Publications 2008

Publications by individual members of COST Action 859
and relevant to the objectives of the Action (2008)
Aajoud A, Raveton M, Azrou-Isghi D, Tissut M, Ravanel P (2008) How can fipronil
insecticide access phloem? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(10): 3732-3737
Acosta JAT, Werner U, Bachmann H, Berthiller F, Schuamacher R, Krska R, Hauser MT,
Adam G (2008) A yeast based screening method for Arabidopsis zearalenone-metabolism
mutants. Cereal Res Comm 36: 545-548
Adam SHE, Shigeto J, Sakamoto A, Takahashi M, Morikawa H (2008) Atmospheric
nitrogen dioxide at ambient levels stimulates growth and development of horticultural plants.
Botany – Botanique 86(2): 213-217
Adler A, Karacic A, Weih M (2008) Biomass allocation and nutrient use in fast-growing
woody and herbaceous perennials used for phytoremediation. Plant and Soil 305: 189-206
Aina R, Berra E, Marino G, Sgorbati S, Citterio S (2008) Impact of different agricultural
practices on soil genotoxicity. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 17(8B): 1190-1194
Alhendawi RA, Kirkby EA, Pilbeam DJ, Römheld V (2008) Effect of iron seed dressing and
form of nitrogen supply on growth and micronutrient concentration in shoots of sorghum
grown in a calcareous sand culture. J Plant Nutrition 31(10): 1855-1865
Alvarenga P, Palma P, Goncalves AP, Fernandes RM, de Varennes A, Vallini G, Duarte E,
Cunha-Queda AC (2008) Evaluation of tests to assess the quality of mine-contaminated soils.
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 30(2): 95-99
Alvarenga P, Palma P, Goncalves AP, Baiao N, Fernandes RM, de Varennes A, Vallini G,
Duarte E, Cunha-Queda AC (2008) Assessment of chemical, biochemical and
ecotoxicological aspects in a mine soil amended with sludge of either urban or industrial
origin. Chemosphere 72(11): 1774-1781
Alvarenga P, Goncalves AP, Fernandes RM, de Varennes A, Vallini G, Duarte, CunhaQueda AC (2008) Evaluation of composts and liming materials in the phytostabilisation of a
mine soil using perennial ryegrass. Science of the Total Environment 406(1-2): 43-56
Angelova V, Ivanova R, Todorov G, Ivanov K (2008) Heavy metal uptake by rape.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39(3-4): 344-357
Antosiewicz DM, Escude-Duran C, Wierzbowska E, Sklodowska A (2008) Indigenous plant
species with the potential for the phytoremediation of arsenic and metals contaminated soil.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution 193(1-4): 197-210
Antosiewicz DM, Sirko A, Sowinski P (2008) Trace elements transport in plants. Chapter
17 in: Trace Elements – Nutritional Benefits, Environmental Contamination, and Health
Implications, Prasad MNV, editor. Wiley, pp. 413-448
Arnetoli M, Montegrossi G, Buccianti A, Gonnelli C (2008) Determination of organic acids
in plants of Silene paradoxa L by HPLC. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(3):
Arshad M, Silvestre J, Pinelli E, Kallerhoff J, Kaemmerer M, Tarigo A, Shahid A, Guiresse
M, Pradere P, Dumat C (2008) A field study of lead phytoextraction by various scented
Pelargonium cultivars. Chemosphere 71(11): 2187-2192
Assuncao AGL, Bleeker P, ten Bookum WM, Vooijs R, Schat H (2008) Intraspecific
variation of metal preference patterns for hyperaccumulation in Thlaspi caerulescens:
evidence from binary metal exposures. Plant and Soil 303(1-2): 289-299
Avino RB, Lopez-Moya JR, Navarro-Avino JP (2008) Health implications: trace elements
in cancer. Chapter 20 in: Trace Elements – Nutritional Benefits, Environmental
Contamination, and Health Implications, Prasad MNV, editor. Wiley, pp. 497-524
Baduru KK, Trapp S, Burken JG (2008) Direct measurement of VOC diffusivities in tree
tissues: Impacts on tree-based phytoremediation and plant contamination. Environmental
Science and Technology 42(4): 1268-1275
Baltruschat H, Fodor J, Harrach BD, Niemczyk E, Barna B, Gullner G, Janeczko A, Kogel
KH, Schäfer P, Schwarczinger I, Zuccaro A, Skoczowski A (2008) Salt tolerance of barley
induced by the root endophyte Piriformospora indica is associated with a strong increase in
antioxidants. New Phytologist 180(2): 501-510
Barabasz, A, Wojas S, Dybek E, Antosiewicz DM (2008) Suitability of genetically modified
plants for phytoextraction and phytovolatilization. Biotechnologia 2: 68-83
Barancikova G (2008) Application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in studies of
organic matter in soil. Chemicke Listy 102(12): 1100-1106
Barberon M, Berthomieu P, Clairotte M, Shibagaki N, Davidian JC, Gosti F (2008) Unequal
functional redundancy between the two Arabidopsis thaliana high-affinity sulphate
transporters SULTR1;1 and SULTR1;2. New Phytologist 180(3): 608-619
Bauer-Gottwein P, Rasmussen NF, Feificova D, Trapp S (2008) Phytotoxicity of salt and
plant salt uptake: Modeling ecohydrological feedback mechanisms. Water Resources
Research 44(4)
Ben Hassine A, Ghanem ME, Bouzid S, Lutts S (2008) An inland and a coastal population
of the Mediterranean xero-halophyte species Atriplex halimus L. differ in their ability to
accumulate proline and glycinebetaine in response to salinity and water stress. Journal of
Experimental Botany 59(6): 1315-1326
Berner A, Hildermann I, Fliessbach A, Pfiffner L, Niggli U, Mäder P (2008) Crop yield and
soil fertility response to reduced tillage under organic management. Soil and Tillage
Research 101(1-2): 89-96
Bes C, Mench M (2008) Remediation of copper-contaminated topsoils from a wood
treatment facility using in situ stabilisation. Environmental Pollution 156(3): 1128-1138
Bizoux JP, Dainou K, Raspe O, Lutts S, Mahy G (2008) Fitness and genetic variation of
Viola calaminaria, an endemic metallophyte: implications of population structure and
history. Plant Biology 10(6): 684-693
Borghi M, Tognetti R, Monteforti G, Sebastiani L (2008) Responses of two poplar species
(Populus alba and Populus x canadensis) to high copper concentrations. Environmental and
Experimental Botany 62(3): 290-299
Bottcher C, von Roepenack-Lahaye E, Schmidt J, Schmotz C, Neumann S, Scheel D,
Clemens S (2008) Metabolome analysis of biosynthetic mutants reveals a diversity of
metabolic changes and allows identification of a large number of new compounds in
Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 147(4): 2107-2120
Bracci T, Minnocci A, Sebastiani L (2008) In vitro olive (Olea europeaea L.) cvs Frantoio
and Moraiolo microshoot tolerance to NaCl. Plant Biosystems 142(3): 563-571
Braeckevelt M, Mirschel G, Wiessner A, Rueckert M, Reiche N, Vogt C, Schultz A, Paschke
H, Kuschk P, Kaestner M (2008) Treatment of chlorobenzene-contaminated groundwater in
a pilot-scale constructed wetland. Ecological Engineering 33(1): 45-53
Brazier-Hicks M, Evans KM, Cunningham OD, Hodgson DRW, Steel PG, Edwards R
(2008) Catabolism of glutathione conjugates in Arabidopsis thaliana – Role in metabolic
reactivation of the herbicide safeners fenclorim. Journal of Biological Chemistry 283(30):
Broadley MR, Hammond JP, King GJ, Astley D, Bowen HC, Meacham MC, Mead A, Pink
DAC, Teakle GR, Hayden RM, Spracklen WP, White PJ (2008) Shoot calcium and
magnesium concentrations differ between subtaxa, are highly heritable, abd associate with
potentially pleiotropic loci in Brassica oleracea. Plant Physiology 146(4): 1707-1720
Broadley MR,White PJ, Hammond JP, Graham NS, Bowen HC, Emmerson ZF, Fray RG,
Iannetta PPM, McNicol JW, May ST (2008) Evidence of neutral transcriptome evolution in
plants. New Phytologist 180(3): 587-593
Brookes PC, Cayuela ML, Contin M, De Nobili M, Kemmitt SJ, Mondini C (2008) The
mineralization of fresh and humified soil organic matter by the soil microbial biomass. Waste
Management 28(4): 716-722
Bulc TG, Qjstrsek A (2008) The use of constructed wetland for dye-rich textile wastewater
treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 155(1-2): 76-82
Burgos P, Perez-de-Mora A, Madejon P, Cabrera F, Madejon E (2008) Trace elements in
wild grasses: a phytoavailability study on a remediated field. Environmental Geochemistry
and Health 30(2): 109-114
Bustamante MA, Moral R, Paredes C, Perez-Espinosa A, Moreno-Caselles J, Perez-Murcia
MD (2008) Agrochemical characterisation of the solid by-products and residues from the
winery and distillery industry. Waste Management 28(2): 372-380
Bustamante MA, Paredes C, Moral R, Agullo E, Perez-Murcia MD, Abad M (2008)
Composts from distillery wastes as peat substitutes for transplant production. Resources
Conservation and Recycling 52(5): 792-799
Cabrera F, Ariza J, Madejon P, Madejon E, Murillo JM (2008) Mercury and other trace
elements in soils affected by the mine tailing spill in Aznalcollar (SW Spain). Science of the
Total Environment 390(2-3): 311-322
Cakmak I (2008) Enrichment of cereal grains with zinc: Agronomic or genetic
biofortification? Plant and Soil 302(1-2): 1-17
Cakmak I, Kirkby EA (2008) Role of magnesium in carbon partitioning and alleviating
photooxidative damage. Physiologia Plantarum 133(4): 692-704
Calfapietra C, Mugnozza GS, Karnovsky DF, Loreto F, Sharkey TD (2008) Isoprene
emission rates under elevated CO2 and O3 in two field-grown aspen clones differeing in their
sensitivity to O3. New Phytologist 179(1): 55-61
Calheiros CSC, Rangel AOSS, Castro PML (2008) The effects of tannery wastewater on
the development of different plant species and chromium accumulation in Phragmites
australis. Archives of Evironmental Contamination and Toxicology 55(3): 404-414
Calheiros CSC, Rangel AOSS, Castro PML (2008) Evaluation of different substrates to
support the growth of Typha latifolia in constructed wetlands treating tannery wastewater
over long-term operation. Bioresource Technology 99(15): 6866-6877
Callahan DL, Roessner Um Dumintet V, Perrier N, Wedd AG, O’Hair RAJ, Baker AJM,
Kolev SD (2008) LC-MS and GC-MS metabolite profiling of nickel(II) complexes in the
latex of the nickel-hyperaccumulating tree Sebertia acuminate and identification of
methylated aldaric acid as a new nickel(II) ligand. Phytochemistry 69(1): 240-251
Calli B, Schoenmaekers K, Vanbroekhoven K, Diels L (2008) Dark fermentative H2
production from xylose and lactose – Effects of on-line pH control. International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy 33(2) 522-530
Cao A, Cappai G, Carucci A, Lai T (2008) Heavy metal bioavailability and chelate
mobilization efficiency in an assisted phytoextraction process. Environmental Geochemistry
and Health 30(2): 115-119
Carias CC, Novais JM, Martins-Dias S (2008) Are Phragmites australis enzymes involved
in the degradation of the textile azo dye acid orange 7? Bioresource Technology 99: 243-251
Carvalho MF, De Marco P, Duque AF, Pacheco CC, Janssen DB, Castro PML (2008)
Labrys portucalensis sp. nov., a fluorobenzene-degrading bacterium isolated from an
industrially contaminated sediment in northern Portugal. International Journal of Systematic
and Evolutionary Microbiology 58: 692-698
Cebeci O, Kokturk B, Ergen N, Ozturk L, Cakmak I, Budak H (2008) Differential
expression of wheat transcriptomes in response to varying cadmium concentrations. Biologia
Plantarum 52(4): 703-708
Chaney RL, Chen KY, Li YM, Angle JS, Baker AJM (2008) Effects of calcium and nickel
tolerance and accumulation in Alyssum species and cabbage grown in nutrient solution. Plant
and Soil 311(1-2): 131-140
Chen HJ, Mendelssohn IA, Lorenzen B, Brix H, Miao SL (2008) Effects of phosphate
availability and redox intensity on growth and nutrient uptake of Rhynchospora tracyi, a wet
prairie species in the everglades. Wetlands 28(1): 151-163
Christensen LP, Kaack K, Frette XC (2008) Selection of elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.)
genotypes best suited for the preparation of elderflower extracts rich in flavonoids and
phenolic acids. European Food Research and Technology 227(1): 293-305
Clark LJ, Ferraris S, Price AH, Whalley WR (2008) A gradual rather abrupt increase in soil
strength gives better root penetration of strong layers. Plant and Soil 307(1-2): 235-242
Clark LJ, Price AH, Steele KA, Whalley WR (2008) Evidence from near-isogenic lines that
root penetration increases with root diameter and bending stiffness in rice. Functional Plant
Biology 35(11): 1163-1171
Collins CD (2008) A semi-quantitative approach to deriving a model structure for the uptake
of organic chemicals by vegetation. International Journal of Phytoremediation 10: 371-377
Conesa HM, Schulin R, Nowack B (2008) Mining landscape: A cultural tourist opportunity
or an environmental problem? The study case of the Carthagena – La Union Mining District
(SE Spain) Ecological Economics 64(4): 690-700
Conesa HM, Robinson BH, Schulin R, Nowack B (2008) Metal extractability in acidic and
neutral mine tailings from the Cartagena-La Union Mining District (SE Spain). Applied
Geochemistry 23(5): 1232-1240
Corrales I, Poschenrieder C, Barcelo J (2008) Boron-induced amelioration of aluminium
toxicity in a monocot and a dicot species. Journal of Plant Physiology 165(5): 504-513
Cortina J, Green JJ, Baddeley JA, Watson CA (2008) Root morphology and water transport
of Pistacia lentiscus seedlings under contrasting water supply: A testof the pipe stem theory.
Environmental and Experimental Botany 62(3): 343-350
Dabrowska D, Kot-Wasik A, Namiesnik J (2008) Stability studies of selected polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons in different organic solvents and identification of their transformation
products. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 17(1): 17-24
Dal Corso G, Farinati S, Maistri S, Furini A (2008) How plants cope with cadmium: staking
all on metabolism and gene expression. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50: 1268-1280
Davies LC, Pedro IS, Ferreira RA, Freire FG, Novais JM, Martins-Dias S (2008)
Constructed wetland treatment system in textile industry and sustainable development. Water
Science and Technology 58(10): 2017-2023
De Boulois HD, Joner EJ, Leyval C, Jakobsen I, Chen BD, Roos P, Thiry Y, Rufykiri G,
Delvaux B, Declerck S (2008) Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on uranium
accumulation by plants. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99(5): 775-784
De Boulois HD, Joner EJ, Leyval C, Jakobsen I, Chen BD, Roos P, Thiry Y, Rufykiri G,
Delvaux B, Declerck S (2008) Role and influence of mycrrrhizal fungi on radiocesium
accumulation by plants. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99(5): 785-800
De Haro-Bravo MI, del Rio-Celestino M, de Haro-Bailon A (2008) Uptake and
accumulation of lead by broccoli plants grown in contaminated soils. Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin 17(10A): 1640-1643
De la Fuente C, Clemente R, Bernal MP (2008) Changes in metal speciation and pH in olive
processing waste and sulphur-treated contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental
Safety 70(2): 207-215
Delperee C, Lutts S (2008) Growth inhibition occurs independently of cell mortality in
tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) exposed to high cadmium concentrations. Journal of
Integrative Plant Biology 50(3): 300-310
Del Rio-Celestino M, Font R, de Haro-Bailon A (2008) Distribution of fatty acids in edible
organs and seed fractions of borage (Borago officinalis L.). Journal of the Science of Food
and Agriculture 88(2): 248-255
De Mortel JEV, Schat H, Moerland PD, Van Themaat EVL, Van der Ent S, Blankestijn H,
Ghandilyan A, Tsiatsiani S, Aarts MGM (2008) Expression differences for gens involved in
lignin, glutathione and sulphate metabolism in response to cadmium in Arabidopsis thaliana
and the related Zn/Cd-hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. Plant, Cell and Environment
31(3): 301-324
De Nobili M, Contrin M, Mahleu N, Randall EW, Brookes PC (2008) Assessment of
chemical and biochemical stabilization of organic C in soils from the long-term experiments
at Rothamsted (UK). Waste Management 28(4): 723-733
Dessureault-Rompre J, Nowack B, Schulin R, Tercier-Waeber ML, Luster J (2008) Metal
solubility and speciation in the rhizosphere of Lupinus albus cluster roots. Environmental
Science and Technology 42(19): 7146-7151
Diesing WE, Sinaj S, Sarret G, Manceau A, Flura T, Demaria P, Siegenthaler A, SappinDidier V, Frossard E (2008) Zinc speciation and isotopic exchangeability in soils polluted
with heavy metals. European Journal of Soil Science 59(4): 716-729
Di Gregorio S (2008) Selenium: A versatile trace element in life and environment. Chapter
23 in: Trace Elements – Nutritional Benefits, Environmental Contamination, and Health
Implications, Prasad MNV, editor. Wiley, pp. 593-622
Diopan V, Shestivska V, Adam V, Macek T, Mackova M, Havel L, Kizek R (2008)
Determination of content of metallothioneins and low molecular mass stress peptides in
transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 94(3): 291-298
Dixon DP, Lapthorn A, Madesis P, Mudd EA, Day A, Edwards R (2008) Binding and
glutathione conjugation of porphyrinogens by plant glutathione transferases. Journal of
Biological Chemistry 283(29): 20268-20276
Dominguez MT, Maranon T, Murillo JM, Schulin R, Robinson BH (2008) Trace element
accumulation in woody plants of the Guadiamar Valley, SW Spain: A large-scale
phytomanagement case study. Environmental Pollution 152(1): 50-59
Donnini S, Cinelli F, Sensale L, Muleo R, Zocchi G, Ranieri A (2008) Pear plantlets cultured
in vitro under lime-induced chlorosis display a better adaptive strategy than quince plantlets.
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 93(2): 191-200
Ebbs SD, Piccinin RC, Goodger JOD, Kolev SD, Woodrow E, Baker AJM (2008) Transport
of ferrocyanide by two eucalypt species and sorghum. International Journal of Phytoremediation 10(4): 343-357
Ehlting J, Sauveplane V, Olry A, Ginglinger JF, Provart NJ, Werck-Reichhart D (2008) An
extensive (co-)expression analysis tool for the cytochrome P450 superfamily in Arabidopsis
thaliana. BMC Plant Biology 8:
Epelde L, Becerril JM, Hernandez-Allica J, Barrutia O, Garbisu C (2008) Functional
diversity as indicator of the recovery of soil health derived from Thlaspi caerulescens growth
and metal phytoextraction. Applied Soil Ecology 39(3): 299-310
Epelde L, Hernandez-Allica J, Becerril JM, Blanco F, Garbisu C (2008) Effects of chelates
on plants and soil microbial community: Comparison of EDTA and EDDS for lead
phytoextraction. Science of the Total Environment 401(1-3): 21-28
Ernst WHO, Krauss GJ, Verkleij JAC, Wesenberg D (2008) Interaction of heavy metals
with the sulphur metabolism in angiosperms from an ecological point of view. Plant Cell and
Environment 31(1): 123-143
Esteban E, Moreno E, Penalosa J, Cabrero JI, Millan R, Zornoza P (2008) Short and longterm uptake of Hg in white lupin plants: Kinetics and stress indicators. Environmental and
Experimental Botany 62(3): 316-322
Evangelou MWH, Ebel M, Hommes G, Schäffer A (2008) Biodegradation: the reason for
the inefficiency of small organic acids in chelant-assisted phytoextraction. Water, Air and
Soil Pollution 195(1-4): 177-188
Evangelou MWH, Ebel M, Koerner A, Schäffer A (2008) Hydrolysed wool: A novel
chelating agent for metal chelant-assisted phytoextraction from soil. Chemosphere 72(4):
Fan MS, Zhao FJ, Poulton PR, McGrath SP (2008) Historical changes in the concentrations
of selenium in soil and wheat grain from the Broadbalk experiment over the last 160 years.
Science of the Total Environment 389(2-3): 532-538
Fan MS, Zhao FJ, Fairweather-Tait SJ, Poulton PR, Dunham SJ, McGrath SP (2008)
Evidence of decreasing mineral density in wheat grain over the last 160 years. J of Trace
Elements in Medicine and Biology 22(4): 315-324
Fares S, Brilli F, Nogues I, Velikova V, Tsonev T, Dagli S, Loreto F (2008) Isoprene
emission and primary metabolism in Phragmites australis grown under different phosphorus
levels. Plant Biology 10(1): 38-43
Fares S, Loreto F, Kleist E, Wildt J (2008) Stomatal uptake and stomatal deposition of
ozone in isoprene and monoterpene emitting plants. Plant Biology 10(1): 44-54
Fernandez V, Del Rio V, Pumarino L, Igartua E, Abadia J, Abadia A (2008) Foliar
fertilization of peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) with different iron formulations: Effects on
re-greening, iron concentration and mineral composition in treated and untreated leaf
surfaces. Scientia Horticulturae 117(3): 241-248
Fernandez V, Eichert T, Del Rio V, Lopez-Casado G, Heredia-Guerrero JA, Abadia A,
Heredia A, Abadia J (2008) Leaf structural changes associated with iron deficiency chlorosis
in field-grown pear and peach: physiological implications. Plant and Soil 311(1-2): 161-172
Fernandez-Galvez J, Barahona E, Mingorance MD (2008) Measurement of infiltration in
small field plots by a portable rainfall simulator: Application to trace-element mobility.
Water Air and Soil Pollution 191(1-4): 257-264
Fernando DR, Woodrow IE, Jaffre T, Dumontet V, Marshall AT, Baker AJM (2008) Foliar
manganese accumulation in Maytenus founieri (Celastraceae) in its native New Caledonian
habitats: populational variation and localization by X-ray microanalysis. New Phytologist
177(1): 178-185
Fornara V, Onelli E, Sparvoli F, Rossoni M, Aina R, Marino G, Citterio S (2008)
Localization of silbene synthase in Vitis vinifera L. during berry development. Protoplasma
233(1-2): 83-93
Forczek ST, Schroeder P, Weissflog L, Kruger G, Rohlenova J, Matucha M (2008)
Trichloroacetic acid of different origin in Norway spruce needles and chloroplasts. Biologia
Plantarum 52(1): 177-180
Fortunati A, Barta C, Brilli F, Centritto M, Zimmer I, Schnitzler JP, Loreto F (2008)
Isoprene emission is not temperature-dependent during and after severe drought-stress: a
physiological and biochemical analysis. Plant Journal 55(4): 687-697
Franco A, Trapp S (2008) Estimation of the soil-water partition coefficient normalized to
organic carbon for ionizable organic chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
27(10): 1995-2004
Fränzle S, Markert B, Fränzle O, Lieth H (2008) The biological system of elements: Trace
element concentration and abundance in plants give hints on biochemical reasons of
sequestration an essentiality. Chapter 1 in: Trace Elements – Nutritional Benefits,
Environmental Contamination, and Health Implications, Prasad MNV, editor. Wiley, pp. 122
Gaillard S, Jacquet H, Vavasseur A, Leonhardt N, Forestier C (2008) AtMRP6/AtABCC6, an
ATP-Binding Cassette transporter gene expressed during early stepy of seedling development
and up-regulated by cadmium in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology 8:
Gevaert V, van Griensven A, Holvoet K, Seuntjens P, Vanrolleghem PA (2008) SWAT
developments and recommendations for modeling agricultural pesticide mitigation measures
in river basins. Hydrological Sciences Journal 53(5): 1075-1089
Gibert O, de Pablo J, Cortina JL, Ayora C (2008) Evaluation of a sheep manure/limestone
mixture for in situ acid main drainage treatment. Environmental Engineering Science 25(1):
Gimbert F, Mench M, Coeurdassier M, Badot PM, de Vaufleury A (2008) Kinetic and
dynamic aspects of soil-plant-snail transfer of cadmium in the field. Environmental Pollution
152(3): 736-745
Gisbert C, Almela C, Velez D, Lopez-Moya JR, de Haro A, Serrano R, Montoro R,
Navarro-Avino J (2008) Identification of As accumulation plant species growing on highly
contaminated soils. International J of Phytoremediation 10(3): 185-196
Golisz A, Lata B, Fuji Y, Gawronski SW (2008) Allelopathic potential of phytochemicals in
various cultivars of buckwheat. Allelopathy Journal 22(1): 35-45
Gomez-Rico MF, Font R, Vera J, Fuentes D, Disante K, Cortina J (2008) Degradation of
organic pollutants in Mediterranean forest soils amended with sewage sludge. Chemosphere
71(11): 2129-2138
Gonzalez M, Mingorance MD, Sanchez L, Pena A (2008) Pesticide adsorption on a
calcareous soil modified with sewage sludge and quaternary alkyl-ammonium cationic
surfactants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 15(1): 8-14
Govasmark E, Singh BR, MacLeod JA, Grimmett MG (2008) Selenium concentration in
spring wheat and leaching water as influenced by application times of selenium and nitrogen.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 31(2): 193-203
Greger M (2008) Trace elements and radionuclides in edible plants. Chapter 6 in: Trace
Elements – Nutritional Benefits, Environmental Contamination, and Health Implications,
Prasad MNV, editor. Wiley, pp. 121-136
Greger M, Landberg T (2008) Role of rhizosphere mechanisms in Cd uptake by various
wheat cultivars. Plant and Soil 312(1-2): 195-205
Grevsen K, Frette XC, Christensen LP (2008) Concentration and composition of flavonol
glycosides and phenolic acids in aerial parts of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) are affected
by nitrogen fertilization and by harvest time. European Journal of Horticultural Science
73(1): 20-27
Gruber H, Wiessner A, Kuschk P, Kästner M, Appenroth KJ (2008) Physiological
responses of Juncus effusus (rush) to chromium and relevance for wastewater treatment in
constructed wetlands. International Journal of Phytoremediation 10(2): 79-90
Haase S, Rothe A, Kania A, Wasaki J, Roemheld V, Engels C, Kandeler E, Neumann G
(2008) Responses to iron limitation in Hordeum vulgare L. as affected by the atmospheric
CO2 concentration. Journal of Environmental Quality 37(3): 1254-1262
Hafsi C, Russo MA, Sgherri C, Izzo R, Abdelly C, Navari-Izzo F (2008) Has
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase a role in the early response of Hordeum
maritimum L. to potassium deprivation? Agrochimica 52(4): 253-262
Hanikenne M, Talke IN, Haydon MJ, Lanz C, Nolte A, Motte P, Kroymann J, Weigel D,
Kraemer U (2008) Evolution of metal hyperaccumulation required cis-regulatory changes
and triplication of HMA4. Nature 453(7193): 391-396
Hartley W, Lepp NW (2008) Remediation of arsenic contaminated soils by iron-oxide
application, evaluated in terms of plant productivity, arsenic and phytotoxic metal uptake.
Science of the Total Environment 390(1): 35-44
Hartley W, Lepp NW (2008) Effect of in situ soil amendments on arsenic uptake in
successive harvests of ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv Elka) grown in amended As-polluted
soils. Environmental Pollution 156(3): 1030-1040
Hernandez-Allica J, Becerril JM, Garbisu C (2008) Assessment of the phytoextraction
potential of high biomass crop plants. Environmental Pollution 152(1): 32-40
Hilbricht T, Varotto S, Sgaramella V, Bartels D, Salamini F, Furini A (2008) Retrotransposons and siRNA have a role in the evolution of dessication tolerance leading to
resurrection of the plant Craterostigma plantagineum. New Phytologist 179(3): 877-887
Holvoet K, van Griensven A, Gevaert V, Seuntjens P, Vanrolleghem PA (2008)
Modifications to the SWAT code for modeling direct pesticide losses. Environmental
Modelling and Software 23(1): 72-81
Hukkanen A, Kokko H, Buchala A, Hayrinen J, Kärenlampi S (2008) Benzothiadiazole
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