
Power_Tom_ACE1_WSJ_freshmen&sophomores_Upper Advanced_Fall_Thursday_2
1.授業の概要・到達目標 (General Description and Expected Achievements)
This course is for students with a TOEIC score of 750 and above who wish to improve their comprehension,
discussion, vocabulary, writing, and presentation skills through the daily reading of the Wall Street Journal
Asia (WSJ). This course is demanding and requires the development of critical thinking skills by engaging in
analysis of current events and present-day case studies in business, economics, politics, finance, technology,
and other disciplines. Students will analyze articles, write weekly reports, and contribute to two group
research projects. Students must complete both a midterm presentation and a final presentation on group
research topics of their choice.
2.授業内容 (Course Content)
Week 1 Introduction to the course / Business Idioms and Vocabulary
Week 2 WSJ article / Handouts on paraphrasing and summary writing
Week 3 WSJ article / Student reports
Week 4 Group Research Projects / Business Idioms and Vocabulary
Week 5 Group Research Projects / Business Idioms and Vocabulary
Week 6 3WSJ article / Student reports
Week 7 Mid-term presentations about WSJ Research Projects
Week 8 WSJ article / Student reports
Week 9 WSJ article / Student reports
Week 10 Group Research Projects / Business Idioms and Vocabulary
Week 11 Group Research Projects / Business Idioms and Vocabulary
Week 12 WSJ article / Student reports
Week 13 WSJ article / Student reports
Week 14 Final presentations about WSJ Research Projects
Week 15 Course review / Final report due.
3.履修上の注意・準備学習の内容 (Caveats and Course Preparation)
Students are encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills, reading skills, writing skills, and
communicative skills. Students must be willing to read the WSJ on a daily basis. Students can take this course
for one semester or both semesters.
4.教科書 (Textbook(s))
Course materials include print copies of the Wall Street Journal Asia and a student subscription to the WSJ
online resources.
5.参考書 (References)
1. Writing Essays Student Book, Dorothy E. Zemach and Lisa A. Ghulldu, MacMillan Education ¥2,400.
Power_Tom_ACE1_WSJ_freshmen&sophomores_Upper Advanced_Fall_Thursday_2
6.成績評価の方法 (Grading Criteria)
Grades will be based on:
Attendance (20%)
Participation in class (20%)
Homework / Weekly reports (30%)
Group research presentations and final report (30%)
7.その他 (Other)