes score based
on 100 possible points will be assigned (75 points from the computer graded assignments and
25 points from the hand-written assignments/In-class quizzes). Homework is an essential
component of the course, whether it is assigned for grading or not.
HW due dates will be posted on WebAssign & announced in class.
Hand-written homework assignments will be posted on WebAssign & announced in class
Calculation Formula for Homework and pop quizzes.
Total Score earned
* 100
(Total points for HW and pop quizzes – 10 % of the total points)
[Note the maximum points you can earn for homework and pop quizzes is 100 points]
Homework will be assigned regularly.
Homework will be due
 at the beginning of the class(Hand-written)
 WebAssign HW –before 6:00 AM on the due date
Please remember that No extra credit is permitted
There will be frequent pop quizzes. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced, and no make-up quizzes
will be given.
Specific guidelines for Hand-written HW & in-class pop quizzes
Your name, Section number and the Instructor’s name should be PRINTED on the first page of homework.
Multiple pages should be stapled together.
Each page should have ONE column of answers. For example, if Answers for Problems 2,4,6,8 is on page
1, they should be listed in order and Problem 2 answer should be on the top and Problem 8 answer on the
bottom of the page.
Answers for Each problem should be neatly written, with all intermediate steps included and the
problem number clearly marked. Written explanations should be included whenever appropriate. Include
units on answers. Graphs should be labeled, with the window clearly marked. You need to show all
workings to earn full credit.
You will not be given credit for problems that are not legible.
Selected homework will be graded and returned at a regular basis.
Specific guidelines for WebAssign HW
1)WebAssign for UA Calculus Courses
This is a resource page for students using WebAssign to submit homework in a University of
Arizona mathematics course. If your instructor requires WebAssign, please read the following
Your instructor will provide your username and initial password to log-in, which is specific to your section.
Go to and click on the LOG-IN button. Enter your username and initial password, and
use 'arizona' as your institution (you will be able to change your password later). The first time you log-in
you will be prompted to enter an access code. You can purchase an access code by clicking 'Purchase an
access code online'. Each course using WebAssign requires a different access code. Once you have your
access code, you can change your password anytime by the clicking on 'My Options' in the upper right-hand
corner of your WebAssign homepage.
WebAssign provides a help guide at You do not need an access
code to view this guide.
If you have computer related questions (ex. unable to download a file, hardware compatibility problem,
etc.) contact WebAssign directly at You will find a link for technical support and a
guide after logging-in.
*** All Students must sign-in to the WebAssign program(follow the login instructions to change your
password ) and PRINT section 1.1 HW assignments(page 1) and bring it to class on January 17th
(Thursday) . You will earn 5 quiz points for this exercise. I will be collecting it on Thursday.
All Exams-
 Unless there are extenuating circumstances, a missed midterm examination or a
missed final examination will result in a score of zero for that work. Makeup tests are
given only at the discretion of the instructor.
 All electronic devices, particularly cell phones, must be turned off during all exams.
Silence and vibration modes are not allowed.
Preliminary material exam: There will also be a 50 point Preliminary material exam given on
Thursday, January 24th. This exam will cover algebraic skills that are essential for success in
Math 124. An on-line review can be found at (free)
Please note that there will be NO CALCULATORS allowed for this Test.
In-Class Exams: The four in-class exams are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, February 7;
Wednesday, March 5; Tuesday, April 8; and Friday, May 2. Each exam will be worth 100
Final Exam: The final exam is a common department exam worth 200 points. It is scheduled for
Additional information and a study guide can be found at The
University’s Exam regulations for final exam week will be strictly followed. The regulations can
be found at
Final Exam: The final exam is a common department exam worth 200 points. It is scheduled for
Monday, May 12 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Additional information and a study guide can be
found at The University’s Exam regulations for final exam week
will be strictly followed, in particular those regarding students with multiple exams on a single
day. The regulations can be found at
Calculators: A graphics calculator is an important tool that will be used in this course. Students
are expected to have a working calculator for each exam (except preliminary exam). No
calculator swapping is permitted during exams. Calculator programs can be found at
 Any questions regarding the grading of exams/HW/quizzes need to be cleared up
within one week after the exam/HW/quiz has been returned
 If you are dissatisfied with a grade you are welcome to discuss it with me during
office hours
 Class time will not be used for this purpose.
Most homework questions are to be handled during your instructor's office hours and in the
tutoring room. When time allows, I will discuss solutions to homework problems or to problems
similar to those on the homework. This usually involves one or two problems. Class time is devoted to
the explanation of the current topic and to the solution of problems involved with this topic.
Grades: The total number of points available on tests and homework is 750. Grades will be no
lower than those set forth in the following table
Preliminary material exam
50 points
Test 1
100 points
Test 2
100 points
Test 3
100 points
Test 4
100 points
Homework and pop quizzes
100 points
Final Exam
200 points
Your course grade will be based upon the fraction of the total possible points that you
earn. The following grading scale will be used:
A: 90% of total points
B: 80% of total points
C: 70% of total points
D: 60% of total points
Students with disabilities:
If you anticipate issues related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with your
instructor to discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that
formal, disability-related accommodations are necessary, it is very important that you be
registered with Disability Resources (621-3268; should notify your
instructor of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations by Friday, January 25.You and your
instructor can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations.
Students withdrawing from the course:
If you withdraw from the course by February 12, the course will be deleted from your enrollment
record. If you withdraw from the course by March 11, you will receive a grade of W. The
University allows withdraws after March 11, but only with the Dean’s signature. Late withdraws
will be dealt with on a case by case basis, and requests for late withdraw with a W without a
valid reason may or may not be honored.
The grade of I will be awarded if all of the following conditions are met:
1. The student has completed all but a small portion of the required work.
2. The student has scored at least 50% on the work completed.
3. The student has a valid reason for not completing the course on time.
4. The student agrees to make up the material in a short period of time.
5. The student asks for the incomplete before grades are due, 48 hours after the final