MEANINGS Liaison = link , connection, contact, cooperation

1. Liaison = link , connection, contact, cooperation, relationship, association
2. Miser = collector, saver, accumulator, squirrel, magpie, stasher
3. Probate = the legal certification of validity of a will, to certify legally that a will is
4. Compatible = well matched, like minded, well suited, similar in temperament,
companionable, friendly, attuned.
5. Pantry = Store cupboard, store room, store, food store, food cupboard, cold room
6. Lobby = Entrance hall ,reception area, foyer, Vestibule, entrance, atrium, hall
7. Cafeteria = Self service restaurant, canteen, dining hall, restaurant, refectory,
buffet, eatery.
8. Compact = packed together, compressed, packed in, dense, solid
9. Savvy = Know-how, confidence, sense, savoir-faire, Knowledge, ability.
10. Miserable = Unhappy, sad, fed up, depressed, down, despondent, dejected,
11. Astonishing = amazing, surprising, astounding, beyond belief, shocking, antonym
– predictable
12. Socialize = meet people, go out, get out, mix, mingle, entertain, hangout, party
13. Probably = almost certainly, most likely, perhaps, may be, possibly, doubtless
14. Prejudicial =harmful, hurtful, detrimental, damaging, injurious, antonym helpful.
15. Convention = meeting, gathering, conference, reunion, get-together, caucus, rule,
16. Stability = Constancy, steadiness, firmness, solidity, permanence, immovability,
strength, antonym is instability
17. Integrity = honesty, truthfulness, truth, honor, veracity, reliability, uprightness,
dishonesty (antonym)
18. Adieu = Farewell, goodbye, send-off, leave- taking, Commencement address.
19. Securities = a tradable document that shows evidence of debt or ownership, e.g. a
stock certificate or bond
20. Indebtedness = thanks, gratitude
21. Vitality = energy, vivacity, liveliness, strength, life, vigor, animation, verve.
22. Energy = Power, force, vigor, liveliness, get-up-and-go, oomph.
23. Loop = ring, circle, round, sphere, disk, ball.
24. Reconciliation = Settlement, understanding, squaring off, resolution, compromise,
reunion, ceasefire, bringing together.
25. Resolution = decree, decision, motion, declaration, ruling, pledge, promise, oath.
26. Positivity = Sure, optimistic, beneficial, encouraging good behaviour, affirmative,
quantifiable, more than zero, not negative, empirical
27. Turbulent = confused, unstable, disorderly, chaotic, tumultuous, in turmoil,
antonym is order.
28. Aggressive = violent, hostile, destructive, belligerent, antagonistic, forceful,
insistent, hard line.
29. Wooing = seek woman’s love (to seek the affection or love of a woman in order
to marry her / Seek something ( to try to please somebody in order to
gain something, especially acceptance, fame, or approval.
30. Courting = to attract, pay court to somebody ( to try to win influence with
somebody or to win somebody’s approval or favour through flattery or
31. Ridiculous = unreasonable, silly, ludicrous, preposterous, absurd, outlandish,
bizarre, outrageous.
32. Spontaneous = unplanned, natural, impulsive, unprompted, artless, spur-of-themoment, unstructured.
33. Exclusive = elite, select, restricted, limited, fashionable, private, special.antonym
is inclusive.
34. Pioneer = lead the way, open up, found, forge, break new ground, initiate,
establish, prepare.
35. Inculcate = repeat, instill, beat, say over and over, hammer, pound, indoctrinate.
36. Groceries = food stuff, fare, provisions, chow, victuals, rations, cooking, cuisine.
37. Apparels = clothing, esply outer or decorative clothing
38. Expedite = Speed up, accelerate, hurry up, advance, further, rush, anontym
39. Weird = Strange, odd, peculiar, bizzare, uncanny, eerie, creepy, unusual, eccentric
40. hump = bulge, bump, swelling, lump
41. vested = having rights to something
42. Exercised = carrying our or using something.
43. Fiscal= of the public treasury, financial, economic, monetary
44. Diligence = meticulousness, thoroughness, attentiveness, carefulness, industry,
assiduousness, conscientiousness
45. Vis-à-vis = in comparison with, in relation to, in respect of, re, with reference to,
concerning, about, with regard to.
46. Remit = Send, forward, dispatch, pay, pass on, submit, refer, abate.
47. Credited = certified, endorsed, recognized, official, ascribed, qualified, attributed,
48. Corporate = company, group, commercial, business, communal, shared,
community, mutual.
49. status quo = existing state of affairs or circumstances, A status quo order may be
issued by a judge to prevent any of the parties involved in a dispute from
taking any action until the matter can be resolved. It seeks to prevent harm or
preserve the existing conditions, so that a party's position isn't prejudiced in
the meantime until a resolution is reached.
Double Jeopardy = Double jeopardy refers to a person being tried again for the same
offense after being acquitted. Double jeopardy is prohibited by the Fifth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states: "…nor shall any person
be subject for the same offence [sic] to be twice put in jeopardy of life or
Jeopardy = trouble, danger risk, threat, peril, hazard, difficulty.
Herd = group, flock, shepherd, drove, pack, usher, guide, direct
53. Interim = temporary, provisional, acting, short term, pro-term, intervening
54. Pedigree = family background, ancestry, derivation, history, full-blooded, rare
breed, pure-bred, lineage,
55. Remit = send, forward, dispatch, pay, pass on, submit, refer, abate.
56. Dossier = file, report, record, folder, profile, database
57. Pension = retirement fund, annuity, income, allowance, inn, boarding house,
small hotel, hostel.
58. Bull = Buyer of rising securities, ‘Stock Exchange an investor who buys
securities in anticipation of rising prices, intending to resell them for
59. Bear = Seller - somebody who anticipates falling prices, Finance somebody who
sells stocks or commodities in anticipation of falling prices or
unfavorable business conditions.
Bullish means you expect the market to rise and Bearish means you expect the
market to fall.